That is the beginning of another goal.




Mana: 14400/14400

STR: 480

AGI: 480

VIT: 480

INT: 480


"Magical girl"

——INT +100%, the effect when using magic +100%


"The Virtue of Diligence"

- Increased experience gain

- Mana recovery speed increased

——Get an additional skill point for each level up



"Acceleration LV.1"

——Accelerate your own time and act at double speed, the effect is related to the skill level

"Potential LV.1"

——It can stimulate the potential of oneself or others, increase all attributes, and the effect is related to the skill level

"Thousands of Golden Assassins"

——Consume all mana to launch a critical blow

"The fourth member of the Magical Girls team, pink-haired girl Qian!! Pink hair and pink pupils, she is my favorite of Xiaoya!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!!"

The first time Xiao Qian stepped into the arena, she fixed her confused eyes on the black-haired boy who was the first to enter the arena.

"Target, kill him?"

As if she hadn't woken up, Xiao Qian's footsteps were unsteady, and her face was sleepy.

However, gradually, her footsteps became steady, her eyes gradually cleared up, and her face became serious.

"Okay... strong."

No flaws.

No, there are flaws all over her body, but in Xiaoqian's feeling, no flaw is a flaw.

According to Xiaoqian's experience, with so many flaws in the opponent, she can definitely kill him with one blow when the opponent is unable to react.

However, this is clearly the case in experience, but her intuition told her that no matter how she seized the opening and launched an attack, the other party would definitely be able to react.

This was the first time Xiaoqian encountered such a weird situation.


But, I can't help it, I miss my sister.

So, to win.

Chapter 24 Putting Mistakes Back on Track

On a continent far away from Cradle Continent, there is a girl named Xiaomei.

She has beautiful white hair, she has a pair of beautiful red pupils, and she has an equally beautiful face.

More importantly, her beauty is loved by the world.

"Dad! Mom! I found a beautiful sword!"

Xiaomei happily ran home.

Regarding this, Mom and Dad looked calm: "Oh, yes, put it in the basket at the door, and the police will come and take it away later."

"Ugh~ What a pity, this sword is so beautiful, I really want it!" Xiaomei puffed her lips.

Every Monday, the police would come to Xiaomei's house to take away all kinds of lost things that Xiaomei picked up. Xiaomei was used to this. After all, she didn't know why, but she always seemed to find something.

But no matter what you pick up, you need to hand it over to the police, and ask the police to return it to the owner. This is the teaching of your parents. Therefore, although Xiaomei is a little bit reluctant, she obediently puts the dagger in her hand into the basket by the door.

However, what was unexpected was that the calm parents suddenly panicked when they heard Xiaomei's words.

"Xiaomei, put this idea down quickly, no, wait, this sword is not going to be handed over to the police, you can take it to the house quickly, and hand it over to the police when you get tired of playing and don't want it anymore."

"Uh...isn't that good? Although I really like it, the owner will be very anxious."

Xiaomei is still very sensible, and she doesn't really want to play with other people's things.

But at this moment, Dad squatted down and pressed her shoulder solemnly: "Xiaomei, listen carefully, the things you pick up must be handed over to the police, and you must never have thoughts you want, but if you accidentally have such thoughts, then don't think about returning the things to the owner until the thoughts disappear, otherwise the owner will be killed by you, Xiaomei, do you want to kill someone?"

"Huh? Why?"


Xiaomei looked confused, while her mother showed a stern expression of reproach to Xiaomei's father.

"My wife, don't talk about it. You must tell Xiaomei clearly about this matter, and let her realize the seriousness of the matter. Otherwise, I don't know how many people will be killed!"

Dad showed a determined expression of consciousness.

"Xiaomei, you have to understand that you are different from other people. As long as it is what you want, it will be obtained by you, because the world is on your side. ——But when you get what you want In the process of obtaining something, someone must lose something, can you understand this truth?"

Xiaomei shook her head puzzled, she didn't understand.She doesn't even know what it means to have the world on her side.

"For example, Xiaomei, you want this beautiful dagger, so what do you think will happen next?"


How could Xiaomei know what would happen next?

But Dad knows.

"Next, the original owner of this dagger will be accidentally killed. It may be attacked by a monster, assassinated by an assassin, drowned in water, or even killed by a stone falling from the sky. In short, no matter what the reason is, he will definitely die, just because you want this dagger."

Xiaomei stared her eyes wide, shook her head, her lips trembling: "Why...why?"

"Because the world is on your side, because the world revolves around you, Xiaomei, you must understand how heavy this is."

——On that day, Xiaomei was forced to realize her own specialness.

Then, every day that was originally happy and happy suddenly became miserable.

She is loved.

No one can doubt this matter.

Everyone loves her, and the world loves her, and no one can question this.

This should be a happy thing, in fact, she was so happy when she was a child.

However, when she realized the heaviness behind this happiness, this happiness would only make her feel painful.

——What you gain must be what others lose.

——The love that makes you happy may not be what others really want to give you.

Why make yourself aware of this harsh truth?

If you don't know this kind of thing, you can live in ignorance and happiness forever, can't you?

Only the ignorant can be happy, and Xiaomei understood this truth a little too early.

Fortunately, however, this pain was relieved a little after attending Cradle Academy.

"Xiaomei, in the Cradle Academy, you don't have to pay too much attention to your own luck. Relax, be happy, worry and melancholy all day long, such a pretty face is going blind."

The teacher seemed to know Xiaomei's troubles well, and said to her heart-to-heart that day:

"Your exclusive skills are very powerful, allowing you to gain the favor of the world, but in this Cradle Academy, every student is favored by the world, and those who are not favored cannot enter the Cradle College, so your favor is overwhelming Not a single student died."

Xiaomei tilted her head in confusion: " luck is still very good?"

"Luck is luck, and luck is luck. The two are related, but they cannot be equated. No matter how high the luck is, there will be times when the luck is too bad. No matter how low the luck is, there will be times when the luck is too bad." When it’s good, it’s all uncertain. The biggest difference between you and others is that your luck continues to be super good because of your exclusive skills. But still the same sentence, luck is luck, luck is luck, the two It cannot be equated."

The teacher smiled calmly and said, "Did you play the cradle game?"

Xiaomei shook her head.

"If you have played the Cradle Game, then you will understand that your luck, which is close to the level of what you want, will be directly offset when you face other students from the Cradle Academy. You can try it. "

Is that right?

With anticipation, Xiaomei took the initiative to join the Magic Girls team, which was recruiting players, and followed the Magic Girls team for the first Cradle Game practice match, and then fought the first monster in the game and got the first dropped item.

"Sun Bracelet"

——The brilliance of the sun cares for you, after equipped, one skill point will be added every minute

Xiaomei: "..."

She then hit the second monster.

"Armor of Thorns"

——Defense power 50000, counterattack 50% attack after being attacked

Xiaomei: "..."

She followed up with a third monster.

"Resurrection Necklace"

——Resurrection at a random location after death

Xiaomei: "..."

A few drops of cold sweat flowed down the teacher's face: "Then what... er... maybe it's... ah, right, is it better than before? You don't have that feeling of getting what you want, right? You won't be invincible all at once, right? That's it! The problem is solved! You can be happier in the future! Just treat yourself as a lucky boy! Well, the teacher has something to do here, Xiaomei, go back to the classroom."

... Although the teacher said very guilty, but what he said was not unreasonable.

Afterwards, there were many practice matches. Although Xiaomei's luck continued to be high no matter which game, there were many games that did not give her a big advantage, especially in the Cradle Game qualifiers. It was completely delayed until the very late stage. Xiaomei's luck helped the team accumulate equipment and props that could make up for the gap.

The same is true for the round of 64 in the knockout round. Good luck has never disappeared from Xiaomei's body, but the luck of other students in the Cradle Academy will also affect her strong luck, making her no longer nearly as close as before. .

—but that is not enough.

The fact is that with the continuous growth of exclusive skills, Xiaomei's particularity is also growing at the same time. If this continues, I am afraid that it will not take a few years, even in the Cradle Academy, it will still become what it was before.

Xiaomei doesn't want to live such a painful life anymore, she wants to live like a normal person.

For this reason, she even asked Xiaowei, hoping that Xiaowei could purify her exclusive skills.

It's a pity that although Xiaowei did purify her exclusive skills, within a day, the exclusive skills awakened again.

In the end, she could only set her sights on the champion of the Lilith Holy Grail Battle.

"If I can win the Lilith Holy Grail Tournament, I will make a wish to live a more normal life. Of course, I don't hate good luck, but don't make me bad luck again and again. I hope to have a little bit of normalcy." Some luck."

"That's too much to ask for."

Sakura's complaint made Xiaomei stick out her tongue.

"What's wrong with a pretty girl like me being greedy?"

"Yeah~~~ That's right, let's work hard together."



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