I calmly raised a skirt that I just picked up in my right hand.

As a small sample, I knew you would take advantage of Li Qingjun, a naive girl. Do you think I won't prepare?

When a master fights, he always takes one step and sees ten steps, okay?

"So that's the case, then let me change it for her. Although Guoguo is your follower, she is a girl after all. You still need to take care of it."


Faced with Li Qingjun's words, I couldn't help but slightly widen my eyes.

Good guy, so I'm not a master at all? !Didn't even see the second step? !

"Is this not good? Is it too much trouble for you?"

"It doesn't matter! It is the duty of the discipline committee to help the people in need!"

Li Qingjun patted his chest to reassure, and then separated from the hand that Guoguo and I were holding, grabbed the clothes in my hand, grabbed Guoguo and walked into the changing room, and threw me outside when I missed a move.

"Huh? Wait a minute? Guoguo doesn't want to change clothes, but wants to let the owner experience Guoguo's true charm!"

Looking at the back of Guoguo who said so, I couldn't help showing a frustrated expression.


A real master.

This is a super-class master who really takes one step and sees ten steps.

The first time they confronted each other, they lost so directly. It seems that it is a long way to go to find out the reality of Guoguo (Xiangxiang)!

But you'd better not get too complacent, little girl.

There is still plenty of time, sooner or later I will find out all about your reality!

Chapter 8

"Isn't this... the home of God of Cooking?"

"That's right, it's the Kitchen God's House. Didn't everyone say they would come here?"

Faced with Li Qingjun's natural expression, I (Ye) wanted to complain loudly, but at this moment, my legs were completely weak, and my whole body was trembling, so I didn't dare to speak loudly to this big guy.

——You did say that it would be better to go to the House of Cooking God than to go to Huawan in the Cradle, but I thought you were joking?Who would have thought that you would actually lead this way! ?Are you sure you're not kidding now? !

"Then what... we just met, I really can't afford such a lot of love!"

"Ah? It's nothing. Even though it's not a place I can come to often, it's okay to come once a month."

"Excuse me, does your family accept a son-in-law?"

"Huh? What?"

"No, it's okay, it's just that I accidentally said what I wanted in my heart."

"Huh? Wish? What wish?"

I (Ye) supported Guoguo's shoulders to support my body, to calm myself down.

I never expected, I really never expected that I would have the opportunity to come here once in my life, and it was brought by a rich woman. Sure enough, as long as I am handsome, I can meet anything!

Otherwise, I (Ye) will still rely on this face for food in the future, right?

Well, I deeply feel that my (Ye) unique face in the world played a vital role in being able to be taken to this kind of place by Li Qingjun for dinner when we met for the first time today.

"Qing Jun, do you really want to eat here? Let me tell you, I will never be polite when faced with such an opportunity to take advantage of me!"

"You don't need to be polite, I haven't had a meal here since I returned to Cradle Academy - although I was a little scared by this proposal at first, after all, we don't know each other well, right? But now we are friends after shopping together! We are friends, and we won't have any problems if we come here to eat together."

"Having such a generous friend like you is really lucky in my life, Lord Qingjun."

I (Ye) looked at Master Qingjun with a full face of admiration, and there were definitely stars shining in my eyes.

"I didn't expect that one day I would be able to eat the dishes of Master Chef. I am so happy."

"Ah? What are you talking about?" Li Qingjun's face seemed to be stunned, and then he showed a stunned expression: "Ye, do you have some misunderstandings? Doesn't it mean that you will be able to eat the dishes of the Master Chef when you come to the Master Chef's House?"


Facing my question marks, Li Qingjun said with a natural expression: "If you think about it, hundreds of billions of points seem like a lot, but there are not many people in this world who can afford it. The Home of the God of Cooking is basically full of seats every day. Even if Master Chef Chef takes cooking as his hobby, it is impossible to cook for people from morning to night every day? In that case, you will not experience any hobbies, but pure work fatigue! Measured? How can you get it for a little money?”

"...It makes sense, so I say..."

"That's why God of Cooking's House is divided into two sides, the inside and the outside. The outside is the normal place to eat. The chefs who cook are all students trained by God of Cooking. They are also worth the money and the price is reasonable. They will never make guests feel that they are at a disadvantage. The inside is where Master Cooking picks up guests—only guests who are interested in God of Cooking or who he considers to be qualified to cook can enter the home of God of Cooking."

"I see."

I (Ye) made no secret of my loss.

After all, it is my lifelong dream to eat the dishes of Master Chef!

The best delicacy in the world, the best food in the world, the best cuisine in the world, everything I thought had come before my eyes, but it disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"There's no need to be so disappointed. Even if you're not a chef, Cornelis's cooking is delicious."

"No, I think that since there is no way to eat Master Chef's dishes, then we should not eat here. We don't have that desire anymore."

Now that it's determined that I can't eat the dishes of the Master Chef, then this House of the Master Chef has no temptation for me.

"So, let's just find a place to have a meal."


Li Qingjun blinked his eyes, looked at me for a while, then said with a smile:

"Don't be too far-fetched. I said that if you eat here, you can eat here. There are no other restaurants near the Kitchen God's House, and it would be too troublesome to go to other places."

In the words, she directly grabbed the hands of me (Ye) and Guoguo, and pulled the two of us to the Kitchen God's House.

Faced with such a tough attitude, I naturally couldn't say anything, I could only follow in her footsteps and open the door to enter this world's first-class restaurant.


"Huh? This is..."

As soon as he entered the gate of the Kitchen God's House, Li Qingjun seemed to be surprised to speak out with doubts.

It is not the same as the hot atmosphere that Chef's House should have. This is a cool and elegant restaurant.

The restaurant probably only has a space of less than fifty square meters, and there are a few small square tables.

But at these square tables, there was not even a single person.

At this time, I seemed to realize something.

No way?

"Welcome, what would you like to order?"

A goddess with blond hair hanging down to her waist came out of the back kitchen and greeted the three of us with a smile on her face.

Solemnly declare that the word goddess is not an adjective, but a literal meaning.

The first time I saw the blonde goddess, I knew in my mind that the existence in front of me was a god.

Chef...or should be more correct.

Vesta, Vesta.

We actually came to the inside of the Kitchen God's House and directly met the Kitchen God.

Chapter 9

"Sister, we meet again!"

Guoguo greeted Lady Vesta with a happy face.

Lady Vesta also nodded with a smile.

"Yeah, we met again, did you bring enough money this time? Don't come here to eat Bawang's meal again."

"No problem! This time Guoguo came with a lot of money, so you can eat and drink as much as you want!"

"...It seems that this time it seems that I borrowed the light."

Li Qingjun's soliloquy next to me (Ye) brought me back to my senses, and I suddenly realized something.

That's... Isn't Guoguo the one who interested Master Chef?

According to Guoguo, she was arrested by Master Chef's police just because she ate the Overlord Meal from Chef's House!

Well, it's kind of weird to think about it now, isn't it?

Does God of Cooking know if Guoguo has money?If you know, why do you still need to connect Guoguo to the inside?Why not remind Guoguo that he has no money to order?

And since Guoguo acquiesced in ordering under such circumstances, why didn't he just waive the order for Guoguo and call the police to arrest Guoguo?Could it be that Master Chef really cares about this small amount of money and is deliberately stealing money from Cradle Academy?Because she knew that Cradle Academy would definitely pay in advance?How can it be.


——Could it be that I was deliberately tricked by Master Chef, whom I have never even met?

At this moment, I looked at the goddess Vesta who was interacting with Guoguo with extremely suspicious eyes.

"Please take a seat, the menu is here, please order as you like."

Lady Vesta smiled and invited us to sit down, then took out a tablet and handed it to me.

"There are many styles of dishes, don't rush, just take your time, we have plenty of time here."

After I took the tablet, I handed it to Bai Fumei, the big money of our trip, and then I said to the goddess Vesta: "Master Vesta, do you have any signature dishes to recommend?"

"Everything is a signature dish."

"So confident, as expected of Master Chef."

"But although there is no signature dish, I can recommend a dish that suits you best for each of the three of you. Do you want it?"

"Many thanks."

"For Guoguo, let's use Baizu Dabu Tang. Guoguo's body is still very weak now, and he still needs to make up for it."

"Great!" Guoguo was elated: "With a boost to the body, Guoguo can withstand the master's harder riding."

"Don't say it as if I've already ridden you, I've only ridden you once."

I couldn't help complaining about Guoguo, but Master Vesta ignored Guoguo's pornographic jokes and said to Li Qingjun with a smile: "For Qingjun, a hundred birds facing the phoenix is ​​the best."

"Yes, then a hundred birds turn to the phoenix!"

Li Qingjun was obviously nervous.

As a matter of course, this experience of sitting on a chair as a customer ordering, while a true god stands aside like a waiter, is definitely the first time in your life?

Don't talk about her, I'm actually a little nervous, not everyone can be as heartless as Guoguo.

Needless to say, this is the first time I have been so close to the true God.

And from the height I was sitting at, the pair of plumpness of Mrs. Vesta was exactly parallel to my line of sight, which made me a little confused about where to put my line of sight.

It is truly worthy of being a true god, this shape is really perfect no no no no no no no hurry up and stop! !This kind of blasphemous thought of death is enough for a flash, but don't go deeper! ! ! ! ! !

"As for Ye... How about cooking Tianjia?"

"What is boiled Tianjia?"

I'm not as easy to fool as Li Qingjun, although I'm also very nervous, but at least I have to figure out what I'm eating - like snakes, insects, rats and ants, I absolutely don't eat them of! !

Important things must be emphasized three times.

"Tianjia is a monster that lives in a certain magic area in the sea. It is very rare. It has a very powerful effect of strengthening yang and replenishing essence when made into dishes."

"I don't need to make up, thank you."

My face turned black in an instant. I never expected that two people would suspect my mental problems consecutively in one day. Do I really look so vain? !

"Really? But I feel that you may need to make up in the future." Master Vesta tapped his cheek with his right index finger, squinted and smiled: "Really, Ye, you should make preparations in advance." .”

"This kind of preparation is really unnecessary. I am very confident in my ability. Let alone six girlfriends, even if there are sixty...even eight or nine girlfriends will have no problem at all."

"Huh? Ye, you actually have six girlfriends? That's amazing!"

The amazed Li Qingjun next to me made me really unable to complain, so I chose to ignore it.

But what makes me even more powerless to complain is Master Vesta's reaction.

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