But after noticing this now...it's really weird.


I choose ②, this place feels a little bad, I (Ye) better leave quickly.

So, I quickly left the snack street, and left safely as usual, nothing happened.

Having said that, let's stay away from this weird place in the future.

At this time, I finally realized the benefits of the golden finger for the first time.

It actually made me (Ye) who didn't pay attention to it suddenly discover this weird and dangerous place. It seems that this cheat is indeed quite useful.


I don't know why a period of ellipsis with unclear meaning is refreshed on the dialog box.

Do I need to report to the student union?

Well, it shouldn't be necessary.

It is impossible for the student union not to know.

Since it is known that it is allowed to exist, it means that although the snack street seems a bit weird, it is within the scope of the student union.

Maybe that's what the student union came up with.

Used as an exam?test?

not understand.

Maybe not dangerous, but it's always right to stay away from things you don't understand.

"Leaving the weird snack street, I came to the library. From the outside, this small yellow building with only five floors is the library of Cradle College."

"It is one of the oldest buildings in the history of Cradle College. It has all kinds of mysteries that cannot be solved until now. It also has the most abundant books and the most vast knowledge in the world. Looking at it, my heart is full I can’t help but be deeply shocked by the rich historical background.”

"①: Go to the library. At this time, it might be a good choice to have a cup of coffee in the library."

"②: Turn around and leave here. I have no interest in reading or anything. What's wrong with being proud of my ignorance?"

How could there be nothing wrong with special meow?Who would be proud of being ignorant?

Although I really have no interest in entering this library, it's definitely not because I'm not interested in reading, okay, but because I haven't even finished reading the book I borrowed last time, okay?

Feeling aggrieved, I (Ye) can only choose ①.

After all, although others don’t know, if I choose ②, wouldn’t I be admitting my ignorance and being proud of it?

Forget it, there is nothing wrong with going to the library for a cup of coffee, anyway, I (Ye) have nothing to do right now.

The Angels advanced to the quarter-finals, and Shentiandi was also on track. All of a sudden, I (Ye) seemed to be free.

It's just that I (Ye) originally planned to take a day off before going to the dungeon to fight monsters and upgrade, but now I just read in the library instead.

When entering the library, of course, I didn't order coffee first, but walked to the bookshelf.

The space inside the library is completely different from the space seen from the outside. Anyway, I (Ye) can’t see an end at all, and the rows of bookshelves extend infinitely.

I don't know how many there are horizontally, and I don't know how many vertically.

However, there is no need to worry about finding books here or being dizzy because there are too many books.

As long as you walk forward thinking about the type of book you prefer or the name of the author, you will unconsciously walk to the nearby area.

And if even the title of the book is confirmed, the book will automatically appear in front of your eyes without even moving.

I'm not sure which book I want to read, but just follow the

"①: I suddenly want to take a look at the theoretical knowledge of cultivation skills. Maybe I can create my own cultivation skills."

"②: I suddenly want to read books on mecha technology. Mechas are a man's romance. I really want to drive a mecha."

"③: I suddenly want to take a look at the knowledge of slave demons. I know how to spell slave demons, but I don't have a slave demon yet. It's really embarrassing."

Is it one of three choices this time?

In this case, I choose ③.

Well, I'm not even interested in cultivation skills and mechs. On the contrary, it's interesting to talk about magic magic.

Indeed, I also want to have a demon like Xiaolan.

It's not that I (Ye) don't want a slave demon, but that with my (Yue) Xiaolan as a comparison, I (Ye) really don't want to be fooled, and I want a slave demon that is no worse than Xiaolan.

Could it be that this golden finger can guide me (Ye) to obtain a very powerful slave demon of my own?

That would be nice if that's the case.

With such anticipation in mind, I (Ye) walked into the bookshelf. After walking for about 30 seconds, I saw various books related to obedience appeared on the bookshelf.

"From Magic to Magic"

"How to tame wild monsters as familiars"

"Magic Pet Raising Manual"

"Introduction to Racial Value o Top [-]"


"The Way of Communicating Spirits"

"How can I become an elf messenger?" "

I (night) read it for a while, and then picked up the "Introduction to Racial Value o Top [-]".

"I gave a corresponding evaluation for each race that can become a familiar, and listed the [-] most suitable races as familiars, hoping to bring some help to readers who want excellent familiars. 』

"This book only divides the advantages and disadvantages of each race based on the advantages and disadvantages of race, and does not involve the individual advantages and disadvantages of each race. If there are special cases, please ignore them. 』

After I (night) glanced at the catalog, I turned directly to the page with the first race value.

The first race: [Elf]

『Of course, there is no better race in this world than elves to become familiars. 』

"Elves are the incarnation of nature, the incarnation of the laws of the world, the incarnation of concept legends, and they are also the race closest to the true god in this world. 』

"Not all elves are powerful, but there is no doubt that no matter what kind of elves they are, they are miracles incarnate. 』

"More importantly, elves do not resist signing contracts with humans. As long as they can resonate emotionally with elves, they can be recognized by elves and sign contracts with elves. This is equal to all human beings." Miracle. 』

"Elves... are rarer than gods."

Well, I have seen a lot of gods these days, but I haven't seen even one elf.

I (Ye) have seen an elf king of the elf empire before - but the elf king is not an elf, but just the most honorable title of the elf empire.

However, it is true that most of the people in the Elven Empire are elf messengers. It is said that Princess Alice is an elf messenger—but I have never seen her contracted elves.

"If I can also get the favor of the elves, it must be a very romantic thing."

Everyone will think about a beautiful dream, and of course I am the same.

But after thinking about it, it's time to face reality.

I don't pray for any elves either. If this golden finger is really useful, then it would be nice to give me a baby dragon, right?

——Just when I was so delusional.


The immature voice coming into my ears from the right appeared on the stage with a menacing yelling, and before I could react and turn my head to see who it was, my whole body (Ye) was directly knocked out from the right.

In an instant, in the library, I became an innocent victim at the scene of a car accident, and I lost consciousness after being hit directly.

Chapter 2

My (night) coma of consciousness didn't last long.

After all, my (month) consciousness is still there.

I was taken aback by being knocked into the sky by someone who didn't know where, but the advantage of having two me is that as long as one of me is not fainted, the other one can wake up quickly no matter how faint I am.

Therefore, after only ten seconds, I (Ye) who was relieved from the shock was awakened from the silent consciousness.

"What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do? Guoguo seems to have killed someone? I want... I want to... ah, I want to destroy the corpse! Just eat it all in one bite!"

"Do you want to make it worse?!"

I (Ye) couldn't help but sat up for a moment, complaining loudly.

"Ah!! The corpse is scammed!!"

A little loli with red hair and red eyes fell backwards with a terrified expression and sat down on the ground.

"Don't casually say that people are dead, and even if they are dead, it is wrong for you to want to destroy the body, but you should take the initiative to surrender."

"If you surrender yourself, you will be arrested, right?"

"Isn't that of course?"

"Guoguo doesn't want to be arrested!"

"No one goes to jail because he wants to go to jail—unless he owes a debt that he can't repay and wants to hide in the cell. But even if he doesn't want to go to jail, he must atone for the murder, okay?"

"Guoguo didn't do it on purpose!"

"Who would believe you didn't mean to run so recklessly in this library?"

"Guoguo has a reason!"

"Then tell me your reasons."

"Ah! You're not dead!?"

"The reaction is too slow! And don't change the subject for me, tell me quickly what is your reason?"

"Wow! You are so handsome!"

"You don't need to talk about it! I'm tired of hearing this kind of evaluation! And don't change the subject for me, tell me what is your reason?"

"Men who pester you are the most annoying!"

"I seem to have broken a few ribs. It seems that I need to call the police."

I (night) took out my student card.

The red-haired and red-eyed Loli knelt down at my (Ye) feet in an instant, hugged my right leg with both hands, and looked up at me with tears in her eyes: "Guoguo really has a reason, big brother you Don't you even have any sympathy? I beg you, big brother, to let Guoguo go!"

I (Ye) sneered twice: "Tell me the reason, let me see what made you run so hard in the library. If you want to go out, you can just take two steps. Do you need to run?"

"Isn't running faster?"

"Then he couldn't stop and knocked others into the air, right?"

"Actually... Guoguo's father died, and Guoguo has to rush to put on mourning for his father."

"Your father knows that you cursed him like that, do you think he will kill you?"

"I just misremembered. My mother was critically ill, so my father asked me to rush to the hospital at the speed of light."

"You want to be mixed doubles by your parents?"

I (Ye) couldn't help but let out a weak sigh with this look of liar's expression and this little girl who couldn't even speak in a panic.

"Are you so unwilling to tell the real reason? Forget it, don't say it if you don't want to say it, you can go, but remember not to run like before. Your ability value is too high, thanks to my physical fitness Not bad, that’s why I didn’t get hit by you, if it was replaced by a weaker one, it would have died on the spot. When you run, you must leave enough energy to stop yourself at any time, understand?”

I didn't lie when I said that I broke a few ribs. This girl knocked me unconscious. How could I keep my ribs?

It's really because I was lucky that I didn't get hit to death directly. If I changed to someone with a VIT of less than [-], I would definitely go to hell on the spot.

However, after hearing what I (Ye) said, the red-haired loli bit her lip for some reason, her pupils fluctuated, and finally said the real reason: "Actually... Actually... Actually, Guoguo is looking for her half body."

I lowered my body, put my hands on her shoulders, and said softly: "Your half body certainly doesn't want you to kill people. Do you want your half body to be ashamed of you?"

"You don't believe in Guoguo, right?"

"No, I believe it."

"Don't take Guoguo for a fool! Your face is full of gentleness and kindness that treats Guoguo as a second child!"

"Don't worry about such trivial matters, you first talk about your own settings."

"You said it! You just said the word setting, right! You said it right!"

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