Xiaomei wiped the saliva on her face, her face full of confusion.


"Is there really 300 million points?"

Looking at her opponent during the day, Xiao Sakura pressed her hands on the coffee table with an excited expression on her face.

"Can you get 300 million just by dancing and singing? Is it too easy?"

"No, please don't get me wrong, being an idol is not all about dancing and singing, because Shen Tiandi is not suitable to be an idol at all except for her looks, so although she is the team leader, many things will need to be done by you at that time."

"for example?"

"Interact with fans."

"Isn't that natural?"

"Shaking hands with fans."

"I also shook hands with Xiao Qiange."

"Help God and Heavenly Emperor to smooth things over at some point."

"This is even more of a problem... By the way, who is Shentiandi? Is this a nickname? Isn't he too handsome?"

As soon as Xiao Ying said this, everyone looked at her immediately, with a look of astonishment.

Only I (Ye) looked at her with moving eyes.

Good guy, this is a comrade-in-arms!

I never imagined that there are people in this world who are as ignorant as me.

Xiaowei couldn't help but said, "Shentian Emperor is one of the three holy sons of the Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms."

Xiao Sakura tilted her head in doubt: "Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms?"

In an instant, I (Ye) stood up, leaned forward, grasped Xiao Ying's hands, and said with great emotion: "From now on, we will be brothers."

"Huh?" Sakura was taken aback for a moment, and then her face flushed with anger, "I'm a girl! You're the man!"

I didn't scold you for looking like a man.In other words, I am a man, and you are not a curse at all.

Forget it, this is why I want to be your brother!

In the future, when I am ignorant, someone will accompany me to be stupid!

Chapter 37 Chilling

"Very good. In this case, it is a real team. The eight-member team can be regarded as the same level."

The seven members of Shentiandi and the Magical Girls team stood in a row in the dance room. Shentiandi and Sakura stood in the middle, obviously in the C position of the team, while Lianhua Qianka stood in front of them and nodded with satisfaction.

"All of them are very qualified, but it really made me want to be a teacher."

Standing beside Lianhua Qiange, I (Ye) couldn't help asking: "How can you tell that they are all very qualified?"

You just met and haven't talked for a day, have you?

"It can be seen from the appearance. As long as you are cute, you have the qualifications to be an idol. If you are not cute, then you don't have it. Idols are not actors. We all rely on our appearance to become popular. Good looks may not necessarily make you popular, and those without good looks will definitely not be popular."

What Temeow said makes sense.

"By the way, you just taught Shen Tiandi to sing and dance, right? How do you feel?"

"The voice is very good and very recognizable. For an idol group, this is the most important thing. As for singing skills, it can be trained. Even if you can't sing all the songs well, even if someone with poor singing skills can train him to sing a few fixed songs, there is no problem. It's just that he is a little useless as a vocal teacher. As for other things, there is nothing to say."

Lianhua Qiange shrugged.

"If you just want to get started with the art of dancing, it is not difficult for people with high ability values. After all, all kinds of movements can be done, and the rest is nothing more than memorizing the movements and proficiency. For idols, the dancing technique itself does not need to be too high, so it is no problem for them as a group. Of course, if you want to continue in this industry, you still need to improve your dancing and singing skills. Sing" skills. "

"Are you included?"

"Well, including me—half of the skill points I gained from upgrading are used to improve the various skills that I need to master as an idol."

Meow, are all walks of life like this now?

Skill points!Those are skill points!Don't you think it's a waste to improve your dancing skills and singing skills without using it to improve your strength? !

Well, personal pursuits are different, but it can't be said to be a waste.

"If that's the case, please start. Let me see Teacher Qiange's teaching skills."

"No, there's one more thing to do before that."


I (Ye) looked at Lianhua Qiange suspiciously.

However, she also looked at me in the opposite direction with doubts, stretched out her right hand, rubbed her index finger and thumb together: "It's okay to ask me to be a teacher, but shouldn't we first discuss how much you plan to pay to hire me? Don't you plan to prostitute me for free? Do you know how precious my time is? Do you know how much money I get in a second? You actually want to prostitute me for free? Do you think I will agree?"

"...Doesn't it hurt feelings to talk about money?"

"Indeed, it seems a little hurt."

Lianhua Qiange nodded, and I (Ye) couldn't help but look at her with relief.

Look, this is a good brother!

"But do we have feelings for each other?"

"Cold-blooded, heartless, villainous, mean"

"Call the price increase again."

"I have no money, sister!"

I (Ye) held her hand wanting to cry without tears, and almost knelt down for her.

"The little money I saved was given to the Adventurer's Guild as a quest reward, and now I have lost a penny! I don't even know where I'm going to eat soft food tomorrow."

"Where do you want to eat soft food is none of my business?" Lianhua Qiange sneered: "And what I want is money? Money is useless."

"Then what do you want? A body promise? I can accept this, and tonight I will wash up and wait for my luck."

Hearing my (Ye) words, before Renhua Chika could respond, there was a burst of whispering from the Magical Girls team.

"Wow, is this the relationship?"

"Does Xiao Qiange have a boyfriend? If this gets out, it will lose fans, right?"

"Do you have a girlfriend overnight? Is he stepping on two boats?"

"Is there a possibility that he stepped on more than two boats."

"So bold."

"I hate scumbags the most."

"But he's really good-looking."

"Xiaomei, you can't just look at a man's face, but also look at his insides. You won't be happy with this half-hearted, half-hearted scumbag!"

It's over, I'm hated, and it's the first time in my life that I've been hated by a girl so much—it's a little strange for a while?

And in the face of my body promise in return, Lianhua Qiange also replied without changing his face at this time: "Whoever wants your body, I want favors. After teaching them, come to my dormitory. I want you to do something for me."

“………… It’s okay to do things, but let’s choose a new location. I really don’t dare to disturb Master Qiange’s boudoir. If your fans find out, they will definitely swallow me up.”

what happened?This familiar déjà vu?It always feels like this has happened more than once.

For a while, I couldn't help raising my vigilance.

I regard you as a bad friend, don't you just want to sleep with me (night)?

No no no, calm down, this is too self-indulgent anyway.

Do you think of yourself as a heartthrob who everyone loves?

What a shame.

If people know that I have such thoughts, it will be a black history!

Just now I was going to promise her with my body, didn't she also refuse?So it's just worrying too much. I'm afraid she really has something serious to do.

It is definitely not to repair the plank road in the open, but to keep the warehouse in the dark.

It's definitely not that the drunkard doesn't care about drinking.

Absolutely not.

——It was at this time that Emperor Shentian suddenly said, "In terms of favors, I should be the one who owes you. You can ask me for it in the future."

Makes sense.

I couldn't help but nodded secretly, indeed, this is the matter of the Emperor Shentian, there is no reason for me to owe favors to others.

However, Lianhua Qiange didn't seem to think so. She looked at Emperor Shentian with a smile, and said softly: "What use is your favor to me? Do I know you very well?"

Hey, isn't it too embarrassing?Anyway, this is also the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms!

However, Emperor Shentian was not angry, just tilted his head lightly, and said lightly: "It's just to teach you how to make an idol. You are not irreplaceable, right? If you use the points, you can invite someone to teach. I also have some things here." It should be redeemable for points.”

Lianhua Qiange didn't speak any more, but looked at Shentian Emperor tenderly, the smile on his face became more and more beautiful.

——I don't know why, but suddenly I feel chilly in the room.

Chapter 38 Take off?Still not taking off?

The eye contact between Lianhua Qiange and Shentiandi made me feel an inexplicable pressure.

Although Lianhua Qiange's smile is very gentle, but for some reason I always have the feeling that she will have sex with Emperor Shentian.

According to the information I've learned so far, these two are the big bosses among the big bosses, and they are all at the peak level of Lilith's big world in terms of strength.

As the third son of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds, Shentian Emperor may be stronger in strength, but he is definitely limited in strength. At least unlike other students, Lianhua Qiange obviously does not even have any respect for Shentian Emperor.

— But she is not afraid of me!

Although I don't know where this dangerous atmosphere comes from, but when such big bosses fight with each other, who can guarantee that they will not spread to the surroundings at all like when the Emperor Shentian fought with the Emerald God?

If this was accidentally affected by the battle between Lianhua Qiange and Emperor Shentian, how damned would it be?

So, I (Ye) said: "Qiange, just tell me what you want me to do. There is no need to talk about human feelings. As for now, let's hurry up and start practicing."

Lianhua Qiange withdrew her gaze and stopped looking at Shentiandi, her smile remained unchanged, but the atmosphere suddenly changed from chilly to warm.

"It's just a joke about favors, Shentiandi is too serious, so I just want to tease her. By the way, Ye, how did you and Shentiandi meet?"

You didn't look like you were joking at all just now, you definitely wanted me to do something.I just don’t know why you insist on letting me go to your dormitory. I always suspect that you are greedy for my body for sex.

Don't be sentimental.

Don't be sentimental.

Don't be sentimental.

I read it three times in my heart, rejecting the black history of narcissism, and then waved my hand and said: "Don't ask about a bad relationship."

"It's just a bit of curiosity. Mingmingye is only in the first grade, but the people he knows are big names one after another."

I'm actually quite curious about what you said. Could it be that I have a special physique that attracts trouble?Or, is this the legendary halo of the protagonist?I (Ye) was unexpectedly the protagonist's life?

That's the end of the joke.If you drive too much, it will become another dark history.

"Okay, from now on, let's...Ye, where's the song?"

"What song is it?"


Suddenly, the scene fell into a long silence.

Lianhua Qiange stared at me (Ye) dumbfounded. After a long while, she said, "That's the song they sang during the performance? Didn't you prepare it? How do you choreograph if you don't have a song? How do you sing it? How do you teach it?"

"Can't you just choose for them? You can sing whichever one you think is suitable for them to sing."

Lianhua Qiange was dumbfounded: "Do you want the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms to sing other people's songs?"

"How can there be such a big burden of being an idol, some singing and some dancing will be good enough to be able to enroll in the school, you are right, Liu Lizi."

Emperor Shentian tilted his head: "Since I want to be this so-called idol, I also want to be unique, and I don't want to sing songs that belong to others. Can my husband write some new songs for me?"

I sneered: "Do you regard me as the holy grail that can fulfill all your wishes?"

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