Gu Mingyue sipped her tea, thought for a while, and then said: "It's just such a little credit, it's not enough to get this kind of information."

"How much can I get?"

"You can only get information about an artifact spirit from the dawn of dawn or an energy core from the eternal order."

"A tool spirit from the beginning of dawn plus an energy core information from the eternal order."

"No. Not enough."

"Then make another contribution."

The Emerald God did not continue to haggle over the price. After all, although from a certain point of view, the Artifact Spirit of the Beginning of Dawn and the Energy Core of Eternal Order are not worth so much, but if you already have the Beginning of Dawn and Eternal Order in your hands, it is naturally a different matter.

It can be described as priceless.

The Emerald God doesn't feel that he is at a disadvantage when he does one thing in exchange for information about the spirit of the Dawn or an energy core of eternal order.

And Gu Mingyue also approved of this transaction.

"Well then, you owe me one thing, I can give you the information first."

Gu Mingyue put down the teacup and smiled.

"About the Artifact Spirit at the Beginning of Dawn, you can go back and tell Junior Ye a word - it's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you."

The Emerald God frowned cutely, Gu Mingyue ignored the perfect cuteness, and continued to smile and said: "As for the energy core of the eternal order, you can ask Ye Xuemei to go to the Golden Crow Empire to find it."

"...This kind of information is too vague."

"Having such information is enough for Junior Ye and Xuemei Ye. Even giving you more accurate information is meaningless. You can't help them or anything."

Gu Mingyue restrained her smile and said in a serious tone.

"Jade, you have to believe in fate. It should be their nature that can't run away. Even without you, the energy cores of the eternal order still went to Ye Xuemei's hands one by one, right?"

Chapter 15 Me (Night) VS Me (Month)!Go all out! !

"I didn't expect to see the club battle during the Cradle Game Contest."

"Who said it wasn't."

"Rose Garden and Rose Garden? The association established by Master Mengzhang and Master Jin Bing, but in general, it is the fan club of Ye and Yue?"

"It's still a little different from the fan club. The people in these two clubs are even more fanatical. The selection criteria alone are unbelievably strict. Those who can join the club are basically irrational...Licking dogs."

"Lick the's true."

"Although I also like Yue Xuemei very much, but it has not reached that level."

"That's why your application for joining the group was not approved."

That night, after the first round of the knockout round of the Cradle Game Contest, the audience did not disperse, but remained in the auditorium and waited.

That's right, it is waiting for the Cradle Game community battle of Rose Garden VS Rose Garden.

In the past three days, the conflict between Rose Garden and Rose Garden has spread throughout the school, causing a huge commotion.

Through the Cradle Game Contest, Ye and Yue have now received a lot of attention, and the two clubs that gather around the two are established by Cradle Ten Jade, which can be said to be directly full of topics.

For a while, the cradle game of the two clubs even overwhelmed the limelight of the cradle game competition. None of the audience left, and all of them were waiting for the start of this unexpected cradle game. This is the best proof.

The representatives of the Cradle Team of the two clubs also entered the arena at this time.

On the left is the Rose Garden, with seven participants.

forward: night

Forward: pull

Forward: Zhang Xin

Forward: Minnie

Forward: Yaya Borodo

Forward: Li Luoxian

Defender: Anfei

On the right is the Garden of Roses, with seven participants.

Defender: Month

Defender: Alea

Defender: Sisina

Shield Guard: Niya

Shield Guard: Zuo Mantian

Forward: Xu Changqing

Forward: Ye Qingkong

"Judging from the names of the skills carried by the two teams, it seems that there is no perception-based skill?"

Looking at the skill choices of both sides, a girl seemed a little surprised—although the effect of the skill could not be seen, the effect of most of the skills could be judged from the name, so it was normal for a girl to be surprised.

However, the boy next to him took it for granted: "Of course, with the first-year Yue Xuemei here, it is doomed that this is a game that must start a team battle. It is not a tentative attack, but a full-scale war. In this case, you only need to open the small map. Carrying perception skills is just a waste of skill bars."

"Even so, the skills they carry are too weird. Judging from the type of skills, Rose Garden seems to be a lineup of six forwards and one defender. Rose Garden is a little better, but it is still very strange. It is a lineup of two forwards, two shields and three defenders."

"Indeed, I don't know what their countermeasures are."

While the people in the auditorium were discussing, the game had already officially started. Then, almost at the same time, at the moment when the cradle game officially started, Ye and Yue opened the small map at the same time, and determined the positions and distances of the enemy and their own.

Seeing that the opposite side had already started to attack us, I (Yue) said softly: "You guys go up."

"Yes, Master Yue."

It didn't mean to wait in place, nor did it mean to seize the time to upgrade yourself one or two levels first. Except for me (Yue), all six members of the Rose Garden were dispatched and directly took the initiative to meet the opposite side.

Only me (month) started my upgrade journey.

"The opposite side separated? Except for that month, everyone else greeted us head-on."

Ra raised an eyebrow.

"Master Ye, they may be trying to delay time with six people, and give Yue the time to upgrade and use the long text chanting magic."

"...Then what do you think we should do?"

"Of course we have to act separately, and all of them." La said confidently: "The other side thought very well, but it undoubtedly revealed the biggest flaw. As long as the seven of us disperse in twos and Mr. Ye is alone, then Mr. Ye is bound to be able to break through the defense line. Since Yue on the opposite side is carrying the long text chant magic, it means that she has no combat power at all when she is alone, and Mr. Ye can definitely solve it easily. As long as Yue is dealt with, then the Rose Garden will not be feared at all."


I (Ye) muttered in my heart that I am a tool person, I am a tool person, I am a tool person... After talking about it for a while, I resisted the impulse, and said calmly:

"Well, let's do it then."

"The opposite side really dispersed their actions."

The corners of Niya's mouth curled up slightly.

"Xu Changqing, you and Aileya are going to intercept Ye, Zuo Mantian, you and Sisina are going to intercept Yaya and Li Luoxian, and Ye Qingkong and I are going to intercept La and Anfei. Action."

No one responded, but everyone dispersed according to the instructions.

That's how it was. Unexpectedly by Rose Garden, Rose Garden didn't immediately return to Yue's side, but it wasn't Ye who was alone, but Minnie and Zhang Xin who were let go.

Of course, I (Ye) was not surprised by this. Obviously, in my mind, la...she probably doesn't have this thing.

Even if I (Yue) didn’t spy on me (Ye), I’m confident that I (Ye) will be able to detect something wrong and guess what’s wrong with me (Ye) if something is so obvious, but besides me (Ye) besides me ( There were six other people besides Ye Ye, and none of them noticed that something was wrong.

What about the brain?Throw it all away?Or are they counting on me (Ye) to advise them?

...It seems that it is not impossible.

Think about it carefully, if it is a normal situation, this is indeed what I (Ye) should be planning and responding to!

They believed in my (Ye) judgment, and felt that since I thought there was no problem, it seemed possible that there should be no problem, right?

So it's my (night's) fault?

——What can I do! ?

——What exactly do you want me to do! ?

When I (Ye) was roaring in my heart, the voice of La came into my mind, which was the voice from the teammate channel.

"Master Ye, is there something wrong? Isn't the best way to deal with the Rose Garden now is to return to defense?"

Sure enough, Ra did not seem to be completely out of his wits.

I (Ye) took a deep breath to calm myself down.

Even if I'm a tool man, I (Ye) should do my best. Now the Rose Garden is a simple plan that can be guessed regardless of whether there are spies or not. In the case of asking, I should give Correct reminder.

"This is a trap. I'm afraid Yue isn't carrying Changwen Chanting magic. If Zhang Xin and Minnie continue to attack Yue, they will definitely be eliminated by Yue directly."

"Then what should we do? Master Ye?"

"All turn around and gather towards me. First, we will eliminate all the other members of the Rose Garden one by one. At that time, only Yue will be left. No matter how powerful her magic is, she will not be able to win."

On the mini-map, the constant changes in the action routes of the players on both sides have always been noticed by both sides. Of course, the Rose Garden has also seen the actions of the Rose Garden.

"Master Yue, the other side seems to have noticed our plan, and now they are all gathering in the direction of that night, and the night is still advancing rapidly towards your location. What should we do now? If you don't stop it, Master Yue will probably It was attacked by seven people, but if we stop it, we will have six people against seven people, and I am afraid there is no chance of winning."

"Don't worry." I (Yue) said calmly: "Give up on stopping now, and quickly spread out to find monsters to upgrade and equip."

"Huh? Is this okay, Master Yue?"

"Don't worry, I've already started to give up looking for monsters and retreated in the opposite direction. Judging from the distance and speed, if they dare to continue chasing me, they're going to kill themselves, because even if they can eliminate me in the end, it's just a way for one person to level up. As long as you can level up a few more levels and get some good equipment during this period, even six-on-seven can crush them to death—come on, and at the same time, be prepared to run away immediately if the opponent wants to take a group. Don't let your guard down before the duration of the minimap ends."

"Yes, Master Yue."

"...It seems to be a bad time, Mr. Ye."

Anfei said in a surprised tone:

"The opponent completely gave up on the team battle. That Yue was running away, and the rest of the team dispersed to take advantage of the opportunity to fight monsters and upgrade. The distance between us and Yue is too far. Even if we surround her, we may not be able to catch her in a short time."

"...Give up, disperse all, and go to fight monsters and upgrade individually."

"That's the only way to go." La said with some regret: "If I knew it earlier, I might as well bring a perception-based skill. In this case, we will have an absolute advantage when the duration of the mini-map is up."

"It can't be helped. Who would have thought that it would become like this at the beginning. Anyway, just keep going, we will win."

"Yes, Master Ye."

At this time, I seem to have found a little trick that can split my thinking.

When my (night) side is thinking, I forget everything that I (month) side knows, and when my (month) side is thinking, I also forget everything that I (night) side has experienced. In this way, I can normally only think from a single angle.

Although it seems unimaginably difficult to say, it is surprisingly simple to do. This is the first time I have done this kind of thing, but I didn't expect it to be really successful.

In this case, it is not impossible to play a dozen normally in this cradle game.

For a while, I (Ye) couldn't help laughing.

I (month) also couldn't help laughing.

"It's just fine."

"This kind of opportunity is rare."

"Then let's compare."


"Me and me,"

"Who is stronger!" ! ! ""

Chapter 16 The 0.1-second Victory

After spreading out, it took me (Ye) nearly 40 seconds to find the first lowest-level LV.1 monster that could break the defense and knock it down, and then it took me another [-] seconds to find the second one The lowest level of monsters.

The equipment dropped by the first monster is a staff, which is useless to me (Ye), so I traded it to An Fei, while the second monster dropped a green steel sword, which can break through the defense of higher-level monsters up.

At the same time, I (Ye) who defeated the two lowest-level monsters also happened to be promoted to LV.2.

Immediately afterwards, without pausing, I (Ye) turned around and ran towards the location of a certain LV2 monster I remembered before.

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