I said before that there is no need to stop it, but now I say I should stop it. I let you say everything, so what do you want me to say?

"What's so hard to understand?"

Gu Mingyue laughed softly.

"The so-called cradle game, isn't that what it is for?"

Chapter 11 Don't fight anymore!We both have spies! ! !

Ever since, things have become like this.

I (Yue) sat upright on the chair brought by Lin Guang, and all the people in the Rose Garden gathered behind me (Yue), facing each other in awe-inspiring manner with me (Yue) who was also sitting on the chair opposite me (Ye) and the people in the Rose Garden standing behind me (Ye).

And I (month) and I (night) looked at each other blankly.

It's been an eventful time.

First there was the Cradle Game Contest, then there was an all-out battle between Lilith and Shengbailian, and then there was going to be a canvassing for Shentiandi, and now there was a Cradle Game match between me and myself.

Yes, that's right, it's between me (month) and myself (night).

After all, the conflict between Rose Garden and Rose Garden was decided to be resolved with the cradle game.

Hehe, what a ridiculous thing in the eyes of those in the know, but I can't laugh myself.

"Then, since it involves Cradle Ten Jade, this time I, the president of the student union, will act as your notary in person."

A long table was placed between me (Yue) and me (Ye), and Gu Mingyue sat in the middle, with a smile on her face that she didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement and said:

"First of all, please determine your bets. If you win the Cradle Game in the end, what do you expect the other party to pay as the price of defeat?"



I (night) and I (month) remained expressionless and said nothing.

What do you want me (night) (month) to say?

Funny, right?


You don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and you feel so happy, right?But have you considered my feelings? !

Negotiate with yourself?

Without bragging, I can be regarded as a master negotiator. When I (Ye) was eight years old, I overwhelmed the envoys of five countries at the diplomatic table. When it comes to negotiation, I am a professional—but I negotiate with myself How can we talk about this?

Now what I (month) and I (night) are talking about is the bet that both parties want to demand from each other. The bet does not necessarily need to be equal, but must be agreed by both parties.

In fact, this negotiation is very simple.

If I were to talk to anyone, I'd be at ease - but when it comes to myself alone, I don't know how to talk.

What do I (night) want from me (month)?

What do I (month) want from me (night)?

——Whatever I want to get, do I need such a thing as a cradle game?

ah?do i need it

At this moment, I (Yue) and I (Ye) couldn't help but fix our eyes on Gu Mingyue, the vixen who knew everything but just wanted to see a joke, and the expressionless face finally began to take on a murderous look. .

Although this is the trouble I caused myself, but I don't know why, why do I want to kill her first at this time?

Faced with the double murderous intent of me (Yue) and me (Ye), Gu Mingyue did not change her face: "Let's let Xuemei Yue talk first, Xuemei Yue, if Rose Garden wins the cradle game, you hope Rose Garden will pay what?"


I (Yue) was silent for a while, and then I turned my head to look at the row of ten-color roses standing behind me, and sighed weakly.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

Apart from asking others, I can't think of what I should ask myself.

Fortunately, everyone else seems to have a clear goal.

"Of course, people from the Rose Garden will stay away from us when they encounter us in the Rose Garden in the future, and they are not allowed to fight against us again."

"I think it's better to just disband this rose garden."

"For them to meet Master Yue in the future, they must salute respectfully."

"Take their activity building and let them donate all the activity funds to us in the future."

"—Wait a minute!!"

A group of ten-colored roses spoke one after another, but Jin Bing suddenly stopped everyone, and looked seriously at Mengzhang who was standing behind me (Ye).

"Hey, stupid snake, is that thing still in your hand?"

Mengzhang's expression was flat: "A stupid cat is a stupid cat, can't you speak clearly? How do I know what you are talking about?"

"This shows that you are a stupid snake, can't you understand such simple words? Of course, what I'm talking about is the most lacking thing for Mr. Yue."

Mengzhang raised his eyebrows, glanced at me (Yue), then slowly raised his right hand and pointed forward.

In an instant, a crystal scepter about one meter long appeared in front of her index finger out of thin air without sound or waves.

The scepter is constantly flowing with colorful light, which is inconceivably beautiful.

At this moment, I (month) fell in love at first sight.

This is too pretty, isn't it?

"It's really good that you still keep it, then we don't need any other price, as long as you don't insult Master Yue with words, and you must respect Master Yue with these two conditions—Master Yue, do you think this is okay? "

Jin Bing seemed to be able to calm down finally by my (Yue) side, lowered his head, and although his face was very red, he still whispered in my (Yue) ear:

"Master Yue, you don't have any good staff yet, and the Scepter of the Green King can be used as Master Yue's staff temporarily, and it can barely be regarded as qualified. After all, there is no better choice now--but Master Yue Please rest assured, this Qingwang scepter is only temporarily used to transition to Lord Yue, and I will definitely find a better staff for Lord Yue in the future."

………… What should I say at this time?

I used to think that I (Yue) didn't have any love debts here, but now I look at it, isn't this a love debt?

And it's full of love debts!

Are these people really all thinking of me wholeheartedly?

A bit too heavy, right?

I really want to run away!

After all, although it is not likely that I will have any psychological burden like Lafayette and Lotte, but if it accumulates like this, it will become a burden one day, right?

This is not something that can be pushed away by saying "Anyway, they did it voluntarily, and I didn't let them do it."

Is there any way to give them something in return?In this way, I can also reduce the psychological burden.

While thinking this way, I (Yue) also nodded: "Then this is it."

It seems that it is not easy to ask for others.

After all, in the current situation, no one would be convinced even if they wanted to make some insignificant bets, right?

And I have to say, I really like the crystal scepter, if possible... um, I want it.

Anyway, things have developed to this point, there is no point in hypocrisy, liking is liking.

Of course, the crux of the problem now is not this, but what should I do when the Cradle Game Contest starts?

Can I (month) and I (night) not participate in the competition?

After all, think about it, I (month) and I (night) belong to two cradle teams respectively... How do we fight?

"Very good, the Rose Garden side has already offered conditions, so Junior Ye, what conditions does the Rose Garden side have?"

Hearing such a question, I (Ye)...Of course I could only sigh and then look back at the ten girls in the row behind me, Ten Color Rose: "You guys make terms, I don't know what you want."

The others didn't speak, but Mengzhang looked at Jin Bing, and said calmly: "I've already taken out the Qingwang scepter, why don't you take that out?"

"Hmph, I knew you would miss it."

Jin Bing curled her lips in disdain, then waved her slender hand, and a silver-white necklace suddenly appeared.

Hanging from the necklace is a pair of small silvery white wings.

"Qingwang Tianyi. Take it away if you have the ability."

Mengzhang nodded.

"The conditions are the same. If we win, then we will have Qingwang Tianyi. Besides, you are not allowed to insult Lord Ye with words in the future, and you must be respectful to Lord Ye."

Saying so, Mengzhang also looked down at me (Ye).

"Master Ye, the Azure King Tianyi can give you the ability to walk on the ground in the sky. It is the most suitable item for you now, and the ability of the Azure King Tianyi is far more than that. It must be of great help to Master Ye."

Faced with such words, I (Ye) can only nod my head: "That's how it is."

No matter what, in short, hurry up and end this embarrassing scene for me.

"Very well, it seems that you have reached a consensus, so I don't need to ask you whether you agree with the other party's conditions."

Gu Mingyue smiled and nodded, then stood up and announced loudly:

"Now, I announce that three days later, the cradle game between Rose Garden and Rose Garden will officially begin. Please prepare yourselves and submit candidates for the battle within three days."

That's it, the inexplicable battle between me and myself began here.

The theme of this cradle game is, there are spies on both sides of the battle, what should we do?

Chapter 12 Master Yue's mood is the most important thing

"Master Yue, according to the regulations, Lin Guang and I will not be able to participate this time, so I can only trouble you to lead the cradle team in Rose Garden yourself."

This is what Jin Bing said, and the reason for her saying this is very simple, that is, if Ziming is allowed to participate, the Rose Garden will definitely lose. After all, Princess Alice did not join the Rose Garden, so if Ziming is allowed to participate, it is obviously impossible for Rose Garden to agree to play the Cradle Game.

But if only purple tea is restricted from participating, it would be too unfair to Rose Garden.

Therefore, under Gu Mingyue's decision, all the Four Saints teams are prohibited from participating in this Cradle Game.

In this way, I (Yue), who has shown great strength in the Cradle Game Competition, has become the biggest support of Rose Garden. It is obviously the best choice for me (Yue) to lead the team in person.

After all, on the other side, there is also me (Ye), who also showed great strength in the Cradle Game Contest and is equally glorious.

——In fact, I (Yue) can guarantee that I (Yue), who is so beautiful on the opposite side, will not fight with me (Yue).

Although I want to say this, but if they say "Master Yue, don't be deceived by the man's sweet words, the man's mouth, the deceiving ghost, that so-and-so night is to deceive Master Yue because of wanting to improve the odds of winning the Rose Garden Say he won’t fight!” Then I (Yue) have nothing to refute.

So I (Yue) can only keep silent and stay in this conference room in embarrassment.

Um?Why am I embarrassed, you ask me?

"Besides Mr. Yue, we still need to identify six contestants."

"If you want to confirm our contestants, let's guess the contestants on the opposite side first, and then we can select the team members to assist Mr. Yue based on the guessed list."

"Needless to say, La on the opposite side will definitely play. In the Cradle Game Competition, she has already led the team to the top 32."

"It's a pity that Lord Lin Guang can't play, otherwise she can be easily eliminated."

"Although Lord Lin Guang cannot fight, Niya can still deal with her."

"In addition to La, Anfei should also play, right?"

"No, although Anfei is very strong, she is only a first-year student after all. Not all first-year students belong to Master Yue. The gap in talent and ability is too big. I'm afraid she will only be a hindrance when she goes on stage."

"It doesn't matter who the opponent is in the defense magician, anyway, we have Mr. Yue, and we have an overwhelming advantage in this respect!"

"That's true, but the opponent's night will definitely play. Although I don't want to admit it, he is indeed very strong in the cradle game. Even Princess Alice was defeated by him in a one-on-one situation. The strength of melee combat should not be underestimated, if we don't have a way to deal with him, it may be very difficult for us to win."

"Don't worry, although he is very strong in melee combat, he also has a great disadvantage. As long as he is knocked out with a covering blow."

"In this case, let Ai Liya go, double mage lineup, all members protect Master Yue for the final blow, and Ai Liya uses barrage to wash the floor before Master Yue is ready to delay time, and it can also deal with that night."

"And there's..."

My (month) side is fidgeting, and of course, my (night) side is also fidgeting.

Listening to the two sides discussing countermeasures in my (moon) (night) ears, how can this make me not feel restless! ?

This is not even the level that Mingqi can describe, and it is basically playing chess with oneself.

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