"Did you see me shaking hands with fans today? Do you think it's acceptable if you are arranged to shake hands with them?"

Emperor Shentian looked pale, and tilted his head: "Can you crush all their hands?"

Lianhua Qiange turned back to look at me: "Do you think it's okay?"

I nodded.

"Understood, you teach her to sing and dance first, and I'll find two teammates who seem to be the same age as her."

Chapter 35 Fate!

So, I (night) came to the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild.

Find Shentiandi a few teammates who look like they are the same age and can sing and dance as idols?

How to find it?

This is just a temporary group, and you don't want to be an idol all the time, how can you find it?Of course, it is best to find the adventure mission directly.

After all, as long as the money is enough, there is no job in this world that adventurers will not accept.

"Hello, sister, I want to release an adventure mission."

Facing my (Ye)'s sudden words, the busty counter lady behind the counter looked slightly astonished.

"Uh, you are...Ye's first-year classmate at Cradle Academy?"

Am I (Ye) really that famous?

"It's me, I want to post an adventure mission."

"What kind of adventure mission is it?"

"Team up with someone to be a school idol."

"Ah?" Miss Busty had a strange look on her face: "Ye classmate, you went to the wrong place. If you want to recruit school idols, you should go to the agency or recruit directly in the school, right?"

"There is no mistake. This idol group will not last long. It is to help people get votes, so it will be disbanded after the voting is over. In this case, it is obviously impossible to find girls who really want to be school idols. It can only be entrusted."

"If that's the case then it is."

Miss Busty nodded, probably understood, and then took out a form to fill out.

"Student Ye can briefly talk about the requirements for adventurers, age, gender, ability, appearance... What kind of conditions do you need to meet before you can take this task?"

"First of all, the appearance must be cute like an idol."

Miss Busty nodded, which was obviously not what she expected.

"Then, the gender is female."

Miss Busty still nodded, which is not surprising. After all, in Cradle Academy, there are obviously more female idol groups than male idol groups.

"Then, it's best to have the talent to sing and dance. Even if you don't have it, you must have the confidence to learn it quickly."

Miss Big Tits still nodded, which is of course not unexpected, after all, what kind of idol is she if she can't even sing and dance?

"Finally, and most importantly, it is best not to be more than eight years old in appearance and not more than 1.3 meters tall."

Miss Busty finally nodded, this point... She raised her head instantly, her face full of astonishment: "Classmate Ye, are you entertaining me?"

"Of course not, but the person waiting to form a team is only 1.2 meters tall and no more."

"If that's the case, don't be an idol soliciting votes. Wouldn't it be better to do something else?"

"The Cradle Game Contest is over and the voting is about to begin. What else can I do besides being an idol?"

Miss Busty was choked by my rhetorical question.

However, she still hesitated and said: "But, can an idol of this age attract fans? This world shouldn't be so hopeless, right?"

"You think too highly of the world, sister."

I (night) couldn't help but sigh.

"There are far more perverts in this world than you think, but they are too embarrassed to show it, but if you can get them all together and let them shout "I am a perverted lolicon!", then they will Have great courage! "

"I don't want to know this kind of knowledge at all, and I want to get married normally."

The eyes of the busty lady looking at me (Ye) are also full of perverted eyes.

I don't care about that.

"In short, that's it. Help me release this task. Of course, it would be the best if you can recommend a few suitable candidates and contact them now, the sooner the better."

"...Tell me how much you can pay first."

"300 million points."

This is already all of my (Ye) (Yue)'s current property. After Shen Tiandi enters school, she must let her work and return it to me.

"If that's the case, there's bound to be someone rushing to take on the task—usually."

The busty lady sighed.

"This task is not dangerous. It is just an "I" level task, but the reward is as high as 300 million. For adventurers who are just entering the industry, it is simply a dream, but adventurers under the age of eight or something—— all over the world Speaking of children, there must be a lot of children who have to be forced to become adventurers to survive at this age. After all, not all countries have facilities like welfare homes.But in the adventurer guild headquarters of our Cradle Academy, there are really no adventurers of this age-but what you ask is that the appearance age should not exceed eight years old, and the height should not exceed 1.3 meters, right? "

My (Ye) expression didn't change, and I nodded calmly: "Listening to this means that I have a goal, right?"

"It is true that there is such a team of adventurers who meet your requirements. They happen to be freshmen in the first grade like you, and they are destined to be with you. May I contact you for you?"

Of course, I agreed.

"Then please wait a moment in the reception room."


"So the people who meet the conditions are you?"

In the reception room, my (Ye) eyes circled around, and I couldn't help being speechless.

First of all, let me say that there is a coffee table in this reception room, and there is a red sofa chair on all four sides of the coffee table, whether long or short.

I sat alone on one of the sofa chairs, and there were a total of seven lovely girls sitting on the other three sofas.

A girl with cherry hair and twin ponytails was sitting opposite me, and on the sofa on both sides were three girls with different hair colors.

The ones on the left are red, blond, and black, and the ones on the right are pink, white, and blue.

What a resolution team image!

To put it simply, counting clockwise from me to the left, these seven beautiful girls are Xiaolian, Xiaolu, Xiaowei, Xiaoying, Xiaoqian, Xiaomei, and Xiaolian.

That's right, they are the opponents of the cradle game that we just played against our Angel team today, the seven members of the Magical Girls team.

So that's the case, this is the fate that Miss Busty said.

Speaking of which, they indeed fully meet the conditions I asked for, why didn't I think of it before?

The title of a team of seven is called Magical Girls, it's not a bragging rights.

First of all, it goes without saying that she looks cute, just like the magical girls in cartoons.

Secondly, the appearance age and height needless to say, are also the same as the magical girls in the cartoon.

They are indeed the best teammate candidates for Emperor Shentian!

"Then, the question now is, are you willing to accept my commission and become a temporary idol group with Shentiandi?"

After Chapter 36, we are brothers, Sakura!

"We need money now."

Faced with Sakura's serious nonsense, Xiaowei remained expressionless.

"There is no one in this world who doesn't need money."

"So we need to work hard to make money now."

"What about after making money?"

"Buy equipment, potions, and props, and then go on a deeper adventure in the dungeon. To get more and stronger skills, it's best to clear a few more trials before the start of the Lilith Holy Grail War."

"Trials are beyond our control, and it's useless to force them if the time is not right—it doesn't mean that a trial is just about defeating the strong with the weak. It mainly depends on how the Goddess of Trials judges."

"Even so, taking risks in more dangerous places is a good way to pass the trial."

"That's true."

"But how should we make money? We seem to be able to make money only through adventure missions. However, with our current adventurer level, the rewards for the missions we can receive are really limited, and we must first upgrade the adventurer level. "

After today's game with the Angels ended, the Magical Girls gathered in Sakura's dormitory for a small meeting.

After reflecting on where I lost today and how to improve, the above dialogue took place.

To sum it up, it's because the strength is too weak, that's why they lost, and if they want to qualify in the knockout round of the Lilith Holy Grail and win the championship in the Holy Grail like never before, then they have to work hard from now on and become stronger.

And to become stronger, you need money.

Rich people can become stronger, this world is so cruel and realistic.

Not to mention equipment and props, it is not impossible to say that the increase in the talent value that seems to be destined by God is not completely impossible.

If you have money, you can buy medicines or natural treasures that can increase the value of natural ability, and even the cultivation system skills that can increase the value of natural ability are not completely absent-it's just that this is too rare, and the price is so high It's not affordable at all.

As long as you have money, there is nothing you can't buy in this world-this sentence may be a bit exaggerated, but at least [-]% of what you want can be bought.

At least a variety of skill books are definitely available.

If there can be more diverse skills this time, maybe the result can also be changed.

Thinking of this, Sakura desperately wants to make money, make a lot of money, and make more and more money.

"Is it possible to do business and make money?"

"Who did the business?"

"Don't we have Xiaomei here? No matter what business you do, you can make money even if you tie a dog?"

"...It makes sense, but if that's the case, then it's better to let Xiaomei go to the lottery and forget about it, so that you won't lose money."

"Then what's our use?"

Sakura's words directly silenced the audience.

"If you want to make money, you should work together. You can't rely on Xiaomei alone, and making money is not the goal, but a necessary process. You can't give up... give up... give up..."

Xiao Wei said with a blank expression, "Let the basics go and chase the last."

"That's right! We can't lose everything! So we still have to go to the dungeon for adventure, so that we can get more exercise and have a better chance of being pushed into the trial by the Goddess of Trials."

"Indeed, as long as you are not afraid of death and are determined to die, you will always encounter trials."

"Don't worry, with me here, we won't let everyone really die." Sakura patted her chest and assured: "So, go to the Adventurer's Guild to accept the task tomorrow, and try to upgrade to an H-rank adventurer as soon as possible."

The seven people including Sakura are all of commoner background, none of them are nobles, and they also don't have any children of wealthy businessmen, so they can only earn points in Cradle Academy by themselves.

Fortunately, they all have good strength and ability. Although it hasn't been long since they have just logged in as adventurers, the number of missions completed is not small, and it should not be difficult to upgrade.

"Why can't low-level adventurers accept high-level adventure missions? It would be great if this wasn't restricted."

"Then there will be many ignorant adventurers who died in vain. Adventurers should not take risks. This is the catchphrase of all the staff of the Adventurer's Guild."

"Hey..." Hearing Xiaolian's words, Xiaoying couldn't help sighing: "It would be great if there are tasks that earn more at a lower level. It's best to earn tens of millions of points at a time."

"How could such a beautiful thing happen." Xiaowei complained expressionlessly.

——But at this moment, Xiaolu's student card rang suddenly.

Xiaolu took a quick look and saw that it was the Adventurer's Guild, so she connected.




"Wait a minute, I will go."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Lu looked at Sakura: "The low-level, high-paying task you want is here. The reward is 300 million points."

Xiao Ying was stunned for a moment, then turned around and hugged Xiao Mei in an instant and kissed her on the face, her face was full of excitement.

"Xiaomei, you are so kind!!"

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