Idiots don't think about the consequences, so that's the best.

For, as long as the consequences are not considered,

I will never!right!No!meeting!put!abandoned!



Mana: 3600/3600

STR: 120

AGI: 120

VIT: 120

INT: 120


"Magical girl"

——INT +100%, the effect when using magic +100%


"The virtue of humility"

——Never forget all the memories that belong to me


"Shockwave LV.1"

——Consume a minimum of 100 mana, tear the target with the power of vibration

"Strange Power LV.1"


——Consume 1000 mana, STR+1000, VIT+1000

"Future Diary"

——One time only, it can restart the game of the cradle

In the seats of the gods, unexpectedly, today, the true gods filled all the seats and chatted leisurely and full of interest.

"How many times is this?"

"No. 14 times."

"That kid is too persistent."

"Is the prize this time so good? Should I give up? It seems that there are not many chances left, right? Are they all going to be wasted on this kind of insignificant competition?"

"That girl doesn't want prizes, she wants a seed seat in the Lilith Holy Grail Tournament. The champion of each Cradle Game Contest will get a seed spot just like the top four in the last Lilith Holy Grail Tournament. They can directly compete with the eight qualifying teams in the elimination zone for the top eight seats in the Lilith Holy Grail Tournament. If any team successfully defends the championship, the current No.2 will get the seed spot."

"Well, there's no way around it. The Lilith Holy Grail Battle is an event that countless countries in the entire Lilith world participate in. The schedule is long, there are too many games, and there are too many variables. Matching is extremely dependent on luck. , It can be said that no matter how strong the team is, there is a possibility of being killed by a stray bullet. For a team like the Magical Girls, rather than hoping to qualify in the elimination zone of the Lilith Holy Grail, it is really better to strive for a seed spot. "

"But the problem is that from now on, even if she uses up all the opportunities to predict the future, she will have no chance of winning at all? That Xue Luochen is simply poisonous. He is obviously a mortal, but he knows everything like us. Every time, the Magical Girls team was clearly targeted."

"Sakura is so cute, I really want to cheer her on, but it's a pity that there is a poisonous one on the other side."

"Look and see, here she is again, here she is again, that Xue Luochen is here again, my poor little Ying! Why did I meet such a poisonous person?"

A group of true gods highly appreciated the tenacity of the magical girl team Sakura, cheered and supported, but their eyes were full of pity.

I saw that on the grassland game field, Xue Luochen was blindfolded with a white cloth and yawned tiredly for some reason, and then lazily said: "Lafayette, open the small map, add an immortal body and an angel halo to Kuroti, Kuroti, this time, you can directly attack the opposite Xiaomei."

"This time?"

I (Ye) looked at Xue Luochen suspiciously.

"Well, just this time, she is really persistent, and I even admire her a little bit."

Hearing Xue Luochen's words, I couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Before the game, I had studied the Magical Girls.


This kind of thing is impossible.

How can any of the Cradle teams that can break through the qualifiers be underestimated?

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study the opponent of each game.

And as far as I know, the captain of the magical girls team, the girl named Sakura, has a skill called "Future Diary", but the specific effect is unknown.

Judging from the name of the skill alone, it seems to be a skill that can predict the future, and this kind of skill is not uncommon.


this time?

Really persistent?

Some do not understand the meaning of these words.

"Luchen, do you know what the skill effect of "Future Diary" is? "

Xue Luochen glanced at me (Ye) with his blindfolded eyes, and the corner of his mouth slightly curled up: "In the Cradle game, the effect of the future diary is that the game can be restarted, only once."


For a moment, I took a deep breath of air-conditioning, and the two of us took a breath of air-conditioning together.

What makes me gasp is not how terrifying the effect of this skill is - of course, this effect is indeed terrifying. Once you lose a game, you can fight again, which is simply shameless.

However, what surprised me even more was not the effect of the future diary skill in the cradle game.


As we all know, the skills in the cradle game are all modified according to each person's real skills.

in other words……

The future diary that can restart the game, what is the effect of this skill in reality?

"How many times is this?"

"No. 14 times."

Damn, this kind of skill is actually available, it's too freaking crazy!

"If we keep winning, won't she plan to keep doing it all over again?"

"Don't worry, there is a limit on the number of times. Every time you level up, you will get a chance to predict the future. There are not many chances left now."

"...Are you so persistent?"

"I'm really persistent, my awareness is not low, and I'm getting serious."

"...Generally speaking, shouldn't you be moved by the opponent's persistence and let the opponent win?"

"No way, personal views are different."

Xue Luochen smiled softly, amusedly.

"My touch is to go all out and let the other party feel my respect."

I think the other party probably won't thank you for your respect, but must be itching to hate you.

"What, Ye, have you softened your heart? If that's the case, I don't care if I let it go, I will help you gain a few favors from magical girls. Of course, it may also be anger, because the stronger a person is, the higher his self-esteem will be."

"Favorites and anger don't matter. If it's just me, let them win. After all, I don't have any reason to win, but the situation on the other side is obviously not the case."

"so what?"

"So, this is not my team alone. I am not qualified to make decisions on behalf of everyone."

"That's not right. If it was you——and you proposed, no one would reject it. Your decision can replace everyone's decision."

"That's why I can't propose. What I can do now is to give the other party respect with all my strength, just like you."

Xue Luochen couldn't help laughing.

"You know, Ye, that's what I like about you."

Chapter 27 Start the War! !

There is no such thing as a retreat.

Sakura didn't leave any retreat for herself.

The Magical Girls have only one goal from the beginning to the end, and that is the champion of the Lilith Holy Grail Battle.

Apart from the champion, even second place is also a defeat.

That being the case, there is no way out.

This wall must be broken through. If it cannot be broken through, it is absolutely impossible to win the championship.

"Cullotti on the opposite side is rushing towards us."

Even an optimistic idiot like Sakura couldn't help but grit her teeth.

"What's going on? It's different every time. How can we break the situation?"


Sakura was very anxious, but Xiaolu's expression was still calm.

"I used to ask you to tell me anything?"


Sakura let herself calm down, it's okay, it's okay, and with Xiaolu here, she will definitely win.

"Every time you have a new word for me to tell you."

"What is it? Tell me everything, don't miss a word."

"It's too embarrassing for me!"

Facing this sentence that I have heard many times, Xiao Ying smiled wryly, but she still tried hard to recall:

"Cullotti's innate ability value is far beyond imagination. It is not as simple as the innate ability value obtained through five trials. We underestimate her. With the help of Lafayette's skills, she can Against our entire team, only Xiaoqian can kill her."

"Xiaomei's skills can take away Xue Luochen, but Xue Luochen seems to know all our actions and thoughts, she can keep the memory in Sakura's reincarnation."

"I only took Xue Luochen away once, but at the price of complete annihilation, no one on the other side was harmed except Xue Luochen."

"I found Melti's defense flaw. She can't protect both of them at the same time. As long as she attacks Yue and another person at the same time, Melti will definitely give priority to protecting Yue."

"Yue carries the long text chanting magic, and she must purify her ten thousand magic skills before she can reach LV.3."

"Be careful Ye, if General Ye is raised, he can kill our entire team by himself."

"Lafayette has the same priority as Xue Luochen. If we don't eliminate Lafayette, we won't be able to win the team battle."

"Change the strategy and focus on upgrading. After purifying Yue's Wanfa skills, let Xiao Lian increase the skill levels of Generosity to Others and Generosity to Self. If they are all upgraded to LV.4, it should be possible to win."

"If you have an upgrade-oriented mentality, the opponent will take the initiative to start team battles."

"You can't focus on Kurodi, she is a blindfold."

"Xiaoqian can't beat Ye alone."

"Xiaomei's luck will play a major role after 5 minutes, and she will get different props every time. If...the chance of winning may be here."

"If you can eliminate Xue Luochen, then you have to put all your eggs in one basket. You only have one chance."

After saying this in one breath, Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, while Xiaolu closed her eyes slightly, then opened them slowly, and said calmly.

"Rush over. Xiao Lian, share your attributes with Xiaoqian."

——Cullotti was running on the grassland.

With her petite body, she seemed to be the smallest girl in the field, but in fact she was the biggest in the field. Together, she was the only senior student, and even the only non-first-year student.

Thinking of this, one can't help but feel a little weird.

Kuroti himself didn't care.

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