Secondly, she must be famous... Otherwise, it would be impossible to think so narcissistically that I would definitely know her, right?

No, think about it carefully, I (Yue) walked towards her first, maybe it is because of this that she mistakenly thinks that I know her, maybe?

— that’s what’s especially embarrassing.

How to do?How to do?How to do?

How can she reveal her identity quietly?

"So Yuexue is Teacher Kelunya's disciple?"

The unknown senior sister nodded and said with a smile:

"When you first come here, there must be many people you don't know, right? Senior sister, let me introduce you."

"Then there will be Senior Sister Lao."

After I (Yue) smiled and nodded, the unknown senior sister led me (Yue) towards an old man with a white beard.

"The Alliance of Magic is a joint organization composed of 130 countries. These 130 countries are all big countries of magic. They rule the country with magic, rejuvenate the country with magic, and teach the country with magic. The culture of magic permeates the hearts of the people of all countries. Even children as young as three years old can use magic, and there are various magic theories. Even if they are all ways of magic, their magical power systems are different."

While saying this, the unknown senior sister stretched out her hand to the white-bearded old man and introduced:

"Standing on top of all the magic systems and all the countries is the Council of Wise Men headed by Windsor Victoria, leader of the Magic Alliance. In the Council of Wise Men, including the leader Windsor, there are a total of There are thirteen sages, and they jointly lead the entire Magic Alliance. And the one in front of you is one of the thirteen sages, Mondev Bialas"

The white-bearded old man glanced at the unknown senior, twitched his eyebrows, and then nodded to me (Yue).

I (Yue) bowed my head and saluted: "I have seen the great sage Mondev, and I have admired his name for a long time."

The unknown senior continued: "My disciple, Kabite Emmel Boleyn."

"... Do you know, senior sister? If you are covered in a sack at night, it must be me."

Chapter 50 The Suffering Test

"Sister, do you know? If you are covered in a sack at night, it must be me."

At this moment, I (Yue) still lowered my head, and just said softly to the unknown senior sister on the side with a blank expression.

For the record, I mean it sincerely.


"not necessarily."

The unknown senior sister seriously denied my (Yue) words:

"There are many people who have said the same thing, so if one day I am really covered in a sack, I don't know who among you did it? Or maybe it was you together?"

"Hahahahaha, Yu'er, you have been in Lilith for a few years, and you are really lively." The white-bearded old man laughed happily and said, "In the past, he was not as good at joking as he is now, but like a nerd."

It's a joke to you, but to me, I just want to kill her! !

For the record, I mean it.

I had to take a deep breath, and I reflected on why I chose such a... Forget it, I am too lazy to scold, I blame myself for being blind.

This face is really embarrassing today.

For the first time since I was a child, I lost such a big person in a social situation.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Carbito, I was rude just now."

After I (Yue) calmed down, I smiled apologetically at the white-bearded old man, apologizing with some embarrassment.

The white-bearded old man didn't take offense either, and said with a kind smile, "Where is the impoliteness? I'm Mondev? My disciple Kabit is over there."

——I (Lue) completely lost the smile on my face.

Looking in the direction the white-bearded old man pointed, a black-haired boy who looked about seven or eight years old came into view.

Then, I (Yue) turned my gaze, looked at the unknown senior sister who was blinking innocently, then looked at the old man with white beard who smiled kindly, and finally, I (Yue) nodded in understanding.

Got it, you guys are seeing that I'm from the world of Lilith, so you deliberately want to embarrass me, right?

"Okay, Master Mondev, stop joking, Yue Xuemei is really going to be angry."

"You're the one who's kidding. After studying at Cradle Academy for a few years, you've grown into a normal girl."

"No way, Cradle Academy is such an environment."

The unknown senior sister shrugged and smiled helplessly.

"When I was in Magic City, I thought highly of myself, and no one looked down on me except Betiya, but I realized after I arrived at Cradle Academy that I was just a mediocre person, and I didn't have any qualifications to be proud—— Self-admiration is really not suitable for Cradle Academy, it will only be regarded as a brain problem."

The unknown senior sister also seemed to be amazed.

"I think I was very cold when I first entered school, but I ended up being cold for less than a month."

"I heard that you did well in the Cradle Academy." The white-bearded old man stroked his beard and said with a meaningful smile: "The Cradle Academy already has talents from all over the world. Playing a supporting role to set up the stage of destiny is completely different from the environment of Magic City, even Suzaku City cannot compare. Being on the stage of Cradle Academy is equivalent to bearing destiny, and being able to stand out on that stage Yes, even after graduating from Cradle Academy, you can still be a famous actor—you have already stood out, and you have not embarrassed us in the city of magic."

Hearing such praise, the unknown senior sister was not complacent, but rather laughed at herself: "Isn't it possible to become a cradle ten jade?"

The white-bearded old man raised his eyebrows, and seemed to have a helpless smile: "In the past, you were already the chief of the Cradle Ten Jade. Now...don't pursue too much. Even if Betiya went to the current Cradle Academy, it is hard to say that she can become the Cradle Ten Jade—and Betiya's strength is close to those of us old guys."

Hearing this, the unknown senior sister seemed to agree deeply, and sighed: "Why is it so difficult in this world now?"

The white-bearded old man also looked concerned: "Indeed, the world is getting more and more difficult. Now I am afraid every day that I will be hanged and beaten by a little girl in her early teens just like Jiu Tian's group of immortals." , Throwing face to the entire Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Worlds."

"I don't think you need to worry about this, Mr. Mengdev. The Emerald God beat Nine Heavens all over, and when it spread to the outside world, it's just called Gods and Immortals. Even if you experience it once, I'm afraid you won't be able to leave a name. It's just a collective name."

"You mean, old man, I'm not even worthy to leave my name behind as a background board?"

"It's not that serious." The unknown senior sister still cared about other people's face, and said euphemistically: "You can still leave your name in the Magic Alliance."

"It's still not necessary, I don't care about such false names."

The two chatted and laughed for a while, which relieved my (Yue) embarrassment a lot—but don't expect me to be grateful for this behavior of hitting a stick with a sweet date.

What's more, you didn't even give a sweet date, you just took the stick back.

"Sister Yue, the sage Mondev created the magic theory of abandoning singing, and is the founder of the silent line of magic. If you are interested, you can discuss it with Mr. Mondev during the Holy White Lotus. Anyway, Mr. Mengdev is usually very free."

While saying this, the unknown senior sister raised her chin to the white-bearded old man with an expression of "Don't you know what I should do now?"

Mondev smiled helplessly, and then took out something that looked like a business card.

"This is my business card. If you have anything to do, you can contact me. If you are really interested in Wuyan's magic, you can also come to me directly according to the address. I am also very interested in spreading my own magic theory."

Well, it turned out to be a business card.

The unknown senior sister directly picked it up for me (Yue) and handed it to me (Yue).

"Okay, the first one is over. Let's go, Yue Xuemei, you have met Queen Windsor, and I will take you to meet the other eleven great sages. They all happen to be in this banquet hall now."

"Really? That's really grateful to Senior Sister."

I (Yue) said with a bit of gritted teeth.

But compared to gnashing my teeth, I (Yue) is a little more confused now.

If there are twelve great sages in this banquet hall, then... what is the identity of the unknown senior sister?

I was absolutely right in my judgment before. This unknown senior must be the person with the highest status in this banquet hall. Never expected.

However, even the thirteen sages failed to take away the central position of this unknown senior. From this, it can be seen that her status is far more noble than the thirteen sages of the Magic Alliance.

So, who is she?

In my doubts, the unknown senior sister took me to meet great sages one after another. Among them were old men with white beards, mature women with big breasts, white-haired teenagers, young girls, blind men with closed eyes and sticks, warriors with sharp swords instead of staffs, 13-year-old blonde loli with red pupils, 13-year-old silver-haired loli with green pupils, twin loli with a boy and a girl, wise old woman with gray hair, and finally even a talented old woman A black-haired boy about seven or eight years old—yes, the black-haired boy Mondev fooled me (monthly) into calling him Kabite.

Shit Capitol.The old man really wanted to see me (Yue) joke at that time.

Fortunately, he didn't succeed.

In short, after going around for a while, I was directly led by an unknown senior to get to know the highest-level political organization of the entire Magic Alliance, and received twelve business cards.

This made me more certain that the unknown senior sister really has an extraordinary identity, and these great sages really gave her face!

But after walking for a long time, I still only know that all the great sages are intimately calling the unknown senior sister Yu'er, and I don't even know her full name.

It's really not good to ask directly.

Although it seems that the personality of the unknown senior sister should be pretty good, it would be too embarrassing to say "I don't know who you are yet" at this time.

How to do it?How to test it?

——That's when I was thinking about it.

Unnamed took me (Yue) to a place to sit opposite each other, then said with a light smile: "Finally, it's time to introduce myself to Xuemei Yue. Xuemei Yue still doesn't know who I am, right? It's really hard for you."


I (Yue) couldn't help but look at her in surprise.

The unknown senior sister smiled mischievously: "Don't treat senior sister as a fool, the joke before is the punishment for your dishonesty."

Well, it seems that my acting skills are still too bad, and I must learn more from senior sister Chris in the future.

"So, dare to ask senior sister's name?"

The unknown senior sister smiled slightly: "Yuncaiyu."

"Cloud jade? Cloud? Color?"

It is only one word away from Yun Caiyi, if I still can't guess her identity, then I am an idiot and a fool, pure stupid.

"Is Senior Sister Yun Caiyi's older sister?"

Daughter of the Supreme Emperor.

Princess of the Suzaku Empire.

No wonder she has a higher status than the Thirteen Sages in the Magic League, after all, she is the princess of Shang Kingdom.

The Holy White Lotus World is completely ruled by the Suzaku Empire, but there are still many other countries in the Holy White Lotus World, and those countries are generally the vassal states of the Suzaku Empire.

No, that's not even accurate to say.

It is more correct to say that all other countries are vassal states that have accepted the enfeoffment of the Suzaku Empire.

Although the Demon Alliance is an organization formed by the union of more than 1 countries, to the Suzaku Empire, it is still just a slightly larger vassal state.

After the supreme emperor came to the holy white lotus, only the nobles who received the title and territory bestowed by the supreme emperor had the orthodoxy to establish a country and pass it on to the country.

Since hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Holy White Lotus World has been developed with this political system until now.

Under such circumstances, the princess of the Suzaku Empire naturally has a super high status in a vassal state like the Magic Alliance.

Of course, it can also be seen that senior sister Yuncaiyu is not only of high status, she also seems to be quite pleasing in the Magic Alliance. Compared with the awe and alienation of the princess of the Suzaku Empire, the thirteen sages have more affection for Yuncaiyu, just like looking at their juniors.

It can be seen from this that Yun Caiyu's personal charm is outstanding.

Well, I (monthly) can be considered to have experienced this personally.

When I was thinking about this, Yun Caiyu responded to my words with raised eyebrows: "Caiyi... Speaking of which, there is indeed such a younger sister."

This confuses me a little bit.

However, Yuncaiyu had a smile on her face, but she didn't say much about this topic: "I am a fifth grade student at Cradle Academy, and I also work in the student union. When I was young, I was exiled to this magic city for some reason. Later, I went to Lilith World to see if I could be admitted to Cradle Academy, and I finally got admitted. Now I have returned to Magic City after a long absence—this is probably the case for my self-introduction."

"It's really a concise self-introduction." I (Yue) couldn't help laughing bitterly, then changed the subject and asked, "Is Caiyu-senpai familiar with me? I didn't expect that I'm really famous in Cradle Academy."

"That's natural. After all, you are recognized as a super genius if you have not been delayed for more than ten years because you don't have a famous teacher, then I am afraid that you will have a place among the ten jades in the cradle."

Yun Caiyu raised her eyebrows and smiled.

"There are very few people who can be called geniuses even in the Cradle Academy, not to mention that Yue Xuemei is the most beautiful school belle in the history of the Cradle Academy. This popularity is not inferior to that of the goddess Murong!"

"Cradle Ten Jade? No matter how you think about it, it's impossible. Please don't make me have such expectations."

Is the ten jade in the cradle a position that human beings can expect?I'm just a mortal, so I don't expect such things.

Well, I used to think that I (Yue) was a genius, but it turns out that after I came to Cradle Academy, I (Yue) was just one of the mediocre ones-there are a lot of hopeless people in this school ! !

Human beings cannot be compared with hanging walls.

That's not going to be fun.

I will never take the path of being unhappy.

"Sister Yue Xue underestimates herself too much. You can learn all kinds of magic with Teacher Kelunya as your teacher now, and you can also grow up with various resources in the Cradle Academy. It must not take a few years to grow to the point where you can covet It's the position of the ten jades in the cradle."

"Growth is the same, and the ten jades in the cradle will not stay where they are and wait for me to catch up. Except for the emerald god and the son of the holy god, none of the ten jades in the cradle is a senior student above the sixth grade."

I wasn't dazzled by Yuncaiyu's flattery, and I was still very self-aware.

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