Inexplicably, don't put a cuckold on my (month) head.

After being speechless, I (Yue) calmly asked, "...have you known each other since childhood?"

"Lord Yue, Jin Bing, Mengzhang, Ziming, and me, the four of us can be regarded as childhood sweethearts."

Lin Guang explained beside me with a smile on his face and hands behind his back.

"Jin Bing and I are from aristocratic backgrounds, Mengzhang and Ziming are from commoner backgrounds, but the four of us went to the same school, so we got to know each other, but the relationship is not good."

"In school, Jin Bing and I can be regarded as representatives of the aristocratic faction, while Mengzhang and Ziming are representatives of the commoner faction. The four of us fought from elementary school to intermediate school. It can be said that we fought from childhood to adulthood. It’s also noisy—but it’s not too bad to say how bad the relationship is. The four of us are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, and they are also rare friends who can get along with each other on an equal footing. It's just the smell of an old enemy."

"Of course, this kind of quarrel between Mengzhang and Ziming is quite common since childhood."

I (Yue) nodded knowingly: "Well, if it's this kind of relationship, then I won't say anything, you can figure it out for yourself."

From the fact that the four of them can form a team, their relationship is indeed at least not bad, and I can probably understand this awkward relationship between friends and rivals.

"Let's let this matter go, let's talk about another matter—return the photobook to them."

I (month) said seriously.

"Ye and I received the help of Emperor Shentian together. I was in charge of the girls, and he was in charge of the boys. This was also agreed at the beginning, so please stop making trouble. If you want to do something for me, then try your best to find a way to get more votes from the girls, but the photobook may not get many votes."

With these words, I (Ye) on the other side was also talking to Rose Garden in a different way.

In any case, let's separate the two societies that are enemies when they meet.

Fortunately, no matter what the members of Rose Garden and Rose Garden have in mind, they are at least very obedient—very obedient to me (Yue) (Yue).

After I (Ye) (Yue) clearly issued the order, the two sides quickly and peacefully handed over the photo album - let's skip the gnashing of teeth and murderous stares during the process.


Although it was true that the photobooks were exchanged, the matter did not end so simply.

On the contrary, it can be said that it is getting worse and worse.

From this day on, the Rose Garden and the Rose Garden officially competed.

Originally, they were rivals who did not like each other, but this incident seemed to become the fuse, causing the conflict between the two parties to explode completely, and it could no longer be dealt with.

There are classmates who are tit for tat in class.

Those who encountered in the dungeon fought directly in the dungeon.

The one who happened to be the opponent in the Cradle Game Contest staged a super tearful battle in front of all the audience.

Then, until a certain moment, when two members of the club couldn't help but fight on the street in the girls' dormitory area, everything was completely unstoppable.

The members of Rose Garden and Rose Garden entered the battlefield one after another, and the scale of the battle became larger and larger. All the other students began to watch the show excitedly from the roofs or bedroom windows.

Until a certain moment, Rose of Ten Colors and Rose of Ten Colors finally began to enter the battlefield.

Then, the war is directly escalated.

If it was a fierce battle of cold weapon war before, now it is the outbreak of nuclear war!

"I'm a man who loves fragrance and cherishes jade."

Xu Changqing muttered to himself, then slowly raised his right hand, pointing his index to the sky.

"However, for those who dare to insult Master Yue, cutting off their limbs as punishment is considered helpless, right?"

A heavenly sword descended from the sky.

It is the Heavenly Sword.

It is genuine, like the condensed power of the sky, tearing open the sky, protruding slowly from the cracks, pointing directly at the earth, a heavenly sword that makes people dare not look directly at it.

All the people in Rose Garden and Rose Garden seemed to be suppressed by Tianwei for a moment, and their bodies became stiff.

However, compared to the Rose Garden, the Rose Garden is more dangerous.

Because, the target that the Heavenly Sword was pointing at was them, and the Rose Garden was just affected by the fish in the pond.

Once the Heavenly Sword falls, all the girls in the Rose Garden will inevitably have their limbs cut off under the punishment of heaven.

Although in the Cradle Academy, this is not an incurable injury, but it will definitely become the eternal nightmare of the girls.


So the Heavenly Sword shattered in an instant.

Under the sound of a crisp bell, the mighty Tianwei vast sword directly shattered.

Anfei lightly clasped her hands in front of her chest, and then pulled left and right, a golden light was stretched between her hands, and a golden scepter appeared.

At the top of the scepter, a string of bells rang crisply.

Even under the sound of this string of bells, even Tianwei could only back away.

"Oh, Junior Changqing is really careless. Why don't you look at Junior Anfei? You think you are invincible without Mengzhang and Ziming? Too stupid, now times have changed, young senior The younger brothers and sisters are all monsters! The first graders are the ones that cannot be ignored!"

"Oh, so does Junior Anfei, look, look, you're proud, you don't think much of Junior Ye Qingkong when you sing divine scripts so swaggeringly? That's what the starry sky master blows." Is it right? Even though junior Ye Qingkong is only in the third grade, he is truly the highest in terms of strength! He has the potential to become the ten jades of the cradle, okay?"

"Oh my god, this is too hot, isn't it too hot, is this a big move? If such a big sun goes down, the whole Cradle Academy will be gone? And it's too hot, You don’t have to fall to roast someone to death!”

On the roof of a certain dormitory building, Gu Mingyue watched the battlefield bluffing, explaining the battle without listening, but now it was a little hot from the second sun above, so she took out a fan to fan herself.

And behind Gu Mingyue, I (Yue) and I (Ye) also stood here silently watching the battle.

"Master President, I'm really sorry, we will stop them now."

"Don't stop it. How can this situation be stopped? They are the powder kegs whose fuses are ignited now, and they will explode if they don't blow up today-you can stretch the fuse, but obviously you can't break the fuse."

Seeing the sun above being cut off by Xu Changqing's sword, Gu Mingyue fanned the wind with a fan and said with a smile.

"It's not good to be blocked all the time. The competition between clubs and clubs is also the tradition of Cradle Academy. As long as it doesn't make too much trouble."

"...Then the elder asked us to stop it last time?"

Gu Mingyue raised her eyebrows: "Didn't you hear the premise of my words? Don't! Make trouble! It's too big!"


"Now this is considered a trivial matter. There will be a few incidents in Cradle Academy every year, but if Meng Zhang and Jin Bing fight, it will be a big trouble. Do you understand?"

No, I don't understand.

Gu Mingyue also seemed to see my ignorance, she leaned her back against the female wall, and said with a smile: "Well, indeed, although Ye Xue and Yue Xue have become great figures without realizing it, but she herself... Well, I really didn't realize it."

Saying so, she showed a somewhat smirk expression.

"You don't know what kind of power you hold in your hands, which makes me a headache too. After all, the most terrifying thing in this world is a child who has power but doesn't know it at all."


I (night) and I (month) just looked at her quietly, without saying a word, waiting for an explanation.

Gu Mingyue was still fanning the wind leisurely, and smiled lightly: "You only know that the current Cradle Ten Jade of Cradle Academy is the strongest generation in history, but you don't know how strong they are. It is the most troublesome. After all, you are each holding a cradle ten jade who are obedient to you. How can you not know the strength of the two of them? Oh, I almost forgot, there are two other people who are not The Cradle Ten Jade is no less than the Cradle Ten Jade's Lin Guang and Ziming—have you watched the TV show before? You should know that Master Diss divided the two worlds, Lilith and Saint White Lotus, for the countless top combat powers. Have you reached four levels?"

I nodded -- both of me nodded, of course.

so what?What do you want to clarify?

"Among the ten jades in the cradle, except for the Emerald God who is in the first level, all the other ten jades in the cradle can be ranked in the fourth level."

Gu Mingyue threw the fan back, pushed her hands back, and then sat directly on the parapet, with her right leg raised, her toes slightly shaking, and a smile on her face.

"Of course, just like the three sage generals of the Suzaku Empire who are also in the second tier can also be divided into strengths and weaknesses, the same is in the fourth tier. There are also strengths and weaknesses. The Son of God is the most advanced member. Compared with the third tier Although there is still some gap between classes, it is not too far away—basically, it belongs to the feeling of stepping on the dividing line between the third class and the fourth class—just like the hidden star marks of the sun and the moon also belong to Just stepping on the dividing line between the second class and the first class."

"However, there is not much difference between the other fourth estates. In a one-on-one match, no matter who wins or loses, it shouldn't be surprising."

Gu Mingyue shrugged, looked at me (Yue) and me (Yue) with a smile, and said meaningfully.

"Brother Ye, Sister Yue, you should also understand that now in your hands, you are holding the entire Lilith world, and you are also a strong person who can find their names faster by counting from top to bottom. .”

"Among the 210 people in the fourth level, our Lilith World has a total of 160 places, and Mengzhang and Ziming are one of the 160 people."

"In the Golden Crow Empire, they can be compared to the Nine God Generals, in the Sivana Empire, they can be compared to the Nine Sages, in the Yang Kingdom, they can be compared to the Four Immortal Monarchs, in the Elf Empire, they can be compared to the Elven Kings, In the Kingdom of Sumer, they can be compared to the Three Kings, and in the Holy Tree Dynasty, they can be compared to the Six Saints—the current Cradle Ten Jade, but they are all monsters of this level!"

Chapter 10 Cradle Game!Rose Garden VS Rose Garden! !

Meng Zhang and Jin Bing, are they two such big shots?

Oh no, it might be a bit wrong to say that, after all, Cradle Ten Jade is a big man in the world, no matter which country he goes to, he is an absolute guest of honor, half a head taller than the king.

——But this is only the power position of Cradle Ten Jade during his tenure.

This status and power only comes from the title and position of "Cradle Ten Jade", and has nothing to do with the person who holds the Cradle Ten Jade.

Because no matter who is in charge of the ten jades in the cradle, they will have the same status and power.

Once the position of the ten jades in the cradle is lost, this position and power will naturally be lost accordingly.

This is the same thing as the president of the student union of Cradle College. What is important is the position of the president of the student union of Cradle College, not the person who is the president of the student union.

However, this is obviously not the case for Mengzhang and Jinbing.

Except for the true god, Lilith is one of the 170 strongest people in the world.

Does that make it seem like no big deal?After all, there are nearly two hundred people who are as strong as them or even stronger than them!

170 five people!

Excluding the cradle ten jade, that is 160 five people!Isn't that much?

Hehe, look at what these 160 five people do.

Except for most of the people who served in the Sun, Moon, and Star Three Divine Army who are relatively unknown, the others are all one of the pinnacles of the great powers.

It must be declared that the pyramids that the Goddess of Trials arranged were the peak powerhouses of the two worlds, the peak, the peak, and none of them could be called miscellaneous fish.

Being able to be ranked among the ranks of the pyramid by the Goddess of Trials means that you have already stood at the pinnacle of the world. The Goddess of Trials just divides this wave of peak powerhouses into strengths and weaknesses.

However, the fact is that even if it is the Emerald God who is in the only class of the first class, it is not so easy for her to defeat the Son of the Holy God who is classified in the fourth class-at least that It is a battle that can be faced squarely by the Emerald God.

It is very obvious that although there are strong and weak relationships among the four levels of the pyramid, there is no absolute relationship between victory and defeat.

In other words, no matter who faces whom, there is no [-]% chance of winning.

That is why quantitative violence works.

And Meng Zhang and Jin Bing are in this world's pinnacle class.

To put it simply, anyone who has the allegiance of one of them can already establish a country that can be called a powerful country.

Only one person can make a country a powerful country, Mengzhang and Jinbing are the existence of this level.

I'm not too sure whether they are obedient to me (Yue) (Ye) as the chairman said, but at least they are really obedient now. Before he knew it, he had already become a great big shot.

And more than that.

"Are Lin Guang and Ziming as strong as them?"

Although I have heard this kind of words many times, and the chairman just said that Lin Guang and Ziming have the strength no less than ten jades in the cradle, but it still makes people feel amazed.

After all, the current Cradle Ten Jade has been called the strongest generation in history, but it is unbelievable that there are still students who can match them in the Cradle Academy.

Is this era going crazy?

"That's not quite right."


Gu Mingyue said something that surprised me.

"Lin Guang is similar to Meng Zhang and Jin Bing, but for Zi Ming, it's a different story."

"... Is purple tea special?"

"Under certain circumstances, Ziming's strength may surpass that of the Emerald God, so it cannot be judged by the usual situation-I won't say too much about this, after all, fighting is a matter of appearance, and it also depends on The specific situation does not mean that if you are strong, you will definitely win, otherwise there will be no trials."

So that's the case, in the final analysis, one sentence is - I don't understand at all.

Forget it, it doesn't matter if you understand it or not, anyway, as long as you know Mengzhang and the others are very strong.

"So as long as Mengzhang and the others don't participate in the battle, can they be allowed to make a result?"

"Not at all."

Gu Mingyue shook her finger.

"You have also seen that even if there are no Mengzhang four people, if these people just let go of the fight, it will be a conflict of the scale of war that can affect the entire Cradle Academy. Although there will be people to prevent the aftermath of the war from spreading, it is inevitable. Will there be any omissions, so we still need to stop it."

"I can't understand what you're talking about."

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