Li Qinghe turned on the phone, looked at the screen, and there was indeed a blue horizontal line, and a mark of zero percent on the far right.This is the progress bar for changing the plot in this world.

Chapter 6 Mishap

"If you have nothing to do, I don't recommend you to come to the hyperspace. Every time you go in and out, you have to consume some energy. You can call my name outside, and I can still hear it."

Princess Celia's playful voice came.

"Okay, I see. I want to draw a lottery now. I used to have three chances to draw a lottery. I used one, plus the one chance I just gave, and there are three more, right?"

Li Qinghe's consciousness entered the pan-space again, and came to the lottery table money.

"The heavens are spirited and the earth is spirited, and if Amitabha touches the Bodhisattva, his spirit will appear soon."

Li Qinghe chose the card at the top of the pyramid again.

Li Qinghe turned around carefully - the universal reincarnation machine.

"I'll go, why is this?"

Li Qinghe didn't understand, could it be that his luck was that bad?From time to time, I need to reincarnate again, and reincarnation is a technical job.Unfortunately, Li Qinghe thought too much.

"It's not bad at all. If you consume a low-level lottery chance, you can reincarnate once within a certain range. Unfortunately, you don't need it now. You can only reincarnate once in a world."

Celia's words interrupted Li Qinghe's unrealistic fantasy.

Li Qinghe directly used it silently, and saw a machine shaped like a round flying saucer come out little by little.

Universal reincarnation machine - used to travel to new worlds.

There is a card slot on the reincarnation machine, which says one low-level lottery draw.There are still a few words, but I can't read them clearly. It is estimated that they are not qualified yet.Li Qinghe boldly guessed that those words should be intermediate lottery draws, advanced lottery draws and the like.

In fact, Li Qinghe guessed right.This is indeed the case, but at present, Panspace has not yet met the conditions for intermediate and advanced lottery draws. Naturally, the Universal Reincarnation Machine can only use low-level lottery draws for now.


After Li Qinghe prayed to the Eastern Buddha and the Western Madonna, he drew another card on the top of the pyramid.

Li Qinghe didn't turn over the cards, but drew another card.

Li Qinghe slowly reversed the card he drew for the first time—thank you for your patronage, and welcome again!

Li Qinghe closed his eyes and prayed again, then turned over the card for the third lottery draw—thank you for your patronage!

"What the hell is this? Why did you get this!"

Li Qinghe angrily slapped the drawn cards on the lottery table.Those two cards disappeared immediately.

"The lottery draw is all about luck. The low-level lottery draw has a total of 21 cards, six cards are blank cards, and five cards are penalty cards.

You are so unlucky that the second card drawn is a penalty card.The penalty is that the next card you draw is either a blank card or a penalty card, and you don't draw the penalty card again. "

With Princess Seria's explanation, Li Qinghe understood how bad his luck was!

"The lottery draw is over, is there anything else, if not, then what should I do?"

Interrupted by Princess Celia, Li Qinghe was "kicked" out of the pan-space again.

"Hey, if I don't collect any more energy, I should fall into a deep sleep. I'm really an idiot, there is no energy in the panspace, so there is nothing for you to pull out."

Princess Celia sighed, waved her hand and summoned a miniature coffin to lie in.

Li Qinghe opened his eyes, "I'm really unlucky today."

Li Qinghe was a little restless, and turned on the TV out of boredom, looking for programs he was interested in.

"Beep beep."

Li Qinghe picked up the phone.

"Are you from Kiba Morita's family?"

On the other end of the phone, there was a noisy voice, and sirens could be heard, as if something bad had happened.

Li Qinghe immediately thought of the beginning of the plot of Kamen Rider 555.

When Kiba Yuji was going out by car, he encountered a car accident.Could it be that it happened today? Even if I had more of myself, did this car accident happen?

Li Qinghe took out his Nokia mobile phone, which showed that the plot change rate was zero.

However, the careful Li Qinghe discovered a detail this time. Under the three points of the plot change degree of 10, 50, and 90, there is a small box the size of a pinhole. Does that mean that there will be some rewards for reaching these three points? .

Li Qinghe suppressed this doubt in his heart for the time being.

"There was a car accident on Commercial Street of Hefeng Building. If you can, come and have a look."

Without saying a word, Li Qinghe put on his shoes, left the door open, and hurriedly took a taxi to the scene of the accident.

The scene was a mess,

"Get out, get out."

When Li Qinghe arrived at the scene, his parents and brother Kiba Yuji had already been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Unfortunately, the parents passed away on the way to the hospital.Only Yuji Kiba, who was still alive, was receiving treatment.

As for the truck driver at the scene of the accident, he fled by driving.

Li Qinghe was in great pain. He had been in this family for 20 years, and finally felt the warmth of the family again, but was taken away again.

Li Qinghe's parents had just announced their death, and the elders of the family business, headed by Li Qinghe's uncle, directly sold the family business.

Moreover, they announced to the outside world that the company in Chengcheng was insolvent and forcibly "acquired" Li Qinghe's home.

Li Qinghe had never been in contact with a company, and if he hadn't known the plot in advance, he wouldn't have known that this amiable uncle was actually a beast in clothes.

Fortunately, because there are still people living in the Kichang family, these people also left a little room. After kicking Li Qinghe out of the house, they gave him a 500 million r yuan bank card, which is considered to be settled.

As for the unmarried wife that Kiba Morita found for his son before, he never contacted Kiba Kiyokawa at all.

The principle of cold tea after death can be said everywhere, but Li Qinghe doesn't know this.

After dealing with his parents' funeral, Li Qinghe actively assisted the police in tracking down the whereabouts of the driver who caused the accident. On the other hand, he went to the hospital every day to visit Yuji Kiba, who became a vegetative state.

Most of the 500 million r yuan was used in Yuji Kiba's ward.However, for Kiba Yuji's treatment costs, it is a drop in the bucket.

In desperation, Li Qinghe interrupted his studies and started working part-time to earn money.

Yes, Li Qinghe knows the direction of the plot, about two years later Yuji Kiba will die and come back to life.However, if you die now, will you be resurrected?

Li Qinghe was not sure of this.So Kiba Yuji's treatment expenses all fell on Li Qinghe.

As for taking revenge on other members of the Kiba family, hehe, I really thought they didn't have bodyguards.

In rb, the underworld is legal, but it's not empty talk. Li Qinghe doesn't want to be ignorant and disappear from the world.

Although I contacted Princess Seria now, the other party refused any help, saying it was a test for him.This test is a bit fierce.

Even in his previous life, Li Qinghe never went out to work, although he had such an idea.

People, they are all forced out.Without forcing, Li Qinghe didn't even know that he could endure such hardship. .

What Li Qinghe didn't expect was that because he visited his brother in the hospital from time to time, he often ran into his brother's girlfriend Chie Morishita.

After going back and forth, some vague feelings arose between the two.It's just that Li Qinghe is emotionally dull and hasn't felt it yet.

Chapter 7 Broken Leg

"Mr. Qinghe, how about this, you come to live at my house, my parents are out on a trip, and my brother is also working outside.

I'm the only one in the house, and the vacancy is also vacancy, why don't you live in.You can also save some unnecessary rent money. "

Morishita Chie met Li Qinghe in the hospital who also came to visit Kiba Yuji.

"Is this ok"

Regardless of whether it was in the past or the present life, Li Qinghe never even held a girl's hand.Although it feels a bit wrong.


Qian Hui blushed and nodded, although there was no one at home, if she brought a strange man home, the neighbors would always see her.

Li Qinghe didn't think so much, instead he was very happy to keep Qianhui, so that when Yongzhi came out, he wouldn't be alone and blackened.

In this way, Li Qinghe lived in Qianhui's house for two years.

In the past two years, Qian Hui's parents came back from traveling, and even Qian Hui's elder brother came back several times. These people treated Li Qinghe as a son-in-law.

The relationship between Li Qinghe and Qian Hui has also improved by leaps and bounds.

No matter how dull Li Qinghe was, he still understood Qianhui's intentions.

However, Li Qinghe also knew very well that his brother Yongzhi would wake up in a few days.

However, even if Li Qinghe wanted to break it clean now, it was impossible.Qian Hui has been hesitating in her speech recently, maybe she said she wanted to talk about that matter.

Li Qinghe counted the days day by day, and began to deliberately avoid Qian Hui every day, although doing so was a bit selfish.However, Qianhui is a gift that Li Qinghe wants to leave to Kiba Yuji.

It stands to reason that Qian Hui is also a supporting role in the plot. Li Qinghe thinks that he has changed Qian Hui's trajectory and prevented her from meeting that scumbag from his uncle's family.

It's just why the plot change is still displayed as zero.

Li Qinghe didn't know that during the few days when he was avoiding Qian Hui, Qian Hui still had a "chance encounter" with that man.

Ever since Yizhang met this woman when he visited Kiba Yuji in the hospital, he has been obsessed with it.

So he boldly pursued Kiba Yuji's girlfriend Morishita Chie.To be honest, being able to pursue this woman would give a sense of accomplishment to a somewhat perverted man.

But this woman ignored him. According to the investigation of his bodyguards, it turned out that Kiba Yuji's younger brother Kiba Kiyokawa was pursuing her.

Damn bastard, why didn't that bastard die in a car with his brother, so that he doesn't have to pretend to be a play for the other directors of the company.

But when she got a huge amount of wealth, a woman who couldn't get it on the bright side would get it in secret.

If your cousin is sensible, don't stop yourself.Otherwise, don't blame yourself for not thinking about brotherhood.

Yizhang waited until Li Qinghe got off work.

Li Qinghe patted the dust off his body. As a courier, although he was tired, he calculated the price by piece, and he could see the money he got every day.

Although not many, it is new hope for Yuji Kiba.

Don't look at Yizhang who visits his cousin Yongzhi in the hospital once in a while, but he doesn't pay a single penny, just buy some flowers for meaning.When I'm completely dead, maybe I don't even need to buy flowers.


With his trouser pockets in his pocket, Yizhang patted Li Qinghe's shoulder, and thought he was affectionately stroking Li Qinghe's head.

He didn't know that Li Qinghe hated others touching his head the most.For no reason, just disgusting.

Li Qinghe frowned, looking at the uncle's son who had usurped his family's property.

"Yi Zhang, what can you do with me?"

"Actually, it's nothing. I just heard that you and Qianhui have been getting very close recently. I hope you two don't get so close. This is 100 million r yuan. You leave Qianhui and find another place to live."

Li Qinghe finally understood why the plot hadn't changed.It turns out that according to the historical track, Chie Morishita married Yizhang, it was a trick done by Yizhang.

Li Qinghe thought that his brother Yongzhi would wake up soon, and he also had a backer.Yes, Li Qinghe regards Kiba Yuji as his backer.

Isn't it normal for a younger brother to rely on his older brother? Li Qinghe didn't have any psychological pressure.

Li Qinghe turned around quickly, turned back——too.

A punch hit Yi Zhang's lower abdomen.This damn thing deserves to be beaten, to take away his family's property, and he never forgets about Qianhui.

Li Qinghe twisted Yizhang's collar and pushed him against the bus stop sign.


Li Qinghe spat.

More than two years of hard work had already transformed Li Qinghe from a skinny kid into a strong man, and it wasn't too strenuous to deal with this bastard.

Yizhang wiped the corner of his mouth.

"Boy, you are ruthless. Why are you still watching, do it, and break his leg today. I want to teach your brother a lesson for you, a bastard who doesn't respect his brother."

Li Qinghe took a closer look, and there were seven or eight strong men behind him, who had already surrounded him.

What to do if a person gets into a gang fight, grab a person and beat him to death.This can act as a deterrent to others.

Right now Li Qinghe is holding Yizhang in his hand, so it is naturally impossible to let go.

Li Qinghe forgot one thing, this is not the country of Hua, but the country of rb.

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