——However, the image of the Cradle Academy's ambassador still needs to be taken into account, what a pity.

"It's really beautiful, Moon Messenger, are you willing to be my queen?"

When I was regretting, the words of the golden king Jigal made me (Yue) instantly full of black lines.

"Sorry, Your Majesty the Golden King, I already have a lover."

Although this lover brought me two cuckolds in just a few days of my business trip, and is still trying to put on a third cuckold for me, but that is my lover after all, and I am loyal to him, Would you betray?

Of course, I didn’t say this part of the complaint. Some words are fine for me (Yue), but it’s a bit too shameless for me (Yue).

I (month) is a shameless woman!

What?me (night)?

What use is my (night) face?

Do men need faces?Shameless is the essence of a man!

"Really? It's such a pity that such a beauty should have an owner!"

"Compared to that kind of thing, Your Majesty the Golden King, let's talk about another thing."

"What's the matter? Tell me."

Gigal’s expression and attitude are condescending even when facing me, the envoy of the Cradle Academy. This is due to his status. As the king of a country, his status is higher than that of the so-called envoy of the Cradle Academy, let alone the king of the six countries.

I didn't care about this, but in the past two days, I repeated it so many times that I opened the white gift box on the table again.

"That's it. I want to ask His Majesty the Golden King to help me identify this new treasure I got."

Looking at the contents in the gift box, the Golden King narrowed his eyes slightly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth: "It's a good treasure! Congratulations to the Moon Envoy for getting this wonderful treasure."

"Has His Majesty the Golden King appraised it?"

"Don't worry, it has been appraised, and it has been appraised from beginning to end."

"Then I'm relieved. If that's the case, then I won't see off the guests."

I repeated the rude behavior I have done countless times in the past two days. After the envoys from various countries appraised this treasure, I immediately sent off the guests without mercy.

And the arrogant Golden King didn't stay much like the other messengers, and turned around and left after standing up.

After watching the Golden King leave, I (Yue) couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then I looked down at the treasure in the box - the Seal of Destiny.

"Now, everything is ready, only the east wind is owed."

Chapter 39 Black History Exposed

Just after everything was ready on my (month) side and I only owed the east wind, my (night) side fled to a hotel without hesitation holding Yundiewu.

Without further ado, I opened the room directly, I ran into the room with Yundiewu in my arms, and closed the door.

Princess Alice followed into the room, but Lafayette was a step late, knocking on the door outside, but was unable to break in.

Well, after all, she doesn't have the ability to destroy, and she can't destroy the buildings of the Cradle Academy.

"Hurry up and open the door for me!! Phew... Ye, I won't do anything to you, open the door, don't worry, I just want to have a good talk with you."

"Lafayette, I also want to have a good talk with you, but now is really not the time, why don't you go back to the dormitory first? How about we have a good talk when you calm down at night?"

"No way! Ye, you have to think clearly. I can let you live by opening the door now. If you don't open the door after I make dozens of calls...then you have to think about the consequences for me!"

"Ten tones are too short, please extend it to 10 minutes."


"Lafayette, think about it carefully. You are offending the king of a country, and the king of another world. How bold you are. If you step back now, you will be safe and sound. If it is later, you may be accused of obstructing diplomacy and put in prison!"


"This is the Supreme Emperor. She is protected by the legendary Three Saints of the Suzaku Empire! You can't beat her!"


No way, it seems that I can only use a trick.

"Lafayette! I love you!"

"Seven! Huh? Ye, what did you just say?"

Lafayette's icy report finally stopped, his tone was unbelievable and contained surprise.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Well, you go back to the dormitory and wait now. I can repeat it to you a hundred times at night."

I (Ye) hugged Yundiewu and smiled apologetically at her, and at the same time said like a scumbag: "Lafayette, I am sincere to you, so can you not disturb my date now?"

"...Okay, then it's settled, I'll wait for you in the dormitory. But you open the door first, I was looking for you because I have something to give you."


Hearing Lafayette's promise, I breathed a sigh of relief, then let go of Yundiewu first, turned around and opened the door - the next moment, Lafayette directly grabbed my neck with both hands, his eyes were like a ghost, and he was gnashing his teeth.

"Do you think I'll believe your nonsense?"

I (Ye) was pushed into the house by Lafayette, and I was directly pressed against the wall by her.

"Ye, I've made a decision. Since we can't be together alive, let's die together! I'll kill you first, and then kill myself, so we can be together forever."

This girl is serious! !

"How about you listen to my beg for mercy first?"

"After hearing this, I will not have the heart to kill you, so I refuse."

"I don't want to die!"

"People don't die because they want to die."

"When did you die?"

"When I want you to die, you will die." - This sentence was not said by Lafayette, but from Yundiewu who had been silently watching the farce between me and Lafayette.

She looked at Lafayette and me, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and said plainly: "Xinghen, kill them."

In an instant, Ye held Lafayette in his arms, turned around, blocked between her and Yundiewu, and hugged her tightly.

In an instant, a young girl with black hair and star eyes appeared in the room. She gently raised her petite right hand, and slowly stretched it towards Ye's back.

In an instant, Princess Alice drew her sword.

While drawing the sword out of its sheath, the raised thin sword cut off the time anomaly that was forced to slow down the flow rate due to the raised hand attack of Sun Moon Yin Xinghen, allowing the passage of time to return to normal.

Then, the sword slashed at Sun Moon Yin Xinghen's arm without hesitation.

Sun Moon Yin Xinghen shrank his pupils, then his arms, and took a step back.

Tear——! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Space is cut off, the world is cut off.

At this moment, in this small room, a fault appeared in the world, and it was divided into two.

Princess Alice stands in front of Ye and Lafayette, and confronts the Supreme Emperor of the Suzaku Empire and the Three Saints of the Suzaku Empire who are on the other side of the world fault.

It seems that this is a confrontation with a distance of less than one meter, but at this moment, the two sides are separated by a distance of two worlds.

Because, the world has been divided into two.

As long as you can't get around the faults of this world, then this seems to be only less than one meter away, and it is another world that is absolutely untouchable.

Even the three holy generals who are as strong as the Suzaku Empire, in such a situation, it is difficult to easily cross this untouchable distance for a while.

However, Yun Diewu didn't take it seriously, and just smiled slightly with a little sigh: "It's really her, Gu Mingyue, who even gave me a set of inherent thinking inducements. I have guarded against her so many unpredictable methods, but I really didn't expect that she would actually use this little trick as the trump card to determine the outcome-it is true that the simpler the trick, the more effective it is. After living for so long, I was taught a lesson by a little girl!"

I didn't feel that death was coming, so I turned my head and glanced, and asked suspiciously: "What are you talking about? Your Majesty the Supreme Emperor? Why can't I understand? Why did you suddenly attack me and Lafayette? You did it for no reason. The students of Cradle Academy are doing it, this is an act of declaring war on Cradle Academy!"

"At this point, there is no need to delay any longer. Your mission has been completed, and the Emerald God has already begun to attack Suzaku City. Not only the Emerald God, but also the powerful people from all over the world who had gathered in Immortal City have already begun to attack the city. The passage opened by the Emerald God has completely invaded Suzaku City."

Hearing such words, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, relaxed my whole body, gently hugged Lafayette and turned around, and said to Yun Diewu with a smile: "Since this is the case, His Majesty should return quickly Holy White Lotus? Do you want to stay for lunch?"

"It's too late to go back now, so I'm planning to vent my anger at losing my wife and losing my army, and bring some irreparable losses to Cradle Academy before I leave."

"That can't be done."

The voice came from the door suddenly, looking at it, Gu Mingyue was standing there with a smile on her face, and behind her, there were three men.

Commander of the Star God Army.

"Nine Thousand Star God" Tier.

Commander of the Moon God Army.

"Moon Shura" dust.

as well as,

——The second seat of ten jades in the cradle, Son of the Holy God.

"Since the outcome has been decided, can His Majesty simply admit defeat and return to the Holy White Lotus World? As long as His Majesty withdraws, I promise to do so."

"I have to say, I really thought you didn't dare to start a war on your own initiative."

Turning to look at Gu Mingyue, Yun Diewu didn't mean to be obedient, but said with a sigh:

"After all, the student council president of Cradle College is different from me. Although you have supreme authority, you also have all kinds of constraints. As the student council president, if you take the initiative to provoke a war between the Lilith World and the Holy White Lotus World, then it will be difficult for you, the president, to go on? Therefore, in the face of my offensive, you can only passively defend. You will not dare to fight back until I make the first move—I admit that your previous performance really convinced me that you dare not act first. What a simple way of thinking, I actually I was played by such a small trick."

"It doesn't matter whether the means are small or not. To be a person, you must know how to look at the dishes."

"Yes, so you taught me a lesson—but there's one thing I don't understand."

"What is it? Excuse me. I'm in a good mood now, so I can give you an answer."

"Facing the chess game I set up, your method of breaking the game is actually very simple."

"First of all, through the authority of the king of the realm, you have given Ye and Yue the skills that will not be able to see through their hearts and memories, so that your plan has a successful foundation."

"Then, when the auction was about to start, you sent out the card Yue to guide her to use the exclusive skill "Wanfa" to make the Seal of Destiny recognize the owner, and this also induced me to change my plan, focusing on how to kill Yue and restore the Seal of Destiny to its ownerless state. "

"At the same time, you sent the Emerald God to get her ready to attack Suzaku City, and you kept implying that I, the Emerald God, would do it after the auction started—yes, you cleverly induced my thinking at this time, and made me subconsciously have you. I really have scruples, and I dare not bear the notoriety of provoking war."

"Actually, you do have some scruples. Otherwise, you wouldn't have to be so troublesome. You could have done it directly. The reason why you didn't act first after knowing my plan is proof of your scruples—but you took full advantage of my loopholes in thinking. I admit, I really didn't expect you to convince all countries and win the trust of all countries through months."

"However, this is exactly what I'm wondering about—you, Yue, Ye, how on earth can you have such a tacit understanding between the three of you?"

Yundiewu's question seemed a bit confusing, but her question was not without reason.

"I am different from you, who possess the complete authority of the king of the realm. In the ten thousand heavens and ten thousand realms, as long as someone mentions something related to me, I will know it immediately. No matter how many worlds or time and space are separated, I will still know what should be known."

Gu Mingyue smiled, "So?"

"So I'm pretty sure that you and Yue have absolutely never talked about anything related to me, but only conveyed some of my plans indirectly through Jiang Ji. Under such circumstances, how can you be sure that she will act according to your plan? After Yue let the Seal of Destiny recognize her owner, she could indeed have the Twelve of Destiny identified by others, but if she didn't know your plan, then she shouldn't have specially asked envoys from various countries to identify the Seal of Destiny to help you convince the world's major powers."

Of course, Gu Mingyue has communicated with the major powers, but of course, all the major powers are only dubious. After all, it is not so easy to destroy Lilith. Countries will suspect that Gu Mingyue just wants to use this as an excuse to actively provoke a war with the Holy White Lotus The current war is not incomprehensible-after all, this kind of thing has a criminal record.

Gu Mingyue is indeed the King of the Great Realm, but in such a major event involving the war between the two worlds, it is still necessary to learn from a famous teacher - otherwise, the Son of God will end up.

Therefore, in order to completely convince the major powers to implement the plan wholeheartedly, they must produce evidence—this evidence is naturally the effect of the Seal of Destiny Twelve.

As long as this effect can be identified, the envoys from various countries will naturally believe in Gu Mingyue, and then carry out Gu Mingyue's plan with all their heart.

——The crux of the problem lies here.

Yue probably didn't know Gu Mingyue's plan from the beginning to the end. She didn't know that Gu Mingyue wanted to act first, and she didn't know that Gu Mingyue had communicated with major powers before.

How did she and Gu Mingyue have such a tacit and perfect cooperation without knowing anything?

Not only the moon, but also the night.

The communication between Mingming Gumingyue and Ye is completely implying that Ye, the Emerald God will launch an attack on the holy white lotus world after the auction starts-that is, at nine o'clock tomorrow.

Princess Alice thought so.

——But Ye didn't think so.

Ye fully comprehended Gu Mingyue's real plan. From the beginning, he didn't intend to delay until nine o'clock tomorrow morning, but just planned to delay until nine o'clock this morning at most.

Obviously, Gu Mingyue never told Ye Heyue the slightest bit of her real plan, but how did such a perfect tacit cooperation between the three appear?

Yundiewu was puzzled by this point.

Faced with Yundiewu's doubts, Gu Mingyue just raised her eyebrows, shrugged her shoulders, and said with a smile: "There is nothing to understand, right? You just need to treat the two of them as another me and you, wouldn't it be fine? Smart people don't need to clarify their words, but only need to reveal a little bit of seemingly insignificant information, and then everything will be seen through. — Do you understand what I mean? You are not wronged, because you lost not to one me, but to the combination of three me."

Yes, this is indeed the answer.

How did I (Yue) see through Gu Mingyue's plan?

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