The reason is very simple, it can be seen from Jiang Ji.

Let me recall a little bit, don’t you think Jiang Ji was too sure when she told me (Yue) about the Supreme Emperor’s conspiracy and the effect of the Seal of Destiny?

At that time, she completely believed in Gu Mingyue, and showed an attitude of fully cooperating with Gu Mingyue's plan-but this is very abnormal, right?

Doubt is the correct attitude, right?

Without evidence, if Gu Mingyue can make people completely believe in her "fantasy" judgment in this situation, then she doesn't need to worry about the Supreme Emperor's plan at all, right?

The most troublesome part of this incident is that although Gu Mingyue saw through Yundiewu's conspiracy, she couldn't make other people in Lilith's world completely believe in her own judgment without evidence?

That's why Gu Mingyue didn't dare to take the initiative to do anything, but could only passively give up the initiative to Yundiewu. She dared to make a move only after Yundiewu made a move.

However, Jiang Ji at that time completely believed in Gu Mingyue, and directly showed an attitude that she would fully cooperate with Gu Mingyue's plans.

This attitude is very strange.

But it is only natural.

Because as long as you think about it, you can understand where Jiang Ji's attitude comes from.

That's where it came from—she saw the evidence.

That's right, it is the Seal of Destiny after recognizing the Lord Moon.

After Tian Mingxi recognized the owner, Jiang Ji naturally saw the effect of Destiny Twelve, and then was completely convinced that what Gu Mingyue said was true.

After figuring this out, the next thing to do is actually very clear.

What needs to be declared is that at this time, I actually still have a little understanding of Gu Mingyue's plan, and I haven't fully understood Gu Mingyue's move that he wants to strike first, but just included it as one of Gu Mingyue's possible options.

But I have at least seen it through - Gu Mingyue hopes that I (Yue) can use the Seal of Destiny to win the trust of envoys from various countries.

This is the real task Gu Mingyue entrusted to me (Yue).

I don't know exactly which chess move Gu Mingyue intends to play, but as long as the envoys from various countries can be convinced that the Supreme Emperor really conspired to destroy the world of Lilith, then at least there will be chess to play, right?

Therefore, I naturally began to calmly ask the envoys from various countries to help me appraise the Seal of Destiny when they visit me.

What?How to make sure that all the envoys from various countries have identification skills?

Uh, that's a good question, so I also want to ask, if they don't know how to identify skills, what are they here for?Is it purely for fun?

So, this is not a problem. Envoys from various countries must be able to appraise skills, and the absolute appraisal level is super high.

Therefore, my (month) task can be said to be extremely smooth.

——Then it's my (night) task.

It can be said that it was after the conversation between me (Ye) and Gu Mingyue that I had a thorough understanding of Gu Mingyue's plan and knew that she wanted to act first.

A very simple reason, the Emerald God has been sent out by Gu Mingyue to hunt ingredients, and the time to do it is when the auction starts—Gu Mingyue’s hint is that the Emerald God is ready to attack the Suzaku Empire, and when the auction starts, the Suzaku Empire has confirmed that the Supreme Emperor’s conspiracy is genuine, and the Emerald God will do it there, to steal the house to the limit.

— But isn't that right?

I (Yue) is showing the evidence to the envoys of various countries according to the plan. Under such circumstances, the Emerald God no longer needs to wait for the auction to start. If Gu Mingyue wants to attack the Suzaku Empire, it is completely possible now In the case of a well-known master, it is better to strike first - just like when dealing with the demon world, the first strike is strong, and the second strike suffers.

It is the correct choice to directly transfer the battlefield to Saint White Lotus instead of facing Lilith.

Wouldn't it be stupid to have to wait for the other party to do it before doing it?

As long as you think about it, the answer will come out.

The Emerald God will indeed do something, but her time to do it will never be when the auction starts, but... when I (Yue) has finished showing the evidence to all the envoys from various countries gathered in the fairy city.

For some reason, Gu Mingyue couldn't explain the plan clearly, so I can only use this method to imply that my (Ye) real mission is not to delay the time until the auction starts, but to delay until I (Yue) has finished showing the evidence to the envoys of all countries, and all the envoys of all countries are ready for war.

——Of course there is a problem with this.

If you want me (Ye) to see through Gu Mingyue's real plan, if you want me (Ye) to act according to Gu Mingyue's real plan, then Gu Mingyue must be sure of one thing, that is... I (Ye) completely Knowing what my (month) side knows and is doing.

In other words, all of Gu Mingyue's plans are based on the premise that I (Yue) and I (Yue) are one soul and two bodies.

Yes, she already knows the biggest secret between me (night) and me (month), I...

——The black history was completely exposed in front of her eyes! ! ! !

The fact that I masturbated with myself in the toilet was found out! !

what to do?I really want to kill Gu Mingyue now! !

Thinking about it now, the reason why she gave me the ability to completely block mind reading and identification was because she already knew my secret at that time!

And at that time, she probably already planned to use me (Yue) and me (Ye) to break the chess game played by Yundie Wubu.

As the saying goes, smart women are all beautiful women, so if I betray her now, can I kill her?

In this way, my dark history can be seen from the light of day, and no one will know how shameful I am and how shameful my self-comfort is!

...well, obviously not possible.

"You didn't fully answer my question. Among them—forget it, it's really a bit stupid to think about how to save the situation when you are at a disadvantage in chess."

Yun Diewu didn't ask any more questions, but squinted slightly at Sheng Shenzi.

"Is it the Holy Son of the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds? It is true that they have some strength, but they are still not enough in the face of Star Traces, right? Why did you bring him? Where is the commander of the Sun God Army?"

"As you imagined, of course I brought a team of Sun God Army to protect Yue. As for this, Holy Son alone may not be enough, but adding Princess Alice can barely delay it, and as long as it can be delayed a little, it is completely enough, isn't it?"

Yundiewu smiled: "It's really watertight."

Gu Mingyue also responded with a smile: "The closer the final game is, the more cautious you must be, especially for the dominant side. It is common sense that the dominant side spends more energy than the disadvantaged side in the final game. After all, you are already in a situation where you are waiting to lose. With mental preparation, you can relax more. But on my side, if you are not careful, you may directly turn the game over, and you will lose the whole game!"

"Is just a team of Sun Gods enough?"

"In addition to Shentian Emperor, one of the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and a Luna Army team led by Xi'er, if this is not enough, then you deserve to win."

Yun Diewu couldn't help laughing: "Well, it seems that I can only admit defeat. If I have to struggle in such a situation, it will be too ugly."

"I admit that the game I spent more than [-] years was indeed completely broken by you. It is meaningless to entangle with the Seal of Destiny now. As you wish, I will not do anything to that month from now on, and the Seal of Destiny will be given to her. But you have to help me tell her a word-that child is very afraid of loneliness, if you are fine, please spend more time with her."

Regarding this, Gu Mingyue just raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and said with a smile: "Brother Ye, come and respond to His Majesty the Supreme Emperor on behalf of your girlfriend."

I (Ye) looked at the supreme emperor and said seriously: "You don't need to talk about this kind of thing."

"Really, that's good. I can't accept it if I lose my wife and lose my army."

Yundiewu took a deep look at me (Ye), with a deep smile around the corner of her mouth.

Finally, she said this:

"The war has already begun. No matter what the reason is, it cannot be ended if you want it to end. Although my plan failed and turned into a full-scale war as a last resort, it is not bad."

"Gu Mingyue, let's start the second game."

The Unrevealed Secret at the End of the Book

"It's finally over!"

After my (night) side announced that the incident had entered the second stage of total war, my (month) side finally couldn't help stretching, and completely relaxed.

It's over, the rest is none of my business.

Of course, the incident is not over, on the contrary, it has finally reached a real climax until now.

The all-out war has begun, and then the entire Lilith World will enter a state of war, and a super war with the Holy White Lotus World will take place between the two worlds, and it will take many years to end—but the next The matter has absolutely nothing to do with me, a mere freshman at Cradle College.

I am not the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, nor the Cradle Ten Jade. Now I am far from touching events of that level, neither of which I can touch.

The reason why it became the core of Gu Mingyue's plan this time is purely because of the particularity of my (month) exclusive skills and the special relationship between me (month) and me (night).

Next, um, I'm just a simple first-year freshman at Cradle Academy, so don't ask me if you have anything to do.

Those who can participate in this kind of war are at least at the same level as the gods of the Star God Army. I am a small mortal, so don't look for me if you have nothing to do, let alone look for me if you have something to do.

I am the most self-aware woman!

--at this time.

"Congratulations on passing the second trial of life. Your all-talent ability value has increased by 100%, your level cap has been raised to LV.502, and you have gained 20 skill points."

"Congratulations on passing the third trial of life. Your all-innate ability value has increased by 100%, your level cap has been raised to LV.999, and you have gained 50 skill points."

I go!

These two voices from the Goddess of Trials frightened me instantly.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I (Yue) passed two trials in one pass, the two voices sounded at the same time, but only one voice rang in my (Yue) mind, and the other voice rang in my (Ye) mind.

I (month) cleared the second trial, the reason why the level limit is not raised to LV.499, but to LV.502, it should be because the effect of the Seal of Destiny has increased me (month) in the past few days. LV. Upper limit.

And I (Ye) is normal. After the decisive battle with Princess Alice, I (Ye) cleared the second trial, and the level cap was raised to LV.499. Now that I have cleared the third trial, the level cap has naturally been raised to LV.999.

——The crux of the problem is how did you pass the trial all of a sudden?

Could it be that this task is a trial for me (month) and me (night) in the trial of the goddess' judgment?

Successfully survived the customs clearance trial? !

Shouldn't the difficulty of the trial be to defeat a powerful enemy that is enough to make him despair?

I (Yue) (Ye) didn't do anything from the beginning to the end of this mission, did I?

Uh, well, in terms of danger, it is indeed comparable to dancing on the tip of a knife when I (Ye) LV.0 beat the flying dragon.

In this way, isn't it considered a trial only if you pass the trial of life and death in battle?

Thinking about it carefully, this time I (Ye) and I (Yue) were able to survive successfully because of my cleverness!

I (Ye) (Yue) is not a supporting role in this incident, but two protagonists whose importance is almost as important as Gu Mingyue! !

Now that the plan is successful, and I (Yue) and I (Night) survived, it is not incomprehensible to be counted as passing a trial directly by the Goddess of Trial.

Hmm, understandable and understandable.

——It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it.

Anyway, this is a good thing anyway, and I have no reason to refuse.

This time, he took such a big risk and even involved Lafayette, but he finally got a good result.

If Lafayette and I (night) die together this time, then I (month) will not even have the face to live.

Fortunately, the result is good.

From now on, I (month) will be a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

With a triple jump in strength, even if it is a battle with a third-year student, I (month) can be regarded as confident.

And in the end, for me (Yue) this time, the biggest gain is undoubtedly the Seal of Destiny.

LV. The upper limit increases by one every 24 hours, and the skill points increase by one every 24 hours. The fate effect brought by these two fate seals alone means that my strength will continue to grow in the future and will never stagnate.

The longer you live, the stronger your strength will be. This is simply an artifact that everyone dreams of!

In addition, not to mention the Fate effect that increases the talent value by [-]%, the Fate Seal also has a Fate effect that I personally think is very important.

"Five of Destiny: After recognizing the master, the master's destiny will be added to the body, and the secrets of heaven will be blocked."

This is a seemingly inconspicuous destiny effect that played a key role in Gu Mingyue's plan this time.

It can be said that the reason why I dared to take out the Seal of Mandate of Heaven so boldly when the envoys from various countries came to visit and let them appraise it was because of this effect.

The opponent I am facing is a god. If the opponent has been observing everything about me, then I obviously cannot make that kind of action.

However, the Seal of Destiny interfered with the secrets of heaven—to put it simply, it made all kinds of observation methods directly invalid for me (Yue).

Because of this, Gu Mingyue's plan could proceed smoothly.

To a certain extent, Yundiewu shot himself in the foot by lifting a rock.

And besides the very useful destiny effect for me as the master, the other effects of the destiny seal will also play a key role in the next New World, which can be regarded as an incentive effect for me.

Thinking of this, I took the Seal of Destiny out of the gift box again, touched it, and then said to the Seal of Destiny: "The Supreme Emperor entrusted someone to bring me a sentence. She said that you are afraid of loneliness. I have nothing to do with you."


The immature girl's sneer sounded in my head, and then there was no other movement.

She seemed to be indifferent to the concern of the previous owner.

In this regard, I (Yue) will not say anything more. What the Supreme Emperor thinks has nothing to do with me. Anyway, as I (Ye) said, I don’t need her to spend more time with the lonely little girl. Too much to say, after all, this lonely little girl is now my (Yue) most important treasure! !

"Get ready, go back to Cradle Academy."

Smiling, I (Yue) leaned on the sofa, looked up at the ceiling, and said after a heavy sigh of relief:

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