"What's incredible, isn't it normal to want to find a partner?"

"Well, you are right, this is a very normal thing."

Yundiewu nodded in agreement and smiled slightly.

"For example, I really want to find a partner right now."

While saying this, she gently drew circles on my arm with her left index finger, and looked at me provocatively with her beautiful eyes.

In this regard, I did not show any weakness: "It is impossible to attack me at this level. Even if I have cheated twice, I am still loyal to my girlfriend. What is your level?"

"Is that so? Am I really that inferior to your little girlfriend?" Yun Diewu pouted with resentment in her eyes.

It's too contrived.

—but my heart beat faster.

Even though I knew she was pretending, even though her pretending was so full of flaws, I still couldn't help my heart beat faster.

Yes, she is just so beautiful.

Although purely in terms of appearance, it is definitely not as good as me (Yue), but this feeling of throbbing is obviously not what I (Yue) can bring to me (Yue).

So, I was tempted.

"No, I think you are much better than my girlfriend now, or else, let's not go to the amusement park, and go to the hotel to get a room now."

It could be felt that Yundiewu's body froze for a moment, and her face became astonished.

My heart was beating faster and faster.

Not excited, but nervous.

At this time, I (Yue) has finished receiving the envoy of the Golden Crow Empire, Li Jiaxiao, and is currently receiving the envoys of the Holy Tree Dynasty, and it will be over soon, and there are still two countries left to complete the task.

And when my (monthly) task is completed and I go to various countries to prepare, the agreed time arrives. After calculation, it is about 10 to [-] minutes.

It's a pity, this woman Yundiewu is so smart, but if I am one second late for my appointment today, she will definitely return to China immediately, otherwise I really don't want to take this risk.

Coming at eight o'clock is already the bottom line - even if she becomes suspicious, she is still willing to play a puzzle game with me.

Yes, she is already suspicious now.

This is of course, but anyone who has a heart, looking at Princess Alice who is always behind me and protecting me, how can he not be suspicious?

I'm just here to date the Supreme Emperor. In theory, I'm not in any danger at all, am I?What is the need for protection?

The answer is very obvious, the reason why someone needs protection is precisely because my (Ye) actions are life-threatening.

Gu Mingyue really asked Princess Alice to protect me to ensure the safety of my (Ye) life, but this behavior itself has become the biggest flaw.

It is the most suspicious flaw.

Under normal circumstances, just make a decision and sacrifice me (Ye) one, right?

Obviously, if there is no Princess Alice, then this time can be easily delayed, and the price that needs to be paid is nothing more than that after the time that needs to be delayed is over, I (Ye) may become a victim of Yundiewu's anger.

However, Gu Mingyue actually didn't want to sacrifice even one innocent person under her decision, it was really stupid.

Incurably stupid.

——However, for the time being, Gu Mingyue is still one step ahead.

Although Yundiewu was suspicious now, she still hadn't figured out what Gu Mingyue's move was for.


For the next five or ten minutes, I can only rely on my life to procrastinate.

Yun Diewu must not be allowed to dispel her doubts, then, she can only try to disrupt her thoughts, can't she?

Even if her thoughts are just a little distracted, it may cause confusion in her thinking, making it difficult for her to figure out the answer smoothly.

Now... I can only gamble like this.

"Why? Are you a little too anxious? I'm actually joking." I (Ye) smiled at Yun Diewu who was stunned: "Although I am a little impatient, after all, you are so beautiful, but that kind of thing still has to wait until the evening."

"Wait tonight?"

This voice was not made by Yundiewu, but came from behind me. The faint and cool voice made me feel bitingly cold, and I couldn't help shivering all over my body.

"Ye, can you explain what you plan to do with her later in the evening?"

Almost subconsciously, I immediately pushed Yun Diewu away who seemed to have not reacted and turned around quickly, and Lafayette's figure with a ruthless smile came into view.

"Lafayette, you misunderstood me. I'm just completing the task assigned to me by the president. The president asked me to receive this distinguished guest from the Holy White Lotus Great World Suzaku Empire. She is His Majesty the Supreme Emperor of the Suzaku Empire."

"Did she ask you to receive it with your body? Whether it is the Supreme Emperor or the Supreme God, President Gu will not force you to sell your body, right?"

Lafayette stepped forward step by step, looking at me with emotionless eyes.

"Ye, isn't it a little bad for you to betray her just two days after leaving the mission of Moonrise? As a friend, I think I should discipline you on behalf of Yue, right?"

In an instant, I realized that Lafayette was serious, and if I didn't run away, I would really die.

So, I immediately turned around and hugged Yundiewu's body princess, and quickly ran.

"You stop for me—!!"

Lafayette spread out his holy white wings and flew into the sky with killing intent on his face, chasing after him.

I go!Lafayette when will you be able to fly?how would I not know? ! !

Princess Alice followed silently, still not leaving an inch.

At this time, the three holy generals of the Suzaku Empire were hidden in the air, slightly puzzled.

"That girl named Lafayette is full of anger and killing intent, not pretending."

"Princess Alice of the Elf Empire didn't think too much, she was simply protecting that little brother according to Gu Mingyue's order."

"As for that little brother... I still can't see his heart, Yuehua, Xinghen, how about you?"

Yuehua shook her head: "I'm afraid there is some special power in him that can prevent mind reading."

Xinghen tilted his head slightly, his dazed eyes gradually became sober and widened slowly.

In an instant, she no longer just read minds, but directly read the memories of Lafayette and Princess Alice.

In Princess Alice's memory, she didn't find anything abnormal. Gu Mingyue really wanted to let the night delay until nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

And in Lafayette's memory... Xinghen tilted his head in confusion.

What does that question mean?

— Now let’s turn back time a little bit.

When I returned to the dormitory from Yundiewu at night, I sent a message to Lafayette to tell her that I was back, but—just after sending the message at the door, I saw the dormitory door open from the inside, and Lafayette's figure walked out of my dormitory.

I (Ye) couldn't help but widen my eyes: "Lafayette, why are you in my dormitory?! No, how did you enter my dormitory?! You have my dormitory key?!"

"It doesn't matter."

"No, I think it's important!"

"It's not important!! What's important is what you've been doing these days!! Ye...do you hate me?"

Lafayette's teary face silenced me instantly.

Then, I took a step forward, hugged her, and whispered in her ear: "Lafayette, I want to ask a very serious question—are you willing to die with me?"

"...What silly things are you asking?"

Lafayette hugged me with both hands behind her back, closed her eyes, and smiled slightly.

"For me, the two happiest things in this world, one is to live with you, and the other is to die with you, that's all."

"…………Yes, me too."

I just trust your judgment, Gu Mingyue.

Whether to die with Lafayette or live with Lafayette, I'm all betting on you, Princess Alice.

Chapter 38 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng!

While I (night) was playing hide-and-seek with Yundiewu and Lafayette in my arms, my (month) side was receiving the Sumerian kingdom, the last of the six kingdoms.

The messenger of the Sumerian Kingdom is the "King of Gold", but it is better to say that this is the king of the Sumerian Kingdom than the messenger.

Yes, that is the king.

There is a decisive difference between the Sumerian Kingdom and other countries, that is, the Sumerian Kingdom is a country where three kings ruled the world together.

There is not only one king in this country, but three kings who are equal in status and power.

Sumer of the Three Kingdoms, this is a romantic legend that everyone in the Lilith world knows.

That's right, a romantic legend.

The Three Kings of Sumer is simply synonymous with romance and the longing of countless people.

That was a story from a long time ago. It was a story in the era when the Cradle Game had not yet become a cultural tradition of the Cradle Continent, and the countries on the Cradle Continent were still at war with each other for supremacy.

Although the student union of Cradle College is above all countries in the world, at that time, Cradle College has always adhered to the concept that war is part of the progress of the world, allowing the outside world to develop itself, and will not manage or check and balance conflicts and struggles between countries.

That is to say, under such circumstances, the Cradle Continent at that time formed a peculiar situation in which two hegemony countries competed for hegemony, and other countries attached themselves to the two hegemony countries to start conflicts and fight and develop and survive in the cracks between the two countries.

The two countries competing for hegemony were the Golden Crow Empire and the Sivana Empire. At that time, both the Yang Kingdom and the Sumer Kingdom were just one of the small countries that were attached to the two countries. The Elf Empire was the case. It is special, because it has a certain degree of strength, so it does not need to stand in line. On the one hand, it swings between the two countries, and on the other hand, the two do not help each other.

Anyway, both sides are pleasing, and neither side is helping, and in order to avoid completely pushing the Elf Empire to each other, the two overlords allow the Elf Empire to be a spectator.

This was the situation in Cradle Continent at that time.

At that time, the Kingdom of Sumer was attached to the Shivana Empire, and the Kingdom of Yang was attached to the Golden Crow Empire, and the two countries happened to live next to each other. Under such circumstances, wars between the two countries were normal.

At that time, the Yang Kingdom had been ruled by the "immortal emperor" Jiang Ji for many years, while the Sumerian Kingdom was ruled by the new king Inanna.

The previous king of Sumer died in the war with Yang, and Sumer lost a large number of cities and population. After Inanna inherited the throne as a princess, it can be said that she picked up a mess. At that time, Sumer was about to be destroyed by Yang.

It was at this time that two students who were born in the Kingdom of Sumer and had just graduated from the Cradle Academy returned to the Kingdom of Sumer after graduation.

The two students who were the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade and the second student of the Cradle Ten Jade before graduation resolutely returned to China when the country was in crisis, and Inanna also gave them the most solemn treatment - she directly cut her own throne into three pieces in front of all courtiers, and ordered people to recast three thrones, ignoring everyone's dissuasion, and wanted to share the throne with the two.

These two students, one named Ngesi and the other named Jigal, were friends of the same age who played with Inanna when they were young and grew up together. They were strong when Inanna sneaked out of the palace when she was naughty Civilian playmates.

The king of Sumer had preached to Inanna many times because of this matter, but Inanna never took it seriously. She always regarded Engesi and Jigal as her most important friends, and still slipped out of the palace to find them from time to time.

Then, in the entrance examination of Cradle College, Ngesi and Jigal were admitted to Cradle College at the same time, and they bid farewell to Inanna.

Before saying goodbye, the three held hands and made a promise.

Engesi: "Don't forget us, Inanna, we once agreed to change this country together and make Sumer as powerful as Sivana. One day, we will make Sumer as powerful as Sivana. Mel is in charge of her own destiny."

Gigal: "Inanna, listen carefully, I assure you, this time is by no means a parting, but just the start of our dream, I want to become stronger than anyone else in the Cradle Academy, even stronger than the gods Be stronger, and one day, when I return to this country again, this country will be reborn from the ashes!"

Inanna: "I believe in you, I will never forget you, and I will always be waiting for you. When you come back, the three of us will walk side by side to make this country a better future."

Engsi did not forget his promise, Jigal did not forget his promise, and Inanna also did not forget her promise.

At this time, Inanna, who had become a king, cut off the supreme and unique throne in the Sumerian Kingdom with her own hands, divided it into three parts, and pulled Ngesi and Jigal into the same seat as herself. The throne is not to let them be your subjects, but to let them be your friends, as your brothers, and walk side by side with them.

Since then, the Sumerian Kingdom has entered an unprecedented era of three kings.

[Uranus] Inanna Sumer.

[Golden King] Zigal Sumer.

【War King】Engexi Sumer.

The three kings sit on equal footing, regardless of superiority and superiority, sharing the kingship and the world.

This is what is so special about the Sumerian kingdom.

Um?You ask how I know so clearly?

Do you understand what is called a romantic legend that everyone knows and everyone knows?

How many times has the story of "Three Kings of Sumer" been remade in TV dramas?How many times have you watched the cartoon?How many years has the bard sung?

Those who don't know will make people lose their teeth. Which mountain village monster is this?

The romance of the Sumerian Three Kingdoms is the longing in the hearts of countless people, and they are fascinated by countless people. They wish to participate in it and create this epic legend with them.

Well, I'm one of them too... two.

So, looking at the young man with blond hair and golden eyes, I was really excited, and I really wanted to take out a pen and paper and ask him for his autograph.

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