No.11 Is the Herrscher strong?

The answer is no, its destructive power is far inferior to those of the previous ones, even because she doesn't have the ability to move, it doesn't matter even if she is left alone, at worst, the city where she "settled" will not be recycled.

Even the way to destroy her is very simple, not to mention amplifying moves outside the range like Kevin, MEI estimates that with the weak defense of No.

Although after entering the 'territory' range, the god-killing weapon may also fail; but detonating it in advance is another matter.

—But then again.

No.11 Is the Herrscher weak?

The answer is also no.

Its "field" composed of fourteen crosses is almost equivalent to the "kingdom of God" like "Holy Land" and "Eden", and the Herrscher of Restraint is God in this "field".

Even if they are also Herrschers, if they enter rashly, they will fall into suspended animation in just 1 minute-then the other party will really die if they come casually.

So the zeroth rated power of God's Key is to create a "God's Domain" that can limit all Houkai energy.

——God, created human beings; God, loves human beings; God, bestows favor on human beings.


God, will destroy mankind.

060 "Judas the Betrayer"

After confirming and manufacturing the 'Zero Rated Power · Divine Enchantment', and storing all the structure and procedures of this form in the Herrscher's core, and then using a small amount of special soul steel to create several pieces connected by chains The spear at the heart of the Herrscher is stored in a huge cross that serves as a 'weapon box'.

In addition, it is placed on the ground, and the built-in mechanism is activated to project the short spear as a 'spear gun', so that it has two modes of melee and long-range attack at the same time.

When the main work is done, it's time for naming.

MEI gave it a slightly ironic name——

Due to the appearance of the Herrscher of Restraint, people can't help but think of Jesus and the Twelve Saints; MEI, in turn, turns the enemy into a friendly army, which is like a traitor.

This one happened to appear in the Bible, and its name was 'Judah'.

The full name is 'The Oath of Judas'.

The oath has meanings such as 'oath' and 'agreement', and in the languages ​​of the Far East, the Chinese character for 'agreement' is 'restraint', which corresponds to the prefix of 'the Herrscher of Restraint'. (The Japanese name of "The Promised Neverland" is "Constraint のネバーランド")


The God's Key has been manufactured, and the remaining work is to select a suitable user.

Although MEI is not sure who is qualified to use it, it can only call all soldiers and researchers, including ordinary people, to touch the God's Key together to see if it can cause a "resonance" phenomenon.

So at least there is a glimmer of hope.

It would be a pity if they were left to eat ashes in the warehouse like Heiyuan Baihua and Yu Duchen.

Taking advantage of some free time, MEI took care of another matter——

Due to being busy all the time, I originally planned to secretly receive Sakura's sister to the headquarters, but it was still delayed.It is only to stabilize Sakura's mood that they can make video calls at a fixed time every day.

In this way, Sakura is still quite stable, she didn't have any bad thoughts, but under MEI's reassurance, she continued to take care of her body, or mind in the monitoring room.

Looking forward to the day when I can be released and welcome my sister in person.


MEI listened to J's report about this period of time, but suddenly heard a loud voice from the other side.I can only hang up the internal communication with J for the time being, and rush over to see what happened.

I saw a little girl with a silver-white ponytail. Before she touched the key of God, Judas' oath, the cross disintegrated and re-formed several extremely long chains, which 'crawled' around the silver-haired little loli like a snake.

The chain itself didn't mean to hurt the child, it just stayed one meter away like a guardian.Then, as if it was confirmed that there was no danger, it was reassembled into a huge cross, and it was suspended instead of being carried behind her.

"Is it really her?"

To be honest, Judah's oath reacted to Teresa, which didn't surprise MEI.

rather say--

It would be even more strange if it wasn't for her.

It was only because I couldn't put all the burden on one child that MEI called everyone to see if there was no qualified person other than her.

But depending on the situation, it should be impossible.

Once the God's Key approves someone, it will not choose another person—unless the previous user is no longer in this world.

MEI immediately stepped out more and more.

With her appearance, the noise around her was also suppressed.

MEI walked towards the place where Theresa was standing, but when she was about to approach, she saw a few chains protruding from the cross, pointing at MEI as if she would not let her approach.

Seeing this, MEI had to stop, and said to Teresa: "It seems that it is a little out of control, you should try to control it first."

This kind of self-discipline-like behavior pattern, MEI doesn't remember ever designing it.

"Hmm." Teresa nodded, and then asked MEI a question that MEI couldn't answer: "How to control it?"


In fact, when Teresa asked, she was also thinking about how to control it.

But the problem is-

She didn't have any resonance with "Judas' Oath" at all like "telepathy", let alone asking her to control "Judas' Oath".

Even when Teresa touched Judas with her hands behind her back, she only touched a hard metal creation-if she turned around, the cross would also turn to the other side. (Just like many dogs can't bite their own tails, a cat's body and tail are also two components, completely out of control - when you see a cat that hits itself in the face)

There was nothing wrong with MEI, she could only call Kevin over.

But Kevin doesn't have any good solutions. In fact, he himself has only a vague feeling about controlling the Holy Order of Heaven and Fire. If he is asked to express it clearly-I'm afraid it won't be possible.

Can't say 'I feel it so I can control it'?

Is not this nonsensical?

MEI, who didn't get help from Kevin, didn't just give up.

Since you can’t use it from the front, then use it from the side——

Under the premise of ensuring Teresa's safety as much as possible, MEI finally obtained a method that can accurately use the 'self-discipline function'.

First of all:

Judah's oath has a certain sense of autonomy, it will instinctively guard against all strange targets, and temporarily regard them as enemies.If the enemy does not further damage Teresa, it will be regarded as a partner, and then resume the 'silent form' (the cross when the chain did not run out).

On the contrary, it will immediately make a variety of coping modes——

If it is a moving target, it will entangle the target's body, making it unable to move; if it is a fixed object, it will first perform a tentative attack of piercing and shooting, if it is confirmed that it can be destroyed, it will be destroyed directly, if not, it will be bound instead. (This is a stand-in attack!)

If the enemy's attack ability is strong, it will wrap around Teresa's body, forming a chain wall to block the enemy's attack, and the impact is borne by the cross to a certain extent.

But there is still an upper limit—once it is exceeded, the chain wall will sink in and gradually touch Theresa's body.

So, the end result is -

As long as Theresa is placed in a relatively dangerous environment, Judah's oath will take the initiative to attack all targets and regard protecting Theresa as the highest goal.

This is the combat strategy developed by MEI in response to Teresa's situation.


Hua would never agree to arrange Teresa on a dangerous battlefield.

Therefore, Teresa can't participate in the crusade against the Herrscher at the moment, and she can only stay at the headquarters as the main protection force.

Or the last line of defense.

061 "Secret Observation"

Although the result was not perfect, at least it came in handy and did not completely make MEI's efforts in vain.

She can rest for a while—



As a person seemed to be calling from afar in the haze, MEI's drifting consciousness also reattached to her body, which allowed her to hear clearly what that person was saying.

"Director MEI!"

Seeing that J's face was a little close to him, MEI, who didn't like being too close to others, pushed her away a little bit, and changed from lying on the side to sitting upright: "How long have I been asleep."

"day and a half."

"how long???"

"37 hours 44 minutes 58..."

"Okay, there's no need to count later."

Interrupting the precise timekeeping of 'Counter J', MEI frowned involuntarily.Nearly two days of deep sleep did not make her feel any discomfort at all.

This is obviously not normal.

No matter how tired you are, you shouldn't—

Seeing the hesitant expression on J's face, MEI stopped and continued to think about it: "Tell me, what happened."

"I'm very sorry for disturbing the rest of Director MEI, but this matter can only be decided by Director MEI." J first explained the reason, and then told the truth: "No.12 Herrscher has appeared, and the signal of Herrscher has also appeared on the Antarctic branch. But because only one Herrscher's rule will appear at the same time, I judge that it should be a malfunction of the instrument-after repairing it, there is indeed no data about the unknown Herrscher."

It is actually inaccurate to say that plural Herrschers will not appear at the same time, after all, the number of Herrschers who dominate is in thousands.

But what J said is correct, because the Herrscher of 'Thousands of People' is a whole, not scattered individuals.

So is the information about the other Herrscher false?

MEI, who thought so in his heart, did not let go of his doubts.

But it can only be like this for the time being, after all, there is still a No.12 Herrscher standing in front.

"Since this is the case, I remember I said it - when I'm not around, you also have decision-making power."


Due to Mei's increasing fatigue, her body became more and more overwhelmed, and even she didn't know when she would collapse.So in order to avoid unhandled accidents, she secretly declared J as her heir.

But it seems that J will still mess up his hands and feet at certain times and cannot make his own decisions.

"I know—but this matter is a bit difficult for the people involved."

J also seemed a little embarrassed to be taught another way by the head of the room.

But now is not the time to worry about these things, she can only temporarily put aside her personal feelings and hand over the prepared documents to MEI.

After Mei took a few glances, he understood why J felt unable to handle it:

"Why her? How could it be her?"

"We didn't want to—" J's face also appeared complicated: "Every Herrscher is accompanied by a collapse. I thought it was a fixed law. But this time it appeared without warning. Under the surveillance of all of us, we witnessed the birth of a Herrscher face to face."

"Laws are meant to be broken, and this has always been the prerogative of the strong."

And the Lawrence is undoubtedly the strong one.

MEI has a deep understanding of this, and she has been overturned her cognition more than once by the Herrscher.

"No.12 Herrscher has been transferred to the headquarters and is under surveillance. Through blood and body tests, we found that she seems to be just an ordinary human being, not at all what a Herrscher should look like."

Are there few lawyers like ordinary people?

In fact, in terms of physical strength, No. 11 and No. [-] are only at the level of ordinary people, but their abilities are more weird and difficult to guard against.

So just because Herrscher's body is too weak, he can't be regarded as an 'ordinary person'.

"Does she (Sakura) know?"

"Her?" J was stunned for a moment, and then realized who MEI was referring to: "We haven't contacted her yet. However, it may arouse her suspicion after a long time."

After all, it was transferred to the headquarters. Once the video call is used, given Sakura's familiarity with the headquarters, it is possible to see the location of Herrscher from the background, and there is no guarantee that Herrscher will slip up.

The best thing to do is to not contact.

However, from the original "calling" at a certain time every day, it has become completely lost contact-this may cause someone's uneasiness again, and what will happen in the end is unpredictable.

"Strengthen surveillance."

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