She frowned slightly, and said in embarrassment: "If you say that, you should make up for it. It's just that ten of them will be forced together. If one day you are surrounded by a hundred girls, won't you be exhausted? Exhausted?"

"Why don't you say that one day I will be rounded by a thousand girls?" At this moment, I lost all respect for the true God, and couldn't help saying angrily, "Are you blessing me or cursing me? I only have six girlfriends, and it is impossible to increase them in the future. On the contrary, they may decrease, do you understand?"

"If you had reduced it earlier, you wouldn't have fallen to where you are now. It's because you have been procrastinating and have not been able to reduce it until now, so you have fallen to this end."

Vesta looked down at me with an expression of pity that I couldn't understand at all, and said with a sigh:

"Dead wood can't be carved, it can't be saved, it can't be saved—but although it can't be saved, it's still okay to make up for it to strengthen your yang and replenish your essence, so are you sure you really don't need it?"

"Of course I...need."

Don't ask why I need it, anyway, it's definitely not because I really feel that I'm vain, but because I don't know why, after listening to what Master Vesta said, I completely had a bad premonition.

Although it is impossible to imagine where this premonition came from, the sense of vigilance and crisis that is not good or not is already filling the body and mind, piercing the soul.

Anyway, although I don't understand it, let's listen to it now.

Anyway, she is a true god, so there should be some reason for her to say such a thing, right?

Could it be that... Senior Murong, Senior Chris, and Xiao Qiange are planning to unite and drain me completely? !

It has to be said that this is indeed very possible.

After all, the ability values ​​of the three of them are far above mine. Although there is no absolute relationship between the ability and the ability value in that aspect, there is still an inevitable connection, so the combination of the three of them might really be true. Can squeeze me dry.

In other words... this will be a major event that determines whether a man's dignity still exists or not! !

No wonder there is such a serious sense of crisis, it really cannot be ignored.

This time, I have to thank Goddess Vesta for her reminder.

I looked at Master Vesta with grateful eyes.

Vesta also nodded with a gratified expression:

"Ruzi can be taught."

Chapter 10 Marry me!

The main course is the three dishes recommended by Master Vesta. As for the side dishes, Li Qingjun handed them to me after ordering on the tablet (Ye), so I just ordered a few dishes, and then Leave it to...Master Vesta.

"Huh? Master? Where's Guoguo?"

"I've finished ordering for you."

"Why? Guoguo wants to order it herself!"

"Isn't that natural? Who knows how many things you'd order if you ordered it yourself?"

The first way to deal with Guoguo is to be cautious about her expenses.

Although I didn't spend the money this time, because of this, Guoguo couldn't let Guoguo order randomly.

Even if we just met each other not long ago, I can guarantee that Guoguo will definitely do such a thing as slaughtering a big money without any scruples.

It's not that big money can't be slaughtered, but for a big money who just met so generously and invited us to the Chef's House to eat and drink, how can I allow you to do such a stupid thing as a one-knife slaughter?

If I let you finish slaughtering with this knife, how can I continue to slaughter in the future?


Absolutely impossible!

This is drinking poison to quench thirst, this is throwing away the watermelon and picking up sesame seeds, it is giving up the basics and chasing the last, it is a small loss that outweighs the gain—in short, this is definitely not what a wise man does.

However, Guoguo couldn't understand my good intentions at all, and pouted aggrievedly: "Master is a villain."

"So you abandon me quickly." I replied ruthlessly.

"Guoguo doesn't want it! Guoguo wants to take revenge by eating up his master!"

"Sorry, I don't need you to eat, I'm poor enough now."

After such a casual response, I looked at Vesta again, and asked a slightly hesitant question:

"That...Master Vesta, my physique is a bit special, no matter what kind of medicine is completely ineffective for my body, so I can't really just eat it for taste?"

Although enjoying delicious food is indeed the main reason why I especially want to come to Chef's House to have a meal, but who would refuse to get some benefits? Are you right?

And more importantly... I really want to see if it is a real god, can it break through my physical defense line.

This is the line of defense that Shasha has not been able to break through so far, and if the true god can break through, it means... the road that Shasha will take in the future can be clarified.

——Although this road may be too difficult to imagine.

But the road I want to go, even if it is difficult, I have to cry and finish it. I believe that Sasha must have this kind of consciousness.

Rather, maybe she aimed for that position from the start?

Therefore, we will only look at Lady Vesta's answer now.

As a matter of course, the true god is worthy of being the true god. Master Vesta did not disappoint me. She just smiled lightly and said lightly: "The ineffectiveness of the medicine means the ineffectiveness of the ingredients. I have nothing to do about it. You His physique is indeed a bit special. However, even if the ingredients themselves are invalid, it does not mean that even the power will be invalidated. If your physique can even do this kind of thing, then you are the natural enemy of all true gods. Clearly, your constitution is not up to that point—and that is precisely your constitution's greatest weakness."

Facing such words, I raised my head slightly, stared at Lady Vesta, and waited for her next words.

"Your physique is only immune to the concept of "medicine". As long as there are concepts related to "medicine", it will not be effective for your constitution. But, conversely, as long as you avoid the concept of "medicine", then Avoid your physique too. "

"...Kulotti's charm doesn't seem to work on me, either?"

"Because it is also a kind of medicine. The body fluid and fragrance of the succubus are the strongest medicine."

"In other words, if Sasha wants to break through my physique, she must either reach the same power domain as you, Mr. Vesta, or she must abandon the concept of "medicine"?But if there is no alchemy potion with "medicine", can it still be considered an alchemy potion? "

"This depends on whether she can get rid of the current state of being still obsessed with appearances. Remove all the concept of "medicine" in the alchemy potion, and only keep its effect as an alchemy potion. If she can do this, it means that she is not far from God. "

Although I have already said it, I still want to say it again. It really is worthy of being a true god!

Knowing everything, knowing everything, this kind of existence is as if existence itself is cheating.

It's not simply a question of strength, but another level that makes people feel awe.

This is probably why even the president of the student union of Cradle Academy treats the true god with respect.

I fully realized why all existences are yearning for the position of "True God", which is indeed not an existence that "mortals" can compare with.

As I sighed from the bottom of my heart, Master Vesta had already returned to the back kitchen, and Li Qingjun came to my side at this time, and said with a look of amazement: "You can have such a natural conversation with Master Cooking God!" , Ye, you were very surprised, could it be that you are actually some kind of big shot?"

"I'm not so much a powerful person, but rather a bit of a rough line—well, it's the kind of thick line that always puts everyone on an equal footing and treats them with an equal attitude."

This can indeed be said to be my defect.

No matter how much stronger or higher the status of the person I face than me, it is actually difficult for me to have the real feeling that the other person is above me, but I will treat everyone equally from an equal perspective .

Of course, it's not just about beings who are stronger than me and whose status is higher than mine. It's no different for beings who are weaker than me and whose status is lower than mine.

But I don't think there's anything wrong with this, because everyone who I treat with such an equal attitude will also treat me with the same attitude, isn't it good?

People's status is indeed divided into upper and lower, and this may never change.

As long as society exists, there will inevitably be a division between the strong and the weak, and no one can change this.

However, even if there is a difference between upper and lower, the difference between strength and weakness, it does not mean that the weak must be afraid of the strong, and the inferior must respect the superior, right?

If there are really strong people who intimidate the weak in this way, if there are really high-ranking people who demand the low-ranking ones like this--that has nothing to do with me.

I don't care about the others.

Anyway, I am neither domineering to inferiors nor servile to superiors.

Solemnly declare that this is a personal nature, there is no need to learn, and it is best not to learn.

Because I know that this kind of personality is likely to offend people inexplicably, but I am lucky, so I have never encountered that kind of strength and status that is stronger than me. Disrespectful idiots of superiors—well, in my eyes, that kind of person is a second-hand idiot, purely uneducated.

"Treat everyone equally...Ye, you really are a great big shot."

Li Qingjun seemed to sigh a little.

"This kind of thing... can't be done if you want to do it..."

It didn't take too long to wait, about an hour later, one dish after another was brought up by Master Vesta himself.

The main course has not been served yet, but the strong aroma and beautiful presentation have already made people mesmerized.

Even if I don't eat it in the mouth, just by placing it on the table, I feel like I can look at it for hundreds of years. It's like the most perfect artwork in the world is presented in front of my eyes.

After 30 seconds, I saw that Li Qingjun, the big treat, hadn't moved his chopsticks, and was staring blankly at the various dishes on the table, while Guoguo had already shown that he couldn't bear it, so I stopped holding Guoguo's hand to stop her, and let Guoguo start to stir up the atmosphere.

Although it's a bit impolite, etiquette is not necessary in the first place, and sometimes it's inevitable depending on the situation. You can't be too rigid.

Ever since, I moved my chopsticks after Guoguo.

First of all, I put a piece of green vegetable that I don't know what it is into my mouth.


"①: It's so delicious! Master Vesta, please be my wife!"

"②: It's so delicious! Master Vesta, can you cook for me for the rest of my life?"

"③: That's amazing! Vesta-sama! Marry me!!!"

... I almost forgot about you, so you came out to find a sense of existence, right?

Can you tell me what is the difference between these three options?

Chapter 11 You're here to take revenge on me, right?

It is absolutely impossible to choose.

Anyway, this golden finger didn't stipulate that I (Ye) must choose an option to carry out at this time. If so, then I don't need to embarrass myself.

Leaving aside the true gods, proposing to a girl whom I just met for the first time... What kind of person can do such a thing?

This kind of thing doesn't even need to be thought about, but it is impossible for normal people to do it, and it is absolutely impossible for normal people to accept it, it is undoubted that it will only embarrass themselves.

From this point of view, it seems that this golden finger is not all good, and it is still easy to dig a hole!

No, as expected, I still can't act according to the instructions of this thing.

I must act according to my own heart, speak and act according to my own nature.

So, think about it, what kind of person am I?Under such circumstances, what should I say to Master Vesta?

"how is the taste?"

Master Vesta asked with a smile.

To this, I have only one sentence as an answer: "That's amazing! Master Vesta! Marry me!"

……… Well, let’s admit it, in my heart and nature, after eating such a delicious meal, I seem to be able to say this kind of thing, whether there is an option to instruct me.

I'm not the kind of person who deliberately goes against the options because the options have spoken my mind in advance, regardless of my inner thoughts.

Because for me, words like that are really the highest level of appreciation.

good to eat!

too delicious!

It's so delicious that I really want to marry you home!

If you want to conquer a man's heart, you must conquer a man's stomach. There is obviously no problem with this sentence.

Because at this moment, I am completely conquered by Master Vesta.

If I could marry Master Vesta as my wife and let her cook for me for the rest of my life, what kind of life would I live without regrets?

After eating this dish, I don't care about the special effects of the dish. Now I am simply fascinated by this delicious food, so fascinated that I have turned to Master Vesta completely!

And after hearing what I said, Master Vesta also looked very happy, holding the tray in front of him with his left hand, and tilting his head with his right hand, he smiled and said: "Oh, this is really the highest level. Your appreciation. Such a sincere appreciation that only focuses on the taste of the food and has no other thoughts at all really makes my heart burst."

For Vesta-sama, it seems that it is the appreciation of the most essential taste of the cuisine that makes her most happy.

"The main course will have to wait for a while, the three of you should enjoy the taste of the side dishes first. This is also an important foreshadowing before tasting the main course."

Needless to say, Master Vesta, Guoguo and Li Qingjun have already started eating.

The unimaginable delicacy made them unable to stop their mouths after taking a bite.

I also put my head down and worked hard after expressing my sincere admiration to Mrs. Vesta at this moment.

Master Vesta also returned to the back kitchen and continued cooking the main course.

Compared with the side dishes I ordered, the main dishes recommended by Mr. Vesta really took more effort.

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