I, the first son, became a woman

I, the first son, became a woman Chapter 666

No wonder why I and Ye Ning felt this place was so familiar just now!

It turned out that they had been here before!

It was just because it was too hasty at the time and didn't leave much impression.

Coupled with the current wind and snow, it is difficult to see clearly.

So for a while, I can't remember it!

But now after this old lady reminded me.

Xia Juan and Ye Ning were able to react instantly!


and many more?

That being said...

Three little thieves...

The three young people that the old woman spoke of, are we? !

Fate is wonderful...

Immediately, I feel that fate is very wonderful and interesting.

Xia Juan couldn't help but smiled, but thought of another thing.


Then you and the person surnamed Ye won't be recognized by the villagers, right? !

Thinking of the dawn of tomorrow, he and Ye Ning walked out of the room.

Just at this time, the old lady came out to see them off, and accidentally fell down.

And Ye Ning was just about to help the other party, but was seen by others in an instant.

"Murder, kill! It's the three little thieves from before, and they're here to steal again..."

With a grunt, he swallowed his saliva.

Eyes drooped from the fantasies overhead.

Xia Juan pursed her lips, but suddenly became a little absent-minded.

Xia Juan is not afraid of being chased and beaten by villagers.


Like a rat crossing the street, shame on you!

For a moment, he couldn't help but rubbed his forehead.

Look up again.

Xia Juan found that Ye Ning was concentrating on looking at the old woman and listening to her speech.

For a moment, she also blinked and listened quietly.

"At that time, my wife thought they were here to steal our food."

He sat down unhurriedly.

Seeing that Ye Ning and Xia Juan are generous, the old woman is not someone who covets money.

So she put the gold on the table generously and sighed with emotion.

"But my wife has only seen two of those three young men."

"A majestic man, looks like the young master of a rich family, generous and imposing!"


"Although the sharp-mouthed monkey is short and short like a monkey, it still looks very similar to a human..."

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Knowing that she was ugly after disguise, Xia Juan clenched her fists.

He took a deep breath before relaxing.

"But like I said, it was all a misunderstanding."

Shaking her head, the old woman was filled with remorse and sadness in her eyes.

"At that time, our village was robbed many times."

"In addition, the three young people were really full of rice at that time, either hiding in the cart or hiding in the pig's nest."

"So for a while, everyone took them for granted as thieves."

"But look..."

"This gold was given to my wife by one of the young men."

"Say yes...as compensation..."

"You say, if the three young men really have such a bar of gold, why do they need to steal it?"

"This ingot of gold is already enough to buy all the food in our village!"

"So, it was at that time that my wife suddenly remembered and wondered if everyone had made a mistake."

"Unfortunately, when my wife came back to her senses, those three young men had already left."

He touched the ingot of gold thoughtfully.

The old woman closed her eyes, feeling helpless and sad.

"Later, the people in the village came back."

"My wife told the truth about this matter."

"Not long after, the thief who actually stole was caught by a boy from our village!"

"That's when."

"All of us know that it turned out that we misunderstood others last time!"

"Because of this incident, the villagers blamed themselves and felt that they had hurt innocent people and beat a good person by mistake!"

"My wife is very guilty."

"He said to me, how can such a well-mannered kid be a bad guy?"

"But...they were treated by us as big villains, big thieves, and beat them out of the village in a panic!"

"This matter, until death, my wife will never let it go."

"But luckily..."

"I heard from the villagers that they didn't catch up with them and didn't hurt them."

"Otherwise, in this lifetime, everyone will blame themselves for hurting innocent people by mistake!"

In front of my eyes are the shadows of flames dancing.

Xia Juan stared blankly at the old woman telling a story.

The whole person, however, has been stunned and lost his mind, as if his soul has wandered out of the sky.

this matter……


Did so many things happen later? !

The villagers are very vigilant and sensitive because they are often stolen.

And just at that time, myself and Ye Ning came out from the Eye of the Underworld.

In the eyes of outsiders, the three of them really seemed to appear out of thin air!


Just like what the villagers thought at the time.

The three of them looked like thieves lurking in to steal things!

So... Actually, it is completely normal to mistake them for thieves.


But aren't they the so-called "troublemakers" in my mouth?

But why do they...

Will they blame themselves, feel guilty that they accidentally blamed us?


Even the old grandfather who was scared by Ye Ning and fell to the ground.

I can't forget this until I die.

I feel that this gold is like a hot potato.

Feel like you made a huge mistake? !

Ha ha……

How could there be such a person in this world? !

In the rivers and lakes, fighting and killing is no longer normal!

Don't say you were hurt...

Even if it is death, or even extermination of the whole family, it is on the rivers and lakes.

For those who cultivate immortals, isn't it commonplace, is it mediocre? !

How... How could it be possible to blame others for being wrong.

misunderstood someone.

Just... just blame yourself like that.

So... so guilty...?

The impression of the world in the past 18 years seems to have suffered a huge impact in an instant.

Xia Juan blinked in disbelief, then shook her head hastily.

She doesn't believe that there are really good people in this world!

Troubles come out of poor mountains and evil waters!

Human nature is evil.

This world is inherently evil and unfair!

It's like when I was assassinated when I was a child, and I became disabled with a hemiplegia...

I was but a child!

If God has eyes, why should I bear all these tragedies? !

So in this world, there can be no good people!

There can be no truly kind people!

Simple people!


The former world view and the new world view absorbed today are constantly colliding, generating fierce sparks.

Never believed that there was any beautiful Xia Juan in this world.

At this moment, I only felt that my head was in a mess and my thoughts were in chaos.


She never thought about the so-called things the old woman said.

Never thought of a word!

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