I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 578

"If you don't want it! Anyway, I'll go back to my room first...Huh? Dad!?"

He covered his ears and left Mrs. Zhou behind.

As soon as Xia Juan entered the mansion, he suddenly saw Xia Yuanpo standing at the door with a sad face.

At this moment, Xia Juan suddenly noticed something, and frowned slightly.

"Dad, did something happen?!"

His expression changed, Xia Juan hurried to Xia Yuanpo's side.

"Juan'er, don't go back to your room! Mother and... um, master?!"

At the same time Xia Juan came to Xia Yuanpo's side, Mrs. Zhou also came to the gate of the mansion with small steps.

After a while, I saw my husband standing at the door, thinking, with a melancholy expression on his face.

Suddenly, the smile on Mrs. Zhou's face stopped abruptly and came to a halt.

"You guys take these things to the lobby first."

Send the servants beside you away.

Mrs. Zhou hesitated for a moment, and hurriedly walked to Xia Yuanpo's side together.

"Master, why... are you standing here?!"

"Yes, father, is it..."

Lips moved, and Xia Juan felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

Could it be dad...

Father accepted someone else's dowry for me, asking me to...

Thinking of this matter, Xia Juan quickly widened his eyes even more, and looked at Xia Yuanpo nervously.

But between the two, Xia Yuanpo was silent for a long time.

After a while, he shook his head and sighed.

"Ma'am, Juan."

"Just now, Yan'er sent a letter from home."

"Huh... so it's the eldest sister!"

The stone in my heart finally fell.

Xia Juan patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

She had never seen Xia Yuanpo with such a dignified expression, and thought something had happened.

On the other side, Mrs. Zhou quickly grinned, and stretched out her arms to embrace Xia Yuanpo.

"So it's Yan'er! Master, what about the family letter..."

Mrs. Zhou stretched out her hand, but froze in mid-air, and did not receive a so-called letter from home.


I feel that today's Xia Yuanpo seems to be extraordinarily weird and different.

Mrs. Zhou frowned, and finally let go of her hand, sensing something was wrong.


Xia Juan, who was keen on things, frowned again for a while, and looked at Xia Yuanpo suspiciously.



"Father! Could it be that something happened to the elder sister?!"

Shocked, Xia Juan hurriedly raised his head and looked at Xia Yuanpo.

Xia Yuanpo shook his head, but finally his eyes fell on Xia Juan.

"Juan'er, your eldest sister sent a message."

"Say that the current emperor wants to kill you..."

"Into the harem."

"Into... the harem...?"

Stuttering, murmuring intermittently.

Xia Juan couldn't react for a moment, so he blinked his eyes.

"Father... this is..."

"What does it mean?!"

It seems that the body instinctively produced something.

Let Xia Juan think that he heard wrong.

Because of the... harem? !

That's not the emperor's...

His face became paler and paler.

Xia Juan watched Xia Yuanpo close his eyes and nodded, finally couldn't bear it anymore, shook his head and couldn't help but backed up a few steps.

"Father... this..."

"how can that be?!!"

"He...he actually wanted to..."

"no no!"

The grinning face shook.

Xia Juan stabilized his body and looked at Xia Yuanpo unswervingly.

"Father, I will never marry!"

"Then Qi Chenlong is an old man who is dying!"

"What's more... Dad, you don't know, I can't accept any man at all!!"

"Juan'er! Do you want to kill the Xia family?!"

With his eyes fixed, Xia Yuanpo suddenly waved his hand.

A barrier blocked the sound's transmission in an instant, and then expanded, enveloping Xia Juan and the others.


Knowing that he said something wrong, he almost caused his death.

Xia Juan quickly closed her mouth, but couldn't help but her thoughts were active and her mind was churning.

Qi Chenlong? !

This old thing... He actually wants to take me into the harem? !

Let me marry an old man who is old and rotten? !

I don't want... I don't want to!

I am clearly a man!But why is everyone...

Is everyone going to think I'm a woman? !

I don't marry... I can't marry!


Closing her eyes, Xia Juan reached out and rubbed her own eyes, feeling sore.

But if Qi Chenlong issued a decree.

Then if I don't marry, is it a rebellion against the order? !

At that time, the entire Xia family will not be all because of me...

Suddenly, I felt as if I lost my balance, and the whole person fell from a height into an abyss.

Xia Juan never thought of it.

An old man who has never seen himself.

Just one sentence.

I let myself fall into unprecedented pain and struggle, unable to extricate myself.

Chapter 582 Quiet

If he fails to resist the decree, the entire Xia family may fall into misery because of him, and the entire family will be executed.

So... or I apologize with death...? !

At least in this way, maybe you don't have to implicate your parents!


For a person like Qi Chenlong, would he really let his parents and sisters go because of my death? !

I am afraid……

I'm afraid that if he committed suicide, it would make him angry and bear more hatred.

Then, on Huangquan Road, how can I face the thousands of lives in the Xia family? !

A heavy burden.

Standing in front of me with a dead end with no return.

But now, Xia Juan found that he was unusually calm.

Surprisingly calm!

After a moment of surprise and shock, fear and unacceptability.

Her clever brain began to constantly think about every idea and the result of every thing.


But after thinking about it, Xia Juan found that he had nothing to do.

If I want to keep the Xia family safe, I want my parents and family to be safe.

Then I... must marry the emperor honestly.

Like big sister.

In other words.

Among sacrificing family members and sacrificing oneself.

Which one should I choose?

It is impossible for Xia Juan to abandon what he cares most about...

But that...

The pain on the face was clearly revealed by the twitching lips.

Xia Juan felt as if he was about to suffocate, unable to lift his breath.

The whole head was buzzing, as if thousands of flies were making noise around his head.

"Father... what should I do?"

His lips trembled slightly.

Finally, Xia Juan felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

She seems to have no other way than to accept it...

She couldn't resist.

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