Infinite villains from the world of Kamen Rider Author: Qinshi Swordsman


As a freshly graduated senior dog, Li Qinghe crossed over!Traveling to the world of Kamen Rider Faiz, just when he was thinking about what he should do, "Gold Finger" - Panspace came.See how Li Qinghe reached the pinnacle of his life step by step and dominated the world...

Chapter 1 The Beginning of Traveling

"Qinghe, pack up your things, I should leave today. I should go, the car is waiting for me below."

It was Li Qinghe's roommate Sun Yue who spoke.

"Yeah, be careful on the road, I'll be leaving later."

The three domestic schools on Li Qinghe looked at the empty dormitory, and Sun Yue was the last person to leave, so it was naturally him.

"Well. Four years have passed in a blink of an eye, so fast."

Li Qinghe sighed. Speaking of which, in the past four years, Li Qinghe didn't find any girlfriend, didn't study hard, and didn't get a certificate or anything.

The only time to "struggle", well, if you barely say it is a struggle, then it is a naked postgraduate entrance examination.It's a pity that I failed, and the scores in the first test were not up to the mark. Sure enough, if I don't work hard, there will be no gains.

During college, Li Qinghe majored in mechanical engineering. As a liberal arts student, he chose this major, which naturally belongs to the kind of "die". If you want to say why Li Qinghe chose this major, it is of course to "prove" Own.Prove that you are sure to outshine others while in college.

However, after struggling for a year, his enthusiasm ceased, and he began to degenerate. It was time to play and sleep.He spent all his time in college chasing dramas. Of course, he couldn't be chasing romantic dramas, but special films, such as Ultraman, Kamen Rider and the like.

After Li Qinghe packed the things, he sent them home by courier.

The school dormitory cannot be lived in, which means that if he does not go home, he can only rent a house by himself.Li Qinghe naturally had his own plan for not going home, that is, the WWII postgraduate entrance examination.

Li Qinghe waited for a quarter of an hour, and a bus came. Li Qinghe took out three crumpled one-yuan bills from his trouser pocket, and put a coin into the bus.

"Fortunately, there are not many people today."

Li Qinghe picked a place closest to the car door, and took a nap for a while.

"I'm going to get off at Qingshui Station, why didn't you stop?"

"I've already asked Qingshui Station if anyone got off the bus. If you don't speak, you can only stop at the next stop."

"No, you must stop immediately, I have something urgent."

"Big sister, I really can't park, there are regulations, you can park at will..."

"Who is your big sister! Do you need a new retina?"

The quarrel between the two awakened Li Qinghe from his sleepy state.

Li Qinghe saw that a middle-aged pregnant woman was arguing with the driver, and it seemed that there was a tendency to explode.


Seeing that the driver had no intention of stopping, the pregnant woman slapped the driver, knocked the driver's glasses to the ground, and snatched the steering wheel.

She wanted to force the driver to make an emergency stop, which is really a stupid way to say.

Seeing this situation, Li Qinghe didn't have any extra thoughts, went up and hugged the pregnant woman, preventing her from snatching the steering wheel.This is threatening the lives of a car of people.

"Help me take off my glasses, I can't see clearly..."


Hearing a crisp sound under his feet, Li Qinghe crushed his glasses...

Immediately afterwards, with a bang, the bus smashed through the guardrail, overturned several refueling cars, and hit the fuel storage tank of a gas station.

Based on years of experience, the driver closed his eyes and stepped on the brakes, stopped the car, and opened the door.

"Come on."

The master driver touched the handrail and beckoned the passengers to get off the car quickly. After "seeing" that no one got off the car, he groped forward.

It is very likely that the gas station will explode in the next second, and you can leave one second earlier and be safe one second.

The other passengers rushed away, and Li Qinghe was hit so hard that his head fell on the back of the seat.

Li Qinghe got up in a daze, and saw the pregnant woman clutching her belly in pain and losing her ability to move.There was no one else in the car.

"Go alone, or take her with you."

Li Qinghe didn't have time to think about it, so he chose the latter without hesitation, struggling to hold up the pregnant woman moaning in pain.

After Li Qinghe took the pregnant woman out of the car, he took it out of the gas station, handed it over to other escaped passengers, and prepared to leave.I saw the driver who was still in danger.

Li Qinghe rushed over regardless of the dissuasion of the people around him, that would be his life.

Li Qinghe grabbed the driver's hand and was about to help him leave.

"Boom" sound.

The bus behind it exploded like a chain reaction.The explosion quickly spread to the back of the driver.

Seeing that the explosion was getting closer and closer to him, Li Qinghe wished he could fly out with his wings.


The master driver tripped over a small bag dropped by someone on the ground.

Li Qinghe heard the sound of the explosion getting closer and closer, and it might reach him in the next second.

Li Qinghe ran away, there was no way to save him at this time.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Li Qinghe's trouser legs were only grabbed by the master driver.

"Take me away, I don't want to die. Otherwise, you will die with me."

The driver was afraid that Li Qinghe would leave him alone and he would leave. He was not afraid when there were too many people just now, but now he and Li Qinghe were left alone.

The ugliness of human nature is clearly visible at this moment.If I stay here alone, I will definitely die. If I don't want to die alone, I will find someone to die with me, even if that person is here to save me.

Li Qinghe hadn't figured out what to do yet.

The explosion happened right behind Li Qinghe.The heat wave generated by the explosion made Li Qinghe fly like a ball, his body was thrown heavily, and then landed on the ground.

Li Qinghe's whole body was on fire, and before the rescue team arrived, he swallowed his last breath.

Li Qinghe's soul left the body.Looking at the horrible corpse under his feet, is this really himself?

When Li Qinghe watched his parents lying on his corpse and howling in pain, he could see his parents, but they couldn't see himself.Li Qinghe's family background is not good. There are two younger sisters in the family, and his parents regard him as the hope of the whole family.

Even Li Qinghe himself thought so, but man is not as good as God.A "hero" ruined his life.Moreover, Li Qinghe didn't know whether his actions were worthy of the title of "martyr".

Li Qinghe asked himself, did I do something wrong.Li Qinghe turned his back to his mother who passed out from crying, who could understand the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person.

Li Qinghe watched his body being taken away and sent to the incinerator.

A little golden light floated out from the incinerator and floated in front of Li Qinghe.

At close range, Li Qinghe saw clearly what this golden light was.It was a broken seal, and the seal sucked Li Qinghe's soul into it.

After Li Qinghe regained consciousness, he saw a magnificent hall.

"This is where?"

Li Qinghe's soul appeared in the hall.

"This is Panspace."

A pleasant voice rang in Li Qinghe's ears.

A mini Dilu beast appeared in front of Li Qinghe.

"Are you Tailu Beast?"

Thanks to the first Digimon movie when I was a child, I left a very deep impression, otherwise I really couldn't remember the cute little guy Mini Tilumon in front of me.

Chapter 2 Past Life Ending

"What Dilu beast, my name is Princess Selia, and I will call me Dilu beast in the future, I will scratch you to death, yayah!!!"

Seeing Dilu Beast, oh, no, Celia's angry little face, Li Qinghe immediately changed his words, the hero is not suffering from the immediate loss.

Li Qinghe didn't even know where he was now.I have already died once, and if I die again, I will probably lose my soul.

"Then dear Princess Celia. Can you explain to me the situation here and what you mean by the panspace you just mentioned."

Li Qinghe asked with an open-minded tone of asking for advice.

"Panspace is here. You can understand it as the temple of the gods. This is the station that runs through all worlds. Here, you will usher in your own new life."

Celia proudly introduced everything here to Li Qinghe.

"This is the place of inheritance. As a novice master of Panspace, you will have three opportunities to use it."

As soon as Li Qinghe heard that there was a chance to draw a lottery, he immediately said excitedly, "Then where is the lottery drawn? Can we do it now?"

"Draw a lottery here, this is a lottery board."

Li Qinghe followed Princess Celia to a table similar to a Russian gambler, but it was different from the real Russian gambler.

A deck of cards was placed on it, in the shape of a pyramid with six layers in total.

"This is a low-level lottery card. You can turn over three times, and each time you turn over the cards, the cards will be automatically shuffled once."

Celia introduced.

Li Qinghe wiped his hands, he was the best at drawing prizes or something.With the speed of being single for 24 years, Li Qinghe drew the card at the top of the tower.

"This World Wealth Card - 500 million rb."

Celia glanced at the cards Li Qinghe had drawn.

"Hey, your luck is really bad, you got this."

Li Qinghe didn't understand why Celia said that.However, there are still two chances to draw a lottery, so I don't want to try again.

"Seria, uh, princess, I'm going to continue the lottery draw."

Li Qinghe didn't believe that he had drawn three lucky draws, but he couldn't get a "good thing" once.

"Aren't you going to draw a lottery in another world? If you continue to draw products from this world, then your three lottery draws will be wasted."

Princess Celia reminded.

"What does another world mean?"

"It literally means that you are already gg in this world. You can only start over in another world."

Celia said calmly.

"You mean, I'm going to another world?"

Li Qinghe was stunned.

"Then why can't we start over in this world?"

"Because this world belongs to one of the original universes. Panspace can't intervene at the moment, otherwise it wouldn't wait until you die before choosing you."

"Then why did you choose me instead of someone else?"

"It's very simple, because you are the first dead person I saw when I came to your planet."

"Just because of this?"

Li Qinghe thinks about it carefully, he has something worthy of others' attention, it seems that his luck is really "very good".

"Then when will you leave this world?"

Li Qinghe asked, he was still not reconciled, he was dead, but who would send the elderly parents to their death.If possible, give Li Qinghe another chance to choose, he will definitely not be so impulsive, even if he does a good deed, he has to do what he can.

"Of course, the sooner the better. You can get up and start now."

"Why so fast, I still have one thing to deal with, I can send out the prize I got."

Li Qinghe asked.Perhaps, this is the last thing he can do for the second elder.

"If you can, then you'd better hurry up."

"Princess Celia, please send me to my parents. Also, how to use that card."

"Yes, but you have to think about it. You are in the state of a soul now, and ordinary people can't see you. If you use it yourself, you can use it silently in your heart, but if you want to give it to others, you can just throw the card at them gone."

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