After Li Qinghe exited the pan-space, Celia waved his hand, and the seemingly magnificent pan-space presented a scene of ruins, that is, the two places are better.

One is the lottery table, and the other is the core of the pan-space—the reincarnation table.Other places are like cemeteries, permeated with a strange atmosphere.

"Finally fooled that idiot. I was lucky this time. After traveling through more than five thousand worlds, I found a person with the nature of a soul. Damn executive..."

Celia, who looked like a Dilu beast, disappeared into the pan-space, but the broken seal entered Li Qinghe's eyebrows.

As soon as Li Qinghe opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to his hometown, Guojia Village.

Seeing his parents and two younger sisters wiping tears at his portrait, Li Qinghe wanted to cry but couldn't.

Li Qinghe took that - this world's wealth card, pointed the card at his father's back and threw it out. The card disappeared after touching Li Qinghe's father.

This should work, Li Qinghe thought.

The next moment, my father's cell phone rang.

"Hi, hello, is this Li Qinghe's family?"

"um, yes."

"Your son's act of sacrificing himself to save others has been honored as a moving figure in our province. Mrs. Li Cixiao from the Huashan Foundation will reward 500 million rb. Comrade Li Qinghe's deeds of righteousness and bravery will always be engraved in our hearts. Your child is a hero."

"thanks, thanks."

Li Qinghe's father broke down in tears, not because of the money, but because of his dead child.

Li Qinghe took a deep look at his parents and sister.

"It's time to go, I will definitely come back!"

Li Qinghe has no ignorant idea of ​​resisting the pan-space, and now he has nothing but a soul, which is already the worst situation.

"Go into panspace."

After Li Qinghe meditated silently, he came to the majestic and magnificent hall again.

"Thought it over, do you want to leave now?"

"Well, let's go now."

Li Qinghe also wanted to see the elegance of other worlds.

"Then, when you leave this world, you will sign this contract."

I saw two scrolls engraved with strange words appeared in Celia's hand, and one of them floated towards Li Qinghe. Although Li Qinghe didn't know the words on it, he could understand the contents of the contract.

"Let me become the master of panspace? What should I do?"

Touching this scroll made of special material, Li Qinghe knew that his life, no, ghost birth, will have a turning point from now on.

"Just eat it."

Celia said very naturally.

"Eat it? Don't you need to sign your name?"

"No need. Those contracts with the signatures you mentioned are all low-level contracts."

Seeing Princess Celia's appearance, Li Qinghe didn't seem to be playing tricks on himself, so he rolled up the scroll, tore it up and ate it into his stomach like eating egg pancakes.

After Li Qinghe "ate" the contract, Celia also "ate" the remaining contract in his hand.

Chapter 3 Yuji Kiba's younger brother?

After Princess Celia ate the contract, Li Qinghe somehow got in touch with Panspace.

At this time, in his eyes, the glorious pan-space presents a scene of decay, completely different from what he saw before.Even Princess Celia has a slight connection, of course, compared to the connection with Panspace, it is not worth mentioning.

Because Princess Celia also has certain control over the panspace.

"Princess Celia, why is the Panspace I see so dilapidated?"

Li Qinghe asked puzzledly.

"Since you have seen it all, then don't hide it, and you can save some energy. There is not much energy in the first place."

With a wave of Celia's hand, the atmosphere of the entire panspace suddenly became desolate and permeating.

"It's very simple, because the panspace has been attacked, and as you have seen, there are still two complete objects in the panspace, a lottery table and a reincarnation table."

"The reason why you chose me is to restore the development of Panspace?"

Li Qinghe seemed to understand his identity and obligations a little bit.

"Speaking of which, you still have to thank him. If the previous host hadn't been killed, such a good thing, how could it be your turn."

Princess Celia did not respond directly to him.

"Then how did the last one die?"

"He's unlucky, he's too arrogant, he went out to cause trouble before he developed it, and then he was crushed to death by some existence across three thousand planes, and his soul flew away. But he's so unlucky, his luck seems to be better than you .”

Celia meant something, and she was talking about Li Qinghe's first lottery draw, and he got a money card that Princess Celia thought was useless.

"Ah, I have such a back?"

Li Qinghe couldn't help but diverge his thoughts, his predecessor had better luck than himself, died so miserably, and was hunted down by three thousand planes.

"Then can I go back on my word, I don't want to be the master of this panspace anymore."

Li Qinghe shook his head, what is his ability, he still doesn't know?Yes, a golden finger fell from the sky, but this golden finger doesn't seem to be easy to use.

"Yes, the price for rescission of the contract is that your soul will be scattered."

"Then why didn't you say it in advance!"

"Sorry, I forgot, okay. Don't worry about these unimportant things, let's start a new journey together! Let's go!"

Princess Celia covered her head with her paws, so as not to let Li Qinghe see her wicked smile.Although Celia can't control Li Qinghe, she can reincarnate at the stage.

The Samsara Terrace appeared at Li Qinghe's feet, and Li Qinghe yelled and fell into the bottomless Samsara Terrace.

Princess Celia said again in her heart, "I finally found a suitable one, how could I let you go. This time I was lucky, how many planes did I find last time... Oh, although the world coordinates were set in advance, but Forgot to transfer the data of that plane."

Li Qinghe, who fell into the reincarnation platform, saw a ray of light after experiencing a long period of darkness.

At Holy Jesus Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, with two loud cries, two little lives were born.

"Strange, am I reborn?"

Li Qinghe wanted to speak, but could only cry.Fortunately, Li Qinghe's behavior was relatively normal, he didn't cry or make trouble, otherwise he would be regarded as a freak easily.

At the same time, Li Qinghe got in touch with Pan Space again.

It's just that he can feel it, but he can't enter the panspace.


The voice of Princess Celia came from my mind.


Only Li Qinghe could hear Princess Celia's voice.The outside world heard only Li Qinghe's loud cries.

Waiting anxiously outside the operating room was Kiba Morita.

"Congratulations, mother and child are safe, they are twins."

The doctor came out of the operating room and said with a happy mood.

"Ah, I'm a father."

Kiba Morita was very excited for a moment, I have a child.Still the father of two children, Kiba Morita saw leaving the operating room, the nurse pushed his wife on the ambulance bed, and there were two chubby children on the bed.

"Honey, this is our child."

"Wife, you have worked hard."

For a while, Kiba Morita didn't know what to say, it was his first time as a father, especially when he saw the two little beings who were still crying.

Kiba Morita followed the nurse to send his wife to the ward, "Can I hug my child?"


Under the guidance of the nurse, Kiba Morita clumsily hugged his two children in turn.

Li Qinghe couldn't enter the pan-space, and didn't know what to do, so he could only take one step at a time.It's hard to be reborn, of course you have to live well.

Li Qinghe looked at the world and hugged his father, feeling quite familiar, as if I had seen him before.But Li Qinghe recalled it carefully, but he didn't remember it, instead he was a little sleepy.

That's right, melon seeds with a small head must not be able to withstand such complicated thinking.

I saw the little baby reach out and touch his face.Kiba Morita took the initiative to get close to the baby.

"Honey, what's the name of our baby?"

Morita's wife, Mai Huizi, is Li Qinghe's mother in this life.

"The elder brother is called Yuji Kiba. I hope he can be as brave and talented as you. As for the younger brother, he is called Kiba Kiyokawa. I hope he can grow up safely under the care of our family."

After Mai Huizi finished speaking, seeing her husband's expression, she seemed very satisfied.

"Well, let's decide on their names like this. The one in my arms is my elder brother, or my younger brother."

Seeing that the baby was sleepy, Kiba Morita gently placed the baby beside his wife.

"It's my brother, he was born 3 minutes later than my brother."

Li Qinghe doesn't understand Japanese, and he doesn't know what the two are talking about, but he can be sure that they are not speaking Chinese, but R.

Li Qinghe fell asleep in a daze.

Fast forward 17 years.

"Qinghe, why are you still studying? Learn more from your brother, go out more, and make some friends."

Kiba Morita went downstairs and saw Kiba Kiyokawa who was reading a book in the living room.

Kiba Qinghe (Li Qinghe) stopped writing in his hand.

"I will go to university next year. I must work hard. I plan to go to Tokyo University of Finance and Law. I can become a lawyer or a senior financial officer in the future."

Kiba Morita, as a father, is very satisfied with Kiba Morita, who has already planned his own life. This child is a bit shy.But no one is perfect, and his brother Kiba Yuji is also shy when he talks about it.


There was a sound of closing the door, and Kiba Yuji came back.

"Brother, are you out on a date?"

Li Qinghe put down the Huari dictionary in his hand, and said in a provocative tone. .

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, me, you don't know me yet, how can you chase girls?"

Kiba Yuji's stuttering expression immediately made Kiba Morita see signs of it.It's not easy, the family has two elm bumps, and one of them finally got the hang of it.

Chapter 4 Car Accident

"What if the real girl takes the initiative to chase you?"

Li Qinghe's "molestation" made Kiba Yuji, who is an older brother, "turned into anger from embarrassment".

"Okay, you still dare to investigate me secretly."

Looking at the two children playing together.Kiba Morita is very pleased. His family business is getting bigger and bigger. He was always worried that his family would also have a situation of intrigue between brothers.

Seeing how harmonious the two children are, it shows that these things would never happen in my own home.

"Tell your mother that you don't have to wait for me for breakfast. There is a meeting in the company today and you need to go early."

Kiba Morita packed his clothes and set off.

After breakfast, Kiba Keiko went shopping, leaving Kiba Yuji and Li Qinghe at home.

"Brother, tell me, which girl is so discerning that she took the initiative to chase you?"

Li Qinghe asked.

"I won't tell you about this. She will come to our house in a few days, and you will know about it."

Kiba Yuji just didn't tell Li Qinghe who made him play tricks on him just now.

"Then I'd like to see what my future sister-in-law will look like?"

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