I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 5

A throbbing sore in the throat.Xia Juan resisted the wind and snow with one hand, and pinched his throat with the other. Now he is like a residual leaf in the wind, he will die at any moment, and then be swept off the cliff by the strong wind.

"I will not die here!"

The eyes were bloodshot, and Xia Juan sank into them step by step, numb like a walking dead.

Suddenly, his body bumped into something, and when he looked down, he realized that it was a corpse.

To be exact, it was a skeleton.

Xia Juan was startled, took a few steps back, his heart was pounding, then he seemed to realize something, and instinctively raised his head.

In a daze, lingering in the white snow mist, a hole that seemed to extend into another world entered one after another. The black plaque was spotless, and the wind and snow approached and receded, as if afraid of it, and soon disappeared.

There were four big characters written on it, and the handwriting was sharp, which instantly made Xia Juan feel a sense of shock and excitement.

"Bingxuan... Dongfu?" Xia Juan frowned. "This extremely cold place, it looks like someone once lived there?"

After coughing a few times, his body became heavier and heavier, Xia Juan finally stopped hesitating and limped in.

The body entered the darkness, but the inside was unexpectedly bright.

The entire cave is made of ice and snow, and the glaciers that reach the sky are arranged in an orderly manner.

There is nothing above the ground.The whole cave also seemed to have the atmosphere of a cultivator, and several crooked bookshelves were filled with books.

"Could it be that this cave was built by casual cultivators? But looking at it like this, it doesn't seem to be the case! Which casual cultivator has such extraordinary abilities!"

What's more, Xia Juan was able to survive in this place entirely because of his mutated physique. It would be difficult for ordinary practitioners, let alone staying here!

"No... I have to hurry, my body..."

The body... has almost lost its hold.

With increasingly heavy legs, Xia Juan walked slowly to the center of the cave.

There is a pedestal here, with a little light hanging down from it, as if waiting for someone to come, just as Xia Juan sat down, the light suddenly disappeared completely.

"Huh? What's going on?"

He raised his head, but it was empty.

Xia Juan shook his head, he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and he didn't want to pay attention to it, because the pain in his internal organs had already begun to make him unbearable, and he became hideous.

Close your eyes and sit upright.Xia Juan murmured the formula of Jiutian Xuanming Jin, changing the posture of his hands from time to time.

In just one stick of incense, his body soon began to appear a transparent white, and a smoky gas spread around him.

According to the rumors, Nine Heavens Xuanming Jin is almost a martial art that no one can master.

Because it is scary and weird, like the mystery deep in the ground, no one can penetrate it, and no one can break the dawn and night.

If ordinary people cultivated, they would explode and die because they could not stand the pain of the complete cold.

Even a martial arts prodigy, the proud son of heaven, can only be stuck on the eighth floor, unable to advance even a single step!

This last layer, its realm, its consequences.Not one book, one legend has an accurate record.

It's just on the last page of Jiutian Xuanmingjin, the author of this martial art told all the practitioners.At the time of mastery of martial arts, the whole body will split into countless fragments in an instant, travel back and forth in the universe, and finally break out of the cocoon and be reborn to obtain a brand new body.

In Xia Juan's words.A normal human body!

In order to wait for this moment, he has waited for too long, too long...

The eighth level of Jiutian Xuanmingjin has already been perfected, and soon Xia Juan came to the bottleneck again.

As long as there is some progress, this so-called extremely cold place, the Ice Mysterious Cave Mansion is real!According to the legend, the words of the Kuizu God are true!

Xia Juan took a deep breath, held her breath, and suddenly directed all her internal energy towards Tianyuan.

All of a sudden, the body suddenly opened up, as if he had been teetering on the tall building all this time, and in this sudden breakthrough, he suddenly fell down and spread his wings instead.

Xia Juan felt that she had transformed into a dancing butterfly in an instant, traveling around the world.

The eighth floor, which he had lasted for a long time, finally loosened, and there were faint signs of breaking through to the ninth floor again!

The corners of the mouth are slightly outlined, but there is no other time and space to be happy.

"Nine Heavens Xuanming Jin Ninth Floor, break through for me!"

Gritting her teeth tightly, a monstrous internal force was forced by Xia Juan to the heavenly spirit.

Chapter 9 Breakthrough

The surging power melted all the ice in an instant.

The thousands of miles of ice in the entire Ice Profound Cave Mansion suddenly seemed to freeze instantly.

Xia Juan is located in the very center, with his center unexpectedly showing a circle, extending outward continuously.

Extreme things will be reversed, and a burst of hot air suddenly radiated from the body.

Xia Juan felt that he could no longer move.Jiutian Xuanming Jin finally pierced through the thin layer, exposing sharp corners, bursting out white mist.

But that's not enough!

The chill in the body complements the surrounding environment, in fact Xia Juan can no longer control his body at this moment.

He was shaking all over.For the first time, the internal organs experienced the degree of being frozen to the point of pain, and finally tingling and numb.

He couldn't even open his eyes, and soon, even breathing seemed to cease to exist.

Everything around me seemed to stop abruptly.

Even Xia Juan's thoughts and soul seemed to be frozen together, presenting an extremely hazy, chaotic, and fuzzy state.

Xia Juan could feel her own body, but it seemed that she couldn't feel her own body.

He couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't feel anything, he couldn't even think, and in this numbness he was like a corpse.

It seems that it has been thousands of years long, and it seems that it is just a miss in a trance.

Suddenly, that surge of power went straight to the sky, and from the top of Xia Juan's head, a sky-high force went towards the top of his head like a stone pillar.

Boom! ! !

The huge beam of light was like a ray of light, like a giant mouth swallowing the sky, gnawing fiercely on the roof of the cave.

A force flooded like ripples, enveloping Xia Juan's entire body.

The neck seemed to be tightly grasped.Xia Juan took a deep breath, feeling the severe pain in her body.

"not good!!!"

The increasingly surging power was finally uncontrollable, and he completely woke up, just like the great god Pangu who had been sleeping in the chaos for a long time, tearing everything apart in an instant, and everything was empty.

The ninth layer of Jiutian Xuanming Jin is a secret, and no one has ever written it on any book.

Naturally, at this time Xia Juan was like a headless fly, dazzled by the little joy, suddenly seemed to be mad, and could no longer control himself.

There is only one result if this goes on—death!

Xia Juan himself was also aware of it, so he immediately tried to withdraw all his strength and make a second breakthrough.

But it was too late.

His body and strength seemed to have been tightly grasped by a strong man from the void, and it was beyond his control at all.

"Do not……!"

The body couldn't restrain it, and even inexplicably took off slowly.

Xia Juan gritted his teeth, even though he was extremely calm and indifferent to everything, but facing death, he still panicked and didn't know how to deal with it.

It turned out that he was just an ordinary person who was also afraid of death.

But now Xia Juan didn't have the time to think about it. He struggled desperately, but the pain from tearing his body made him unable to resist anymore.

He wanted to yell, but even with the unprecedented pain, he couldn't yell out a sound at all.

The body seemed to be smashed into pieces, the pain of being torn apart...! !

Xia Juan's mind was blank, as if silent in the endless black, chaotic and confused.

Everything is like a prehistoric place, and Xia Juan is like a small and humble grass among them.

The power of Jiutian Xuanming Jin has calmed down with Xia Juan's calmness, and finally accommodated in Xia Juan's body.

The originally petite and slender body seemed to be immersed in gold for an instant, the golden light was shining, and there was no other light to be felt.

Xia Juan completely lost consciousness.

The only thing that can be done now is to sleep deeply.An endless sleep.

Even Xia Juan himself didn't know whether he really fell asleep or died.

Everything has returned to calm again.

Even on this Bingyuan Mountain.

A pair of old palms suddenly slammed on a corner of the mountain top, one exerted force, and the other body immediately flew up and landed firmly on the top of the mountain.


There is one more at noon

Chapter 10 The Mysterious Girl

"Huh?! The overwhelming snowstorm just now seems to never stop. Why did it all stop suddenly? It's calm?!"

The whistling wind, the snow slapped on the face, pain like a knife cut.If it wasn't for my deep internal strength, I'm afraid I would really be buried here.

If it were any ordinary warrior, he would have already become a stepping stone in the snow.

But everything I saw with my own eyes just now disappeared without a trace, as if it never existed!


"Strange? What's going on here?! There's nothing on this Bingyuan Mountain?! It's empty!"

He raised his head, and as far as he could see, it was empty, with nothing at all.

Let alone other things, what about Xia Juan? !

Yin Bo's heart twitched, and he, who had been calm for most of his life, suddenly panicked.

What does Xia Juan represent? !

He is the most beloved young master of the Xia family, Xia Yuanpo's favorite youngest son, and the heart of Xia Juan's three sisters!

Especially after taking care of him for so many years, Yin Bo actually almost regards Xia Juan as his own son.

With such a heavy snowstorm just now, could something happen to him...

Unavoidably flustered in his eyes, Uncle Yin's mind went blank, and he couldn't control it anymore, a force slapped him, and his whole body actually took off!

"Little Master!!!"

"Little master?!"

No!Nothing at all!

hateful!Just now he was inattentive and didn't keep up.In addition, Xia Juan relied on the cold energy in his body, so the surrounding environment could not interfere with him, and he himself climbed crazily because the effect of the Fusheng Pill was about to fade.This separated the two.

I... I clearly should stop him!Tell him not to be so impatient, and take another pill after the effect of the Fusheng Pill wears off!

But at that time Xia Juan could no longer control his excitement, like a raging fire...

Guilt and self-blame continued to spread in Yin Bo's heart, he gritted his teeth and scanned everything below.

All that caught the eye was a piece of snow-white, and there were no caves or anything like that. It was obvious that Xia Juan was not hiding.

"Huh?! No! What is that?!"

Suddenly turning his eyes, Yin Bo found that in this empty place, amidst the ice and snow, there was a place full of flowers and plants.

"Go down and see!"

Turning over, Yin Bo fell down.

There are flowers and plants all over the ground in front of my eyes, extremely green, as if they have just grown.

But these flowers and plants are so tall that they even surpassed Yin Bo's head and lowered his proud head.

"Is there something strange here?!"

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