………It’s really crazy, and I said to Murong Feng at that time, "You are also a fan of Goddess Murong like me, right?" Some fight, a proper dark history of life!

"In today's class, I asked someone to fetch water for me, but no one went...everyone secretly slandered me...they...they all..."

"You don't need to say any more, I can understand everything."

I sighed heavily.

I finally understood that it might be an extremely difficult task to change this girl's flaws.

"First of all, let me tell you where you went wrong..."

This extremely difficult task took me a whole lunch break at the time.

This is my first encounter with classmate Anfei.

Fortunately, people can change.


"Welcome to return to Cradle Academy alive, Yue Xuemei."

When I (Yue) and I (Ye) appeared together in the Office of the President of the Student Union of Cradle College to discuss meritorious deeds, what we got was the welcome words from President Gu Mingyue with a joyful smile on his face.

Well, although another world war is still going on, I (Yue) (Ye) has already done what I should do, and the rest has nothing to do with me, so it is natural that I (Yue) (Ye) should be rewarded for my merits.

Of course, Gu Mingyue's vixen's welcome words made me feel very uncomfortable, I really want to punch her face that wants to be spanked!

"Thanks to your careful protection, Mr. President, I was able to return safely. I am really grateful to you, Mr. President."

"You're welcome, it's my duty as the president of the student union to protect the students of Cradle Academy."

She deliberately pretended not to understand my (Yue) sarcasm, and the hateful smile on her face remained unchanged.

I (Yue) can only be more direct: "Next time you have this kind of mission, don't ask me, okay? One hundred lives are not enough to play like this."

"As a member of the student union, how can you shrink back in the face of a little difficulty? Xuemei Yue, as the president of the student union, I have to tell you about this. You are still young, and it is time to work hard. As long as you work hard now , It is not impossible to take over my class one day in the future, but if you start to shrink back in the face of a little difficulty, how can you let me give you the Lilith World with confidence? Are you right?"

"Don't make such a big picture for me. I don't have such big ambitions. Joining the student union is just to earn more points."

"A Cradle College student who doesn't want to be the President of the Cradle College Student Council is not a good Cradle College student."

"I think the Cradle Academy student who doesn't want to beat you up is an unqualified Cradle Academy student."

"Huh? Is that so?" Gu Mingyue touched her face with her right hand, and smiled embarrassedly: "Do I deserve such a beating?"

"Believe me, President Gu, your sentence will be much more fluent if you remove the "?" "

"I'm so in need of a beating—what can you do to me? Well, the sentence is indeed much more fluent."

I shook my fist.

The two of me shook our fists together.

"Hey, what do you guys want to do? Do you want the husband and wife to be of the same heart, and beat me with the benefit of money?"

Gu Mingyue covered her chest with both hands, and said with a vigilant face.

"I warn you, if you dare to let me die physically, I will definitely let you die socially!"

Gritting teeth!This girl really started to threaten me with my black history!

"How on earth did you find out?"

Faced with my (Ye) question, Gu Mingyue raised her eyebrows with a smile: "Young Master Ye, can't you guess? Don't you wonder why I gave you the ability to prevent mind reading? For those who have the ability to read minds For people or gods with the ability to read memories, it is too easy to see through your secrets. And it just so happens that my exclusive skill "Heavenly Heart" has the effect of reading minds.So you should thank me!It is precisely because I help you check for gaps and make up for gaps that your dark history has not been exposed so far. "

I really thank you.

"That is to say, as long as you die now, my dark history can be buried in the darkness forever, and it will never see the light of day again, right?"

I looked at Gu Mingyue and sneered.

"Master President, have you ever heard a saying that in this world, only the dead can truly keep secrets?"

Gu Mingyue looked righteous and awe-inspiring: "Your secrets have been printed by me for 180 points. As long as I don't return to the dormitory alive today, your secrets will be sent to 180 newspapers around the world immediately, exposing your black history to the world, so come if you have the guts!"

"...You won't tell me the truth, will you? Why doesn't it sound like a joke when you say it from your mouth?"

"How could I be joking."

At this moment, real murderous aura erupted in my (Ye) eyes.

Gu Mingyue instantly put on a flattering smile: "Haha, I was really joking, how could I really do that. It is also the responsibility of the president of the student union to protect the privacy of the students."

"You better be joking."

"Okay, Junior Ye, Junior Junior Yue, I've called you here this time to give you mission rewards, let's skip other things for now."

What a blunt topic change.

It's a pity that she is the president of the student union, and I still have to cooperate with her. Is this the beauty of power?

"Hasn't my reward already been paid?"

"Sister Yuexue is talking about the Seal of Destiny? Cradle Academy didn't even pay for that stuff, so it's completely equivalent to being your spoils, Xuemei Yue. How can it be regarded as a reward from Cradle Academy?"

While saying this, Gu Mingyue pushed the two scrolls on the desk towards me (Yue) and me (Yue).

"This is my reward for you."

I (night) and I (month) picked up a scroll one by one.

"A job awakening scroll?"

"You all should know about the New World, right?"

Gu Mingyue said with a smile.

"When the New World is officially opened, students from Cradle College will come to the New World as lords to help those demon immigrants from the New World gain a foothold in the New World. However, it is not only students from Cradle College who will come to the New World, but also from In other worlds, players from other worlds will completely regard the New World as a game—you should know this too, right?"

I (night) and I (month) nodded together.

"I want to declare in advance that this was not my initial plan. This matter was brought up by the world that came to me on its own initiative."

I also know this.

"The person who came to me probably belonged to the will of the world in that world."

"The will of the world? The king of the realm?"

"It's okay if you think so."

"Master President, please speak frankly, is there any point in talking about this matter now?"

"These two scrolls were given to me by the will of that world. They can awaken the unique profession of that world. Now I give them to you."

"...What kind of occupation?"

"do not know."

Gu Mingyue answered crisply, but I could only be dumbfounded.

"With the authority of the Great Realm King, can you still not know? Are you fooling me?"

"Brother Ye, sister Yue, that world is very special, and it is special that is different from Ten Thousand Heavens and Worlds."

Even if you say that, I don't understand how special that special is.

"No matter how much I say now, it will only make you more confused, so you should stop asking. In short, it is up to you to decide whether to use this professional awakening scroll."

Gu Mingyue said with a slight smile.

"Brother Ye, younger sister Yue, when the Cradle Game Contest is over, I'll be looking forward to your performance in the New World."


"Do you want to use it?"

"It feels suspicious!"

"Indeed, otherwise give up."

"But it feels too bad not to use it. I took such a big risk!"

"I heard that the reward Lafayette got was an artifact staff?"

"The entire Xier team got a chance to climb the Tongtian Tower, and they are currently climbing the tower."

"Why did we get such an unknown thing?"

No doubt, I was indeed talking to myself in the room again.

It's in my (month's) room.

At this moment, I (Yue) and I (Ye) are both holding the professional awakening scroll we just got from Gu Mingyue in our hands, with distressed faces.

There is no way not to be distressed. Although this thing has "professional awakening scroll" written in big characters, it cannot be identified at all.

Even Gu Mingyue said she couldn't identify it, so naturally she couldn't identify it. I don't think she would lie to me about this kind of thing—but she must have some conspiracy.

There was definitely something wrong with that different world, but it was a pity that Gu Mingyue didn't want to talk about it.

"I still use it."

In the end, I still made up my mind, and I (Ye) spoke with a firm expression.

"I'll be a test subject to explore the path first, this is a man's responsibility."

I (Yue) immediately looked up in admiration: "You are so handsome! A great hero!"

"...Why do you feel so ashamed to play like this after the black history is known?"

"...It doesn't matter, use it quickly."

Hearing the expressionless urging voice of me (Yue) who was equally ashamed, I (Ye) immediately used the "Job Awakening Scroll" in my hand.

The scroll disappeared, and I (Ye) suddenly felt a strange energy appear in my body.

That's right, energy.

It is energy different from magic power.

To put it simply, it is energy that belongs to another power system like mana.

Uh, it's understandable, after all, it's a job in another world, and the power system must be different from Lilith's.

I (month) immediately appraised me (night).

Then, I (Yue) opened my eyes slightly.

【Name: Night】



"Lotte's Hero"

"Flash Sword"

——When using a sword as a weapon, attack speed +100%

When did this title appear?How come I don't feel anything at all?

Oh no, this is not very important now.

The important thing is...


"Lotte's Knight"

"Earth Traveler"

——Acquire the skill "Star Power LV.1"

——Acquire the skill "Star Technique LV.1"

——Acquire the skill "Protection of the Earth"

——Acquire the skill "Protoss Contract"

Mana: 6149850/6149850

Star Power: 0/409990

Skill Points: 4

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