Well, the difference is that I (Ye) is a man, and the people who lock me up and want to fuck me (Ye) are all beautiful girls.

If it were me (Yue), even if the most beautiful boy in the world dared to do such a thing, I (Yue) would kill him without any guilt, and everyone would agree.

But if it were me (Ye), facing such an awareness of the beautiful girl, even if she just refused, it would be ignorant of good and bad.

The gap is that big.

This is a cruel reality that makes people desperate.

I really can't wait to be born as a daughter.

What?I (month) is a girl?

That's fine.

Concentrate on my (night) side of the problem.

"I told you before that I was willing to promise my body, but you refused, and now you want my body again, do you think I will agree? Am I the kind of man who comes and goes when he is recruited?"

"You're really not the kind of man who comes and goes when he's called. You're the kind of man who only talks about it, and runs away immediately if you really want to do it."

Meow, do you know me so well?

Indeed, I have to admit that I (Ye) (Yue) is that kind of man (woman) who has a heart but no guts.

"So, you don't need to make a physical promise, you have to find a time where you can't escape. ——Is that what Chris did?"

Chris-senpai, you need to clean up, right?Can you say anything?Believe it or not, I kept you out of bed for seven days? ...It seems that I can't do it.

Let's put down the pen for now, it's obvious that I can no longer concentrate on writing songs in this situation.

After thinking about it, I (Ye) swung my right hand back, brought Lianhua Qiange in front of me, and let her sit sideways on my (Ye) lap.

With her left hand around her slender waist, her right hand raised her chin, and her eyes met.

"Qiange, you are not joking, but serious, right?"

After looking at me (Ye), Lianhua Qiange's eyes were full of surprise, and she nodded with a smile: "Of course I'm serious, I've been pretending to be joking, I've already pretended enough."

"Do you know what it means to have too many lice without itching, and too much debt to worry about it? Because the sense of responsibility will decrease if you have too much debt, and people will become shameless."

"Do I need you to be responsible? I am the strong one. I should be responsible for you, right? Ye, girls will hate you if you are so machismo."

As he said this, Lianhua Qiange had a smile on his face and eyes.

"That's what I said, but if it's Ye, there's nothing to worry about if you have too many debts... No, it's nothing, I mean it's enough to be happy now, do boys at your age like Ye need to think about responsibility? Everyone is mainly playing, isn't it? There is no need to feel guilty, because I am the one who is guilty!"

As soon as the words fell, she directly blocked my (Ye) mouth.

Lianhua Qiange's height is about 1.6 meters three, and the current posture is very high and just right.

I (night) did not resist.

I am too lazy to struggle like I did when facing Senior Murong and Senior Chris.

Now that you have made up your mind, let me accept it head-on.

Anyway, if there are too many lice, it doesn't itch, and if you have too many debts, you don't worry, right?

Chapter 43 Arriving at the Holy White Lotus World

I (month) still came to the holy white lotus world.

There is no way, although life is in danger, but the teacher's order must not be disobeyed, and it is the duty of the disciple to do it.

As for how to get to the Great World of Saint White Lotus, it is also simple, that is, you can pass through the gate built by Lilith's army.

That's how it happened last time I went to the Demon Realm, and it's no exception now.

Through that bronze gate, I (month) came to the garrison camp of Lilith Great World.

——It is said to be a camp, but it is actually a city at all.

Even small soldiers who can participate in this war are god-level bosses, and it is obviously not difficult to build a city.

And this is not a simple city, but a military city.

I don't know what kind of protection it has. After all, this is a military secret, but at least, according to news reports, the Holy White Lotus World has organized seven attacks on this city, but it has not been able to break through it so far. This shows the horror of this military city.

"Miss Yue, please follow me."

After passing through the gate, I followed the greeters to the command center, where I met Inanna, the "Heavenly King", one of the three Kings of the Sumerian Kingdom appointed by the president himself, the frontline commander who was busy with his busy schedule.

All the troops in the holy white lotus world are now under the unified command of her.

And I need her help if I want to safely reach the Magic City, the main city of the Magic Alliance, during this war.

To be honest, I don't know how she can help me. After all, no matter how I look at it, I will be caught and killed as a spy, and there will be no problem at all, right?

However, Teacher Kelunya arranged for me (Yue) to find her. There should be a reason for Teacher Kelunya, so I will just follow the instructions with only one pair of eyes and one pair of ears.

Entering a certain room with a large space, I met the first protagonist of the romantic legend of the Three Kings, and according to what the Goddess of Trials said, she is one of the strongest in the Lilith world who can be ranked in the same class as the leader of the Sun, Moon, and Star Three Divine Army.

"King of Heaven", Inanna.

Inanna was not admitted to the Cradle Academy back then, but she is now stronger than the Golden King and the War King. It is not without reason.

As far as I know, Inanna's exclusive skill "King of Heaven" was awakened after she ascended the throne and became the queen of the Sumerian Kingdom. Its effect is linked to the national power of the country. To sum up, the stronger the national power, the stronger her strength will be , not only the growth of ability value, but also the acquisition of various skills along with the growth of national power.

In the beginning, Yinna was indeed stronger than Golden King and the War King who graduated from the Cradle Academy, but with the more powerful Sumerian Kingdom, Yinana's strength grew rapidly, but because she rarely shot, no one knew what to do after the Kingdom of Sumeria became the world's six major powers -until this time, the goddess of the trial goddess will be. Exposure, the world knows that "Heaven" Inana has already possessed the strength of the leaders of the Three Gods.

This time, the chairman named her as the frontline commander, and it was not without reason.

Blonde hair and green pupils, beautiful and dazzling.

Looking at Inanna, I (Yue) couldn't help being a little dazed. Compared with the temperament of a king, Inanna's temperament is like the charm of a goddess of beauty, making people feel dazed at a glance.

"You are the moon? Sure enough, it is just like what Jigal said. It is so beautiful that I have to bow down."

The corners of Inanna's mouth curled up slightly seductively, and the curvature was so beautiful that it made people's heart beat faster.

"Kelunya has already told me about the matter, you just wait here for a while, I have already sent someone to notify the Magic Alliance, and Windsor will send someone to pick you up."

? ? ? ? ?

I (monthly) had to have a few question marks in my head.

"Is it such a friendly communication with the enemy in the war now?"

"War is war, and it doesn't affect personal friendship. Aren't the princesses in Caiyi of the Suzaku Empire still studying in the Cradle Academy safely? Don't worry, as long as you don't stay there too long, come back quickly after the birthday party is over, don't let me If people mistakenly become spies, then you will be fine."

What you said really reassures me a lot.

Indeed, thinking about it this way, Yun Caiyi can go to school in the Cradle Academy safely, and the Cradle Academy has not done anything to her, so I (Yue) seems to have no problem.

"Your Majesty, what is the current situation of the war? Do we have an advantage?"


"Of course, after all, this war is closely related to ordinary people like us."

"You are not an ordinary person."

Inanna seemed to be unable to hold back a little laughter.

"And the students of Cradle Academy are not ordinary people. Cradle Academy is the center stage of Lilith's big world. Let alone after graduation, at least during the school period, you are the protagonists of Lilith's big world. On this stage, except for the students of Cradle Academy, everyone else can only exist as supporting roles and passers-by."

"Is it okay not to add pressure to a group of children?"

"People who can't even bear this kind of pressure have no chance of being admitted to Cradle Academy."

Inanna only said this, and then stopped talking and talked about the current battle situation.

"The supreme emperor, with Yue Xingyin Rilun as the commander, led the army of the Suzaku Empire to confront us, while the other Suzaku empire's vassal states assembled their armies one by one. The decisive battle is here, but in a short period of time, there is no winner. At least for now, neither I nor the sun wheel dare to act rashly to really launch the decisive battle of the whole army. For the time being, there are only conflicts between some small troops."

"Is there no advantage?"

"The strength of Saint White Lotus and Lilith is almost the same. In the early stage of the war, it is impossible to tell which is better. If you want an advantage, you can only work hard to accumulate it. But who can really accumulate the advantage in the end? But it’s something that’s uncertain.”

"Isn't it too confident? At least you should show a confident look in front of me so that I can rest assured that you can be regarded as a qualified commander-in-chief!"

"Even if I pretend to be full of confidence, it's useless if you don't believe me."

"You don't pretend, how do you know I don't believe it?"

"Okay, then I'll pretend."

Inanna straightened her expression, smiled disdainfully at the corner of her mouth, and said plainly:

"The Suzaku Empire is nothing more than a chicken and a dog. Don't worry, our army will win this battle."

I (Yue) immediately expressed admiration: "Really? Then I will leave everything to you, Your Majesty. As long as I can win this battle, you will be my idol for life."

"There is no need to do this, this is what should be done. ——But if you have to thank me, then you just have to promise me with your body."

I (Yue) took a step back in an instant, my face full of vigilance.

Meow, what do you mean?I (Yue) was forced to make a sexual agreement just now, and then I (Yue) will also come here? !

Seeing my (Yue) reaction, Inanna couldn't help laughing: "Miss Yue really can't take a joke."

"Ha ha."

Do you know why hehe?

joke?Hehe, I (Ye) naively thought that a joke was just a joke before, how could I have thought that all of you women have such deep routines?

Sorry, I don't believe in jokes like this anymore.

I've even made up my mind that, in this regard, I'm never going to have sex again.

——At this time, someone walked into the room.

"Commander, the envoy of the Magic Alliance is here."

Inanna nodded: "Bring her in."

Soon, the so-called Envoy of the Magic Alliance walked in.

She is a girl with blond hair hanging down her waist, soft appearance, and quiet temperament.

Seeing this young girl, Inanna narrowed her eyes slightly, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly: "I didn't expect Queen Windsor to let the famous "Magic Library" Bedia Clark come here in person, which really surprised me. "

"Teacher heard that Senior Brother Ke Lunya had accepted a disciple and that he had his first grandson. He was very happy and sent other people to pick him up. Naturally, the teacher would not be at ease."

The girl named Betiya had a special calm in her tone, like a clear spring flowing slowly, making people feel comfortable and at ease listening to it.

She looked at me (Yue) and nodded slightly.

"You are Yue, right? I am your uncle."

"Hello, uncle."

I (month) greeted obediently.

Don't look at this girl's appearance age is not much older than me, in fact, she is obviously an old monster who has lived for an unknown number of years, she is about the same as Inanna, after all, judging by Inanna's attitude, my uncle It's a big man.

"I'm only 17 years old."

"Impossible?" I couldn't help being stunned, and then instantly regretted my faux pas.

"You really are thinking about such things."

"Uncle, can you read minds?"

Even if you can read minds, you can't read my mind, right?Has the skill you gave, Mr. President, expired? !

"You can tell what you're thinking just by looking at your face."

Oh, psychology guru, got it.

I heard that psychology masters are better than people who can read minds, and now it seems that it is true.

"Then, Queen Inanna, please allow me to bring Yue back to the Magical City."

"You can take her away, but you must bring her back safely the day after tomorrow."

Inanna smiled slightly, but also seriously.

"This is not a threat, but a kind reminder. If Yue suffers any harm in the Holy White Lotus World, I can't guarantee that some people who didn't intend to participate in this war will do something."

Faced with such words, Betiya's expression remained unchanged, she just blinked her eyes calmly, and said in a calm and slow voice:

"In the Magic Alliance, no one can hurt the teacher's disciple unless the Supreme Emperor personally takes action."

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