"I have to sleep in bed for three days and three nights when I go back this time."

The body is not tired, but the mental fatigue makes me physically and mentally exhausted!

——And at the same time when Yue Yue was physically and mentally exhausted.

She didn't know that on the roof of the building opposite the Cradle Pavilion, there was a silver-haired girl who was as relieved as she was.

The girl tied her beautiful silver-white hair into a braid, and her fair skin was dazzling under the sunlight.

She holds a silver and white cross sword in her right hand, a silver and white cross shield in her left hand, a silver and white cross bow on her back, and a silver and white cross necklace hanging on her chest.

There is only one person in the world who is so familiar to countless people, and that is the student union secretary of Cradle Academy, "Valkyrie" Shikoti.

She looked at the group of gods who came to her side in an instant, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"It seems that my mission has successfully ended."

"Yes, you are no longer needed as insurance, and you can return to the Cradle Academy with us."

The commander of the Sun God Army, "King of the Nine Suns" Aoi looked at Shikoti with a soft smile on her lips.

Although he didn't make a move even once, it was basically a waste of time, but Shikoti was originally sent by the chairman as Yue's last insurance, so if he didn't make a move, it meant that everything was in the chairman's hands. It is under control, so Shikoti is not dissatisfied with Bai Lai's trip, but is deeply relieved.

No surprises are the best, no?

Not having to dispatch her as the last insurance means everything goes well, that's the best, isn't it?

Oh no, I made a mistake, Shikoti, in fact, it is not the last insurance.

Not far from the fairy city where Yue was located—about 15 kilometers away, in a city that also belonged to the Yang Kingdom, a girl with peach hair and two ponytails was also completing a certain task assigned to her by the president.

The task is not difficult, it is just a matter of protecting a certain noble lady for a few days, and the task can be finished in one day tomorrow.

But the peach-haired girl——Melty is really a little baffled, and she doesn't understand why the president would arrange such a task for her.

The dignified princess of a country actually acts as a bodyguard for a noble lady, if word spreads out, people will laugh out loud.

"If you have to be a bodyguard, can't you let me also go to Xiancheng to protect Yue?"

Melti knows that Yue is in Xiancheng right now, and if you calculate the distance, it is not too far from Tianchi City where she is now. The straight-line distance is only 15 kilometers. To Melti, this distance is simply...

Well, she was actually a little expecting that Yue would encounter some danger.

In this way, she can teleport to protect Yue immediately.

Think about it, when you were in danger that month, your magic weapon fell from the sky, the favorability...

Cough cough, just think about it, no matter how you say it, it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen, after all, Yue is now the emissary representing the Cradle Academy.


Melty sighed heavily, and could only continue with his protection mission, anyway, he could go back the day after tomorrow.

After doing the math, Yue would return to Cradle Academy around that time, so that would be a good idea.

——Eggs are never put in one basket, and plans are never prepared for only one.

Of course, Gu Mingyue would not do such a foolish thing as betting everything on a plan.

She has never been a gambler, nor has she ever thought of becoming one.

Anzi, the second player, you always have to save more to feel more secure, don't you?

Episode [-] Anfei's Princess Disease

"woo woo woo woo…"

Don't get me wrong, it's the sound of someone crying and sobbing.

And it wasn't me (the night) who caused it.

I just wanted to have a meal in the gazebo at noon, but before I sat down, I heard this crying sound not far away.

In this regard, I am very calm.

It's normal for a child to cry.

Don't look at the people who entered the Cradle Academy this year have experienced the trials of life and death. After all, they are just a group of children who have just turned 13. It is very normal to cry because they feel wronged by something.

After all, fighting ability belongs to fighting ability, and mind belongs to mind. You can't expect a group of 13-year-old children to be as mature as me, a person with twice the life.

Well, when I look at Lafayette, I feel that she is very childish.

Of course, I won't admit this after I walk out of this gazebo.

In short, it’s just a crying child, it’s not a big deal, I calmly put a box of lunch and a few boxes of vegetables on the table, opened them up, and then walked to the place where the crying sound came from—I can’t go there , this cry is like haunted, if it is not resolved, it will be unbearable.

Walking over, I saw the girl sitting next to a boulder hugging her legs and crying, her blue hair grew so long that it even fell over the ground.

The appearance age should be my classmate, and this is the first-grade teaching area, so it is impossible for other senior girls.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but reprimanded and said: "What's your name? Stand up for me! Don't you know how to take good care of such beautiful hair?"

The blue-haired girl stopped crying instantly in shock, and looked up at me (Ye).

Then, her expression was dull: "You...you...you..."

"What are you, get up quickly, you ruined all your good hair."

The blue-haired girl stood up at a loss, then seemed to have realized something, quickly wiped away her tears, and stared at me with red eyes: "You, who are you? How dare you talk to me like that ? Do you know who I am? Don’t think that I will let you go because you are good-looking. For a rude person like you, I used to be dragged down and whipped."

"Hey, how fresh, you dare to whip me? Then do you know who I am?"

Looking at this girl and listening to what she said, I couldn't help but shook my head with disdain, and then hooked my fingers provocatively at her: "Come on, tell me about your identity, and see if you are more noble than me , if you are not as noble as me, then I will spank your ass."

"This palace is the eldest princess of the Holy Tree Dynasty!"

The blue-haired girl seemed to be flushed with anger, and said angrily:

"How dare you speak to me like that, you should be punished by the Nine Clans!"

"Yo? The Holy Tree Dynasty? Which small remote country? I've never heard of it."

"You, you are ignorant! The Holy Tree Dynasty is one of the six kingdoms of Lilith!"

"Six Great Nations, it's so powerful. Can the Highness Princess of the Six Great Nations tell me why you were crying just now? Is there someone who should be punished by the Nine Clans who provoked Her Royal Highness the Princess of the Six Great Nations?"

"Use, use you"

She said so, but she couldn't help but shed tears again in her eyes. She wiped her tears and cried: "You, you should all be punished by the nine clans... I am the eldest princess of the Holy Tree Dynasty... ...you don't listen to my order...you scold me...my father won't let you go if he finds out..."

"How dare you disobey the order of His Royal Highness, who is so bold? Come on, tell me how you were refused the order to make me happy!"

"Woo...uh wow..."

It seemed that she could not bear my sarcasm at last, and the blue-haired girl squatted on the ground and burst into tears.

She cried very sadly, and there was really great grievance in her voice, she really felt that she was very, very wronged.

I can understand.

Thinking about it substituting, I can fully understand how much her grievances are.

I also understand why she is so wronged.

So, I have two words for her on this.

"Deserving it."

Otherwise, what word do you want me to send her?

Isn't this what you deserve?

Of course, it's not all her fault. More importantly, will the Holy Tree Dynasty educate the princess?The emperor of the Holy Tree Dynasty must not be an idiot daughter slave, right?

Give her what she wants?

Whoever dares to disobey his own daughter will be killed directly?

Whoever dares to refuse the daughter's order will directly kill the Jiuzu?

If her father is like this...you deserve it yourself.

Your father encloses you as a bird in a canary cage, are you really a bird in a canary cage?

As a royal family, it is already a sin to become such a disharmonious world.

Looking at her now, you can tell what kind of life she lived before.

As the eldest daughter of the duke's family, I (Yue) work hard every day to assist my father in managing the territory - why?

On the contrary, I am a little puzzled why someone can ask me (Yue) "Why?"

My (Yue) family is enshrined by all the citizens in the territory with their daily hard work. I (Yue) have been able to live so well since I was a child, and I can spend so much money. Isn’t it because of them?

That being the case, shouldn't I (month) do something for them that I can do?

As the children of a lord of a place, as the children of a lord who can grow up superiorly only after being enshrined by countless people, ignorance is a sin, and inaction is a sin—isn’t this a matter of course?

It's just that the children of the lords of one place are like this, what about the princess of your country?

Your father raised you like a canary, so are you really a canary?

Your father made you think that all the people in the world are your slaves, do you really think that they are all your slaves?

No matter whether you have a problem with the environment you have lived in since you were a child, or the education you received, it is still the same sentence, as a royal family, ignorance is a crime, and inaction is a crime—no matter how many reasons you have, you can’t escape these two crimes.

You still have the face to cry with aggrievedness?

Where did you get your face from?

To be honest, although I can understand the grievance in this girl's heart, and know that she really doesn't know where she is wrong, and it's not that she doesn't admit that she is wrong, I still have no respect for this kind of person, and I only have two words for you.

"I hate people like you the most."

The crying of the blue-haired girl froze instantly, and her whole body seemed to turn gray. Then, she cried louder again.

"Okay, don't cry, shake your ears."

She ignores me.


I couldn't help but sighed.

Even if combat ability has nothing to do with intelligence, but such an immature child can pass the exam, it really is no surprise that the world is so big.

Sighing, I squatted down, raised her head forcefully, and looked at her red and swollen eyes.

"Do you want to know what's wrong with you?"

"Crying... I am right..."

"If you're right, why are you rejected by everyone? Why are you scolded by many people, including me? Why are you crying wronged here?"

"Weeping..." The blue-haired girl bit her lip.

"In fact, you should also be vaguely aware of what you did wrong, otherwise you shouldn't cry, but you should be angry and even want to kill someone. But you don't understand what you did wrong, and you don't know how to change your mistakes, right?"

She didn't speak, but the tears flowed down again.

"Come on, tell me what has happened since you passed the entrance examination of Cradle Academy. By the way, first change the title of Bengong to me. This is your most obvious first mistake now."

"... Bengong... I was seriously injured after passing the trial, it hurt so much, and I passed out directly."

Needless to say, your passing the exam is enough to shock me.

"Father seems to be very flustered...in this palace...after I woke up, he was still flustered even though his injuries were healed, he kept telling me something, remember to say hello to everyone after arriving at Cradle Academy, don't be picky about the dormitory environment, don't play your temper, don't do anything casually, can't...Before Father Father finished speaking, the convoy from Cradle Academy came to welcome me...Father seems to be crying anxiously..."

I can probably understand him, your royal father probably never thought that you would pass the entrance examination of Cradle Academy, but thought that I could protect you forever, but I still want to say something to your royal father—you deserve it.

"When I arrived at Cradle Academy, those rude soldiers escorted me to the gate of the school and let me get off the car, Ben Gong... I ordered them to escort me to the dormitory, they ignored it completely, and threw me off the car in a rude manner instead..."

You are such a big princess addict, the princess of the Holy Tree Dynasty actually manages the Cradle Academy?Do you think you are the president of the student council or Cradle Ten Jade?

"I had to order another boy passing by to escort me to the dormitory of Cradle College."

There are indeed many such licking dogs!Isn't that boy excited to be treated like a dog?

Well, I can understand that it is not shabby to be a licking dog in front of this kind of beautiful girl, let alone just leading the way, if I were it, I would also lead her.

"When I arrived at the dormitory, I took all the old decorations into Linghai Yuhuan and replaced them with the decorations I brought from the bedroom."

I want to envy you to death, do you know how hard I was at that time?In the end, you solved all the Linghai Yuhuan with ease. Is this the difference between the princess of the great country and ordinary civilians like me?

"Last night, at the end of the welcome party, I found out that the musician who played the piano was Murong Feng, whom I have always liked. I once wanted my father to appoint her as a court musician and teacher for me, but my father kept refusing it. When I arrived, I asked a girl who was sitting next to me and lived on the same floor as me to help me call her over...crying...that girl said I was crazy..."

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