If you continue to fight only LV.1 monsters, you need to defeat three to upgrade to LV.3, but if you fight all LV.2 monsters, you only need two, so naturally you have to pick LV.2 monsters to fight.

Not to mention, the more advanced the monster is, the more likely it is to drop the more advanced equipment and props, which is also the common sense of the cradle game.

Low-level monsters also have the possibility of dropping high-level equipment and props, but it is very low, but high-level monsters have absolutely no possibility of dropping low-level equipment and props. This difference in rules determines that in the cradle game, as the level increases, the correct choice must be to pursue higher and higher monsters—unless you are a peerless European emperor.

In short, the time passed quickly. With 30 seconds left before the end of the small map, I (Ye) rose to LV.3, and the four skill points I got were points to Emerald to teach me (Ye) His agility skill is above "Super Speed".

"Speed ​​LV.5"

—— Consumes 500 mana per second, individual ability value AGI+500%

In the cradle game, this skill has replaced "magic power enhancement" and has become my (Ye) new favorite.

There is no way, the magic power enhancement has been cut too severely in the cradle game, it is better to use the speed of the gods.

Anyway, for me (Ye), as long as the weapon is sharp enough to break through the enemy's defense, then the rest is enough as long as the speed is fast, and other ability values ​​​​are meaningless in the cradle game.

Of course, I (Ye) will not ignore the skills that can increase the sharpness of weapons, but... there is really no skill column.

It would be nice to get a prop that increases the skill bar.

Forget it, this is not important for the time being, anyway, the opponents to face now only rely on the sharpness of their weapons.

At this time, ten seconds before the end of the mini-map, I (Ye) instantly aimed at a target and spoke through the teammate channel.

"All pay attention to the small map. The moment the small map ends, all members of the team will rush to where Elena is with all their strength—if you are lucky, you may be able to solve an enemy."

"Yes, Master Ye."











"All action!" ! ! ""

These unanimous words resounded at two different positions on the playing field at the same time.

One is night.

The other one is the month.

It was the moment the mini-map ended, and Yue leaped in a certain direction.

That direction...is not where Alea is.

"Eleia stay put and don't move. No matter which direction you move now, you will encounter the opponent. So stand still and get ready to use magic. After 33 seconds, you will use the magic. You don't need to aim, and you will cover the strike within a radius of 700 meters."

"Everyone else surrounds Elena and prepare for a team battle. Your opponent will be everyone except Daye."

"Sisina, slow down your running speed by one-tenth of a second, and be prepared to deal with Ye's attack. Your position is a flaw that I deliberately exposed. Ye will definitely target you to attack, and when Ye attacks you, you have to buy me one-tenth of a second—as long as you can win one-tenth of a second, we will win this game."

After saying this, Yue didn't say any more, but began to chant magic while running at full speed.

No, not right.

This is not a simple magic chant.

It's... the chant of forbidden magic.

"Don't follow the schemes of the wicked, the right way is bright. Don't stand in the way of sinners, walk on the right way. Don't sit in the seat of idlers, I will work hard myself."

"Only the light is above, and the darkness will not be seen between the heaven and the earth."

"Only in the light, there will be no more sinful fall in hell."

"Only the light is above, and the world will make the idler disappear forever."

"God, I am here to ask the light to bless the world, and I am willing to make seven vows for this."

"If the light comes to this world, I will never be lazy again."

"If light comes to this world, I will stay away from lust."

"If the light comes to this world, I will be diligent and frugal."

"If light comes to this world, I will be humble to others."

"If the light comes to this world, I will never be angry."

"If light comes to this world, I will be generous all my life."

"If light comes to this world, I will be merciful and tolerant."

"God, if you are willing to obey this oath and have mercy on the world, please let there be no more darkness in the world!!!"

——That is to say, while Yue was running and chanting the forbidden magic "Light and Oneness", Ye was also running.

Of course, he didn't rush to the place where he asked all the Rose Garden team members to rush to Aileya, but to a certain location that Sisina would definitely pass by when she ran straight to Alea in his calculation.

Ye calculated the speed and distance between the two sides, as long as Sisina ran towards Elena at full speed, then he would meet the other party exactly at that position.

"If it were me (Yue), I would definitely bet that Sisina could hold me (Ye) by one-tenth of a second, because that is a companion, right? It is natural to believe that a companion can respond to one's expectations—but unfortunately, that is my (Yue) companion, not my (Night) companion."

As Ye Ye said so, he couldn't help laughing excitedly at the corner of his mouth.

"On my (Ye) side, of course I bet that she can't hold me (Ye) for a tenth of a second. There is nothing wrong with believing in your companions, but sometimes you have to believe in yourself, right? I (Yue)."

In the process of thinking, Ye has truly forgotten Yue's memory, just as Yue also forgot Ye's memory in the process of thinking.

However, even if the memory is forgotten, the thinking of night and moon is still the same, so when thinking, night can still deduce what countermeasures he will take when thinking as moon, and moon can also infer that he is thinking as night. What countermeasures will be taken.

However, even if they can guess each other's countermeasures, at this moment, the difference in positions still creates a difference in thinking between Ye and Yue.

When thinking as Yue, Yue chose to trust her companions.

When thinking as Ye, Ye chose to trust herself.

And it is this difference in thinking that will also lead to one thing.

That is, the outcome is about to be decided.

Whether it is Yue Huisheng who trusted his companion, or Ye Huisheng who trusted himself, everything,

All will be decided within 0.1 seconds.

Chapter 17 Lost?

One thing worth explaining is that Yue has now learned a total of two forbidden spells.

After learning the first forbidden spell "Blowing of Hades", Yue's teacher Ke Lunya once said that when the proficiency of the forbidden spell "Blowing of Hades" reaches [-]%, Yue can use it freely At that time, she can go to Ke Lunya to learn the second forbidden spell.

This is a very difficult thing, if you want to ask how difficult it is... Lilith Great World is recognized as the strongest magician Mia Sage who has only mastered hundreds of forbidden spells for more than 1000 million years .

And this is because she is talented enough and lucky enough, other magicians may not be able to master double-digit forbidden spells for tens of millions of years.

Generally speaking, one kind of forbidden spell is enough to feed a magician for 1000 million years.

After all, it is the power of the true god level, and it is simply a dream to master it easily.

In other words, after Ke Lunya said that kind of thing, he might not have expected Yue to see him as a master again during his stay at Cradle Academy-of course it was not the case.

Yue's exclusive skill "Wanfa" has a uniqueness that even Yue himself can't imagine, but many people with high vision can see its truly terrifying speciality.

Kelunya is one of them.

He believed that Yue's speed of improving his proficiency in forbidden spell magic must be far beyond the imagination of other magicians.

And it is.

You know, Yue has never used skill points in magic, but the level of her various magic skills is still increasing rapidly, even if she has never used magic once, it will also automatically increase with the passage of time. Raising the level, all this is enough to show how foul it is to learn and practice last month's exclusive skills in magic.

As for forbidden spell magic, Yue's exclusive skills...showed a more foul specificity.

Generally speaking, forbidden curse magic needs 100% proficiency to truly show the power no less than power. There is no way to follow" that kind of existence.

Gain life, gain consciousness, and become an existence similar to the true god.

Or it can be said the other way around, only by allowing forbidden spell magic to gain consciousness and gain life can the proficiency reach [-]%.

It is also in this way that 100% imitation can be used to steal the power of power.

However, Yuecai had just increased the proficiency of the forbidden spell "Blowing of Hades" to 10%, and she was shocked to find that her forbidden spell had fully demonstrated its power.

Forbidden spell magic did not give birth to consciousness and turned into life, but Yue still controlled the real power of power.

Even if the proficiency is increased, the power of the skill will not increase, but will only expand the scope of effect.

There is no need to chant, the free use of forbidden spell magic like the power of the true god, the power effect is not weaker than the power of the true god, but limited by the magic power and the attack range is limited - this is naturally not comparable to the infinite true god.

After all, no matter how much magic power there is, it is limited power after all. In this regard, last month did not expect to be comparable to the true god.

— but enough.

Being able to freely use the power of authority has really increased her current strength a lot for Yue. Although her personal ability value limits the display of power, it is still not enough to increase the ability value of one hundred million. On the same level - the ability value improvement of more than ten million is another matter.

In short, what must be said, the current Yue is really equivalent to no matter how strong humans are facing, or even gods, relying on the forbidden magic of "Blowing of Hades" can have a slight chance of winning.

Don't underestimate this, from zero odds to even one in a billion, that's an epic breakthrough!

And more importantly, after mastering one forbidden spell, Yue can also learn the second forbidden spell.

Since he has mastered forbidden spells so fast, doesn't it mean that he may even master more forbidden spells than Miya Sage in the future?

Although it's a bit far away, and even a little wishful thinking, but only theoretically, it seems that I do have a slight possibility of surpassing Miya Sage and becoming the world's strongest magician.

——Even if it’s just a possibility, it’s amazing!

It was with this excitement and anticipation that Yue went to see his master Ke Lunya, and showed Teacher Ke Lunya the forbidden curse magic he had mastered, and then successfully obtained the second one under the exclamation of Teacher Ke Lunya. Forbidden magic—well, Mr. Kelunya didn't seem to expect Yue's exclusive skills to be even more perverted than he imagined.

What the hell is it that you can fully master forbidden magic with only [-]% proficiency? ! !

Ahem, in short, Yue got the second forbidden magic, and just happened to carry this forbidden magic in this cradle game.

"The only light"

——Purification with light, so that there is no darkness in the world

——Everything will be purified in the light except itself

It is this forbidden magic that Yue carries.

In terms of attack range, this magic is far inferior to the anti-army and anti-city long text chanting magic, there is no way to directly clear the whole map, but the opponent is Ye, so the whole map clearing itself is meaningless, but it will only let yourself be [ Emerald God]'s anti-injury was eliminated.

[Emerald God] is a skill that has stepped into the realm of gods. Although the principle is not yet known, because it is neither a forbidden spell nor a supernatural power, but it does have a power that is no less than power to a certain extent—just like the skill [Wall of Mind] given to Yue by the president.

In other words, just like exclusive skills.

In short, with [Emerald God] present, using some random magic attacks will only lead to bad results.

However, "Bright Only" is different.

This is not because "The Only Light" is a forbidden spell with the same level of power as the "Emerald God", so it is not afraid of the "Emerald God"-if this is the case, then the moon might as well carry the breath of the underworld, after all, Compared with Guangming Yi, whose proficiency is only 0.2%, the breath of Hades doesn't even need to be chanted.

Therefore, the reason why the "Only Light" is carried instead of "Blowing of Hades" is purely because the power of "Only Bright" will not harm the user himself.

[Emerald God] has a flaw in its effect, that is, [Emerald God] only returns the enemy's attack within one second to the enemy to bear, instead of reflecting the damage it suffers within one second to the enemy itself - of course, this flaw is also an advantage in some cases.

But at least for now, Yue can address this defect and kill Ye with "the only light".

——As long as it can hit.

Even if Ye can use [Emerald God] to survive for a second, one second is not enough to get him out of the attack range of "Bright Only", unless he can activate it in advance and leave the center in the moment before the attack, so that he can escape from the attack range within one second of the duration of [Emerald God] and escape.

Yes, that's what happened.

As long as Sisina can delay Ye by 0.1 second, Ye will be eliminated by Yue together with Sisina.

And as long as there is no night—the rest of the moon can be killed indiscriminately.

At this time, Night and Moon are completely foul in the cradle game.

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