——Will God’s Key also short-circuit?

A similar idea appeared in Kevin's mind, but his execution ability was higher. After confirming that he could not 'wake up' Bona, he put the teammate who could not feel the breath on his back, and ran out of the barrier at the fastest speed.

But just a few steps away, Kevin suddenly felt his legs go limp; his vision became blurred, and his breathing became difficult.

As his consciousness began to become cloudy, he also vaguely saw that the almost eternal red color on the 'Jie Mie' faded away, and gradually he could no longer feel the blazing heat on his hands.

He suddenly began to understand why all previous actions had failed.

Because the real ability of No.11 Herrscher is——

058 "Honkai is White Hair Control"

Before Kevin's consciousness was completely annihilated, he finally escaped from the boundary of the enchantment; but even with his fusion warrior physique, he still stepped into the territory of the dead country with one foot.

Pacino, whose obedience to orders was close to rigid, also picked up Kevin and Bona at this time, carried the weight of two people on the urgently called transport plane, and rushed back to the headquarters before Kevin completely lost his breath.

Kevin and Bona entered separate emergency rooms, and were transferred to the operating room after Kevin stabilized temporarily, while Bona was unfortunately declared dead.

But before entering the operating room, Kevin suddenly woke up, took off the oxygen mask, and grabbed the arm of the accompanying MEI: "The Herrscher, your ability is..."

"I see, rest assured to recuperate."

Although it was painful to be grabbed by Kevin's hand, MEI still rolled down without changing his face, and put the oxygen mask on him again.

Kevin, who temporarily let go of his thoughts, immediately fell into a coma.

MEI stood still, quietly watching Kevin being pushed in.

The nails sank deeply into the palm of her hand, even faintly oozing blood, but she didn't know it.

"Director MEI."

J was a little worried and didn't know how to comfort her.

After all, Kevin is the strongest fusion fighter!

With the strongest key of destruction, he has no reason to fail.

Probably even MEI didn't expect such an accident.

"Go back to the research institute."

MEI gave J a command, and immediately returned to the research institute without stopping, and sent someone to bring over the body of the dead fusion fighter and the Jie Mie sword that had temporarily lost its function.

She wants to see what kind of secrets are hidden in it.


For five days in a row, Mei stayed in the laboratory almost without sleep. If it wasn't for J delivering food to her, she might not even know when she starved to death.

During these five days, MEI has been studying the possibility that it can actually be found within a few hours at most.

It's just because the answer is too simple, so simple that MEI can't believe it.

At the same time, it is also because the Herrscher's own ability is too much - contrary to common sense.

"But that's the truth."

Even if she doesn't want to believe it, MEI can only be sure that this is the truth - the cause of the fusion soldier's death is actually very simple, she just died from the disorder caused by the disappearance of bioelectricity in her body.

Of course, this is fatal to ordinary humans, but not so simple to fusion fighters.

So part of the reason is that the Houkai beast gene in its body is out of control.

It's not quite right to say it's out of control.

To be precise, it should be a 'collapse' - due to the overall disappearance of its main component, the Houkai energy DNA, resulting in the instability of the Houkai beast's genetic structure, triggering a crash reaction.

And this kind of reaction is more intense than the simple disappearance of bioelectricity.

At most 1 minute will step into death.

For this similar feature, MEI also found the answer on the God's Key - the main reason why the God's Key stopped working was that the Houkai energy in the Herrscher's core had completely disappeared.

Reminiscent of the previous observation data on Herrscher, this represents the ability of Herrscher, which is likely to absorb and eliminate creatures and Houkai energy.

As for whether it is sucked away or eliminated, MEI is more willing to believe the former.

Because the elimination means that the Herrscher has eliminated the Houkai energy itself that constitutes the existence of the Herrscher, isn't this equivalent to self-destruction?

It doesn't make sense at all!

But what if that is the case?

That raises another question, another question that MEI doesn't want to think about - Honkai is conscious, and Honkai's will has been learning from human behavior.

Because freezing cannot directly destroy all humans, a more powerful pyromaniac is replaced; because gravity cannot effectively restrict human weapons, and even uses the core of the Herrscher to create a weapon against the Herrscher.

So the Honkai Will made a weapon that can fundamentally eliminate the weapon of the Herrscher - the Anti-Law?

Be it the God's Key or the Fusion Warrior, they are all products of Houkai, something dug from the enemy, but used in turn to deal with the enemy.

So the will of the collapse thinks that since it can't be defeated head-on, why not just do it the other way around?

This way of thinking like a human made MEI feel chills all over.

The reason why human beings become the masters of the earth is because they know how to think and make weapons; if Honkai also learns this, is it possible for human beings to survive?


MEI fell into silence, an extremely long silence.

She just sat there in a daze without doing anything, until Kevin was able to walk on the ground, she was still sitting in the laboratory in a daze.

No one knew what she was thinking.

Only one day, MEI gave up thinking, gave up thinking about 'why', and just asked Kevin to do one thing.

Using the zero rated power of the newly repaired Heavenly Fire Sacred Order, I gave her a curry stick outside the range of No. 11 Herrscher's barrier.

--that is the truth.

Sometimes you don't need to think so much, the Herrscher is the enemy after all, and the enemy will be eliminated.

That being the case.

Then use the most conservative means to deal the biggest blow to the enemy.

What's more, by studying MEI, we already know that there are no living humans in the cities within the enchantment, so there is no need to worry too much.

The only surprise was that the Herrscher was not directly eliminated. It seemed to be affected by the enchantment itself. Jie Mie's strongest blow only shattered the enchantment, but did not directly kill the Herrscher. In the end, Kevin insisted on using the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment that turned back into a pistol to kill him.

After that, it was the recovery of the Herrscher's corpse.

Just after recycling——


Mei fell silent again.

For some reason, she always felt that this Herrscher looked a bit like Theresa.

They all have the same silver hair, the same snowy complexion, the same washboard... This one doesn't need to be described, the only difference is that she looks a little older than Teresa.

MEI has an immature guess——

She compared the remaining Theresa's blood with Herrscher's genes, but she got highly similar results.

059 "God's Grace"

In order to avoid accidents, MEI only left some blood of the "Herrscher of Restraint" for other unknown purposes, and the rest including the corpses were all destroyed.

Then he continued to devote himself to the research of making the God's Key.

It's just that this time it will be more difficult than usual, because MEI wants to overturn all previous research on the utilization rate of the Houkai energy, and start from scratch the research on the ability to eliminate the Houkai energy.

Of course, this is not without benefits.

As its by-product, it is a drug that can be injected into the body of ordinary people, and through inheritance, the offspring will gradually have stronger resistance to Houkai, making them natural fighters against Houkai.

It's a pity that this kind of thing cannot be used by fusion fighters, because its characteristic of destroying the Houkai energy is poison to fusion fighters.

As for whether it is possible for a fusion fighter to combine with a person with Houkai antibodies in his body to produce offspring with the characteristics of both, that is not something that MEI needs to consider.

Because she can't be sure whether she can live to that time-it may take hundreds or even thousands of years.


Some individual "vaccinators" who have this antibody will also produce special antibodies in an indescribable form under special circumstances, and its external manifestation is the mysterious tattoo on the back.

The provider based on the antibody is a herrscher whose existence form is close to that of the 'holy son', so MEI calls this kind of tattoo 'stigmata'.

However, since the experimental subjects are all animals and have not been directly used on humans, MEI is not sure what the specific situation is.


After several months of repeated thinking and experiments, and even collapsed a few times, the almost crazy research made MEI's head almost split, but he still didn't understand the ability of the Herrscher Core to eliminate Houkai. principle.

MEI believes that the binding gem also needs energy to support it-although it does not deny the existence of energy-consuming perpetual motion machines.

There should be an undetectable "anti-Honkai energy" inside it; just as there are black holes capable of devouring everything in the universe, there are also "white holes" that release energy infinitely. (Marvel terrier, Captain Marvel double star mode can create white holes)

Since this 'anti-Honkai energy' is the opposite of the 'positive Honkai energy', it can achieve a positive and negative offsetting effect like '-1' plus '+1' equals '0'.

So the Honkai energy is eliminated.

However, the premise of the existence of this theory is that the 'anti-Honkai energy' exists.

Otherwise it's just conjecture.

The problem now is precisely that it cannot be proven.

This is where MEI really has a headache, because if its existence cannot be determined and its existence form cannot be detected, then how should it be used?

And what shape should be used to design the God's Key?

MEI thought of the picture of the Holy Son suffering when he first saw Herrscher, which was like the picture of Jesus crucified on the cross in the Bible.

Made into a cross?

But what is the meaning of a simple cross?

Should it be thrown as a throwing weapon, crushing the enemy with its weight? (your aunt did that)

Or like the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire, the basic form is a cross, which can be transformed into other weapons under special circumstances—such as double swords, heavy axes, etc.? (Under the month:...)

No, still no!

MEI overturned this idea, the change of form does not make any sense, the existence value of God's Key is its reuse of Herrscher's ability.

If you don't do this, why do you need the core of the lawyer?

It may not be as useful as the core of an emperor-level Houkai Beast.

Research almost stagnated for a time.

Until one time an accident happened——

Because of Teresa's troubles, several of the bottles containing the Herrscher's blood were overturned, and the blood in it was spilled on the soul steel ingot placed aside. The blood stayed on the surface for a while and was actually absorbed by the soul steel.

MEI didn't see this scene at the time, but when collecting the residual blood later, he found that most of the blood 'gasified' (disappeared) inconceivably.

She could only call the latest surveillance video through AI, and saw this picture.

Later, in the research on this special soul steel, it was found that it also seems to have the characteristics of dispelling the Houkai energy, and can even resonate with the core of the Herrscher to a certain extent-when they are close enough, the core of the Herrscher will Start to glow, and the soul steel will be suspended around the Herrscher's core.

This made MEI vaguely aware that maybe it could be used to——

But unfortunately, Herrscher's body had been destroyed, and there was too little blood available to infect enough special soul steel.

MEI can only make it into a main weapon, and the shell still uses ordinary soul steel.

At the same time, in order to protect the user himself from being affected by this elimination characteristic, the outer part of the main weapon is also plated with a layer of ordinary soul steel.

In this way, as long as you touch the position of the handle, you can use it normally.

of course.

If it is only designed in this way, this God's Key is a purely physical item; if it cannot activate the zero rated power, that is, fully open, can it still be called the God's Key?

——But in what form should it be designed?

MEI thought of a question——

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