One hour.

three hours.

Five hours.

There was no one in the classroom, and the sky had already darkened.

In the darkness, Xiaolu remained motionless, and so did Sakura.

I didn't go to turn on the lights, and I didn't mean to go to eat.

It was almost as if if Xiao Lu sat here until the end of time, then she would wait until the end of time too.

In any case, she seemed to want to get the answer to this question from Xiao Lu.

Gradually, before one puzzle could be answered, a second puzzle appeared in Xiaolu's heart.

Why, Sakura so persistently want to get the answer?

Do not understand.

don't know.don't know.don't know.

Don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know, don't know Don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know Don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know don't know


At a certain moment, the blond girl who had been stiff for a long time finally opened her small lips and made that small voice.

"What wish do I want to make?"

She, softly, confused, and slowly, said aloud:

"If you win the Lilith Holy Grail, then I want to make a wish—let me know the answer to this question."

Hearing such words, Sakura finally laughed happily.

said with a smile:

"Great, if that's the case, then I have another reason to have to win."


"Let's applaud and welcome the second member of the Magical Girls Team, and the captain of the Magical Girls' battlefield, the blonde girl Lu!!!"

No expression, no emotion.

Calm, as calm as a pool of stagnant water.

Xiaolu followed behind Xiaowei, and even the footsteps were so calm that she walked into the arena.

The noise in the auditorium has nothing to do with her, and the enemies facing each other have nothing to do with her.



Mana: 7200/7200

STR: 240

AGI: 240

VIT: 240

INT: 240


"Magical girl"

——INT +100%, the effect when using magic +100%


"The Virtue of Temperance"

—— Absolute sanity, will not be affected by any spiritual skills


"Restraint in words and deeds LV.1"

——Use the spirit of speech as an order to forcibly restrict the words and deeds of the designated target, making them unable to move or speak. The effect is related to the skill level and the INT gap between the enemy and the enemy

"Soul Control LV.1"

——Using the spirit of speech as an order, forcibly set an inviolable restrictive contract with the soul of the designated target, the effect is related to the skill level and the INT gap between the enemy and the enemy

"Ice Spear LV.1"

——Consume a minimum of 2000 and a maximum of 20000 mana, condense the spear of ice, penetrate and freeze the enemy's body and mind

"What kind of wish do I want to make?"

do not know.

If you want to know the answer to this question, it seems that you can only make a wish.

"In that case, let's win."

Chapter 22 I'm about to make you laugh

"so cold……"

Listening to her daughter's trembling voice, the mother had no choice but to hug her daughter even tighter in front of the fire.

Lowering her head, she gently kissed her daughter's beautiful fiery red hair, and smiled softly: "Little Lian, Dad will be back soon, and he will come back with warm fur, and he will be warm by then."

"It's been... ten days..."

"...will be back."

The ice continent.

There is no such season as spring, summer, and autumn here, and there is only cold winter here.

This is a continent that is not suitable for the survival of the human race.

However, there are indeed human races on this continent.

Not a native human race, but the descendants of sinners who were cast on this continent from another continent.

On another continent far away from the Ice Pole Continent, there used to be a country named Dolan. The death penalty was abolished in that country for a certain period of time, and its cruelest punishment was named "Ice Pole Exile". .

Once, the Kingdom of Dolan sent its navy to the sea and found the Ice Continent, a continent where the human race could hardly survive, and established a teleportation array at a certain location on this continent, but it is really difficult for the human race to explore this continent. It was too difficult and eventually had to give up.

However, later on, someone suggested that the Ice Continent could be developed through death-row prisoners, so as to obtain the unique resources of the Ice Continent. The criminals were thrown into the polar ice continent.

This situation lasted for 30 years, and then Dolan destroyed the country.

After Dolan destroyed the country, the teleportation array was directly destroyed by the later countries, and the exiled sinners were completely left on the ice continent, living from generation to generation.

Can't leave, because there are no tools and materials to build ships here.

In fact, even if they had, they didn't have the strength to go to sea at all.

As the descendants of sinners, do we have to bear the sins from generation to generation?

No one thinks about this question at all, because after surviving from generation to generation, the human race on the Ice Continent has long forgotten why they survived on this continent where it is difficult to even survive .

They just live.

Difficult, difficult, painful, but still tenaciously alive.

The human race is really a race that can adapt to the environment. No matter how difficult it is to survive, they will still be passed down from generation to generation.

Although... the danger of death is faced every day.

Also, often have to face the death of others.

including his own father.

When the news of her father's death came back to the tribe, Xiao Lian didn't even have time to grieve.

It wasn't just Xiao Lian's father who died. More than 100 adult men from the tribe who went hunting in the magic zone all died in the magic zone.

In the tribe, women are responsible for giving birth to offspring, while men are responsible for feeding women and children, allowing women to give birth to more children, and allowing more children to grow up alive.

Therefore, women do not need to go hunting. If even one woman dies, it will be a great loss to the entire tribe.

However, when more than 100 adult males all died, the entire tribe was driven into a desperate situation, and the women had to take up arms to replace the men's duties.

Xiao Lian took up the weapon instead of her mother.

Because the mother is still pregnant, she cannot be allowed to take up arms.

With this realization, Xiao Lian replaced her mother, and at the young age of only five years old, she took up the weapon.

She is qualified.

In fact, Xiao Lian has gradually realized that she is special since she was sensible.

She is born with a very magical power, that is, she can share her power with others, and she can also get the power that the other party is willing to share with herself with the consent of others.

According to my mother, I was born with an ability called a special skill.

As for what is the exclusive skill, mom can't tell, it's just a legend in the tribe.

In short, Xiao Lian has such a very special ability.

With this ability, Xiao Lian obtained the strength shared by her mother before she set out to hunt, which was most of her physical fitness.

Strength, speed, and physique, Xiao Lian acquired the physical fitness no less than that of an adult woman at the age of five, which became the guarantee for her to survive the hunt.

Of course, the more important thing is that Xiao Lian's talent far exceeds others.

It is said that as long as you keep killing monsters, you can upgrade, and everyone's physical fitness is different when upgrading.

The physical fitness that Xiao Lian improves every time he upgrades is probably higher than that of an adult man who has never been upgraded, while the physical fitness that other people improve when they upgrade is probably only Xiao Lian on average. One-fifth or even one-sixth of that.

Under such circumstances, in the constant hunting, Xiao Lian's strength improved much faster than other women. Although she was young, she quickly established prestige among the hunting team and became the hope of the tribe.

Food, fur, fuel, magic stones, Xiao Lian collected all kinds of resources for the tribe with her rapidly growing strength, and became an indispensable pillar for the tribe.

Even when encountering an invincible and powerful enemy, Xiao Lian can win the victory by gathering all the power of everyone in the tribe on himself.

As long as the collective power is shared back afterwards, there will be no problem, and it will not really take away the power of others.

The people in the tribe also trust Xiao Lian very much. When necessary, as long as Xiao Lian needs it, they will share their power with Xiao Lian, and they have never worried whether Xiao Lian will return the power to them.

Xiao Lian lives in such a huge family that although there are hardships, hardships, and pains, they will all work together selflessly and work hard to survive together.

At the age of seven, Xiao Lian became the leader of the tribe, and began to want to lead the tribe to live a warmer life.

However, this is simply a daydream.

No matter how powerful her strength becomes, even if she reaches the legendary full level, or even breaks through the full level later, and reaches the even more legendary realm of transcendence, she is still humble in the face of the cruelty of nature. If ants.

"Is there no way to make all these ice and snow disappear?"

At this time, because of her own strength, many other tribes took the initiative to join her. She has become the leader of a tribe with ten thousand people. Xiao Lian, who is ten years old, looks at the world that is always filled with ice and snow. In addition to pain, there is still pain.

"Just because of this cold, how many people will die willingly!"

Even though Xiao Lian often shared her physical fitness with those who couldn't bear the cold through her exclusive skills, she still couldn't stop people from dying under the cold wind and snow every month.

There are tens of thousands of people in the tribe, no matter how strong Xiao Lian is, he will not be able to take care of everyone.

"It would be great if... Xiao Lian, you could go to that Cradle Academy."

Hearing what her mother said, Xiao Lian turned back in doubt: "Cradle Academy? I've heard of it all the time, but where is that?"

"Mom doesn't know too well, but everyone will take an entrance exam for the so-called Cradle Academy when they are 13 years old."

Mom seemed to recall something, looking forward to it.

"During my mother's exam, I saw the legendary warm world without ice and snow for the first time. It was really very warm. Xiao Lian will also face the exam in a few years. If Xiao Lian can be admitted to the Cradle Academy, You can leave this continent, maybe you can find a way to warm this continent."

"Make the continent warm... Cradle Academy..."

Xiao Lian fell into a daze.

"Really... is there a way to warm the continent?"

--it is true.

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