It is not without reason that the two people in Rose Garden went to find the lonely Yue Ye to be deemed as mortal.

In fact, Ye also had confidence that he could deal with two or three people casually, and it might not be impossible for one person to KO the entire enemy like Princess Alice.

Of course, if you are facing a shield guard with super high defense and strong protection power, then Ye may have no choice. For example, if there is Melty on the opposite side, Ye can only surrender and admit defeat.

——But the month is different.

If it is said to be a random killing, it is a random killing. Once the threat of Ye is gone, everyone in Rose Garden will be a mess in front of Yue.

What's more, even if it's Ye, if she can get rid of Sisina and escape from Yue's forbidden spell, then Ye can quickly deal with Yue who has no magic power at close range, and then with the help of her teammates , he can also kill indiscriminately.

Therefore, there is no doubt that the victory or defeat is in an instant.

Yes, at the moment when Ye and Sisina collided head-on.

At this moment, Yue was already standing on top of the high-rise building, watching the rapidly closing distance between the two sides, the forbidden curse magic was ready to be launched, and the light would bloom directly when the two approached.

Then, the rest depends on whether Sisina can hold Ye for 0.1 second at that moment.

If it can, the night will be eliminated, and the rose garden will be victorious.

No, Yue and Sisina will be eliminated, and Rose Garden will win.

Of course, if Ye didn't choose to close up and kill Sisina at this time, but turned around and ran away, then Yue would also immediately release the use of forbidden spells. Freedom of possibility.

Therefore, the night can only continue to move forward.

——At the same time, Sisina also made preparations.

She didn't know what the key to victory or defeat was, and she didn't know why Master Yue asked her to delay the night for 0.1 second, but it didn't matter even if she didn't know, since Master Yue ordered so, then she had to do it.

Live up to Lord Yue's expectations?

This kind of thing will never be allowed.

Therefore, looking at Ye Na's figure running towards her from afar, Sisina's eyes were firm.

Ye's speed was very fast, as fast as Sisina's. Even though Sisina was already running at the highest speed at this time, she still couldn't be faster than Ye's speed.

In fact, even after going through three trials and boosting his talent value twice because of Lotte and the Beginning of Dawn, Ye himself's talent value is too low, and he still only has an AGI of 320.

Compared with Sisina, whose AGI is as high as 1920 after five trials, it can be said to be far behind.

Also as LV.3, Ye's AGI is now 960, while Sisina's AGI is 5760, a full 6 times difference.

However, in the cradle game, there are also skills that need to be considered.

Sisina didn't carry the speed-increasing skill, but Ye now possessed a speed LV. 5. The AGI was directly increased by six times, as high as 5760. There was no doubt that she had completely caught up with Sisina in terms of speed.

This is just a competition for the highest speed. Once the melee combat starts, with Ye's exclusive skill "Extreme Speed", Sisina will definitely be killed in an instant without even being able to react.

Delay for 0.1 seconds?

If you are a shield guard, it is still possible, but unfortunately, Sisina is a guard profession that is most restrained by forwards, and the possibility of success is very slim.

——Even so, Sisina still doesn't intend to disappoint Master Yue.

"Gorgon Shield LV.3"

——Consume up to 60000 mana, use the Gorgon Shield to resist everything, and explode after successfully resisting the attack, causing pure magic damage to the enemy

My current magic power is 115200, which is enough to fully use the Gorgon Shield once - but there is no need to fully use it.

That night's strength lies in speed and mobility. In melee combat, as long as the weapon is sharp enough, he is indeed invincible. He even defeated Princess Alice, who is known as the invincible one-on-one in one-on-one battle-but he is not Princess Alice after all.

The attack power can basically only rely on weapons, and the defense power is even more fragile.

Ye is strong, but his flaws are also great.

It doesn't take sixty thousand mana, just one thousand, no, five hundred mana for the Gorgon Shield to kill him when it explodes.

Facing the shield of Gorgon, Ye could not break through forcefully, but could only choose to avoid it.

That being the case, then - the first purple energy shield suddenly condensed in Ye's direction.

Ye's expression remained unchanged, he turned to the right without any slowdown or pause, and passed the shield.

At once!yes!exist!this!one!instant!between!

Behind Ye, energy shields condensed out in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, two hundred Gorgon shields surrounded Ye and Sisina.

If it's just this, of course it won't work, because once Sisina dies, these energy shields will disappear instantly and will not cause any hindrance to Ye.

However, what if in the area centered on Sisina, there are also thirty energy shields surrounding her, and just separating Sisina from Ye?

Ye's pupils couldn't help shrinking slightly.

He couldn't jump into the air to get out of trouble, because although "Extreme Speed" ignored the laws of physics, it was also based on Ye's basic athletic ability.

Ye can't fly, nor can he have any skills or techniques that can move in the air. He can't move freely in the air, so once he jumps into the air, the "extreme speed" will not work, but must have Only the foothold can make the "extreme speed" effective.

Otherwise, it wouldn't have been so miserable when he fell into the abyss with Xue'er in his arms.

In other words, at this moment, Ye was really trapped.

Sisina wanted to use this to trap Ye for 0.1 second.

And it was at this moment that Yue used the "Bright One" and at the same time...

Regret sigh.

"I lost."

Chapter 18 Lost

Yes, Light judged himself a loser.

At this moment, although she threw out the forbidden magic "Bright One", she did judge her own defeat.

In this match between me (month) and me (night), the winner has already been decided.

The reason is simple, Sisina made the wrong choice.

At this moment, Ye's footsteps did not stop at all, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the circle of Gorgon shields protecting Sisina, and slashed across with his sword without stopping.


The Gorgon's shield was instantly destroyed and exploded at the same time, and the magic power flooded Ye in an instant - negatively, it completely flooded Sisina's body.

The skill [Emerald God] that can last for one second was directly used at this moment, and the magic explosion was all counterattacked on Sisina.

Sisina leaned back.

Sisina, who also has a high VIT, did not die, but she has already realized her mistake.

The figure of Ye Na who was close at hand was already reflected in the eyes.

After only 0.01 seconds, he will be killed by a sword, eliminated, and will live up to Master Yue's expectations, resulting in the loss of the Rose Garden - Sisina has already realized this ending.

but!yes---! ! !

No one knew, but in this 0.01 second moment, Sisina decided to say a word that could change the ending and restore the defeat. She must never disappoint Master Yue's expectations.

Her eyes were extremely firm, and her heart was full of determination. Looking at the cold face with a slight smile in front of her, Sisina opened her mouth consciously.

Her voice instantly resounded in the minds of everyone in the game field through the audience channel, and spread throughout the auditorium at the same time.

"Master Ye, I love you."


Ye was stunned for a moment.

This moment, as long as 0.1 seconds.

In the next instant, Ye's face changed drastically, and he killed Sisina with a sword and ran away quickly.

However, it was already too late, the world was filled with light, as if it were boundless, and with only 0.9 seconds left in the duration of [Emerald God], Ye was left in the light forever by one step, completely purified, and disappeared without a trace.

The light dissipated, and only Yue was left on the scene.

The losing outcome was reversed—but there was no joy on Yue's face.

How could it be possible to be happy! ?

After I (Ye) was eliminated, I didn't need to maintain the state of thinking of forgetting each other's memories, so now I have a good experience of being NTR'd by me (Ye) and NTR'd by me (Month) ) wonderful experience.

This has nothing to do with my (Yue) personal feelings, it’s purely because I (Yue) was NTRed by me (Yue) in the eyes of others, right?

It’s true that I (month) let you hold me (night) back for 0.1 second, but your method of holding me (night) is too explosive, right? !

"Heh heh heh heh, don't take what I just said seriously, it's just a strategy, a strategy."

In the knockout zone, Sisina distanced herself from me (Ye) directly, sneering triumphantly.

"It's the fool who deserves it! I love you? How is that possible! In this world, only the moon is my eternal bright moon!"

I (Ye) looked at her expressionlessly, and then suddenly sneered: "Heh, heh, heh, guess what kind of mood your Lord Yue felt when your public confession made her listen? Don't worry, I Guaranteed that your master Yue will ignore you for a month."

"You, don't talk nonsense? This is just an emergency measure in a hurry, and Master Yue won't care... But if Master Yue really cares, I seem to be very happy, no, no, I don't want to make Master Yue angry... But if Master Yue cares about this kind of thing, doesn't it mean that Master Yue cares about me a little bit in his heart? No, no, how can Master Yue feel bad because of this kind of thing... But... no, no... but... no, no..."

Sisina squatted there and muttered, happy and sad for a while, completely immersed in fantasy.

As for me (Ye), I ignored her, walked to the platform on the steps, sat on the chair, closed my eyes not to watch the game live broadcast, and closed my ears, and fell into a deep sleep directly.

Although it is said that after I (Yue) was eliminated from the game, the outcome is basically determined, but there is still suspense after all, and I will not be arrogant to think that I (Yue) must win, Rose Garden is really There is no chance of winning, so it is necessary to close my (night) consciousness and not cheat through the perspective of God.

——Having said that, the ending really hasn't changed.

I (Yue) won't make any low-level mistakes. After I (Ye) was eliminated, I won the final victory steadily after I (Ye) was eliminated, leaving no chance for Rose Garden.

Well, although I (month) is me (night), but the ass decides the head, so don't blame me for being merciless.

Rose Garden VS Rose Garden battle.

Winner: Rose Court.

Chapter 19 The Green King Suit

After the cradle game ended, they all bowed their heads and stood behind me (Ye) with guilty faces.

Although the responsibility for the defeat this time should be entirely on me (Ye), it was purely because I was accidentally confused by Sisina's rhetoric, which led to the defeat-but they didn't seem to think so.

But there is no time to comfort them now, let's talk about it when we go back.

"Then, the winner will be decided, and I will prove that the winner is Rose Garden."

Gu Mingyue announced the result of the competition as a notary, and then looked at me (Ye) and Mengzhang.

"Brother Ye, junior sister Mengzhang, I would like to accept the bet."

Mengzhang handed the Qingwang scepter to me (Ye).

After I (Ye) took it, I took two steps forward and handed it to me (Yue) with my own hands.

At the same time, I (Ye) said: "From now on, Rose Garden will not be rude to you again."

I (month) nodded and stepped back into the Rose Garden Array.

"It's pretty honest."

At this time, Jin Bing suddenly spoke and threw something at me (Ye).

I (Ye) took it and took a look, and it was the bet from the Rose Garden, the Wings of the Green King.

I (Ye) couldn't help looking up at Jin Bing in surprise.

Jin Bing said coldly: "This is a consolation prize, little brother. After all, if you make you cry, Lord Yue will be unhappy."

You are so warm, I really want to cry.

While weeping, I (Ye) accepted it disrespectfully.

"Take it as a mental damage fee."

This time, because of this cradle game, I almost didn't have a schizophrenia, what's wrong with charging some mental damage fees?

This is the compensation I deserve! ! !

"Then, even if this incident has a result, I hope that the two of you will stop causing conflicts in the school. At the same time, because your matter has delayed a lot of my work, I also need to ask for some compensation."

"Is this your own business? We didn't ask you to come forward."

Gu Mingyue completely ignored my (Ye) words, and said without changing her face: "I owe this first, and for the time being, you don't need to do anything. During this time, you should work hard to become stronger."

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