...Sooner or later, I (Ye) will fall into the hands of Chris-senpai, and be sent to prison by her alone.

I already have this realization.

What?Should I blame myself for not having a bottom line?

Ahem, I admit that you are right.

So it is precisely because I am getting more and more out of bounds now that I hope that Emperor Shentian will stop provoking my bottom line!

Now I can't stand the challenge!

Fortunately, Emperor Shentian also seemed to understand this matter, and she may be the type who is hard-spoken and will shrink back when it really comes to an end, so she did not continue to provoke me, but quietly waited for me to feed her one bite at a time.

I will not say too much to avoid some uncontrollable accidents.

Then after eating and clearing away the dishes, I took Shentiandi to the familiar commercial street.

Today is the day of the handshake meeting of the number one idol of Cradle Academy, Lianhua Qianka.

Chapter 33

When I arrived at the handshake meeting, the handshake meeting was almost over.

Although there were still many people on the scene who did not leave, there were very few people queuing up.

Of course, I came here precisely at this point.

I didn't take Shentiandi to line up, because I (Ye) and Lianhua Qiange have a little fate, and I said this in advance, so it's not too late to say hello to her after the handshake meeting is over.

Therefore, I took Shentiandi and leaned against the corner, looking at the girl who was accepting gifts from fans and shaking hands with fans.

Orange short-to-medium hair, black pupils, a face that is more suitable to be described as cute than beautiful, a perfect body that is neither fat nor thin, and slender legs that are visible to the naked eye.

Only one right leg is covered with black stockings, which are dotted with stars, and the left leg has a large piece of white skin exposed under the blue-green short skirt. There is only a circle of purple and white striped leg rings covering the thighs, and a pair of dancing shoes on both feet are petite and beautiful.

This is the hottest school idol of Cradle Academy, the leader of Jasmine, and the fourth-year Lianhua Qianka.

She has a smile that is not professional, but a genuine joy on her face, shaking hands and chatting with fans one by one without any impatience, she is simply a perfect idol.

Indeed, Lianhua Qiange is a person who is sincerely happy that fans can like her. She doesn't treat fan management as a job or business, nor does she become an idol just to win votes. That's why she is so popular.

I really like the work of being an idol, I like the life of being watched by everyone, I like the feeling of shining under everyone's gaze, I like to conquer one fan after another, and let one stranger after another fall in love with me That sense of accomplishment—I can attest that Renhua Chika is a very pure idol.

I really have to feel ashamed to disturb her idol life just to canvass for votes!

——Having said that, shame is always stronger than Jinwu Zangjiao, so let's put up with the shame.

At this time, Lianhua Qiange seemed to have noticed my (Ye) gaze, and after shaking hands with a fan, she glanced at me, blinked, smiled slightly, and spoke softly.

There was no sound, but I could read her mouth.

'Wait a minute, Lolicon. '

I (Ye) couldn't help but widen my eyes for a moment, what kind of slander is this?

Is lolicon a word that can be used to describe me?I'm only 13 now, is there anything wrong with liking girls my age or a few years younger than me?

Who dares to say that there is something wrong?

This is obviously a normal relationship for me - I went, I was almost brought in, I never liked girls younger than me, okay, all my girlfriends except for one who is the same age as myself are all the type of girls holding diamonds, okay?

Lianhua Qiange completely ignored my anger and just shook hands with the next fan.

Seeing this, I (Ye) lowered my head and looked at Emperor Shentian: "Liu Lizi, how about you go to line up? Then shake hands with her a little bit harder, so that she can feel the pain."

Emperor Shentian raised his head seriously: "What do you want to crush it into, my husband? Are the bones turned into powder? Or is the whole hand crushed into ashes?"

"...I was just joking, you should wait here."

Leaving such a sentence, I just walked to the end of the queue.

There are many people looking at me (Ye) frequently, but I ignore them indifferently, after all, I see this kind of eyes a lot.

I don't care why they look at me (Ye), anyway, as long as I ignore them, then they don't exist, this is a matter of experience.

As the last fan, it was half an hour later when I (Ye) shook hands with Renhua Chika.

Lianhua Qiange looked normal, and I also looked normal. I raised my hands and shook her right hand.

The first one to speak was Lianhua Qiange. She squeezed, rubbed, and touched my hand. She said solemnly, "I am really honored to be able to shake hands with the legendary Master Ye. I will not wash this hand from now on."

I couldn't help but froze, this girl actually gave me a preemptive trick?

"No, no, I should be the one who doesn't wash his hands from now on. I will never forget this feeling in my life."

I wrapped that soft little hand in my hands, rubbed it again and again, touched it again and again, stroking her back and forth, making her sick with all my strength.

If you want to ask me why I think this disgusts her...

"Someone is watching, pay attention to the image."

"It doesn't prevent me from taking advantage, isn't everyone who came to the handshake meeting today to take advantage?"

"Don't think that everyone is as obscene and nasty as you - are you jealous? I'm sorry, you are not my type. Although you are good-looking, I always only look at the inside."

"Can you tell me what you're looking at inside?"

"As long as it is a fan who likes me, I like it, but a heretic like you will go wherever he likes."

That's right, it's this friendly style of getting along with friends that makes people feel at ease!

Lianhua Qiange patted my (Ye) hand away, and turned to look at Emperor Shentian: "I didn't expect that one day I would be able to teach the three holy sons to sing and dance. I have lived so long that I can experience everything."

"You have lived a long time because you are only so old? What do you make those old monsters who have lived for tens of millions of years think?"

"Don't worry about what people call you old monsters, old monsters that can live for tens of millions of years, you can hear them when you call them, do you know?"

"I don't think you are more polite than me."

"It's different. Don't look at me calling them old monsters. In fact, I respect them very much in my heart."

"I do not believe."

"I have proof."

"What evidence?"

"I never hit them in the face when I hit them."

"...You are awesome."


The first idol of Cradle Academy.

Leader Jasmine.

Minister of Idol Department.

Vice President of the Student Union.

The eighth seat of ten jades in the cradle.

"Equivalent Exchange", Lianhua Qiange.

To be honest, I didn't know that Lianhua Qiange belonged to the Cradle Ten Jade, after all, she never said such a thing.

But not seeing each other for a day is like three autumns, and seeing each other for three days is admirable. At this time, I am no longer the ignorant me I used to be.

Ever since I found out that Chrissy-senpai turned out to be the third seat in the Cradle Ten Jade, I immediately became vigilant, and in order to guard against making the same mistake again, I did a good job of checking who the current Cradle Ten Jade was.

Then, as expected, I saw two acquaintances again.

One of them is Lianhua Qiange in front of me.

At that time, I had an idea.

——Isn’t the Cradle Ten Jade the highest level of power in Lilith’s Great World?Are all of them so dishonest?

Chapter 34 Where are the teammates?

After the handshake meeting ended, Lianhua Qiange took me and Shentiandi to a certain lounge.

"To become an idol, there are three elements."

Lianhua Qiange didn't waste any more time, and started class directly.

"First, you have to be cute. This is the most important thing, and you don't need to have anything else, because they can be practiced or ignored. This is the only thing that is necessary."

Having said that, Lianhua Qiange looked up and down at Emperor Shentian and nodded.

"Needless to say, you are qualified at this point. You don't even need plastic surgery, just change your clothes."

"Secondly, idols need to have good physical strength - I don't need to say more about this. Although it is indeed very important, girls who aim to become idols basically go to the dungeon to increase their physical strength after a few levels. For San Shengzi, this is obviously not a problem. I'm afraid they won't have any physical problems after dancing for ten years."

"Third, keep smiling all the time and speak sweetly—this should be the most difficult thing for you."

Lianhua Qiange looked at Shentiandi's expressionless face as if he wanted to sigh.

"I won't let you put down your airs either. After all, your situation is special. It's not impossible to follow the route of high-cold people."

Hearing this, I (Ye) couldn't help but said: "Is it really possible?"

Idols can be high-cold people?Sorry, I really haven't seen a cool idol.

"Yes, because God God has a status bonus - the status of "Three Holy Sons of Myriad Heavens and Myriad Worlds" is an existence that is as far away as the sky for the younger generation of students.Think about it, if today you suddenly heard that the Son of God became an idol and was going to perform on stage tomorrow, what would you think? "

"I never imagined such an impossible thing."

Son of God idol debut?How can it be.

ah?You ask me why it is impossible?

It must be impossible!Why?

——Thinking about it this way, I suddenly understood what Renhua Qianka meant.

"So, when the news of Shen Tiandi's idol debut spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation, and the fans will have the greatest tolerance for her."

Lianhua Qiange shrugged, wagging her fingers cutely and smiling.

"Everyone has an instinctive admiration for strength. At the beginning, the Son of God was able to become the president of the student union because his strength made the whole school admire and look forward to it. Although the students of Cradle College have their own pride, it is also because of this, so once there is a peer who can break their pride and completely surpass them. Compared with them, they will have more worship."

"Whether it is a person whose self-confidence has been destroyed by the Son of God, who realizes that he is only a mortal, or a person who takes the Son of God as his life goal and works hard to surpass him one day, they will all regard him as the object of admiration. This is the main reason why the Son of God can become the president of the student union, because the students of Cradle College will truly be convinced by letting the Son of God surpass themselves."

"And I have to say that the Son of Heaven and Myriad Realms raised the status of the Three Holy Sons of Myriad Heavens and Myriad Realms with my own strength, and the later battle between the Emerald God and the Holy God Son made the power of the Three Holy Sons of Myriad Heavens and Myriad Realms even more deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone. grade students."

"Under such circumstances, Shentian Emperor, one of the three holy sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, suddenly debuted and became an idol. Of course, it would cause a huge sensation. It doesn't matter if you are cold or cold, just dance with a blank face I'm afraid singing a song can make people excited to death."

Excitement to death is an exaggeration, but it is certain that Shentiandi becoming an idol will cause a huge sensation and make people excited.

Just like I instinctively don’t think that Shengshenzi will be an idol, but if Shengshenzi really becomes an idol, then I will definitely go to watch the fun, regardless of whether I can become a fan, anyway, the sense of expectation is directly full.

I have to say that people do have a mentality of admiration for strength. The stronger a person is, the more they will be admired. For example, when watching some hot-blooded comics, compared with the protagonist who grows up step by step and defeats the boss with the weak every time, many people will prefer those bosses who can crush the protagonist. Why is this?

Because the boss set up well?Temperament worthy of liking?Acting style worthy of admiration?

No, it's simply because the Boss gives people a stronger impression and is more compelling than the protagonist.

It can be said that it is very normal and common to like those who are stronger and worship those who are more compelling.

And there is no doubt that in the eyes of ordinary people, the three holy sons of Wantian Wanjie are the kind of Boss-level existences who are extremely high-profile and extremely powerful.

This kind of high existence suddenly lowered its height and became an idol, pulling in the distance with ordinary people, and the effect was indeed sensational.

Of course, this will also lead to a serious reduction in the coercion of being pulled up by the Son of the Holy God and the Emerald God.

But that kind of thing doesn't matter.

Compulsiveness is just something outside of me after all, and it's not my compulsion anyway, so why should I care about it, right?

"So, now Liu Lizi only needs to learn to sing and dance well, right?"

"No, we still need to find teammates."

"Really? Can't one person form a group?"

"Do you think her character can do it alone? Can she greet the fans in the audience well? Can she interact? It's okay for her to be cold and cold, but it's only when she has teammates to help her. No problem, if she doesn't have her teammates, she won't be able to bring fans together, let alone convert fans into votes."

"...I think you underestimate Liu Lizi too much. She is just pretending to be cold in front of you. In fact, even I can't stand the flirtatious words."

"Is that right?"

Lianhua Qiange looked at Emperor Shentian, and then asked directly:

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