This time, it seemed to many people that it was very fast and the Angels won an overwhelming victory. In fact, only the student union presidents of the True God and Cradle Academy really understood the battle. It was not until this time that the curtain finally came to an end.

And the Cradle Game Contest is finally entering its final chapter.

Angels VS Holy Emperor Tree.

The winner will advance to the quarterfinals.

At the same time, there is no doubt that

The winner will be the champion of this year's Cradle Game Contest.

Chapter 31

I (night) finally returned to my dormitory.

It may be a little strange to say this, but I (Ye) have not been back to my dormitory for some days.

Because God Emperor Dove occupied the magpie's nest and drove me (Ye) out of my home, so I had to take turns to live in the dormitory of me (Yue), senior sister Murong, and senior sister Chris in these few nights to lick the wounds of being kicked out of the house.

And today, with a big victory in the Cradle Game Contest, I (Ye) finally got the idea to go home and have a look.

——After all, the plan to solicit votes for Emperor Shentian should enter the second stage.

Now, the entire Cradle Academy already knows about Shentiandi's desire to enroll in the Cradle Academy, and has seen the photo album of Shentiandi, and knows what Shentiandi looks like.

So I fully believe that there must be many male students in Cradle College who have a great affection for Shentiandi.

Um?Why am I so sure of this kind of thing, you ask?

Appearance is doctrine!Appearance is correct!Beauty is love at first sight!Is there any problem with this! ?

If you don't even understand this kind of thing, it means that you are really naive! !

What is love at first sight?

It's just that I have taken a fancy to your face, so I am attracted to it.

Someone can fall in love with me (night), but do you think anyone can fall in love with Durant at first sight?

Life is so cruel!

The so-called love at first sight is love at first sight, and no one can refute this kind of thing—as for someone who falls in love with someone and then understands the inner meaning of this person, and then gradually no longer cares about the appearance but likes the inside, that is another matter.

And there is no doubt that Shentiandi is the kind of woman who can make people fall in love at first sight in terms of doesn't matter, in short, her appearance is absolutely top-notch enough for people to see Seductive.

If you rate the beauty of women, out of 99, Shentiandi will definitely get 100 points, and Jadeite will get [-] points, she is only second to Jadeite, that is the level of beauty.

What?How many points do I (monthly) have?

Don't count me (month) in this, I'm the one and only Max.

... Is it a bit too smug to say so?

What does my heart have to do with you?Just be beautiful.

In short, it is like this, because of the problem of appearance, I believe that Emperor Shentian must have won a lot of votes among male students.

Everyone has a love of beauty, and in this regard, even the students of Cradle Academy are no exception!

I (Night) myself is the proof.

Yes, I admit that I (Ye) also like it.

In addition to boys, God and God should also get a lot of votes from girls.

——Because it's cute.

It's as delicate as a doll, and I (Ye) took pictures of her so cute, which girl doesn't like it?

It has to be said that the age of appearance is also an advantage, girls like such cute children!

I (month) myself is the proof.

Yes, I admit that I (Yue) also like it, so it’s okay.

——Yes, it is indeed possible, so it is time to proceed with the second phase of the plan.

In such a decision, I (night) opened the door of the dormitory room.

"Welcome back, husband. The meal is ready, and the bath water is ready, husband, you first..."

"I'll eat you first."

"Congratulations, my husband, for learning to answer quickly."

Emperor Shentian looked at me with satisfaction, nodded appreciatively, and then began to undress.

In this regard, I - not moved.



At a loss?


Hastily stopped her and carried her out of the door?


I ignored her calmly, walked to the table and sat down.

If you want to ask me why I am so calm, it is of course because... I (Yue) just came out of my (Yue) dormitory, and now is the time when my mind is as calm as water.

Once a person enters this state, no matter how beautiful the pink is, it is just a skeleton that cannot cause any physical and mental waves!

"Liu Lizi, can you sing?"

"Is Liulizi referring to my concubine? Isn't the name my husband gave to my concubine Liuli? But Liulizi does make my concubine feel closer. My husband really pleases people."

"Speaking seriously, do you still want to enroll in Cradle Academy?"

Why do you feel that Emperor Shentian has a feeling that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry?

——The fact is that I really mean that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is in a hurry.

"It doesn't matter if I'm a concubine!"

I couldn't help but stare at her dumbfounded.

But God Emperor, who has become naked, has a face of course: "I want to enter the Cradle Academy just to live with my husband. After all, it is the law of the Cradle Academy that non-students are not allowed to enter the student dormitory area, so of course I can only enter the Cradle Academy first. But it is not bad now. Although I can't go out with my husband, it is acceptable to be hidden by the husband's golden house. After all, this is the essence of the concubine."

"You're right, but I'm speechless."

In other words, I (Ye) will give you the dormitory in the future to hide you, right?

"Husband doesn't like to hide me?"

In an instant, Emperor Shentian straddled my lap and looked up at me with winking eyes.

"I warn you not to provoke my bottom line. Recently, my resistance has dropped severely. The bottom line has dropped again and again, and the scum has become scum after scum. An innocent boy who can hold back."


God Emperor's eyes lit up.

I (Ye) turned dark: "Fake, quickly put on my clothes."

"Husband is too boring, isn't he? If you do this, you will be scolded...that's what."

Emperor Shentian seemed to sigh helplessly, but he didn't intend to continue provoking. The next moment, the clothes were put on her again - of course, what she said was provocative enough, but I'm not the kind who would That's the man who goes up twice on one mistake.

Shen Tiandi did not get off my lap, but changed to sitting sideways on my lap.

"Husband feed my concubine."

"eat by yourself."

"Or let the concubine feed her husband."

I (Ye) ignored her, picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and ate.

Emperor Shentian blinked his eyes, as if he finally felt bored, and finally replied to my (Ye) initial question: "I have never sung before. But it shouldn't be difficult to learn, right?"

"What about dancing?"

"You can also learn."

"It's that simple. I'll take you to a place in a while and find someone. You can learn to sing and dance with her. After two days, you'll be on stage and make your debut as a school idol."

"... Are all Cradle Academy's canvassing methods so weird?"

Chapter 32 The culprit who keeps dropping the bottom line

Is Cradle College's way of canvassing weird?

Faced with such a question from Emperor Shentian, I have only doubts.

Because I don't think there is anything weird about it, isn't canvassing like this?

Being a school idol canvassing votes is very common in TV dramas and anime, because idols can easily mobilize fans to vote for themselves.

Well, maybe it would look really weird in other worlds.

But I haven't been to other worlds, so I don't really understand the ideas of other worlds.

Thinking this way, I took a bite of food and fed it to Emperor Shentian. I (Ye) calmly said, "It doesn't matter if it's weird or not, as long as it's useful. After all, we're not just trying to get votes for the president of the student union. There is no publicity, even if you want to use seemingly normal means to solicit votes, how do you plan to solicit? Tell students that if they are willing to vote for you, you will do something for them in return after enrolling? Let’s not say that this belongs to Cheating, even if it's not cheating, it's impossible, right? Or buy it with money? I'm really sorry, but you asked the wrong person for support. I can introduce you to a super Bai Fumei. If you can hug her thigh, you might It can really kill [-] students of Cradle Academy with money."

"Except for my husband's thigh, I don't want to hug any of my thighs, and there is no thigh that I am qualified to let me hug." Emperor Shentian ate his meal with a happy face, and lightly vetoed: "But I haven't really hugged my husband's thigh until now. Can my husband allow me to hug me tonight?"

I directly ignored the subsequent speech: "So you just accept your fate and become my idol."

By the way, which thigh do you want to hug me?Can you stop saying such things that make me dream?

"My husband has helped my concubine so wholeheartedly, it really moved me so much that I just want to promise myself."

"Shut up and eat quietly."

Meow, I can't hold down the gun a little bit.

If Emperor Shentian continues to tease her, I'm afraid I will really punish her on the spot.

I have to say, ever since I had Senior Sister Chris as my girlfriend, my resistance has dropped severely, and the lower limit is almost gone.

Chrissy-senpai is not only able to transform into classic characters that she has played in the past, but she is also very relaxed and playful. She always takes the initiative to substitute into the role and enhance my sense of excitement-I feel that her purpose may be to Keep lowering my lower limit, otherwise why can I play like that? !

For example, the second character after Carole, the Grand Duchess, Alia Edward.

After her father died in battle, Alia inherited her father's title and territory when the country was in crisis, and then began a legendary career that belonged to her.

The whole plot is about the destruction of the country and the fall of the capital. Alia protects the young princess and her friend Claire in her own territory, and embarks on a journey to restore the country by developing the territory, strengthening the army, and uniting the four parties. .

There are not many political plots in it, because the main fans of Chrissy-senpai at the time were children, and this drama was tailor-made for Chrissy-senpai, so the main selling point of the plot is the beautiful friendship between the grand princess Alia and the princess Claire, and Alia's fun and cool feeling of developing the territory like playing a game.

That's right, just playing games.

After Alia inherited the title and territory, her exclusive skill is the official awakening, which is called "Lord Game".

"Lord Game"

——Gamify the territory you belong to, get the lord template, and the body age will no longer grow

...Don't ask why there is such an effect that the body age will no longer grow. This is a character tailored for senior sister Chris, and it is a plot development with a time span of more than ten years. If the body age can grow If so, wouldn't it be replaced by someone else to play the adult version of Alia?

In short, this is an exclusive skill that seems to have no effect, but in fact it is like a bombardment.

Through the so-called lord template, Aliya directly played the development of the territory as a farming game, and the restoration of the country as a strategic game, directly restored the country in five years, and completely wiped out the enemy's country in ten years, not to mention the successful restoration of the country , It also doubled the size of the country.

But in fact, what is really touching about this TV series is the pure friendship between Alia and Claire, who is as innocent as the lily.

Aaliyah's exclusive skill is that the larger the territory, the more people there are, the more powerful it is. In other words, if she only maintains the principality's territory, her development will be greatly restricted, but Claire gave Alia one territory after another in the process of Alia's development. Even the territories of other nobles let them belong to the principality of Alia, and then under the rule of the kingdom. It was sealed to Alia, and I never had any doubts about Alia.

And Aliya has never lived up to this trust. After successfully destroying the enemy country, she will take the initiative to return the territory to the kingdom, leaving only the original principality.

However, her ending did not end here. One day, Claire went to the Principality and took Alia by the hand to bring Alia back to the capital, and put Alia on the throne together. The two sat together On the throne, looking at each other - this is the final outcome.

Yes, it is borrowed from the story of the Three Kings.

This is the second character that Kris-senpai transformed into for me.

What a beautiful, romantic and pure friendship!It's really touching.

Then, that day, right in front of me, Grand Duke Alia knelt at the feet of me (Ye), the enemy king, with tears in her eyes, hugged my (Ye) thigh, and begged me to let Princess Claire go, for which she was willing to do anything.

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