Just like a siege battle, even if the attacking side has ten times the troops of the defending side, it is not easy to capture the city, and it is even possible for the defending side to catch the weak point in the long siege battle and turn defeat into victory-this is actually the case between two sides with huge differences in strength.

However, if the two sides are equal in strength, and both have confidence in their own strength, and they all choose to set up a formation on the plain to compete with the opponent, then the outcome of the entire war will be determined in one battle—the same is true for battles.

At this moment, the outcome of the battle between Ye and Holy God Son will be decided quickly under such circumstances.

The chant of the month continued.

Ye and Shengshenzi began to aim at each other's heart.

Suddenly, Ye's left arm was grazed by the blade, causing a cluster of blood.

Ye ignored it indifferently, and in the next sword, he slashed the face of the Son of God with a sharp blade.

Ye Yijian grazed Holy Son of God's neck, and an extremely dangerous wound bloomed on it.

Sheng Shenzi ignored him calmly, and pierced Ye's chest with a sword, only a hair's breadth away from piercing his heart.

Blades intersect, blades intersect, blades intertwine.

Sword and sword began to intersect, sword and body began to intersect, sword and blood began to intersect, blood and blood finally began to intersect.

Gradually, the fluctuation of Changwen's chanting magic has stabilized, and it no longer seems to be always interrupted like before.

At this time, everyone will realize that the game is about to end.

When the month's singing ends, the Angels will win, and the Holy Emperor Tree will lose.

——Holy Son completely ignored this.

He didn't get anxious, anxious, or quicken his attack because of it, and he was still in flesh and blood with the night calmly.

It was as if...he had understood one thing from the very beginning.

That is……


In an instant, finally, the whole world was turned into vermilion.

However, only the battlefield where the night and the Son of God are located is still the color of rock.

No, not right.

It is the color of white and black.

The whiteness of the Son of God, and the blackness of night.

The moment after the vermilion flames enveloped the audience, a black-red magic storm swept away from Ye's body, and a holy white magic beam also pierced the sky from the Holy Son of God.



With the intersection of sword and sword as the junction, the magic power of black and white collided loudly, each occupying half of the sky and half of the world.

"Just trust that I won't let Yue terminate this duel between us?"

"If you make that choice, it can only show that my previous expectation was a waste of my precious time, and you are not worthy of my attention at all."

"You bet right, but no matter what, the outcome of this cradle game is ours - because I don't gamble, even if you eliminate me, you will lose in Yue's hands."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter at all. I've said it all. The reason why I participated in the cradle game is just for you—yes! For! For! Kill! Die! You!"

At the same time as the voice fell, the bodies of the two separated, and then they slashed at the same time.

boom---! ! ! ! !

Without a pause, now that the magic power has been restored, Ye and the Son of God have started a real all-out battle!

The magic power strengthened the body, and the star power recovered the injury. Finally, Ye finally showed the son of the Holy God this rambling fighting style at this moment.

Injury for injury!Injury for injury!Trade injuries for lives!

The gap in swordsmanship had been completely discarded by Ye. At this moment, Ye lowered the swordsmanship of Holy Son of God to the same level as her own.

That's right.

The so-called swordsmanship exists to hit the enemy.

And when every sword of the two sides in the battle can hit each other, the so-called swordsmanship is meaningless.

With a fighting method that could be called reckless, Ye evened out the gap in swordsmanship.

So he had the advantage.

The injury was constantly recovering, recovering, recovering, and in contrast, the injury of the Son of God began to worsen.

The balance of victory has begun to tilt towards the night.

——Holy Son remained unmoved.

"Using the previous inadvertently trading injuries to set a trap, have you finally revealed your true purpose now? It's really a good skill, but LV.1 has such resilience."

Even though he had seen through Ye's trap and Ye's purpose, the Son of the Holy God was still smiling, slashing, fighting, and walking towards Ye's way of exchanging wounds for wounds.

The purpose is unknown.

unknown reason.

The reason is unknown.


The Holy Son was not moved, and Ye naturally would not be moved either. In the battle that seemed to end together, he continued to insist on his own choice, dragging the Holy Son into the abyss of death, vowing to drive him into the hell of the underworld. .


Finally in a moment,

... After all, the Son of God was unable to resist the attack of the injury like a frog boiled in warm water, and at a certain moment a fatal flaw was revealed.

A split second is the difference between victory and defeat.

Ye's figure disappeared from in front of Sheng Shenzi and appeared behind him, and the blade passed through Sheng Shenzi's neck.

The battle is over.

holy son, dead

"I am the victor, the one who swears to be victorious over all."

Night widened his eyes and looked up at the sky.

"The underworld is defeated by my hands and the door must be opened for me. Life and death are defeated by my hands and the boundaries must be blurred for me."

In the sky, the flying head of the Holy Son of God stopped in the air, and the body of the Holy God Son instantly turned into light and dissipated, and then gathered under the head again, condensing into a solid body.

"I am the victor, the one who has defeated hell and returned to the world."

The feet are condensed, the legs are condensed, the hands are condensed, the arms are condensed, the neck is condensed, the shoulders are condensed, the chest is condensed, the waist and abdomen are condensed... the whole body is condensed in an instant, and...


"The power of death is defeated by my hand, the king of the underworld is defeated by my body, the power of life is defeated by my sword, and the lord of reincarnation is defeated by my heaven."

"In this world, who dares to dominate my life and death?"

The man who defeated death and returned to the game field looked down at the boy and smiled slightly.

"This "word spirit" that defeated death and crossed the underworld was born because of you! "

After all, you were the one who sent me to hell once!

Chapter 76 Forget it!Then go all out! !

"I seem to have heard such rumors in school. I don't know if it's a rumor. It is said that the Son of God was once dead?"

On the commentary stage, facing Glacier Ya's question, Gu Mingyue nodded with a smile and replied: "It is true that I died. It seems to be in the first grade. In the Tower of Time for the graduation exam, I don't know who died in the hands of someone. Even the resurrection orb was taken away."

"Could it be Lord Emerald God?"

"It seems not."

"Then I really can't figure out who is able to kill the Son of the Holy God. At least in the past, there was absolutely no such newborn, so is it the future? Will there be monster new students who are comparable to the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms? Is this really possible? No matter how you think about it, the Three Holy Sons of Ten Thousand Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms are freaks that have never been seen before and will never come again."

"Indeed, this is enough to make everyone feel unbelievable—but the future always contains infinite possibilities. Even those beings who can see through the future, there will never be any beings who dare to say that they have really seen the future. Even if it is the Tower of Time...it does not really determine history, but just takes a cause and effect. The cause is doomed by the Tower of Time, but the result is never unchangeable."

"This question is a bit too esoteric, so let's skip it for now. Similarly, let's not talk about who killed Lord Shengshenzi for the time being. What we should talk about now is... Generally speaking, it is not a true god. Even Gods are not, so death should be really dead, right? Why is Lord Holy Son still alive? Who resurrected Lord Holy Son?"

"That's not the case." Gu Mingyue shrugged, and said with a helpless smile: "According to what I've heard, it was the Son of God who made a big fuss in Hades and killed Hades, so he broke the boundary between life and death and returned to the world. This kind of thing that destroys the natural order is not worth advocating. Audience friends in front of the TV must not learn from it."

"...I think this is not a question of whether to learn or not, but a question of whether you want to learn or not. How about Mr. Pluto? There is nothing wrong with our Lilith's reincarnation, right? If I accidentally die in the future, what should I do? I won't become a lonely ghost? I don't want to be a ghost at all!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, how could the true god die so easily?"

Gu Mingyue patted the sweaty glacier bud on the shoulder, and comforted her with a smile.

"But having said that, although the trip to the underworld gave Holy Son a good skill, such skills are destined to be very limited in the cradle game-so he is not guaranteed to win."

——Of course Ye didn't know what Gu Mingyue said.

Ye couldn't help but be shocked by the resurrection of the Holy Son of God who had directly returned to his full state, because it seemed to ruthlessly explain that all his previous efforts were in vain.

And more importantly, Ye still doesn't know whether the resurrection ability carried by Holy Son of God can continue to work - if it can, then Ye can simply admit defeat as soon as possible and let Yue himself send a long text to chant magic to solve it.

While thinking this way in his heart, Ye stepped back on guard and took a nervous breath slightly.

The Son of God slowly landed from the sky, smiling comfortingly: "Don't worry, in the cradle game, this skill can only be used once."

"This is really reassuring. I was just thinking that if you can continue to be resurrected, then I might as well give up. After all, with my current magic power and star power, it is only enough for another Let me kill you once."

"No, no, no, you are too confident. Now you have no chance to kill me even once."

Sheng Shenzi shook his left index finger and spoke with a smile.

"I brought a total of three skills, do you know what they are?"

"...You have already used the skills to strengthen the body and weapons, and the skills to revive have just been used, and now there is only one skill left that has not been used."

Ye sighed slightly, but said calmly.

"I don't carry the Emerald God, but it seems that you don't carry the Holy Spirit of Vengeance either. "

"This is a matter of luck. You can choose to bring it or not, and I can choose to take it or not, but you bet that I will carry the "Holy Spirit of Vengeance", and I bet that you will not carry it" Emerald God" also has a [-]/[-] chance of winning, but it seems that I won the bet. "

That's right, the night bet lost, the Son of God really didn't have the skill "Holy God of Vengeance" specially used to deal with "Emerald God".

However, the night was not shaken by this.

Of course, as the Son of God said, this is a choice with a probability of [-]/[-], and the result of losing the bet is already expected.

Even if you want to do a psychological profile based on the other party's personality, Ye actually doesn't know anything about the character of Shengshenzi. Today is the first time Ye has had such a close contact with Shengshenzi. If he can also accurately infer the choice of the Son of God, then it is not a psychological profile at all, but simply omniscient and omnipotent.

Rather, in comparison, although I still don't know why, the Son of God seems to understand Ye better.

Under such circumstances, it seems reasonable to lose the bet.

Therefore, Ye was not shaken by the words of the Son of God, and asked calmly: "Then, please introduce your third skill now—and by the way, why didn't you use it before?" Just use this skill."

"The reason why I didn't use it before is very simple, that is because this skill can only be used after being resurrected from the dead, and it is a matching skill with "Crossing Hades". "

Son of God smiled patiently and explained.

"Every time you die and come back to life, you will seize power from reincarnation, doubling your full potential ability "Reincarnation Nirvana", coupled with "Crossing Hades", which can be resurrected no matter how many times you die except suicide, For me now, this is still a relatively important skill combination-of course, in this cradle game, it can only be doubled once. "

Accompanied by such words, the magic power of Holy White exploded again, sweeping the world.


At this time, there is probably only one feeling that Ye Zairan can't help feeling.

"Back then, how did Jade beat you?"

No matter how many times you are killed, you can be resurrected again, and every time you resurrect, you can double your strength. Isn't this basically invincible?

Even if it's just a weak chicken with an average total potential of 10, as long as he dies dozens of times, wouldn't he be invincible?

Facing such an invincible existence, who can win! ?

Ye really thought so.

However, Sheng Shenzi couldn't help sighing: "This kind of question is stabbing others in the heart, Brother Ye. Isn't the reason why I lost to the Emerald God very simple? She is stronger than me, and the reason is so simple."

Very simple.

So Ye was even more incomprehensible.

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