Thinking of this, I (Ye) calmly said: "It's not me who is powerful, but the Qing King's Wings. The Qing King's scepter in your sister's hand is even more powerful than the Qing King's Wings."

I didn't laugh.

I can't even laugh now.

I am both.

In any case, even if these [-] soldiers were expelled from the human population by deceiving themselves, they were still human.

I (month) pushed Xueer away, and I (night) looked at the white world ahead.

Then, the two of me flew up together, towards the city surrounded by the white world but not dyed white together - towards Boling City.

The king of the Carlo Kingdom, Bella, the person who gave the order to massacre the city did not personally march, but sat in the city of Boling. How could such a thing be allowed?

Needless to say, he must die.

I must kill him myself.

——Of course, Bella is not sitting in the city, but standing on the city wall. I (Ye) (Yue) also saw this after approaching.

The face is not panic, not fear.

Instead, the face is full of dementia, sluggishness, bewilderment, and... like the sky is unfair, why does it treat me like this?

I don't know why he showed such a puzzled expression, but... I'm not interested in knowing either.

Me (Yue) and I (Yue) flew down the city wall, and each stood on a crenel, watching this blond man who looked about 30 or [-] years old with calm eyes and expressions.

For a while, I wanted to ask him some questions, but I felt like I had nothing to ask.

No matter what the reason, the sin committed does not go away.

I am not an envoy of justice, even last night I (Ye) just did a completely irrefutable scumbag.

But - even if it is a scum, before being sentenced to death, it is also possible to take an animal to be buried with it, right?

Can pull one is one.

So, the beginning of dawn appeared in my (night) right hand.

For some reason, Bella suddenly showed a sad smile on her face: "Are you freshmen from Cradle Academy? I remember watching your video."

I (month) didn't mean to answer, and I (night) didn't mean to answer either. I just raised my sharp knife and pointed it at Bella's neck, who seemed to have no intention of even resisting.

Bella's face was pale, and she smiled desperately: "This world is really cruel to me!"

At this time, I (Ye) finally couldn't help but speak.

"You are a cruel person yourself, and you still expect the world to be gentle with you? Why don't you turn your head and look at the city behind you to see if you are qualified to say the word "cruel". "

"I have nothing to say to a child like you."

Bella didn't look back, just smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Is it cruel to slaughter a city? How many such things are there in this world? Do you want to verbally accuse them all?"

"Because I don't know how many people in this world have done the massacre of the city, so I can massacre the city without any guilt?"

"Because other people take the massacre of the city as a matter of course, so you want me to treat the massacre of the beast as a common thing, there is no need to care about it, no need to get angry, no need to get angry— —You think so, don't you?"

Facing the expressionless questioning of me (night) and me (month), Bella didn't speak any more, but her expression didn't change.

So, I get it.

Sure enough, it was pointless to talk nonsense with this man.

So I (night) just add one last sentence:

"I want to thank you, it really relieved my guilt a lot."

Then, a sword fell, and blood flowed like a fountain.

Chapter 64 Holy Son

Sheng Shenzi was cooking, and after cooking, he ate with his so-called teammates.

The life of confinement for the past few years has allowed him to develop a good habit of cooking by himself, and I don't know if he should be thankful-these two teammates who were picked at random are really cheeky.

The Son of God is born to transcend the existence of mortals.

In other words, the three holy sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms may all be like this.

They are geniuses.

Even such a statement is indescribable.

Those who need hard work to become strong are geniuses, and those who need hard work to stand at the top are geniuses.

However, the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, they were born to be strong, and they were born to stand at the peak.

The Emerald God is like this, the God of Heaven is like this, and the Son of God is also like this.

Sheng Shenzi still remembers that he chose to grow up when he was born, and it only took 30 seconds for Sheng Shenzi to grow from a baby to the boy he is now.

Born to know it.

It should be the only way to describe it.

When he was still in his mother's womb, the Son of God had already understood the world through spiritual perception, learned language, learned knowledge, learned common sense, and learned many, many things.

Therefore, after birth, in order to be able to move more conveniently, he let his body grow up in an instant, and he grew up to... the current appearance age of seventeen or eighteen.

At that time, the father and mother were shocked, but the Son of God didn't care much.

He is very good at using psychic abilities, so he used the psychic skills he learned in the womb to appease the mother who was always anxious, and calmed the spirits of his father and mother a little, making them regard their situation as "my child" What a genius." Normal situation.

Afterwards, the Son of God began to live freely and recklessly.

Basically, you can do whatever you want, a simple and unpretentious life.

The world is a simple game for him, and the Son of God doesn't feel any difficulty.

Human beings are not his opponents, gods cannot stand in front of him, and true gods will avoid him.

From birth, he has been the center of the world, the protagonist surrounded by gods and humans—who dares to deny this?

No matter what you want, you can get it, and you can do it no matter what you want. The "childhood" life of the Son of God is so simple and unpretentious.

And this unpretentious life is also destined to be no fun to him in this world.

It's not that I haven't encountered existences stronger than myself, but can those existences that can easily surpass the past as long as I want to surpass them really be considered stronger than myself?

The Son of God has gradually lost interest in this question.

Perhaps, the only person in this world who can still interest Holy God is the president of the student union of Cradle Academy who holds the authority of the king of the world.

Even the Son of God admits that the power of the king of the realm is indeed a force that he can never contend with.

That is not at the same level as the world I live in.

It is the only existence in this world that can override itself.

So——he began to study how to override the authority of the king of the realm.

For the Son of God, this goal should be regarded as the only way forward for him.

So, in order to surpass the authority of the king of the realm, Son of God decided to first understand the authority of the king of the realm, that is, to be admitted to the Cradle Academy and become the president of the student union of the Cradle Academy.

Yes, that's the real reason why he chose to run to become the president of the Cradle College Student Council.

Just for the only fun in my own eyes.

——What surprised Son of God was that before he became the president of the student union of Cradle Academy, he found another kind of fun.

In the first-year graduation exam of Cradle Academy, Sheng Shenzi suffered the first defeat in his life.

Thinking of this, Sheng Shenzi couldn't help laughing.

"It's finally here, the opportunity to avenge this death."

Seeing the expectant smile of Sheng Shenzi, the light purple-haired boy who sat opposite Sheng Shenzi and finished cooking couldn't help wondering: "You always seem to be looking at that night? Do you care about him that much? If you care so much, I can introduce you to Rose Garden. Turn into a real girl from head to toe. You can even have children."

Sheng Shenzi remained expressionless, and looked at the light purple-haired boy indifferently.

The light purple-haired boy was not afraid at all, and raised his eyebrows provocatively: "Hey, hey, don't scare me. If I don't scare you, believe it or not, I will just abstain. If I abstain from the Holy King Tree But there are only two people left, and if there are less than three people, it is not considered the Cradle Team, and you can only abstain together. Are you not afraid that you will not be able to get revenge against that night?"

The Son of God raised his right hand, and a mass of purple flames ignited silently in his hand.

"I'm sorry! I was wrong! I was too complacent! Lord Shengshenzi, please forgive me! I will never dare again!"

The light purple-haired boy threw himself to the ground with a look of remorse for a moment, and swore to be ashamed.

"You really don't have a long memory at all, you idiot."

The light purple-haired girl on the side complained calmly.

The light purple-haired boy couldn't help but raised his head and stared at her: "Xiao Qiong, why are you talking to your brother? Believe it or not, I'll spank your ass."

"I was born first, you are the younger brother, and I am the older sister, you idiot."

"Nonsense, Dad said that I am a brother and you are a sister, listen to what Dad says, you know?"

"That's because Dad was so pestered by you that he fooled you casually. You can deceive yourself and others, but please don't deceive others, you idiot."

"Can you die if you don't add the word "idiot" after you?"

"If you don't increase the size of the idiot, I will be killed by you, the idiot."

"I'm not called Big Idiot, I'm Lou, and you are Big Idiot Joan."

"Child? Big idiot."

"The one who says others are children is a child."

"You're still a child if you can say something like that, you idiot."


Sheng Shenzi dissipated the flames in his hands, and ignored the two living treasure teammates.

He even couldn't help regretting that he had just dragged a pair of twins from the avenue to form a team with him in order to save trouble.

At that time, Shengshenzi was thinking about his teammates and it didn't matter at all. Anyway, he could form the Cradle team to participate in the big game if he got the number of heads. As for whether he can play a role in the Cradle game, it didn't matter at all. Anyway, he was enough in the battle. up.

Therefore, even though he knew that the twins named Qiong and Lou were just freshmen, he didn't care.

Luckily for both of them.

...Now the Son of God regrets it.

He finally understood that the luck of these two guys was purely exchanged for his own bad luck! !

How did you find such two things with just a single pull?

Thinking of this, even the Son of God couldn't help sighing weakly.


Forget it, just endure this day.

After a day it doesn't matter anymore.

Chapter 65 Don't Get Up This Week

"Father, are you really not planning to go to Cradle Academy?"

"No, Yue. Let Mier pursue the other life she wants with peace of mind. It's because of me that I've locked her in a cage all these years. I don't want to make her a shackle that she needs to care about." ah."

"What about Cher?"

"Brother Ye, before she is admitted to the Cradle Academy, Xueer will not step into the Cradle Academy. Oh Cher."

When I returned to the Green Kingdom with the army and the rest of the captured Carlo Kingdom, I still couldn't help but be silent when I thought about the conversation with my father and Cher.

For the father, he may have always been more guilty of his mother.

Father really wanted to watch his mother walk towards a higher and farther stage, but he didn't have the ability to catch up with her mother's footsteps and stay by her side. A way to stay with my father.

Now, the mother is finally moving forward again, and the father has also made up his mind to no longer be a shackle.

...will be very lonely, right?

I have realized that my father must be very lonely because I can't be with my mother.

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