Too far.

So far out of reach.

——Even so, Ye actually didn't want to give up touching.

One step closer.

It must be one step closer.

Yes, definitely, it can be one step closer.

Ye kept dodging the slashing attacks of the Holy Son of God.

Take a step to the left, squat down, jump up to the right, roll to the right, stand up on the ground, and...


Finally, for the first time, facing the slashing attack from the Son of God, Ye brandished his sword to fight back.

No, to be precise, this is not a counterattack.

But block.

The steel blade collided with the side of the invisible slash, and deflected to the right after a split second.

The original straight line of slashing has thus become an arc.

"It seems... I have a little understanding of how to use this flying slash."

His body was injured by the aftermath of the slash, but it didn't move Ye. Rather, he couldn't help being slightly excited.

Because, his swordsmanship level finally reached a higher level at this time.


"not enough."

"There's still something left."

"Although I probably know how to launch the flying slash, but...the strength is not enough, so I can't use it."

Ye dodged, blocked, and defended, but still couldn't make a counterattack.

Not enough power.

"So the power of the Son of God is enough?"

No, when they fought before, they could clearly feel that the power of the Son of God was not that strong.

Is it using skills to increase strength?

There is no magic power, how can I increase the power?

And there is no feeling of using skills.

Besides, even if the skill is really used by some kind of power that is not magical power, it should be exhausted after such a long time.

But the fact is that the Holy Son's offensive has not weakened at all.

This means that the Son of God is probably only consuming physical strength.

Because in the cradle game, only physical strength is unlimited.

"In that case, how did he increase his strength?"

No, think about it from another angle.

me now,

What should I do...

Can the strength be increased enough to use the sword technique of Flying Slash?

Suddenly, Ye stopped in his tracks, slowly opened his eyes wide, and stared intently at the sharp sword that Sheng Shenzi swung at him again.

This time, he didn't dodge.

There is no intention to block it.

But, likewise, raising the sword,

"I seem to understand what you have done."

Accompanied by such words, facing the sharp slashing attack, without hesitation...


tear---! ! ! ! !


"I can do this kind of thing."

Chapter 75 Hell Journey

"Unbelievable!! Unbelievable!! No! Yes! Thinking! Discussion!!!"

Glacier Bud yelled in frantic excitement, his whole body jumping continuously.

"It's right in front of our eyes! Junior Ye unexpectedly also slashed out the Flying Sword! It's a tit-for-tat confrontation with Master Shengshenzi without showing any weakness!!!"

That's right, on the game field, such an exciting scene happened.

Faced with the Holy Son's sword from the air, Ye Yi reversed his previous evasive and defensive posture, and turned out to respond with the same air-to-air slash.

Two invisible slashes collided fiercely between the two teenagers, splitting the rocky earth apart, and the shock waves splashed in all directions formed a hurricane, blowing the black hair of the two teenagers who were hundreds of meters apart and dancing wildly backwards.

The corner of Sheng Shenzi's mouth lifted into a smile: "That's right, that's the way it should be."

And Ye felt that the muscle meridians in many parts of the body... were not damaged?

Uh, how is that possible?

The first person who was surprised was Ye herself.

Because it is impossible for others to know Ye's physical condition.

When he used the blow just now, Ye was actually ready to hurt himself.

He just wanted to see how much damage he would suffer, and where his tolerance limit was, and then decide the next battle plan.

However...the result was no harm?

How can it be?

Ye couldn't help swinging his sword again, Sheng Shenzi narrowed his eyes slightly, and once again faced him with his sword.

boom---! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Still... no harm.

Ye rushed forward, and at the same time, the Son of God no longer stayed in place and swung his sword, but also moved forward with the sword.


Blades collide!

At the same time, the surging force in the two bodies that used the muscles of the whole body collided with each other.

The muscle utilization rate is 50.00%.

Still unharmed.








"Clang—! Clang—! Clang—! Clang——"


"Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang...

Afterimages of steel and continuous sparks danced wantonly between the night and the Son of God, singing wildly.

Even Ye himself couldn't understand how he raised the utilization rate of his muscles to the limit, but... still painless and uninjured.

It was as if the so-called common sense of physics had completely failed him.


There was never that kind of thing.

The protection of the brain to the body in common sense seems to him to be just a restriction.

At this moment, his body seemed to be howling with joy.

Did you finally understand?Fool.Common sense in physics doesn't apply to you at all! ! !

At this moment, Ye suddenly realized.

"Ah! It's the limit speed!"

Just as Yue has never been able to understand the true effect of the exclusive skill "Wanfa", Ye has never been able to understand the true effect of the exclusive skill "Extreme Speed".

- All body movements ignore acceleration and physical inertia.

What is Physical Movement?

What is the acceleration process?

What is physical inertia?

What is... nothing?See?




"Ah—" Ye sighed, and swung his sword at Sheng Shenzi's head: "The me before, really wasted this skill."


The sound of the two swords clashing reverberated, and Sheng Shenzi was suppressed in strength for the first time, and he had no choice but to step back and let go of his strength.

However, his expression remained unchanged, with a smile on his face: "Shouldn't you thank me?"

"Thank you, then go to hell."

Ye thanked him mercilessly, and chased after him.

In this regard, Sheng Shenzi once again raised his strength and launched a counterattack without showing any weakness: "It's just this level, it's not enough to kill me!"

Fight, fight, fight.

Fight, fight, fight.

At this moment, the two teenagers finally stood on the same position, repelling each other and blending with each other, facing each other tit for tat without flinching and neither side can advance.

Sheng Shenzi's swordsmanship is beyond the horror of ordinary mortals, but Ye's extreme speed and better weapons allow him to make up for the gap.

Ye's limit speed is incomparably powerful, but Sheng Shenzi's instantaneous explosive power and superior ability value have brought him closer to this distance.

This is a close fight.

It was a battle in which the strengths of the two sides were extremely close.

and so……

"The outcome will be decided in a short time."

Gu Mingyue looked serious.

"If one side is stronger and the other is weaker, it will be difficult to tell the winner, because if one side focuses on defense, even if the other side is stronger, as long as the gap is not overwhelming, it will be difficult to win. But now both sides have focused on attacking. In this case...the battle is destined to be decided in a short time."

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