The days passed so plainly.

Over the years, Li Qinghe has learned R language little by little, and it is an R language with a Tokyo flavor.Relying on some of the knowledge he learned in Huaguo in his previous life, Li Qinghe has excellent academic performance.

Li Qinghe couldn't help sighing that education due to exams is not without advantages.Thanks to the strict responsibility of the teacher in the previous life.

Just thinking about these years, the parents in this life have obviously different attitudes towards themselves and Yuji Kiba.For his elder brother Yuji Kiba, his father has very strict requirements, which is one of the reasons why Yuji Kiba has never had a girlfriend, and his family education is very strict.

On the contrary, the family's attitude towards Li Qinghe was unexpectedly the same, that is love.Including Yuji Kiba, who loves his younger brother very much.

Ten years is enough time for Li Qinghe to completely forget some unimportant things in his previous life.

Li Qinghe felt a little familiar with Kiba Yuji, especially as he got older, Kiba Yuji's appearance became more and more familiar, as if he had seen him in the previous life.

If you can't remember it, let it go.

This day Li Qinghe could clearly feel that his brother was very happy.

"Brother, what day is it today, you seem to be very happy."

"Well, someone is visiting our house today, can you..."

Before Yuji Kiba finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

When Kiba Yuji opened the door, Li Qinghe saw a short-haired girl walking in.

The girl hugged Kiba Yuji's arm enthusiastically.

"Uncle, aunt, Qinghe-kun, hello, my name is Morishita Chie, this is the first time we meet, please give me your advice."

Morishita Chie greeted politely.

"Please sit down, don't be so polite."

Li Qinghe is still happy for his elder brother Kiba Yuji to have a sweetheart.

"Brother, sister-in-law is so beautiful, you are so blessed."

"What nonsense are you talking about, you haven't made an order yet."

Kiba Yuji poked Kiba Kiyokawa to tell his brother not to talk nonsense.

"I'm not talking nonsense. You see, I told my sister-in-law about the situation at home before I got through the door. Right?"

Li Qinghe greeted Morishita Chie in a friendly manner.

Compared with Kiba Yuji Mina's character, Li Qinghe is a little more active and can drive the atmosphere.

Morishita Chie was also eloquent and made Li Qinghe's parents very happy.I am very satisfied with this unmarried daughter-in-law.It's just that Yuji Kiba still wants to develop for a while and determine the result.

But in the eyes of the family, it will be a matter of time before Chie Morishita marries Kiba Yuji.Since the parties are not in a hurry to fight, since Kiba Yuji is still very young anyway, let's talk about it in a few years.

Time flies like a white cloud, and it is another two years in a blink of an eye.

Li Qinghe's appearance was as ordinary as in his previous life, but his temperament was completely different.Living in a wealthy family in this life, Li Qinghe exuded an aristocratic atmosphere even if he didn't realize it.

When Li Qinghe saw Chie Morishita for the first time, he also felt a sense of familiarity.It's just that I can't think of other impressions about this person in my mind, just like when I saw Kiba Yuji for the first time.

"Qinghe, you stay at home. Your brother and I will go to Qianhui's house to propose marriage. Don't laugh, after your brother gets married, you should also think about your lifelong affairs."

Li Qinghe's mother in this life Kiba Huizi lightly tapped Li Qinghe's forehead.

This kid is in college and doesn't have a girlfriend yet, so it's really worrying.This kid is good at everything, but just like his brother, he has a low EQ.Love is the love of love.Really worthy of being born brothers.

"Okay, I'll read a book at home and wait for you to come back. Brother, remember to bring my sister-in-law back."

Li Qinghe made a face to Yuji Kiba.

"You boy, I will settle accounts with you when I come back."

Kiba Yuji said with a smile that today he intends to officially get engaged to Chie, and he is in a very good mood.

After Yuji Kiba drove away with his parents, Li Qinghe's left eyelid kept twitching, as if something bad was going to happen.

Wearing a suit, Kiba Yuji chatted with his parents while driving.

"You and Qianhui have been together for two years, right?"

Kiba Keiko who was sitting in the back seat asked.

"Yeah, more than two years."

Speaking of Morishita Chie, Kiba Yuji had a happy smile on his face.

"This girl is good, you should cherish her well. In this era, there are not many good girls."

Kiba Morita said in the tone of someone who has experienced it.

"Yes, father, I will cherish Qianhui well."

Kiba Yuji is in awe of his strict father. Although his father has never beaten him since he was a child, these two children are really worry-free.

If he didn't love Kiba Yuji very much, how could Kiba Morita allow Kiba Yuji to fall in love freely.And the object of love is still a commoner woman.

This is rare in rb country where there are many big chaebols.Most companies will take their business to a higher level through marriage.

"Honey, don't be so serious, and you're not in the company."

Keiko Kiba smiled and shook his head, this father and son.

As for why Kiba Morita didn't interfere with Kiba Yuji's free love, there is another important reason that they have already selected the candidate for marriage—their youngest son Kiba Kiyokawa.

Seeing that the youngest son hasn't held the girl's hand until now, as his parents, he feels very headache. Come on, let's help him.

"After Qianhui and I get married, I think it's time to consider Qinghe's partner."

Kiba Yuji thought of his lovely younger brother, and if possible, he would like to marry his younger brother on the same day. .

"He, you don't have to worry. I arranged for him the daughter of the Toyotomi family. The woman is also very satisfied, but the news hasn't been told to him yet. When your engagement is over, give him a surprise."

Kiba Kiyokawa is not here right now, so Kiba Keiko told the news in advance.

Chapter 5 Answers

"Ah, I'm really surprised. I just don't know if my brother will be satisfied, and what if he doesn't agree..."

Kiba Yuji has never heard his younger brother talk about his future wife, and he doesn't know whether his younger brother can accept the marriage arranged by his parents.

"As a member of the Kiba family, while enjoying family benefits, they also have their own obligations. Yuji, you are different from your younger brother Qinghe. You will inherit my company in the future. You must not slack off."

Kiba Morita said earnestly.

"Well, I understand. I will definitely use my life's efforts to make the family business develop better."

Kiba Yuji replied seriously.

Kiba Yuji looked at the three or two couples of men and women riding bicycles outside the car, and couldn't help but think of his first date with Chie.

"When I saw them, I remembered that when Qianhui and I had our first date, we went on a date by bicycle."

Thinking of the first real first date, Yuji Kiba felt a sense of nostalgia.

"Why don't you drive to your date, silly kid."

Kiba Keiko asked with a smile.

"Didn't it be that I didn't have a driver's license at that time? So I just rode a bicycle to play around, and I really wanted to go on a date like that time."

Just at this time, the car arrived at the intersection, and it happened to be a red light.

Kiba Yuji stopped the car and waited quietly for the red light to turn green.

On the opposite side of Yuji Kiba, there was a large truck coming. The driver had been driving for 48 hours and was a little sleepy. He couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, trying to restrain his eyes from closing.

While he was rubbing his eyes, he suddenly saw a black Honda sedan parked at an intersection not far from him.

The truck driver stepped on the brakes quickly, but his body didn't listen, and he stepped on the accelerator.In an instant, the truck increased its horsepower and directly hit the side of the Honda point.

A tragic car accident happened.

Li Qinghe, who was at home, was also covering his head at this moment, his body convulsed, and he knocked his head against the wall.

After a while, Li Qinghe stopped his self-harm.

"Congratulations, you survived initially, and you will be rewarded with a chance to draw a low-level lottery."

Princess Celia's voice sounded in her mind.

Li Qinghe remembered, he knew which world he was in, and he also knew why he felt Kiba Yuji and Morita Chie were so familiar, because this was his favorite world of Kamen Rider—the world of Faiz.

"Seria, I need an explanation."

Li Qinghe's consciousness entered the pan-space.

The panspace is still so bleak, without any change.

"Host, haven't you heard of the mystery of the womb? Your reincarnation is different from ordinary people, and you go with all your memories.

But a young baby, the body has not yet how can it hold so many memories.Therefore, most of the memories will be hidden, and only a small part of the most important memories will be kept. "

Princess Celia seemed to have anticipated Li Qinghe's reaction, and explained calmly.

"Then why, my memory has all been restored just now?"

"That's because the story of this world has officially begun, and you have been stimulated a little bit, so all your memories have been restored.

As a novice mission for the first time, I can get a set of the main plot of this world for free.In other worlds, you need to exchange for the lottery chance.

Three low-level lottery chances can be exchanged for a world's main plot and a set of backgrounds. "

Princess Celia jumped onto Li Qinghe's shoulder, regardless of whether he agreed or not, she patted Li Qinghe's head with her paw.

Thus, the plot of Kamen Rider 555 world went through Li Qinghe's mind.Although Li Qinghe has seen it many times before, after 20 years, many things have been forgotten.

And this "watching" made Li Qinghe deepen his impression of the world of Kamen Rider 555.

Li Qinghe didn't tell Princess Seria that he actually knew the general direction of the world. He didn't know if Princess Seria knew about his past.

But Li Qinghe will not take the initiative to ask, everything will be verified after waiting time.

"What does the main plot mean?"

After absorbing 555's world information, Li Qinghe took a moment to ask.

"The main plot, you can understand it as the direction of the world, which refers to the direction of the whole world without the intervention of other people. And what you have to do is to disrupt the fixed plot direction.

The more disrupted the plot is, the greater the benefits you will bring to the panspace.Panspace needs to absorb the original growth of each world.

As the master of the panspace, the better the panspace develops, the more it will help you. "

Princess Celia jumped off Li Qinghe's shoulder and gave Li Qinghe a little time to absorb it.

"Oh I see."

Li Qinghe looked at his floating body and continued to ask.

"Then am I here with my soul or my body? And does this reincarnation have to come once in every world?"

"What you are entering now is the consciousness, you can say it is the soul. It is not impossible for the body to enter. It's just that it consumes more energy. Right now, the pan-space is full of waste. As a little housekeeper, I can save a little money. Just save a little.

Reincarnation is not necessary either.If you are reincarnated in this world, you are equivalent to the real son of this world.It is very convenient to do many things.

If you come in with your original identity.The best status is to be a "dry" son.

If it is close, it is a black household, waiting to be repatriated to the universe.If it was a little bit worse, it was the intruder, who was killed directly.But it's not absolute. For example, when some worlds are about to end, if you appear as the savior, that's another matter. "

Only then did Li Qinghe understand that there are so many channels for reincarnation and non-reincarnation.

However, I don't seem to accept that Princess Celia is the steward of my panspace.Before Li Qinghe could ask any more questions, Princess Seria "expelled" Li Qinghe out.

"Am I the master of panspace, or are you? It feels like you have more power than me."

After being "driven" out, Li Qinghe muttered.

"Of course it's you. It's just that you are still in the probationary period, so my authority is higher than yours. When you pass the probationary period, you will be the real master of the panspace. At that time, many of your doubts will be resolved .”

Princess Celia's voice rang in Li Qinghe's mind again.

"How to spend the probationary period?"

Q&A with Li Qinghe.

"Change the direction of this world as much as possible, and give you a world track tester for free. For each world, you must achieve a minimum change of 60.00%."

In Li Qinghe's left hand appeared a black boss Noyaki mobile phone. .

"This is a Noaki tester. It can be used as a mobile phone for you. The shield on it shows progress. By the way, it can also smash walnuts. It's just for walnut smashing."

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