--really have.

When Xiao Lian passed the entrance examination and came to Cradle Academy, she was sure that there was really a way to warm up the whole continent and save everyone in this place.

"As long as you can win the Lilith Holy Grail Championship, you can realize any wish. It's really easy to make the ice and snow continent warmer."

The girl named Sakura smiled brightly and stretched out her right hand to Xiao Lian.

"Come with us, Xiao Lian, we all have wishes that we have to realize, so let's work hard together, fight together, and win the Lilith Holy Grail Championship together!"


"The third member of the Magical Girls team, the red-haired girl Lian!! Although she has fiery red hair, it is said that she comes from a distant snow continent. Although her hair color is fiery, her soul is full of ice and snow. Let us Let's give warm cheers to this red-haired and ice-eyed magical girl!!!"



Mana: 14400/14400

STR: 480

AGI: 480

VIT: 480

INT: 480


"Magical girl"

——INT +100%, the effect when using magic +100%


"The virtue of generosity"

——Compatible with everything, inclusive of everything, your body and mind can accommodate everything


"Generosity and People LV.1"

——You can share your own attributes with others, how much you share, how much you lose, the effect is related to the skill level

"Generosity and Self LV.1"

——With the consent of the specified target, the corresponding attribute of the target can be shared, and the effect is related to the skill level

"Dragon Dance LV.1"

—— Continuously consume a minimum of 100 mana per second to turn yourself into a fire dragon. This is a dance of attack and defense

"It will make you laugh in no time."

Xiao Lian walked forward, blazing flames were burning in the ice blue pupils, as if she wanted to ignite all the people on the opposite side who were still casually chatting and laughing with each other.

"Don't use your jokes to mock our consciousness!"

Chapter 23 Missing My Sister


In the classroom after school, a cute girl with pink hair and pink eyes was yawning in a daze.

"Xiaoqian, did you hear clearly what Xiaolu just said?"

Hearing Xiaowei's dissatisfied question, Xiaoqian tilted her head in confusion: "What?"


Xiaowei sighed heavily.

"We have a very important game going on, can you be more serious?"

"I'm very, serious..."

"Then tell me what Xiaolu just said?"


Xiaowei sighed heavily again: "Listen well, Xiaowei, after the start of the cradle game, we will start a team battle, but we have to exclude Kulotti from the target, and try to avoid conflicts with Kulotti."

"In the previous qualifiers and the round of 64, you should also understand that there is a big gap in talent between us and the senior students. Whether it is my skills or the skills of Xiaolu, Xiaomei, and Xiaolian, it is difficult for the senior students to be effective. Therefore, we have to delay as much as possible to have a chance of winning-but the next round of the cradle game is very beneficial to us, because except for Kulotti, who is a fifth-year student, the rest of the Angel team are first-year students like us. There will not be much difference, in other words, the opening team battle has a great advantage for us."

"At that time, I will first purify Yue's "Wanfa" skill, so that she will not be able to use Changwen Chanting Magic and Forbidden Curse Magic. "

Xiaoqian nodded in confusion, and then asked in confusion: "Then, Xue Luochen, what should I do? I remember, before, didn't Xue Luochen say that the Angels team was the most troublesome?"

"At that time, Xiaomei will take her away with her."

"Oh. . . . huh?"

Xiaoqian nodded in confusion—then raised her head in an instant, woke up suddenly, and made a sound in astonishment.

"Isn't this such a pity? Without Xiaomei, it will be difficult for us in the later stage, right? In the previous qualifiers and the top 64, we all relied on Xiaomei's luck to win?"

"There's no way around it. Xiaolu judges that the danger of keeping Xue Luochen on the field will be greater than the advantage that Xiaomei can create by staying on the field."

"Oh, Xiaolu judges like this, then, there is nothing I can do."

Xiaoqian accepted it, regained her dazed state again, and nodded.

"Then what do I need to do?"

"Your task is to deal with Ye." Xiao Lu said calmly, "Among us, only you can deal with him."

"Oh, I see."

Xiao Qian nodded and accepted the task.

Once you know your goal, then all you need to do is to work hard in this direction.

Her life has always been so simple.

At a very young age... like three years old?Still four years old?Can not remember.In short, it was at a very young age that she became a killer in order to support her younger sister who was picked up from a garbage dump.

She was abandoned by her parents, and when she realized this, Xiaoqian also cried a lot.

After starving for a few days, Xiaoqian also wanted to die.

If you die, you don't have to starve anymore.

It was at that time that she met her sister who was also abandoned.

——It is necessary to feed the child.

Although she was also at the age that needed to be raised, Xiaoqian at that time had a sense of responsibility for the child who was also abandoned.

Once you have a goal, you will have the motivation to live and the will to act.

It is a pity that not all continents have such beautiful facilities as orphanages. The place where Xiaoqian was born is really a cruel society.

There are constant wars and chaos everywhere, and hundreds of large and small countries conquer each other.

In such a cruel war, people don't care about what is called a child.

Under the massacre of the city at every turn, both the old and the young will die.

Reducing the population of other countries is reducing the war potential of other countries. This concept can be said to be very popular in the continent where Xiaoqian is located.

How can a child, with another younger child, survive in such a cruel world?

——Xiaoqian is also lucky.

At that time, the kingdom where Xiaoqian was located established a department dedicated to assassination work, and in order to cultivate the highest loyalty, the kingdom chose those children who had no father or mother.

Xiaoqian joined the training camp of that department with her younger sister.

Of course, at first, her sister was not allowed.

However, very fortunately, Xiaoqian's identified ability made the Kingdom choose to make an exception.

Since then, Xiaoqian has become a killer, training hard, working hard, and killing hard.

Once a person has a goal, he will feel that life has become very fulfilling. Although Xiaoqian does not feel any fulfillment, but the more he kills, the more empty he feels, but the goal of supporting her sister still makes her survive strong.

Soon, at the age of eight, Xiaoqian became the number one killer in the kingdom, and also the number one killer in the entire continent. As long as it was the target she wanted to kill, she would definitely die, and no one could stop her.

Under Xiaoqian's assassination, the kingdom developed rapidly.

This life seems to be going on forever.

——Until one day, the kingdom ordered Xiaoqian to assassinate the whole family of the enemy's royal family, leaving no one behind.

Xiao Qian thought it was just a very common task, killing people or something, and she was used to it long ago.

However, that day she found that she was not used to it at all.

When she killed the king, she was not moved.

When she killed the queen, she was not moved.

When she killed the prince, she was not moved.


When she wanted to kill the princess who was as old as her younger sister, she failed.

That day, Xiaoqian was scared, scared.

Sooner or later, she will suffer retribution and die. Xiaoqian has always been aware of this kind of thing.

But it doesn't matter, as long as my sister can grow up safely and live a good life, it doesn't matter whether I die or not.

However, what if my sister would be implicated in my own death?

What if other people kill their sister when they kill themselves?

If nothing else, just talk about the kingdom.

Xiaoqian knew that her power had made the kingdom fearful, and sooner or later, the kingdom would clean herself up.

Xiaoqian was already ready.

She didn't want to resist. After all, it was Wang Guo who kept her and her sister alive. Even if Wang Guo wanted to kill herself, she could only accept it.

As long as Wang Guo can keep his sister alive based on his own merits, since the younger sister is not a threat anyway, Wang Guo should not do anything to her.

——and if so?

Kingdom, what if you just want to cut grass and roots like you are doing now?

Xiaoqian was frightened, frightened, her right hand trembled.

On that day, instead of killing the princess, she chose to return to the kingdom, took her sister away from the capital, and defected to her own country.

Since then, she took her younger sister to live a life of hiding in Tibet, eating and sleeping, and never dared to kill anyone again.

It doesn't matter, I can always protect my sister, and it's good to live like this - if I can think of it that way.

Xiaoqian hopes that her sister can live a brighter life, and she doesn't want her sister to live in darkness with her for the rest of her life.

This is a normal thought, right?

However, even with such a normal idea, the world will not allow it.

Xiaoqian could only give up in despair.

—The change came at the age of 13.

Chien passed the entrance exam for Cradle Academy.

Overnight, all the hunting orders for Xiaoqian in the entire continent were revoked and destroyed, and she and her sister can finally walk in the world swaggeringly.

The price is... she will be separated from her sister.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be accepted to Cradle Academy to live together?"

"Is this kind of thing... okay? I have no way to go back, and I don't even know where the mainland I was born in is."

"The champion of the Lilith Holy Grail will fulfill your wish, and the time will not wait."

Sakura shook her finger and laughed.

"Next year is when the Lilith Holy Grail War will start again. Let us win the championship together and welcome Xiaoqian's sister."

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