On the original continent of Bella, there are thirteen countries that have been fighting against each other for 700 years, or the east wind overwhelms the west wind, or the west wind overwhelms the east wind. Every country has a time when it is so weak that it can only protect itself by surrendering to other countries, and when Bella came to power, it was the time when the Carlo Kingdom was at its strongest.

Bella has great talent, ability and means, and also has the ambition to be the best in the world. Moreover, he was favored by fate and was born in the best era-that's what he thought at first.

After 700 years of war, the unification of the mainland has long been imperative, and everyone is waiting for the arrival of peace after the reunification of the mainland.

Bella caught up with the best time, a time when everyone was looking forward to the unification of the mainland ideologically, and more fortunately, he also caught up with a time when the Carlo Kingdom was the most powerful.

Perhaps he was chosen by the Goddess of Plenty, and the God of Plenty that the whole continent believed in chose him.

——Bella really thought so when she took over the position.

He was full of confidence and wanted to unify the mainland, and he took action, and he was close to success... Then he was hit in the head.

The Kingdom of Carlo is attacking with all its strength, and in the Kingdom of Catlint, which is about to be destroyed, a civilian has been admitted to the Cradle Academy.




What the hell?


Cradle Academy?

Haha, are you kidding me?How could anyone be admitted to Cradle Academy?How is it possible?

Counting up, how many years ago was the first person in the Dia continent to be admitted to the Cradle Academy?


Yes, not how many years ago, but not at all.

In the 10-year history of the Dia continent, no one has ever been admitted to the Cradle Academy.

Cradle Academy?

What kind of thing is that so far away that it doesn't even count as the horizon, but is in another world at all?

Not to mention the 10-year development history of the Dia continent, it is also very normal for some continents to develop for tens of millions of years and no one can be admitted to the Cradle Academy, right?

After all, if you do the math, Cradle Academy has been in existence for more than 6000 million years, and the total number of all students in all ages is less than one trillion.

It seems like a lot, but the total number of continents with human beings in Lilith World is about one trillion.

For more than 6000 million years, each continent has an average of one student who can enter the Cradle Academy?

Think beautiful.

The reality is that those powerful continents and countries will basically not cut off the favored children who can enroll in the Cradle Academy, because that itself is a place of strong luck, and the probability of being born in the Cradle is naturally greater.

Like the Golden Crow Empire and the Sivana Empire, there are even students who can be admitted to the Cradle Academy every year, and sometimes they are listed together. It is not worth any surprise.

Cradle Academy has never cut off students from these two empires.

The same is true for other big and powerful countries and powerful continents. It is very normal for people to be admitted to the Cradle Academy in these places where gods gather.

And with such a score, the situation of those remote continents can be imagined.

——So why did you pass the exam?

ah?Why did you pass the exam?

And why did you pass the exam at this time?

Can't you be born ten or eight years later? !

Bella almost had a meltdown at the time.

Later, although he didn't collapse, the Carlo Kingdom collapsed.

Other countries began to join forces with the Catlint Kingdom to counterattack the Carlo Kingdom. The kings of several countries were even coerced by noble ministers to surrender to the Catlint Kingdom. There were also violent shocks within the Carlo Kingdom.

In the end, he even had to abandon the country and flee overseas.

Who in a normal person can bear such a thing?

Therefore, Bella is happy now.

Facing the Taiya Continent, a small place where he could be bullied casually, this distorted joy even made him feel like his heart was healed.

So, he was smiling, laughing wantonly.

"Come on, you can please me as much as you want. Frogs at the bottom of the well!"

——The assembly of [-] troops seems so vast, and the powerful aura of each one is even more frightening.

However, Ye just remained expressionless.

The [-] troops did not intend to disperse at all, but formed a square formation under the leadership of Bella's general Landoli, which was completely different from the state of the Six Nations Allied Forces, which seemed to be stragglers. From this, one can imagine how much Bella despised the Pacific Asia continent.

In this regard, Ye can only say that he has committed a crime and cannot live.

If the opponents spread out, it might be really troublesome, but since they are gathered together like this, then they can really be wiped out with one blow.

Ye didn't have any intention of talking to the opposite party.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that all the enemy's family members had already settled in Boling City, Ye wouldn't even want to fight.

Just wipe out all the Bolings directly, and there is no need to launch a war letter to lure the opposing army out. Maybe there will be a fish that slipped through the net—even if there is a fish that slipped through the net, it will be very troublesome for the Taiya Continent.

For example, now, Ye didn't know if there was a fish that slipped through the net.

But even so, it can only be temporarily wiped out the army on the opposite side of the city before talking about other things.

For fish that slip through the net, wait until the enemy's main army is wiped out before fully investigating.

With such a decision, Ye rubbed Xue'er's hair who had been leaning on her side and holding her arm, and then pushed Xue'er aside.

"Brother Ye is going to make a move?" Xue'er looked excited: "What is Brother Ye going to do? Speaking of which, how did Brother Ye come back? My sister couldn't come back even though she was on vacation."

Indeed, generally speaking, there must be no return.

It's not that Cradle Academy forbids you to go out, whether it's a holiday or not, anyway, as long as you can go to class on time, it doesn't matter if you go home and go to bed every day.

However, even if the Cradle Academy does not prohibit going out, ordinary students can't do anything even if they want to go home, because...you can't even find where your home is.

I'm from Asia Pacific - but where is Asia Pacific?

Is it to the east of Cradle Continent?West?Or south?north?

do not know.

How far is it from Cradle Continent?One hundred light years?A thousand light years?Ten thousand light years?Or [-] million light years?

do not know.

When freshmen go to the Cradle Academy, they are greeted by the Tianma team. Similarly, the students of the Cradle Academy will be sent back to their hometown by the Tianma team only when they graduate... If you don’t want to go home after graduation, you can.

In short, except for those places where the location coordinates are determined and there is still the ability to go back, the average student cannot go home before graduation.

Usually, only the continents located in or near the Cradle Continent can go back directly by means of transportation such as airplanes, and there is no need to think about continents that are so remote that they don't even know the exact coordinates.

The reason why Ye was able to come back was simply because he had the equipment of the Green King's Wings.

——Speaking of which, it's really thanks to Lotte's unconditional trust in Ye.

For example, Li Lin never sent a letter to Yue at all, because he didn't think Yue could come back at all.

But Lotte is different, she has never doubted that there are things in this world that Ye can't do.

So, this is really a coincidence.

Thinking of this, Ye couldn't help smiling, then stroked Xue'er's hair again, and replied softly:

"That's how I came back."

Accompanied by such words, a pair of cyan light wings spread out behind Ye in an instant.

Xue'er looked at Guangyi with surprise and confusion: "This? What is this?"

"This is called the Green King's Wing. You see, as long as it looks like this, I can go back to the Cradle Academy directly."

As Ye smiled and said, the light wings behind him flapped lightly.

The next moment, his body disappeared.

Then the next moment, his body reappeared.

"Then, look like this again, look, I'm back, and I brought someone back with me."

Yes, in Ye's arms, a black-haired girl holding a crystal staff came back with him.

At the same time as he came back, the magic fluctuations belonging to Changwen's chanting magic suddenly swept away, shaking all the troops on both sides.

Feeling such a huge wave of magic power, the entire Bella army couldn't help showing a look of panic, and then subconsciously wanted to rush to the direction of the wave of magic power to stop it, and must not let this magic be chanted—it was already too late.

No, or rather, from the very beginning, no one was given a chance to stop it.

The moment she was brought back to the Taiya Continent by Ye, Yue had just finished her final chant.

"Freeze it! Crush it! Let the goddess of ice present an eternal hymn to this white world!! Hymn to the white world———!"

Yue pointed the Qingwang scepter forward, and under the action of the Qingwang scepter, 8000 million magic power was consumed. Under the action of Wanfa skills, the long text singing magic with the effect of [-] million magic power suddenly burst out.

For an instant.

It was the moment when everyone had no time to react.

The entire land in front, together with the sky, the sea, and the [-] army, became an eternal landscape in the white world.

Chapter 63

When my (night) side was preparing to destroy the army with one blow, my (month) side also found an open space and started preparing for magic singing.

Well, of course, if I (month) don't make preparations, what will I (night) do to destroy the army with one blow?Take the lead?Take your mouth?Take the third thigh?

Obviously, destroying the army with one blow and destroying the city with one blow is the job of the guard magician. As for the vanguard fighters-it is enough to be a good human shield.

Of course, I (Ye) did not become a meat shield, but a courier.

This is the real gameplay of the Green King's Wings! !This is where the abnormality of Qing King's Wings lies! !

As long as you consume 20.00% of the magic power, you can go to any place you want to go, and a round trip only consumes [-]% of the magic power.

And this 20.00% mana consumption means that I (Ye) can completely embrace a thigh in an instant when I encounter a strong enemy that I can't fight.

Isn't that awesome?Isn't this scary?Isn't this the nemesis of all the protagonist's aura?

Just imagine, the protagonists all kill the young ones to provoke the old ones, then run away and hide to become stronger, then kill the old ones to provoke the older ones, and then continue to run away and hide, continue to grow stronger, and then come back to fight back.

...Although I (Ye) have no ancestors.

——But I (Ye) don’t lack thighs either! !

Look, look, haven't I (month) myself become my (night) thigh?

And it is the thigh with the most tacit understanding.

The timing was perfect, I (Yue) was just about to finish singing the magic, and my (Yue) side just blinked over and back and brought me (Yue) to the battlefield, and my (Yue) side didn’t have any disturbances about it, the chant was not destroyed at all, and the moment it was moved to the battlefield, the magic was released directly, destroying the entire enemy army.




This is called a fairy-like tacit understanding.

This situation really deserves a poem.


What I have to say at this time is that Xueer didn't even glance at the world that was infested with white, but looked at me (Yue) with surprise on her face, and couldn't wait to throw herself into my (Yue) arms.

"Great! Elder Sister is back too!! Brother Ye, you are so amazing that you were able to bring Elder Sister back with you!"

While saying this, Xueer rubbed her face against my (Yue) chest vigorously, her face was full of happiness, which made me (Yue) can't help but have black lines all over her head.

I (Ye) also twitched the corners of my mouth, Xueer really hasn't changed at all, I thought she had matured after listening to what Xueer said in the conference room... Did I (Ye) take away the opportunity for Xueer to grow up?

This thought flashed through my mind for a moment, but I didn't regret it.

I would rather Xue'er never have this kind of growth that needs to risk her life, as long as she can be happy every day.

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