I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 6

Yin Bo calmed down for a moment.

He tiptoed, walking slowly step by step.

He gently brushed away a large pile of weeds in front of him.

"Master?! Are you here?!"

"Xia Juan! I am Yin Bo!"

no one.

No voice answered himself.

Just now there were whistling sounds everywhere, but now it is so quiet that you can easily hear a needle drop on the ground.

The ears moved suddenly.

For those who practice martial arts, ear skills are naturally not too bad, especially for a master like Yin Bo, he heard a strange sound in an instant.

"What kind of voice is this?! It seems..." Yin Bo frowned, and walked slowly towards the voice step by step.

The weeds are constantly pushed away, one left and one right as if welcoming guests.

"Who is sleeping here?! This sound seems to be the sound of a deep sleep, but it is freezing cold, how could someone...?!"

As the body moved forward and the flowers and plants were separated, the sight in front of him became clearer and clearer.

Finally, the overwhelming green in front of the eyes was suddenly torn apart by a ray of light, turning into a bright light that caught the eye.

Among the flowers and plants, a young girl with a shawl wrapped around her body was covered in ice and snow, lying naked on the ground.

She was so white that lying on the ground seemed to melt into the ice and snow.

"she is……?!"

After hesitating for a while, Yin Bo stepped forward lightly, the entanglement in his eyes blended with disbelief, turning into an indescribable emotion.

This girl, is she...?

The hair that fell down and covered the girl's face and collarbone was slowly picked up.

Suddenly, another face that was half or seventy similar appeared in his mind.

Yin Bo's body was startled, and he stayed where he was, his smooth black hair like a waterfall slipped down from between his rough fingers like a loach, and once again covered the perfect and pure ketone body...

Chapter 11 Physical Changes


Before he could open his eyes in time, and even take his first breath, Xia Juan felt a sharp pain covering his whole body.

The body seems to be torn apart and shattered...

"I... where am I?!"

"Am I... dead?!"

When I opened my eyes, there was a blur of stars in front of my eyes.

Shaking his head, Xia Juan frowned, and opened his eyes again, but what he saw was a blue sky, a group of flying swallows were flying past in groups, which kept Xia Juan awake for the last time.

"I'm alive?!"

Her voice was a little excited, and she couldn't help showing an excited, slightly weird and distorted smile.

Sitting up suddenly, he saw Yin Bo sitting opposite him, grilling something in his hands, with an orange flame in the middle.

Looking up, it was already dusk and the sunlight was weak.

"Strange, am I not on Bingyuan Mountain?! In that Bingxuan cave, my body..."

On the other side, seeing Xia Juan waking up, Yin Bo showed a happy smile, and when he was about to speak, he saw Xia Juan lowered his head, so he knew what was going to happen.

"what is this?!"

Suddenly, Xia Juan raised her head and looked at Yin Bo, her eyes were misty and uncertain, her rapid breathing made her slightly bumpy chest heave and fall.

The snow-like girl raised her proud head, with surprise and fear in her eyes, her eyes could not be controlled up and down due to emotional fluctuations, as if they were about to burst completely at any moment.

"Bo Yin... I... Am I dreaming?!" Like a lunatic, Xia Juan wanted to stand up, but suddenly felt weak in his legs and feet.

Or, her body has been filled with fear because of this sudden incident, and she is powerless to resist in the face of real oppression.

"No! This must be a dream! I'm still in Bingyuan Mountain! I must have passed out, that's why I'm dreaming..."


Gently touching the throat, the once obvious Adam's apple is still hidden in the depths...

The voices that were already indistinguishable from men and women were even more ear-piercing and terrifying at this moment.

Because that was clearly a woman's voice!Soft and waxy, it sounds like the steamed buns I ate at home a month ago, soft, crisp and sweet, like a silver bell.

"Young master." Yin Bo lowered his eyes, as if he had struggled and thought for a long time, and finally spoke.

"I think... you should be the young master, right? Although your body has changed, your character, your appearance... are actually not much different from what you were before."

"It's not true. Tell me. Yin Bo, this... this is not true..."

Xia Juan shook her head, pushed the hair of the shawl behind her back, looked down, and saw that the place that had been softened by practicing kung fu had something that she shouldn't have...

that own...

Xia Juan didn't dare to imagine anymore, but once her thoughts reached that place, she couldn't be saved in an instant.

That place seemed empty, undetectable.

Although it has never really come in handy, and I can't wake up the sleeping opponent at all, but at least... at least it represents my identity!

Xia Juan couldn't bear it anymore, turned his back to Yin Bo, and Yin Bo lowered his head knowingly.

When you grasp it with five fingers, it's empty.

Xia Juan's heart trembled, and his body couldn't help shaking violently.


The range is even bigger, but I touched something that shouldn't exist and can't happen to me.

In an instant, like an electric current penetrated the body, Xia Juan let go of his hand, and fell down uncontrollably, staring blankly at the thing in front of his chest, dumbfounded.

How can this be? !

What happened to me?What's going on here? !

Just for a few hours, although I can't be called a real man, at least... But at least I am! ! !

what about now? !What's going on now? !

Eye sockets were bloodshot, Xia Juan looked up at Yin Bo as if he was about to lose his breath.

"Men... am I still a man?!" She hesitated and pointed at her chest, "Men... how can there be such a thing?!!"

Yin Bo didn't answer, only the chirping of birds in the forest seemed to mean something.

Soon, a wobbly flying swallow followed the place where the group of swallows flew just now.

It is the last swallow in this forest...

bird, fly away...

A man does not cry lightly. Although he is troubled and worried, his parents and sisters love him, and he has never been wronged.

It can be said that Xia Juan has hardly cried since she was sensible.

At least as far as she could remember, she never had.

Tears are the sign of the weak and cowards.

But why? !

Why do I feel a blur in front of my eyes now, as if a waterfall is rushing up in front of me.

Why is my throat so sore, my eyes are so sore, I can't see anything clearly.

"What am I doing...why...what the hell is going on? I am a dignified man, but I have become like this. How is it different from an eunuch?!"

etc? !Could it be...Could it be that Jiutian Xuanming Jin is also an evil martial art like "Sunflower Treasure".

Could it be...Could it be that I was insane, I couldn't control it, and I was in the palace? !

"My father, Xia Yuanpo, was a wise man all his life. My eldest sister is a noble concubine, but as the future pillar of the Xia family, I am like a bereaved dog. It is so pathetic and hateful!!!"

Lying on the ground, Xia Juan's whole body became weak, and her already petite body became even thinner at this moment. In this empty place, it looked like a little white.

Suddenly, something seemed to fall from his body, covering his back and blocking the oncoming wind around him.

"Little Master."

There was a trace of helplessness and confusion in Yin Bo's eyes, but more of relief and powerlessness.

It was also at this time that Xia Juan suddenly discovered that Yin Bo was quite different from himself when he was a child.

He has aged a lot.

"Yin Bo..."

It's like the only one to rely on, who has been taken care of since childhood, and the other party is almost equivalent to his second father.

Xia Juan rushed over and fell into Yin Bo's arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

In front of Uncle Yin, she seemed to be that little kid who was bouncing around all day long, carefree and without any worries.

"Cry...cry...you'll feel better if you cry..."

Yin Bo sighed, let Xia Juan's tears wet his clothes, and patted Xia Juan's back lightly, as if coaxing a child to sleep.

"Young master, we always have to face many things... When you calm down, I want to talk to you..."

Chapter 12 Concealing Gender

The flames kept dancing in the dark night, making crackling noises.

Not far away, Bingyuan Mountain is freezing cold, silent in a cloud of mist, like a fairyland.

However, this place not far away is just a breeze, and there is no heavy snow. The distance is short, but it is like two heavens and earth.

Xia Juan was sitting on top of a huge dead tree, her petite body wrapped in the white fox fur that Yin Bo prepared to pack in his luggage.

Summer is no surprise to Xia Juan, so Yin Bo always prepares a lot of white fox furs and sable robes at any time.

This kind of beauty that can be worth a thousand dollars is just a habit for Xia Juan.

Xia Juan herself was somewhat stunted, her body was not much different from that of a woman, at most she was taller than an ordinary woman.

But now that her body has changed, her body seems to be smaller and thinner, especially the soles of her feet, which look no more than the size of Yin Bo's palm, are pink and white, and it seems that stepping on the grass will cause damage.

Her two arms and two slender and bright white legs, although hidden under the robe, could not conceal her exquisite and graceful figure, which was captivating.

There are still tears in the eyes, which makes people feel a little heartbroken and pity.Xia Juan sobbed and trembled, and then gradually calmed down.

"Drink more hot water."

Yin Bo handed the boiled water to Xia Juan, and then sat back in his seat.

Xia Juan nodded obediently, held the hot water with both hands, buried her small head in it, and gulped it down, then raised her head again.

"Tell me. In Bingyuan Mountain, what happened and why..."

Yin Bo seemed a little afraid of offending Xia Juan, which made her excited again and spoke cautiously.


Xia Juan put down the bamboo tube, and began to recall everything about himself on Bingyuan Mountain in his mind.

"The wind and snow were too heavy at that time, I couldn't find you, and the effect of the Fusheng Pill was about to disappear, so I could only climb desperately..."

"But after I went up, I found that there was snow everywhere, and I couldn't see anything clearly."

"At that time, I could only rely on perseverance to desperately search for a place to rest, and then...then I found a place called Ice Profound Cave!!"

Recalling something, Xia Juan slapped his head.

"Ice Profound Cave Mansion?!" Uncle Yin frowned, "But when I went up to Bingyuan Mountain, there was nothing on it, except for the piece of grass where you were lying, there was nothing at all... Ice Profound Cave Mansion?! There is a strange thing, as soon as I hugged you, those flowers and plants suddenly turned into clothes and wrapped around your body, and they all disappeared!"

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