I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 1164

If there is... then wouldn't I still be in extreme distress? !

All this is due to that night!

You said that if you don't drink.

If Ye Ning... Ye Ning is a eunuch, he will be castrated by himself!

If... if I were still a man...

But... there is no but...

Everything has already happened, so I have to face the consequences of all this.

If there is a cause, there must be an effect.

But why is Ye Ning's cause.

What I get is my fruit?

If I were Xia Juan from before, I wouldn't be the one worrying about getting pregnant or not.

So whoever said it, it was because I became a woman.


"Doctor, tell me, I'm already mentally prepared."

"My life is in your hands!"

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

On the opposite side, the doctor's face paled instantly, he couldn't help standing up, and took a step back.

"Ah?! No...it's not that serious, is it?!"

"Ma'am, although you are not pregnant yet, you will definitely be pregnant in the future!"

"Why don't I prescribe some aphrodisiac medicine for you, and if you drink it for your husband, I can guarantee that your wife will improve every day..."


Shaking his head hard.

Xia Juan interrupted the doctor's words and stood up unhurriedly.

"You don't understand, I... wait!!!"

Suddenly opened his eyes, with an uncontrollable grin on his face.

Xia Juan's jaw almost fell to the ground, and his eyes stared straight at the doctor in front of him.

"Doctor, you mean... I... I'm not pregnant?!"

"Madam, don't be sad, there will be opportunities in the future."

He thought Xia Juan was stimulated.

The doctor coughed, and hastily comforted him with a solemn expression.

"Ma'am, you can't force or pay too much attention to this pregnancy, let alone talk about life and death, it's unlucky!"

"Thank you, doctor! Thank you!"

It seemed that he couldn't listen to the doctor's words for a while.

Xia Juan only felt that at this moment, a stone in her heart finally fell.

No no!

Ha ha ha ha! !

"I, Xia Juan, have no children!"

"I do not have kids!!!"


"Miraculous doctor! Doctor, you are really a miracle doctor!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

I couldn't help laughing, overexcited.

Xia Juan clenched her fists, looked up to the sky and smiled, and left the pharmacy happily.


He stroked his beard and looked at Xia Juan's back.

The doctor sighed and shook his head helplessly.

"Another crazy..."

"Forget it, I won't ask for the money."

"Good girl, you are crazy if you say so."

Chapter 1104

"Catch the ball!"

with a snap.

The takraw ball was lightly kicked by Jin'er and cut an arc in mid-air.

Then it slapped again, hitting Ye Ning's chest and falling to the ground.

"Little uncle, it seems that your kicking skills are not as good as my aunt's!!"

Giggling and grinning.

In Jin'er's laughter.

Ye Ning nodded helplessly at Jin'er.

Taking advantage of the situation, he bent down and crouched down to pick up the takraw ball.

Just in this moment.

However, his eyes swept sharply to the corridor beside him in an instant.

"just in front……"

The soft sound merged with the nearby wind, almost inaudible.

Above that corridor.

Yuan Hongxi, the crown prince of Tianxuan Lingyu, was following behind a young eunuch.

Shaking the long sleeves on both sides, he walked towards the deep palace unhurriedly.

There... is Qi Xiunian's palace...

For a moment, he narrowed his eyes, and turned his eyes thoughtfully.

The next second, Ye Ning suddenly smiled again and raised his head.

"Princess Jin'er, be careful!"

with a snap.

With a smile facing the child on his face, he passed the ball.

Ye Ning naturally grasped the measure of this ball and was very careful.

So it was so easy, and Jin'er caught it, and couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Little uncle! You don't play cuju very well!"

"Well...I'm really not as good at Cuju as you and your aunt, the princess."

With a bitter smile.

Ye Ning walked up to Jin'er without knowing it, and crouched down.

"Princess, it's getting late."

"It's time for Ye Ning to leave the palace."


So good... so good! ! !

Not pregnant!

I, Xia Juan, am not pregnant!

Haha, what is physique?

This is called physique!

What's wrong with Ye Ning being a man?

Even if he did something to me, my physique would rather die than surrender, and I didn't get pregnant!

Haha... I understand...

That impetuous and beating heart suddenly burst into ecstatic burst because of the doctor's words.

Xia Juan was almost so happy that she almost flew up and down.

If not in the capital now.

She might fly into the sky uncontrollably, venting her inner joy loudly.


Fortunately, the time of human joy is always limited, just like sorrow.

After a while, Xia Juan gradually calmed down.

Just her face.

That faint smile couldn't be erased no matter what, as if it was engraved on Xia Juan's face.

Anyway, at this time.

In Xia Juan's eyes, the usual crowds of people turned into a bustle and bustle.

The glaring sun on the head also turned into a bright sunshine.

Everything seemed to suddenly become so beautiful.

So that when suddenly there was an unpleasant roar from behind, Xia Juan frowned subconsciously, and his face changed.

"Huh? What sound?"

As soon as the voice came out, Xia Juan reacted instantly.

She turned around, and in an instant, she saw a sedan chair surrounded by dozens of people, rushing towards it like a car, without any intention of stopping!

Xia Juan has quick eyesight and quick hands.

Before she could react, she grabbed a slow-moving child beside her and hurriedly dodged it.

This is in the nick of time.

It was also the moment Xia Juan dodged away.

The sedan chair rushed away from the crowd in a hurry.

"Who is this? He is so arrogant in the capital?!"

If he didn't react just now, he took a beat slower.

He may have only suffered minor injuries.

But the child who was rescued by him is just...

Glaring for a moment, he raised his eyes and glanced at the sedan chair in front of him.

Lao Tzu is not pregnant!

How old are you?dare in front of me...

The angry thoughts stopped abruptly at the moment his eyes trembled.

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