I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1163


Say it down the stairs.

Although Xia Juan wanted to show a casual and indifferent look.

But the constant trembling of the body still made the doctor look at him uncontrollably, and finally nodded.

"Madam, hold out your hand."

The young man in front of me felt a little strange.

But adhering to his self-cultivation, the doctor still changed his name and spoke to Xia Juan.

"Stretch out your hand?...Oh! Got it!"

Because of the panic in her heart and the fact that she is now in a pharmacy, Xia Juan panicked for a while, fearing that her acquaintances would find out.

She was especially afraid that Mo Muqing and the others would find him.

At that time... I'm afraid I really want to dig a hole and hide in it!

So also therefore.

Xia Juan was a little uneasy, panicked, and looked muddled and out of shape.

But in a panic.

Xia Juan finally stretched out his hand, and was gently grabbed by the doctor, and pillowed on a straw bag.


He stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes.

The doctor gently put his fingers on Xia Juan's veins, thinking for a while.

In the air, there seemed to be only the silence and solemnity that made Xia Juan breathless for a while.

The hustle and bustle behind.

At this moment, it seems that everything has become a complete silence, which makes people's ears buzzing.

Chapter 1103

"Doctor...how is it?"

The tranquility in the air made Xia Juan feel restless and uneasy.

She couldn't calm herself down, and couldn't help looking at the doctor.

From time to time, he swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and stared with breathlessness, feeling as if he was about to suffocate.

"do not speak."

He raised his head unhurriedly, and glanced at Xia Juan lightly.

After the doctor finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, checked Xia Juan's pulse, and seemed to be perceiving something thoughtfully.

There was a rush in my heart.

But since other doctors have said so, Xia Juan can only calm down and force himself to be quiet.

Anyway...what was supposed to happen happened.

No matter how anxious I am now, it's useless.

Yes is yes, no is no.


If so, what should I do?

Tell the surname Ye?

And then really be a so-called...so-called mother?

still is……

Are you going to abort this child yourself?


When he thought that if he really had a child, he would have to drop it.

Xia Juan suddenly felt a frown and felt uncomfortable.

This feeling was something she had never had before.

When I was a man, including when I first became a woman.

Xia Juan felt that he was cruel to the enemy.

He is also very cruel to himself!

But now...

When she thought of the abortion, she subconsciously avoided it.

I can't even bear it...

That weird touch also made her heart feel as if she was being pricked by a few needles.

It made Xia Juan feel like a world away, with a sense of confusion.


In the confusion, I felt the fingers on the wrist lightly loosen.

Xia Juan trembled for a while, then suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly lowered his head to cough.

"The doctor, I...?"



This short word first made Xia Juan dumbfounded.

Still a little immersed in the confusion just now.

But in the next second, she suddenly woke up, her eyes widened, and she was speechless for a while.

"What did you say, doctor? I..."

"I mean, you...are... a little...on...fire."

He looked at Xia Juan seriously.

The doctor was unsmiling, speaking every word in a panic.


Scared me!

It turned out that it was just a fire...

He patted his chest.

Those wide-eyed eyes could finally relax a little.

Xia Juan nodded, feeling a sense of peace in his heart, and then raised his head.

"Doctor, then... am I...pregnant?"

I stuttered for a while.

Xia Juan was finally able to speak fluently this time.

After all, after communicating with this doctor for a while, Xia Juan was also affected by the atmosphere, so she was not as shy as before.

The doctor said I got angry, but didn't say I was pregnant.

Then it should be...

"Well... also."

Looking at Xia Juan expressionlessly, the doctor nodded again.

"Oh, thank you doctor, no!"

For a moment he grinned and nodded.

But it was the next second.

Xia Juan, who was about to stand up, suddenly sat down and stared at the doctor dumbfounded.


"What did you say?!"

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

"I...I...how could I..."


Pregnant—? !

This...how is this possible...

But... it's true.

The doctor said I was on fire.

But won't you get pregnant if you get angry?

But I... But how could I be pregnant?

Ye and I...only once!

This... this cannot be such a coincidence!

How could it be so accurate?

The surname Ye is not Baibuchuanyang...


"I mean, you also have, some...moisture..."

Continue, not tight, not slow, one word, one, pause, finish...

The doctor nodded solemnly, causing Xia Juan's collapse to subside instantly.


The horror and confusion on his face turned into speechlessness and surprise in an instant.

Xia Juan was completely lost now.

She blinked, speechless for a moment.

In the end, he could only take a deep breath, and looked at the doctor in front of him with a pair of murderous eyes.

"Doctor, I only ask you!"

"Am I pregnant or not?"

"What fire, what humidity, I don't care!!!"

"I just want to ask, have I..."


With the last sentence, the anger was suddenly vented.

Xia Juan sat on the chair dejectedly.

A pair of lonely eyes also looked at each other faintly, waiting for the final verdict.

If the doctor answered yes...then what should I do?

Xia Juan found that if he didn't face it, he would be in a state of restlessness and fear for a whole year.

But face to face...

No good.

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