"I said don't care about such trivial things, tell me your story quickly, and I will listen carefully."

"Guoguo doesn't want to talk anymore! You will definitely laugh at Guoguo!"

"I promise I will never laugh."

"What if you laughed?"

"If I smile, then do whatever you want me to do."



"Okay, then Guoguo will trust you once."

The red-haired loli named Guoguo stood up with a serious face.

I also stood up with a serious face.

"Not long ago, Guoguo accidentally lost half of her body."

"How did you lose it?"

"Guoguo said he wanted to eat sweet food, but Guoguo's half body said he wanted salty food. Guoguo and half body had a big fight, and then they separated and went to eat their own food. As a result, Guoguo didn't find half body again."

"... You are deliberately making me laugh and trying to do anything to me, right?"

"That's not true! Every time Guoguo and Banchen have to quarrel over this kind of thing, but this time Guoguo and Banchen can suddenly act separately, so of course they can eat their own food!"

"Sorry, I don't understand your setting, can you explain why you have a half-length setting?"

"Actually, Guoguo is of mixed race."

"Which clan and which clan's blood is mixed?"

"Elves and dragons."

"Two demands are met for me at once, right?"


"It's nothing, you continue."

"In short, because of the power conflict between the elves and the dragons, Guoguo also formed two wills, that is, Guoguo and Guoguo's half-body Xiangxiang."

"I see. Seeing your huge strength that can knock me unconscious, and your savage thoughts of wanting to eat me, you must be the half of the dragon clan, right?"

"No, Guoguo is the half of the elves."

"You ruined my fantasy of elves, and I demand compensation."

"What fantasies do you have about elves? It's none of Guoguo's business. It's stupid to have fantasies about elves. Guoguo doesn't want compensation."

"So, let's turn the topic back. The half of Xiangxiang from the Dragon Clan is lost. Why are you looking for it in the library of the Cradle Academy? And you're still running so fast?"

"This is because Guoguo recently received news that Xiangxiang was captured by the Cradle Academy's law enforcement team!"

"Ask, why did the Cradle Academy's law enforcement team arrest Xiangxiang?"

"Because Xiangxiang didn't pay for the meal."


"When the half-body was separated, Xiangxiang left in the body of a dragon, and she didn't bring any money."

"...Don't think I can't help it, it's impossible to make me laugh just with this kind of cold joke."

"Guoguo didn't tell a joke!!"

Guo Guoqi's face flushed red.

I (Ye) took a deep breath and tried not to laugh: "So, what does this have to do with your sprinting in the library?"

"When Guoguo went to the law enforcement team to hope that the law enforcement team could release him, the law enforcement team said that Guoguo's body owed too much money, so he was punished and sold himself to pay off the debt."

"Sell yourself?"

"Cradle Academy will arrange a lot of opportunities in the school for the students as adventures. These opportunities include the familiars that can be captured and subdued by the school. Guoguo's half body was put in this library as a subdued familiar. When someone who is destined finds it, he can take it in."

...... I am a little bit convinced, she really doesn't seem to be suffering from a second-stage illness.

"How much money does Xiangxiang owe? She actually wants to sell herself to pay off the debt? Can't you just pay her back?"


Guoguo timidly raised three fingers.

"3000 million?" I guessed in many ways.

However, it turns out I was still too conservative.

"3000 billion."

"It's not a matter of bringing money with you!? What did she eat!?"

"She ate at Master Chef's. Now the money is all paid by the Cradle Academy."

"... At least she has enjoyed it, she should be satisfied, and live a good life as a familiar from now on."

Meow, I never dared to think that I would be able to eat at the Master Chef's place in my whole life. It's not bad that you just sell yourself to pay off your debts, at least you didn't dig out your dragon heart to pay off your debts.

Guoguo burst into tears: "The law enforcement team said that if Guoguo can pay off the debt, they can return Guoguo's half body to Guoguo, but Guoguo doesn't have that much money at all."

"Where are your parents? I heard that the dragon clan is quite good at collecting treasures. It might not be impossible to get 3000 billion, right?"

Hearing my words like this, Guoguo actually burst into tears.

"What? 3000 billion? Daughter, you must know that our Dragon Clan is self-reliant. Didn't I give you 100 million when you separated your family? From then on, you have to rely on your own money to support yourself! Your debt is your debt, and my money is mine. How can you use my money to repay your debt? This is not the way of the Dragon Clan's survival! ——That's what Dad said."

"…………Where's your mom?"

"Guoguo, this is the guidance of fate! Fate is guiding Xiangxiang to the free meal ticket that can support her for the rest of her life. We should bless her! Come, Guoguo, pray with your mother, and hope that Xiangxiang will have a better future. My free meal ticket is a gentle man.—so Mama said."

"No wonder dragons and elves can make a pair. Is this the principle of shavings attracting each other?"

I sighed weakly.

"So, you still didn't say why you were sprinting and running in the library?"

Chapter 3 Huh? ? ? ? ?

"It was the president of the Cradle College Student Union who gave Guoguo a chance to take the half body away."

It turned out that it was the operation of that vixen Gu Mingyue again.

Is she naturally against me?It's not enough to directly cheat me a few times, but this time I'll knock me out indirectly?

"What kind of opportunity did she give you?"

"Xiangxiang is now sealed in a certain book on the first floor of this library. The president said that if Guoguo can find Xiangxiang before Xiangxiang is subdued, she can set Xiangxiang free and owe money. There is no need to pay any more.”


"So Guoguo, who doesn't know where Xiangxiang is sealed, can only run randomly in the library. Guoguo and Xiangxiang are one. Although she can't feel which direction Xiangxiang is in because of being sealed, but as long as the distance is close enough, she can definitely feel it—but as a condition, Guoguo should also be used as a familiar that can be captured while she is in the library."

"I see. Is that why you didn't want to tell me the reason before?"

Guoguo nodded anxiously.

That vixen Gu Mingyue is obviously going to fool this little girl into a familiar too?

This library has a total of five floors. I don't know how much space there is on the upper floors, but the space on the first floor is basically equivalent to boundless!

No matter how hard Guoguo runs, even if she has the speed of light, it is impossible to run from one end to the other even if she runs for 100 years.

No matter how you think about it, it is impossible to take the initiative to find an opportunity here, and you can only rely on the word "fate".

If you are destined, you will naturally meet, and if you are not destined, it is impossible to find it.

"It looks like this...it's troublesome!"

I want to help a group of girls in front of me, but unfortunately I don't have that much money at all.

In other words, the only way now is to find Xiangxiang who is sealed in a certain book together.

But still the same sentence, it is impossible to deliberately find a certain opportunity in this library, and you can only rely on the word "fate".

I really don't think so narcissistically that this is true. The world is going to favor me, and the two requirements are going to be fulfilled together—how can this kind of thing be possible?

Yes, I don't think I will be lucky enough to meet the book where Xiangxiang was sealed.

So, this is a favor I can't help at all.

Having said that, it doesn't seem too good to leave it alone.

Or... just try to help find it?

This kind of search based on "fate" only takes one day to know whether you are destined or not. If you haven't found it after a day, it means that you have no destiny, and then you can only say sorry - the rest will wait for the destined person to appear and then figure out a solution.

As for whether or not to accept a young dragon as a familiar if one is lucky enough to find it—I'm not the kind of person who would force others to do things they don't want to do.

Well, usually the forced party is me.

Well, I can’t say that I don’t want to. If I want to talk about my body and mind, I’m actually very willing, but the feeling of being forced and helpless is really uncomfortable.

It is one thing for me to finally choose to enjoy the rape I cannot resist, but it is another thing for me not to be raped. The two are not necessarily related.

Therefore, I can understand Guoguo's feeling that he doesn't want his half body to be forced to give up his freedom—although it seems to be self-inflicted no matter how you look at it.

But after all, it is a child, and we need to be more tolerant towards this kind of child. I think that if she can really regain her freedom, that Xiangxiang will also remember the lesson.

Well, the only question now is whether I have a relationship with that Xiangxiang.

Although I really am not narcissistic to that extent, but this time, I sincerely hope that I have this fate with that Xiangxiang.

Feeling that the pain in my body has gradually disappeared, and the injury has completely recovered under the action of star power, I (Ye) exhaled a breath, and then spoke calmly—just before I spoke, Guoguo spoke in advance.

"That... big brother... if you get Xiangxiang, are you willing to let Xiangxiang go free?"

I couldn't help but look at her in surprise: "That's not a problem."



"Are you sure it's true?"

Guoguo confirmed again and again.

Regarding this, I seemed to understand a little bit, but I just nodded and said in a firm tone: "It's true. You seem to have other ways. If you are willing to believe me, then I will be honored to gain your trust."

Guoguo took a deep breath, then took another deep breath, and then... took another deep breath.

"Are you trying to suck all the air I breathe out?"

"It's disgusting, are you a pervert?"

"Is this the attitude of asking for help? If you continue to behave like this, I will change my mind. Thinking about it carefully, having a dragon as a familiar is my dream!"

"Because I can ride under my body every day? Can I ride during the day and at night? It's because there are so many perverts like you now that Guoguo doesn't want to make a contract with humans so much!"

"Can you not use your obscene thoughts to tarnish my noble personality? I just want to be a dragon knight, but I never thought of being a dragon knight!"

"What? Do you think Guoguo is not pretty?"

"What does that have to do with whether you're pretty or not?"

"Of course it has something to do with it! Guoguo is Xiangxiang, and Xiangxiang is Guoguo. Guoguo and Xiangxiang are one and the same person. Even if they are temporarily divided into two individuals, they still look exactly the same! Do you think Guoguo Doesn’t it make you want to ride? This is an insult to Guoguo’s personality!”

"If you want me to have the desire to ride, how about you being ten years older?"

"Do you like big boobs that much?"

"Why did I come to this conclusion? I obviously think that as long as you look good enough, regardless of the size of your breasts, that's enough. Stop arguing about these irrelevant things! Come back to the topic! Do you still want to save your half body?"

Accidentally almost blurted out some terrible words, which really made people break out in a cold sweat.

"Hmph, anyway, there is still a way to get Guoguo's half body free."

After making jokes for a while, Guoguo's nervousness seemed to have disappeared. She looked up at me with her hands on her hips, and said seriously:

"Guoguo and Xiangxiang are the same person. As long as Xiangxiang signs a contract with a demon, it means that Guoguo has signed a contract with a demon. But on the other hand, as long as Guoguo signs a contract with a demon, then It also means that Xiangxiang signed a contract with the devil, so that Guoguo and half body can be reunited into one, and then if you cancel the contract, Guoguo and half body can naturally recover their freedom. ——This It's the only way now!"

"I see. Let's get started."

It's a dangerous proposition.

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