At some point, Lianhua Qiange stood behind me (Ye) and said with a smile: "The only thing left is the costume and the dance."

"The costumes are easy to handle. The seven of Sakura and the others are magical girl costumes with a magic staff. As for Shentiandi, they are angel costumes with a pair of white wings."

"Are angels villains?"

"Isn't this kind of thing uncommon?"

"...It's really not uncommon."

Of course, it’s not uncommon. In TV dramas and cartoons, there have never been stories about angels being villains. People and churches don’t care.

Well, the teachings of Catholicism are already quite suitable for being a villain.

——"When the final judgment comes, the world will come to an end. At that time, the good people will live forever in heaven, and the wicked will fall into hell forever."

To put it succinctly, the angels will destroy the world when the appointed day arrives, and pull the souls of good people into the kingdom of heaven, so that they can obtain eternal life.

It is true that the doctrine of persuading people to be good, but the point is that angels will really destroy the world!

I don’t believe in the Lord, you are going to destroy the world, can’t I resist?

Based on this, there are endless stories about angels as villains and protagonists fighting to save the world.

Of course, the background of the story is not the big world of Lilith, but an overhead world.

After all, it seems that the Kingdom of Heaven has indeed executed the Last Judgment in countless worlds.

It has to be said that there are quite a few believers in the Lord, because the souls of good people will really ascend to heaven and obtain eternal life. Compared with the difficulty of becoming a god to obtain eternal life, the difficulty of believing in the Lord and obtaining eternal life is undoubtedly much lower. You just need to be a good person sincerely.

What's more, it doesn't matter whether you believe in the Lord or not. Even if you don't believe in the Lord, as long as you are a good person, you can ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

In other words, even if you believe in the Lord, even if you become the most loyal believer of the Lord, as long as you are a wicked person, you will still be sent to hell.

— In a way, this is unfair to Catholics.

Because believers pray sincerely every day and offer their most loyal faith to the Lord, but they are only judged on an equal footing with those heretics who do not believe in the Lord at all.

This kind of unfairness can also make some believers have extreme ideas, thinking that non-believers are not human at all.

How can those heretics who don’t believe in the Lord, don’t respect the Lord, don’t respect the Lord and have a heart of gratitude to the Lord get the mercy of the Lord?Why does the Lord give grace to heretics?No, the Lord will not let these heretics go to heaven, because heretics are not human at all...Many believers distort the teachings a little bit with extreme thinking like this, and have the idea or even action to completely destroy the heresy, and then firmly believe What I think is correct, and what I do is correct, because I am so devout and love the Lord so much.

Because of this, there are also countless examples of Catholicism in a certain world directly becoming villains... and this type of believers will all be sentenced to hell in the final judgment.

Too fair and unfair, this is the flaw of Catholicism, and it is also the essential reason why Catholicism can easily become the final boss in various stories.

But let me declare in advance that it is okay to use Catholicism as a villain in Lilith World, but it must be explained clearly in the play that everything is the individual behavior of believers and has nothing to do with the Lord. This type of believers will go to hell, don't take it This kind of extreme believer is tied to the Lord... Otherwise, the Catholic Church will sue you, and each sue will agree.

Similarly, it’s okay to use angels as villains, but it must also be clearly stated that angels are not really trying to destroy the world, but are just conducting the final judgment, fulfilling the Lord’s promise to all mankind, and giving a blessing to good and evil people. Draw the dividing line between heaven and hell.

You can classify angels as villains because of different positions and ideologies, but you cannot slander angels for purely doing evil.

Because the former is also persuading people to do good deeds, in line with the will of the Lord, while the latter...of course, will also be accused, and it may cause diplomatic disputes between the kingdom of heaven and the world of Lilith.

Well, the above are all off topic, now let’s get back to the topic and talk about clothing and dance.

"The costumes are not difficult. I will design and make them myself. As for the choreography... Is it okay to leave it to you? Chika?"

"No problem at all."

Hearing my (Ye) words, Lianhua Qiange nodded, then leaned on my (Ye) back and smiled: "But I don't have much energy now, Ye, can you cheer me up and cheer me up? "

Are you so knowledgeable?

Well, I can understand this feeling, and I'm also very knowledgeable about this kind of thing.

There is no greater pleasure in life, no second, and third—in short, there is no greater pleasure than this.

Thinking about it this way...

Well, I'm sure, I've really become a greedy and lustful scum!

It was right not to confess to the first love at first sight, a scum like me can no longer walk on the path of innocence! !

After confirming this matter, I (Ye) obeyed my will, turned around and hugged Lianhua Qiange, walked to the only bed in this studio, threw her directly on the bed, let her lie on her stomach, and then pressed upwards.

Yesterday I was obsessed with the front door, today I want to walk through the back door.

As we all know, the front door is difficult to walk through, but the back door can be easily and happily passed as long as there is a relationship.

And I (Ye), who is precisely the one who has a relationship, can go straight to the core through the back door.

Um?and many more?

This... seems to be a little difficult to walk, is there something missing?

Oh yes, think about it carefully, you must bring a gift with you when you go through the back door.

Well, it's decided, just bring lube.


"Xiaomei, Xiaolian, what are you listening to?"

Seeing Xiaomei and Xiaolian lying at the door, Sakura asked suspiciously.

Xiaomei and Xiaolian were startled, and then made a "shush" gesture together.

"Ye and Xiaoqiange have both stayed there all night, Sakura, aren't you curious? They must be doing that kind of thing!"

"That kind of thing?" Sakura tilted her head: "What kind of thing?"

"Uh... It's the kind of thing where there is me in you, and you in me." Xiaomei whispered with a blushing face.

"You have me I have you?"

Sakura raised her head and thought for a while, then her eyes lit up instantly.

"Will Ye and Xiaoqiange fit together? Are they practicing their fusion skills?"

"That's right, they are merging, they must be merging!" Xiaomei nodded repeatedly, her tone firm: "And they must be merging all night!"

"It's amazing!" Sakura folded her hands together, adoring her face: "How can I learn the fusion skill? I really want to try it! It must be very handsome!"

"It should be quite easy to find handsome people in Cradle Academy. Except for a few exceptions, the students in Cradle Academy are all handsome men and beautiful women." Xiaomei carefully helped Sakura think about it: "As for how to learn how to fit together... It seems that I can only watch more videos. Xiaoying, don't you know the secret website? When you come to my dormitory at night, I will tell you how to get in."

"Really? Is it true that you can learn the fusion skills just by watching the video?" Sakura jumped up excitedly: "Great, Xiaomei, I will definitely go there in the evening, and when the time comes, I will learn the skills of the two of us." Just try to fit together!"

"Huh? Huh? What? The two of us?"

Facing Sakura's request, Xiaomei panicked instantly, took a step back, and said with a red face:

"Then, what... Xiao Sakura, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that by asking you to come to my dormitory, I, my sexual orientation is normal... I, I will find a man who is as good-looking as Ye to be my boyfriend in the future of……"

"Huh? Sexual orientation? Boyfriend?" Sakura was stunned, and she tilted her head full of question marks: "Xiaomei, what are you talking about?"

On the side, I put my ear on the door and listened for a long time. Because the sound insulation effect is too good, I didn't hear the slightest sound in the room. Instead, Xiaolian, who listened to a bunch of conversations that made people unable to complain, said really weakly:

"Didn't the two of you realize that you were talking across servers?"

Leaving aside cross-server and non-cross-server, anyway, Shentiandi ignored this kind of thing.

Before that, she actually wanted to stop it. After all, after all, seeing her husband hooking up with other women, Shen Tian Di was of course upset.

Not to mention that the husband didn't have that intention, that woman simply wanted to be a bully.

However, if you are unhappy, it is enough to stop it for a while. For Emperor Shentian, if you don't let your husband's bottom line be lowered a little bit, then she herself has no chance.

Of course, it's not enough yet.

What Lianhua Qiange can do, she can't do now, because her husband's bottom line has not dropped to the point where she can accept herself.

Well, don't worry, just wait, it's just a matter of time before this continues to develop.


After sleeping in Master Shizu's mansion, which was not very good but full of grief, I (Yue) got up with a sigh.

Today is the uncle's birthday, let's put aside the relationship between children and things for now.

After washing up, putting on my gown, and having breakfast, I (Yue) followed the waiter to the banquet hall.

At this time, there were already many people in the banquet.

When I (Yue) stepped into the banquet hall, the scene fell into a little bit of silence, and finally became silent. Everyone was staring at me (Yue), a outsider.

In this regard, I (Yue), who has long been used to this kind of scene, didn't care. Instead, I cheered up and showed a smile that belonged to the Duke's daughter. After searching the various personnel on the scene, I directly locked on On a certain girl who seems to be of high status - because there are several circles of people around this girl, although they all keep a certain distance and there is no crowding scene, but they are all obviously waiting The gesture of wanting to strike up a conversation with him.

I am very familiar with this scene. When I was in Dolge Kingdom, I (Yue) would face the same scene every time I appeared in a social scene. It was almost like an appointment.

Of course, that was not an agreement, but a tacit understanding between nobles.

People with noble status will naturally become the center of social occasions, and everyone wants to talk to them, hoping to leave an impression in their hearts, even if it is not a deep impression, it is also a success for socializing.

However, leaving an impression is an impression, but you can't leave a bad impression. This requires etiquette.

When I (month) chat with people, even if other people want to talk to me, they will consciously not interrupt, because casually interrupting other people's topics will only annoy me (month). Unwanted.

Of course, there are people who are good at speaking, have outstanding charm, and can not make people bored even if they interrupt in the middle, but such people are only a minority after all.

Therefore, there are such unspoken rules among the nobles.

That's... queuing.

That's right, the people who circled around the girl were obviously queuing.

I have personally experienced this kind of scene many times, so there is absolutely no mistake.

It used to be like this, when someone talked to me (month), other people would scatter around me (month) and talk to each other.

It seems that they are talking to each other, but in fact they are all focused on me (month). As long as I (month) expresses the willingness to end the topic, the person who talks to me (month) will consciously smile and leave, and then take over according to the principle of first-come, first-come, first-come, first-served.

It can't be said that it's annoying. As a nobleman, especially the daughter of a duke, it's a very embarrassing thing if there is no one around in social situations. It can even be said that it basically sends a bad signal to the outside world and is a precursor to the decline of the family.

I am a face-saving person, and I don't intend to trouble my father, so I will be gentle and social in social situations.

Of course, if you really feel annoyed, then just talk to other duke children of the same level directly in social situations, so that other people will not dare to come forward to disturb.

In short, that's it. From the current scene, I (Yue) can be sure that the girl surrounded by a group of people must be an important person in this magic city. Although I don't know who she is, at this time, I just need to get close and talk directly.

Um?What?Did I just say that interrupting directly like this is very annoying behavior?

Hehe, do you see that they are talking now?

Now everyone is looking at me (Yue), if I (Yue) don't find someone to talk to and break the deadlock, the audience will probably remain silent forever.

And I (Yue) want to strike up a conversation with someone... so naturally I have to strike up a conversation with the person who looks the most noble in the field.

It would be easy to make her dissatisfied if she was just looking for someone casually and ignoring this girl who seemed to be the most noble.

Aristocratic society is very complicated, and the doorways here cannot be explained in a simple way, it is all a stroke of experience!

...Although I have no such experience.

It's all after someone else made a mistake, and my father told me where the other party went wrong.

At the same time these thoughts flashed like lightning, I (Yue) had already moved towards the black-haired girl who was the center of the banquet hall.

"Yue has met your lord. Yue came from the world of Lilith, and participated in the birthday party of my uncle on behalf of my teacher Ke Lunya. I don't know many noble people here, and I don't know your name. I hope you will forgive me."

——Solemnly declare that the above paragraph is what I (Yue) planned to say.

— but I (month) haven't had time to say it yet.

When the black-haired girl saw me (Yue) walking towards her, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said "Excuse me" to the man beside her, and then walked up to me (Yue) on her own initiative.

"Sister Yue Xue, why are you here?"


I (Yue) was unresponsive for a moment, and then I couldn't help being surprised—I almost widened my eyes in shock, but luckily I (Yue) held back.

Yes, almost instantly, I realized it was not good right away, but fortunately, I (Yue) reacted quickly, instantly restrained my expression, and smiled: "Hello, senior sister, I am Teacher Dai Kelunya who came to attend the birthday party of my uncle."

Who are you ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ? ? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

It's over, it's over, it's over! !Here comes the most embarrassing event in social situations! ! !

What is the most embarrassing thing in this world?It's that you know me and seem to be very familiar with me, but in the end I don't know who you are at all? ! !

Although this situation may be a scam, but if she calls me Yue Xuemei, then she really knows me!

And one thing can be clearly seen from the attitude, the unknown senior sister did not introduce herself, it must have been ignored by her - this is basically impossible.

So, she thinks that I (Yue) will definitely know her and who she is—but the point is that I really don't know! ! ! ! ! !

First of all, she is definitely not one of the ten jades in the cradle.

Because I have learned a lesson since the incident of senior sister Chris, and now I can clearly remember who is in the cradle.

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