In Cradle Academy, Kulotti is an outlier.

It's as alien as a dog sitting in a human class.

No one would deliberately target Kulotti, but no one would approach Kurotti either.

For Kulotti, everyone in this school has only one attitude, which is to ignore, alienate, and not talk about it.

This kind of cold violence is even more uncomfortable than being bullied on campus.

If you are bullied, you just need to fight back. This is a way of communication, but what Kulotti encountered was far more serious indifference than this.

Fortunately, Kulotti won the resurrection orb in the Tower of Time and successfully resurrected Evoni, but Evoni was willing to be reincarnated as a demon and become a different kind with her.

For Culotti, this is really a happy thing.

And now, happier.

Apart from Eveni and Yue, I have other friends, and being able to work hard and fight together in the Cradle Game competition, nothing makes Kuloti happier than this.

In fact, she is actually a person who is afraid of being lonely.


"It's absolutely impossible to be merciful."

Kulotti's eyes had already seen the pink-haired girl approaching from far ahead, without hesitation, her hands made a bow and arrow in an instant, and the golden energy arrow was shot out in an instant.



Mana: 94000/94000

STR: 4700

AGI: 4700

VIT: 4700

INT: 4700


"The Shame of the Succubus"

——An extra 100 full attributes will be added for each level up

(Original effect: Every time you pass the trial, you will get an additional 100 all-talent ability points, and you will automatically get the Shame of the Professional Succubus)


"The Shame of the Succubus"

——You are a true succubus shame, please be ashamed

(Original effect: every time you maintain your pure body for one more year, the effect of the exclusive skill will evolve once)


"Arrow of Love LV.1"

——Consume up to "1000" mana, the arrow formed by love will pierce through the enemy and petrify his body and mind, up to one second

"Love Kiss LV.1"

——Consume a minimum of "1000" mana, and the arrows formed by the kiss of love will cover the enemy like a storm

"Tracking Arrow LV.1"

——Consume a minimum of [-] mana, and the magic arrow will lock onto the target, never ending death

The current Kuloti does not have [-] mana, and the strongest tracking arrow in the Cradle game cannot be used, but the Arrow of Love is also powerful enough, and Kuloti still has confidence in his shooting skills.

——This confidence was immediately slapped in the face.

The girl with pink hair and pink eyes, who was marked as Xiaoqian on the mini-map, moved slightly to the left for a moment, and missed the golden arrow of love by a hair's breadth.

"Night transformed?"

For a moment, Kulotti couldn't help but have this thought.

The continuity of the opponent's evasive action is indeed somewhat incredible.

Of course, this was just a rant, and Kulotti then stopped moving forward and aimed carefully.


In an instant, Xiaoqian's speed was several times faster, and he quickly approached Kulotti.

Kulotti couldn't help but be a little surprised. The first-year students can have such a speed, which really surprised her.


"It's still a long way off."

In an instant, the stormy arrows covered all the avoiding directions of the pink-haired girl.

And the Arrow of Love is close at hand.

The outcome seemed to be decided in an instant.

Chapter 28 Xue Luochen's Decision

Xiaoqian is very calm.

As a former killer, calmness is obviously an essential element.

Therefore, even in the face of the rain of arrows, she remained calm.

Of course, the premise of being calm is that she has the confidence to escape the attack.

The acceleration force LV.1 is turned on at full speed in an instant, and Xiaoqian's somatosensory time is directly doubled, and the whole world seems to slow down in Xiaoqian's eyes.

Extend what happened in one second to two seconds, and everything would be incredibly slow.

Xiaoqian moved to the left, avoiding the attack trajectory of the Arrow of Love, and then raised the short blade at the same time, slashing out three times in an instant, and the three energy arrows shattered, breaking the arrow rain that blocked him into a passage.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaoqian shrank her body, jumped her legs, got out of the narrow gap, and continued running towards Kuloti without any pause.

Kulotti frowned slightly. This flexibility made her think of Ye again. Except for Ye, there might be someone in the first grade who could block her attack, but it should be impossible for anyone else to treat her attack so lightly. If nothing.

Kulotti didn't use her skills anymore. After all, although her magic power is far superior to ordinary people, it is not unlimited. After all, her target is not Xiaoqian, but Xiaomei, so it is time to change her strategy, and leave the remaining magic power to Xiaomei.

In an instant, a short blade appeared in Kuloti's right hand.

That's right, although Kulotti's position in the team is an archer, the initial equipment she carries has never been a bow and arrow, but a short blade.

This is mainly because Kuloti's skills do not require physical bows and arrows at all. Both bows and arrows are made of energy.

In this case, instead of carrying a bow and arrow, it is better to carry a short blade as self-defense in close combat.

Kulotti's talent ability value is very high under the effect of exclusive skills. Rather, the full initial attribute as high as 4700 in the cradle game can be described as shocking.

With such terrifying initial attribute values ​​and growth attribute values, even without any melee skills, Kuloti still possesses extremely powerful melee capabilities, but even his teammates don't know about this kind of thing—after all, in the past matches of the Angels, Kuloti has never been forced into a situation where melee combat is required.

However, now is clearly the time for close combat.

In an instant, Kulotti stepped forward, facing Xiaoqian's short blade that was stabbing at her, and she swung the same short blade towards her - just in an instant! !

A long golden tree root drilled out of the ground, wrapped around Kuroti's waist in the blink of an eye, and pulled her away to the right for a moment.

Kuroti couldn't help but be astonished.

However, it was Xiaoqian who was even more astonished.

"Thousands of golden assassins!!!" —— Frustrated.

After consuming all of his magic power, he must be able to pass the strongest blow of Kuloti's one-hit kill, and Kuloti's petite body.

Xiaoqian's face changed slightly, and then he quickly backed away.

However, after being stunned, Kulotti reacted in time, stepped forward quickly, and swung the knife out—that was not the case, but rushed towards the Magical Girls team one step faster than Xiaoqian, completely leaving Xiaoqian behind.

And one tree root drilled out from the ground, rolled towards Xiao Qian one after another, entangled her directly in place.

【Snow and dust】


Mana: 2000/2000

STR: 100

AGI: 100

VIT: 100

INT: 100






"The Emperor's Summoning LV.1"

——Summon a trace of the power of Youhuang to attack the enemy, the effect is related to the skill level

"Dragon Emperor Summon LV.1"

—— Summons a trace of the power of the Dragon Emperor to shock the target, the effect is related to the skill level

"Soul Response LV.1"

——Can perceive the soul within a radius of one kilometer, the effect is related to the skill level

Standing one kilometer away from Xiaoqian, Xue Luochen used the skill "Youhuang Summons LV.1" to summon a trace of Youhuang's power to restrain Xiaoqian.

Yes, the golden willow roots are exactly the trace of Youhuang's power.

It has to be said that without a title, without a profession, and with only one trial - Xue Luochen's combat effectiveness in the Cradle Game is limited.

When it comes to fighting, Xue Luochen can only rely on skills, but one of her skills is a sensory skill. In other words, Xue Luochen can only rely on two skills to fight.

The power of the Dragon Emperor can be used for strong control, and the power of the Youhuang can launch an attack while the enemy is under control. The combination is actually quite good, basically as long as it does not encounter a particularly strong defense, it can be easily resolved.

However, Xue Luochen had to be more cautious when dealing with the Magic Girls team, so he had to keep a sufficient distance from the Magic Girls team. In this case, he could only use Youhuang's power to restrain him from a long distance.

The current formation of the two sides is that Kuloti and Xiaoqian are in the center of the battlefield. The two teams are each three kilometers away from the center of the battlefield, and Xue Luochen is one kilometer away from the center of the battlefield.

It can be said that it just happened to entangle Xiaoqian, which gave Kuloti the opportunity to get rid of Xiaoqian quickly and continue to rush towards Xiaomei.

It needs to be stated that Xue Luochen does not know what strategy the opponent adopts in every game.

She always seems to predict the enemy's opportunity, but in fact she is only making predictions based on intelligence.

However, her predictions and judgments were too accurate.

In fact, if it was an ordinary match, Xue Luochen would only do his job well.

Because if she did too much, it would be too unfair to other teams. Therefore, the limit Xue Luochen set for herself was to do all the things that a supporting teammate should do.

However, this time the game was a little different, so Xue Luochen became serious mentally.

What's the difference?

It's very simple, no matter what reason that Sakura on the opposite side has to win, there is one thing that cannot be denied, she is now cheating.

If it was a game limited to the rules of the cradle game, then Xue Luochen would still not do superfluous things, but would only do what was assigned. Winning is winning, losing is losing. She doesn't work as a babysitter, so it counts as a loss Well, then you can only blame yourselves for being too weak.

However, Sakura didn't just play the game in the Gradle game, but directly cheated in reality.

This wasn't a normal Gradle game matchup at all.

One game can't beat two games, two games can't play four games, four games can't play ten times, if there is no Xue Luochen, the Angels will definitely lose - it is because of this that Xue Luochen has to be serious.

And night is the same reason.

If the opponent wins by cheating, then Xue Luochen will feel sorry for his teammates.

"Humble people shouldn't be too arrogant, just take this time as a lesson and remember it firmly."

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