- Within your own territory, you are invincible.

Leaving aside the territory and the non-territory, when using skills, you can consume up to 900% more magic power-this effect is enough to make anyone dumbfounded and salivate.

What is extra mana consumption?

This is like when a person swings a punch, it is impossible to consume all his physical strength and use all his physical strength to increase the strength of this punch. Everyone's output has an upper limit. This upper limit, whether it is for a fighter or a magician, refers to the strength of the skill.

It is common sense that stronger skills consume more mana.

Among them, the magician is stronger than the martial artist because magic itself is a skill that can consume more magic power through the act of singing compared to martial arts.

The consumption of time is exchanged for more consumption of magic power, which is the strength of magic.

Of course, the weakness is also the consumption of time.

But let's not talk about this for the time being. In short, the so-called skill is a technique for using magic power that will become stronger the more magic power it consumes.

Long text singing magic is very scary, because long text singing magic needs to consume at least 100 million mana to use it. If the magician's magic power is less than 100 million, then long text singing magic cannot be used at all-but even such long text singing magic has an output limit.

In terms of the real-life effect of the long text chant magic "Sigh of the Vermilion Goddess" that I (Yue) used in the Cradle Game...

"Lament of the Goddess of Vermilion LV.10"

—— Consume a minimum of "1000000" and a maximum of "skill level x magic power manipulation level x fire magic level x 10000" magic power, summon the sigh of the goddess of vermilion, and rewrite all environments within the maximum radius (skill level x 100000) meters around itself as vermilion Goddess of the world of fire favorite.

My (month) current manipulative level of magic power is LV.20, and my level of fire magic is also LV.20. That is to say, if I (month) want to maximize the power of this long text singing magic, then I can consume up to 4000 million mana and exert a power of 4000 million mana. This is the current upper limit of this skill.

However, if the equipment effect of the Green King Scepter is added, an additional 900% of mana can be consumed when using the skill - 4000 million multiplied by nine is 6000 million. This is the additional mana consumption, plus the original 4000 million, that is a total of [-] million mana consumption, in other words, I (Yue) holding the Qing King Scepter can explosively exert a power of [-] million mana levels - without counting the magic skills.

Yes, with the Green King Scepter, I (Yue) can use ten times the magic power to exert ten times the power of various magic effects, but if I (Yue) add the effect of my ten thousand magic skills, in the end Ten times the effect—that's a hundred times the power.

If this is not Cradle Academy, I (month) really want to shout that I am invincible.

What?This is Cradle Academy?

Oh, I'll keep it low-key then.

...It’s okay not to be low-key, after all, I (Yue) actually don’t even have [-] million magic power yet.

If you don't count the equipment increase, my current total mana is only 118,755,200.

More than 1 million is actually not a lot. It is obviously impossible for ordinary people to have so much magic power when they are more than 100 levels. Thanks to the skills of Wanfa skills and the power of the ring, I can directly break through [-] million - but after having the Green King Scepter, I suddenly feel that my magic power seems to be a bit insufficient.

"Is there any way to increase the magic power?"

The most effective way is obviously to fight monsters and upgrade.

After two trials and the enhanced effect of the Seal of Destiny, my current level limit has been raised to LV.509, and my current level is only LV.142. At the full level, just this alone can add more than 1 million magic power to me (Yue).


This is just the ability value that can be improved after my (Yue) side reaches the full level, and if I (Ye) also counts the ability value that can be improved by adding some power to the power of the ring after the full level on my (Ye) side...

"Sure enough, if you want to become stronger now, you have to upgrade."

There are still a few days before the game with the Holy Emperor Tree, so let's go to the dungeon to upgrade during this time.

Thinking of this, I can't help feeling resentful.

Upgrade, upgrade, upgrade.

I have thought about this kind of thing more than once, but from the beginning of school to the present, every time I (Ye) (Yue) want to upgrade in the dungeon, something will happen, and there is no one that can make me (Ye) (Yue) (Month) Raiding a dungeon safely and steadily.

If it wasn't for the Feifeiling that the sage Miya gave me in Yangguo before, which can directly raise one hundred levels, then I even extremely doubt that I (Yue) might be the student with the second lowest level in Cradle Academy - the first lowest level That student is me (Ye).

So, let’s not talk about my (night) side now, anyway, my (month) side finally has time, so hurry up and go to the dungeon to upgrade and upgrade.

——Just when I was thinking so.

"Drip drip!"

Looking at the student card that was called out, at this moment, I (Lue) wanted to throw it away.

But it was Mr. Kelunya who looked at the caller ID, so I didn't dare.

This is my (month) most important thigh right now!Forbidden spells and magic are all counting on him!

There is no way, I (month) can only connect.

"Yue, go to my hometown to deliver something for me."

After hearing such instructions, I (Yue) replied respectfully: "Yes, Teacher Ke Lunya."

On this day, I deeply understood one thing. To be a disciple is my grandson.

No, more grandchildren than grandchildren.

At least a grandson can still refuse capriciously, but a disciple...

Ha ha.

Hehe in my heart, when I came to Teacher Kelunya, of course I (Yue) still had a smile on my face.

"Mr. Kelunya, where is your hometown? What do you want to send?"

"The gift is a necklace. My little junior sister is celebrating her birthday. I can't go back here now. You can go back and have a look on my behalf."

Teacher Ke Lunya calmly handed me (Yue) a golden box.

"Little Junior Sister? Does Teacher Ke Lunya still have Master's?"

"If there is no master, then where did I learn the forbidden curse magic? Did I develop it all by myself?"

Facing Teacher Kelunya's angry words, I stuck out my tongue and took the box.

"My little junior sister is a year younger than you, but according to the teacher, her talent is stronger than the teacher has ever seen, the teacher will not lie, so maybe she is stronger than me, Don't disrespect her just because of her age."

"Since I'm an uncle, of course I'm respectful. But Mr. Kelunya, you haven't said where your hometown is."

Ke Lunya glanced at me (Yue), and then suddenly smiled slightly: "My hometown is in the Holy White Lotus World, the Magic League. My master is the strongest magician in the Holy White Lotus World, the queen of the Magic League, Windsor Victoria."


At this moment, I was completely silent.

Teacher, tell the truth, how much reward did the Supreme Emperor offer for my (month) head to be worth sending me to your door like this?

"Mr. Kelunya, are you serious?"

"Would I lie about this?"

"This is putting me in the jaws of a sheep, Mr. Kelunya."

"It's nothing, didn't the Supreme Emperor promise not to do anything to you again?"

"Are you entrusting your life to other people's reputation? Right now, Lilith and Saint White Lotus are still at war!"

"Some people's reputation is not credible, such as the supreme emperor, she is the kind of person who can break the contract without changing her face or shame,"

"It's a good thing you know the Supreme Emperor so well and let me send the head."

"However, even people with unreliable reputations can still trust their promises sometimes."

"for example?"

"When she convincingly admit defeat."

"Please let me understand."

"The Supreme Emperor has her own pride. She does disdain such things as promises, but the premise is that the promise itself is not regarded as a promise by her. A promise made seriously and a promise made just for betrayal That's two completely different things! Yue, you have to know that the less people seem to take promises seriously, the more they actually pay attention to promises."

"In summary, I have to go, right?"


Teacher Ke Lunya smiled slightly.

"This is also an opportunity, Yue, with Teacher Windsor, maybe you can become stronger."

Before becoming stronger, all I want is not to become a dead person! ! !

Chapter 41

In Lianhua Chika's studio, I (Ye) thought hard about the lyrics.

Song writing is a technical job. Some people are good at writing lyrics first, then composing music, and then arranging music. Some people are good at composing music first, then writing lyrics, and finally arranging music.

And I belong to the former.

There is no difference between having lyrics before composing and composing first and then writing lyrics. It is simply a matter of personal habit.

However, habits are also rhythms, which still needs attention.

Therefore, I still think about the lyrics according to the rhythm.

The theme is magical girls.

Although it seems a bit subject-object shifting, if the part of the lyrics of Shentiandi is portrayed as the enemy of the magical girl, it can in turn make Shentiandi stand out.

"How is it? Night? Have you finished the first line of the lyrics?"

I (Ye) couldn't help twitching the corners of my mouth at the sound that sounded with the door opening: "How much do you look down on me? It took two hours to write the first line of lyrics? If the speed is so slow, then I might as well spend money and hire a professional composer to write it."

"Even for professional composers, it is very common that they can only grind out one line of lyrics a day."

Lianhua Qiange closed the studio door, locked it lightly, shrugged and smiled.

"In the past two hours, I have honed their singing skills. It is quite unexpected. The voices of the eight people are all very recognizable, and the voices are very nice. You can try to ask them to sing a sentence Sing, if it can be done well, maybe eight people can become popular together."

"It's not necessary for eight people to become popular at the same time, as long as Liu Lizi can become popular. And it must be the kind of fire that explodes overnight."

"It's up to you. As long as your song quality is good enough, my choreography can make Shentiandi stand out as much as possible."

He spoke very serious words, but the shallow breathing behind me hit my (Ye) neck, which made me feel a little itchy.

I (night) glanced sideways at the wall mirror on the right.

Lianhua Qiange put her hands on her knees, squatted halfway behind me (Ye), her cheeks were slightly flushed, her eyes were not looking at the lyrics I wrote, but looking at my (Ye) side from the right shoulder Face.

She was still wearing that performance costume, and her entire perfect body curve was completely presented on the mirror in the current posture.

At this moment, Lianhua Qiange seemed to have noticed my (Ye) gaze, smiled slightly at the corner of her mouth, then gently blew on my (Ye) ear, leaned forward, opened her mouth slowly, and bit her white teeth lightly on my (Ye) earlobe.

Like a kitten biting and licking.

After biting it, she let go, and then, a soft voice came to her ears: "Ye, I heard that Chris said that she successfully ate you. Is this true?"

After asking this sentence, I (Ye) felt my earlobe being licked lightly again.


At this moment, I (Ye) couldn't help exhaling lightly.

Don't be sentimental.

Don't be sentimental.

Don't be affectionate - can this special cat not be affectionate?

Calm down, let me try again.

"Yes, I was completely eaten. Why, do you want to eat me too? Yes, I will let you eat whatever you want after you finish writing the song."

"But, I can't wait any longer."

Lianhua Qiange smiled brightly, raised his arms, and gently encircled my body.

"Now, let me eat you."

Well, the trial is over.

It's already confirmed that I (Ye) once again fell into the tiger's mouth.

Chapter 42 Too many lice don't itch, too many debts don't worry

I (Ye) never expected that the sheep would fall into the tiger's mouth again.

I have to say that the difference between men and women lies here.

I (month) never had anything like this happen to me, oh no, there was a Melty - but she was drunk too, and I (month) got a little tougher and she stopped going.

However, I (Ye) is different, this is already the third time.

Where is the difference?

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