The thugs Yizhang called were naturally gangsters who often fought, and they were naturally not comparable to Li Qinghe.

Li Qinghe's arm was hit by the sudden attack of the steel pipe, and he immediately heard the crisp sound of bone cracking.

Li Qinghe's arm holding Yizhang was useless!

The rest lifted Li Qinghe up, this place is still a public place.

Li Qinghe was violently thrown into an empty alley.

Li Qinghe stood up slowly, and saw Yizhang hiding at the entrance of the alley.

Yizhang straightened his clothes, "Break one of his legs, 50 yuan per person."

Those gangsters let out malicious smiles.

The price was negotiated, and those people didn't say a word, saying that if you break your leg, they will definitely not kill you.

How could Li Qinghe stretch out his legs obediently?The rabbit was in a hurry and biting people.

However, a biting rabbit is still a rabbit, after all, it cannot become a poisonous snake.

One of Li Qinghe's arms was no longer able to use his strength, and there were so many people on the other side, let alone one-to-many, one-on-one, Li Qinghe didn't even guarantee that he could do it.

For those people, fighting has become a daily life.

Li Qinghe ran behind without saying a word.Those people chased after Li Qinghe unhurriedly, because they knew that this alley was a dead end.

Sure enough, Li Qinghe was blocked by a high wall.


Li Qinghe encouraged himself, now he can only fight.

Li Qinghe rushed to the front of the thugs.

The gangster with yellow hair kicked Li Qinghe in the chest.

Li Qinghe was kicked and fell to the ground.

Before Li Qinghe got up, a fat man weighing more than 300 kilograms had already dragged his legs.

"Sanshui, be gentle."

The fat man dragged Li Qinghe's leg like whipping noodles.

"Crack", "Crack," "Crack"

Li Qinghe's head and chest hit the ground again and again.

Li Qinghe was in a daze, and his consciousness fell into chaos. .

"Go ahead."

Hearing what the boss said, Huang Mao licked his lips, took the sledgehammer from the others, aimed it at the ligament of Li Qinghe's leg, and smashed it down.

Chapter 8 Yuji wakes up

Accompanied by a "click".

Li Qinghe's left leg was bent in a strange position, and this leg was useless.

Li Qinghe fell into a chaotic consciousness and woke up instantly, accompanied by extreme pain.


Li Qinghe hugged his leg and let out a shrill scream.

"Okay, let's learn the lesson."

The gangster boss didn't make a move after seeing Li Qinghe's leg was broken, and signaled that it was time to pay.

"I transferred all your money to this card. The password is six zeros."

As soon as Zhang settled the account, those gangsters left.

"Remember, if you leave Qianhui, you won't just break a leg next time."

After Yizhang finished speaking, he left arrogantly.

Li Qinghe clenched his fists tightly, allowing his nails to penetrate into his palms.

"How can it be, how can it be, I want strength, I want revenge..."

For the first time, Li Qinghe had such a desire for power.

What he thought before was that borrowing the power of his elder brother Yuji Kiba would be enough for him to survive in this world safely, and it would be nice to live his life peacefully.

As for the hyperspace on the body, let it sleep forever.Li Qinghe is not a fool, and he only half-believes what Celia said.

You can live a new life, why not enjoy it.Li Qin drinking and drinking is such a person with no ambitions, he just wants to live in peace.

But the arrival of Yizhang made Li Qinghe understand that he has no strength at all.It's not just Orfienuo who can bully you, even ordinary dignitaries can kill him with one hand.

But this time, his brother was still lying in the hospital, and he did not come back to life as Orfi Enoch.This gave Li Qinghe a heavy blow, who wanted to live in peace and stability.

Li Qinghe understood that perhaps, he should use the power of the plot to help him.

At one o'clock that night, Li Qinghe limped back to Qianhui's house.

"Mr. Qinghe, what's wrong with you?"

Pushing open the door, I saw Qian who was waiting anxiously.

Hui's family, even Qianhui's elder brother was there.

Chie Morishita supported Li Qinghe to sit on the sofa.

"When I came back today, I ran into my cousin Yizhang. He asked me to leave you..."

Li Qinghe didn't hide anything, and told the process.

"Damn it, you actually targeted my sister. It will never be forgiven."

Qianhui's elder brother Morishita Yanagi grabbed his cloak angrily, pushed open the door and went out.

But he didn't see the corner of Li Qinghe's mouth move, as if he was pulled by the injury around his mouth.

"Don't be impulsive, that guy... ah."

Li Qinghe got up from the sofa and was about to chase him out.But his body didn't listen, and he knelt directly on the ground.

But she had already run out, so Qian Hui had no choice but to send Li Qinghe to the hospital overnight.

Li Qinghe was sent to the hospital and lived near his brother Yuji Kiba.

Perhaps, this can avoid Yizhang, yes, Li Qinghe is scared.

It's just that Li Qinghe's thinking is a bit simple.After Kiba Kazuaki learned that he had been punished by him, that man actually dared to harass Qianhui.

Yizhang called the person from last time, and began to discuss how to deal with Li Qinghe. In other words, this time the discussion was about abolishing Li Qinghe's part.

"Do you think I can't do it in the hospital?"

And Qinghe, who knew nothing about all this, was still in the hospital, enjoying Qianhui's chicken soup.

"Qianhui, please excuse me."

Li Qinghe grabbed Qian Hui's hand and did not let go.

Qian Hui felt sweet in her heart, this idiot finally stopped rejecting herself.

"It's just that there has been no news from my brother since he left. It has been three days."

Li Qinghe already had bad thoughts in his heart, and it seemed that Yizhang was more ruthless than he imagined.

The better situation now is that Morishita Chie's elder brother Morishita Yanagi has been arrested, and the worse situation is that he has been killed.

Reminiscent of Morishita Chie's elder brother Morishita Willow, after being killed by Ophelia in the plot, he became Ophelia.

Li Qinghe conducted an experiment on Qianhui's brother, who survived after being "injected" by Ofe Enoch.Otherwise, knowing that Morishita Liumu is a sister-in-law, why should Li Qinghe

Whether or not after normal death, you can transform into the original Orfi Enoch.

Although it is the same Ofi Enoch, there is a difference between the original Ofi Enoch and the non-native Ofi Enoch.One is passionate and one is not.And the potential for improvement is vastly different.

"Relax, your brother will be fine."

Li Qinghe comforted Qianhui.In fact, Li Qinghe has no choice but to wait for Kiba Yuji to wake up.

"I'll help you, let's go for a walk."

Qianhui looked at Yuzhi who was still awake, maybe it was a good thing that he had been sleeping.

Li Qinghe nodded, and walked out of the hospital on crutches.

"Boy, as I told you, if I'm with Qianhui again, I won't just discount your legs."

Yizhang did not shy away from the other patients around him, in the small square outside the hospital.

Kiba waved and waved, the gangster from last time came again.

"Where's my brother?"

Morishita Chie asked.

"You mean that idiot named Willow. I don't know where he is."

Kiba Kazuaki said this is pure nonsense, he even said Liu Mu's name, but he didn't know where he was, how could it be possible.Morishita Yanagi went to him to settle accounts.

"Okay, step aside, I will take care of this kid today."

The gangsters brought by Yizhang pulled Qianhui to Yizhang.

"Do you like that little boy. Today I spent his face."

Those gangsters surrounded Li Qinghe, wanting to catch him and take him to a place with few people and torture him again.

"Stop it, I've already called the police!"

Qianhui shouted.

"Oh, don't worry. The police car coming here will arrive in 15 minutes at the fastest."

Since Yizhang dared to come here to make trouble, he must have made all the preparations, and he wouldn't go there without thinking.

Li Qinghe waved his crutches to prevent those gangsters from getting close to him.Doing things under the watchful eyes of the public and wanting to kill myself, all I need to do is to persist until the police come.

However, judging from the actual situation, let's not talk about Li Qinghe's physical problems.But it is said that Li Qinghe is holding an iron crutch, and the gangster is holding a knife.

Do you think they will be afraid?They can't even deal with a disabled person, how can they mess around on the road.

A muscular bastard with a tiger on his left arm, forcibly hit Li Qinghe with a cane. The price was to take away Li Qinghe's cane and give Li Qinghe a kick by the way.Kicked Li Qinghe down directly.

Li Qinghe, who lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, was directly pushed to the ground by the hooligans.

"It's pretty skinny, take him away."

In less than 3 minutes, Li Qinghe was pinned to the ground and could not move.

At this time, a soprano sounded in the hospital.

"Ah, there's a ghost!"

A man in a hospital gown pulled out the intubation tube on his body and walked out.

"elder brother!".


Kazuki Kiba was the one who was most surprised.Yuji of the Kiba family survived!

Chapter 9 Revenge

"Let go of my brother."

Kiba Yuji rushed forward and pulled away several people who were pressing on Li Qinghe.

Kiba Yuji didn't even think about why he was so strong.

"Yongzhi, have you recovered?"

Yizhang came to Yongzhi, wanting to see if it was really Yongzhi, according to the doctor.Yongzhi will either be in a vegetable state for the rest of his life, or die in a hospital bed in the past few years, and the chance of regaining consciousness is one in ten thousand.

Yizhang didn't believe that the miracle in the hospital would happen to Kiba Yuji.Besides, he hasn't walked around in a long time, and now he walks like flying.This, this is incredible.

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