With the conversation between Akira and Kiba Yuji, the group of gangsters stopped working to see what the employer meant.

"Today is the day when you two brothers get together, so I'll bother you another day."

Yizhang also wanted to take this opportunity to clean up Yuji Kiba.But out of certain considerations, Yizhang withdrew.After being so delayed by Kiba Yuji, the police came immediately.

Kiba Kazuki left with the people.

Li Qinghe didn't expect that his brother Kiba Yuji would wake up at this time, it was really timely.

Although Kiba Yuji didn't understand what happened, but his younger brother was beaten like this, which was obviously manipulated by Ichiaki.

Yuji Kiba still doesn't know how much his family has changed in the past two years.

"Yuji, you're awake..."

Morishita Chie and Kiba brought Qinghe back home, which Qinghe asked for.

Taking it in the hospital is not as safe as staying with Kiba Yuji.This can be regarded as a small thought of Li Qinghe.

"Qinghe, what's the matter with your injuries?"

When she came to Chie's house, Chie Morishita faced Kiba Yuji with a complicated expression.She didn't know how to face Yongzhi.If it was before, she would definitely be very happy.

"Brother, you know, since the car accident, you have been in a coma for two years and six months."

"Why did it take so long, I just fell asleep."

Kiba Yuji looked surprised!

"How are your parents? Why didn't you go home and bring me to Qianhui?"

"My parents have passed away, bro, do you still remember the car accident that happened that day?"

"Wait, let me think about it."

In Kiba Yuji's view, he simply fell asleep, maybe it would be more appropriate to close his eyes for a while.

Opening and closing the eyes, how did such a big change happen.

Kiba Yuji couldn't believe it, and then he tried to think back, and finally remembered that he had a car accident while driving.

That day, I took my parents to Qianhui's house to get married, and then there was a car accident at the intersection.

A car accident took away my parents and myself for more than two years.

"How is it possible, it's not true."

Kiba Yuji couldn't accept it, did he kill his parents by driving himself?

"Brother, don't blame yourself. This is not your responsibility. It was the driver of the truck who was driving tired, which led to this tragedy.

After the car accident, the driver who caused the accident was too dependent, which made parents lose the best time for treatment.He died at the scene of the accident before the doctor arrived.

After the parents passed away, the elders in the family couldn't wait to start dividing their parents' company.Now it's not just the company, even our home is gone. "

Li Qinghe sighed, and roughly told Kiba Yuji about what happened in his home over the past two years.

When Kiba Yuji heard that Kiba Ichiaki and his father had taken away his family's property in partnership, he hurt his younger brother and lover again.

Kiba Yuji almost couldn't suppress his inner anger, thanks to this time, Morishita Chie brought the meal.

"Yongzhi, let's eat, don't talk for now."

When Kiba Yuji saw Chie Morishita coming, the anger in his heart suddenly calmed down.

At the dinner table, Li Qinghe, Kiba Yuji, Morishita Chie, and Morishita Chie's parents started a wordless meal.

Morishita Chie's parents, after Kiba Yuji fell into a coma, regarded Kiba Kiyokawa as their son-in-law.

As for Kiba Yuji, Morishita Chie's family is not dissatisfied.It's just that it's time to end the relationship between Morishita Chie and Kiba Yuji brothers.

"Brother, it's good if you come back, my sister-in-law has been waiting for you."

Li Qinghe spoke first, breaking the silence at the dinner table.

"Mr. Qinghe..."

Before Morishita Chie could make a decision, Li Qinghe had already made a decision, and he decided to quit.Chie is more suitable for her brother Yuji Kiba.

Yuji Kiba looked at the strange family and had some bad thoughts in his heart. It seemed that the relationship between his younger brother and Chie was unusual.Don't underestimate Kiba Yuji, he is a gentle person, and meticulousness is his basic skill.

It's just that Kiba Yuji is also pretending to be stupid, he doesn't want to give up Chie, or he doesn't know what to do yet, so he can only pretend to be deaf and dumb, pretending that he doesn't know anything.

A dinner with a weird atmosphere ended like this.

Kiba Yuji and his younger brother slept in a room, and he was going to question his uncle tomorrow.He believed in his younger brother, but he still wanted to get more news from his uncle.

And Li Qinghe is going to go to the ward where Yuji Kiba lived. He needs to know whether Yuji Kiba was successfully resurrected by a medical miracle, or whether he came back from the dead and became Ophelia.

If it is the latter, it means that his appearance has not affected the subsequent plot.

After Li Qinghe made the decision to give up Qianhui, he looked at Noyaki's phone, and the progress on it was ticked off, showing 5.00%.

Li Qinghe is not sure whether this change in the plot means that Yuji Kiba did not become Orfino's resurrection, or that he protected Kiba Yuji's fiancée Chie Morishita, so that she did not have an affair.

Although the world track tester showed the progress of the plot changes, Li Qinghe had to determine by himself where the changes occurred.

Li Qinghe went to the hospital, and through the words of the nurse, he confirmed that when he was surrounded and beaten by Kiba Kazuaki that day, Kiba Yuji's heart rhythm fluctuations became zero.

But when she went out to call someone, Yuji Kiba grabbed her hand.

"That is to say, he has..."

"What has happened to him?"

Li Qinghe ignored the nurse's call and walked out of the hospital. He didn't have enough money to treat his injuries, so the root cause of his illness was probably left.

A penny is hard for a hero, not to mention that he is not a hero at all, and now he is just a parasite parasitic on Kiba Yuji.

"Brother, you should have heard what Yizhang and his uncle said behind their backs."

Yuji Kiba is the original Orfi Enoch who awakened after natural death, and he is also considered to be very outstanding among the original Orfi Enoch. His eyesight and hearing have greatly improved. .

"Then, I'll just give it a push. Anyway, killing Yuuji Kiba is killing him, and killing me is killing him. By the way, you can change the plot."

Li Qinghe took out the few change in his pocket, leaned on a cane, took a taxi and went to his uncle's house.

Chapter 10 Truth

Kiba Yuji came to his uncle's house and looked at the familiar house.

Kiba Yuji seemed to see his mother cooking and waving to him.

But suddenly there was a dog barking, and the apparition of the mother disappeared.

"Yes, now this family no longer belongs to me, it belongs to my uncle's family."

Yuji Kiba rang the doorbell and was welcomed into the house.

The inside of the room has changed a lot, and I can't see the previous layout anymore.


Kiba Yuji greeted respectfully.

"Yongzhi, it's really a good thing that you recovered. As an uncle, I should have visited you in the hospital every day.

But you also know that the company has a lot of work every day.This is a little thought from Uncle. "

Kiba Yuji's uncle hypocritically took out an envelope with a stack of money inside.

Kiba Yuji glanced at the envelope and ignored it. It's not that he hasn't seen the money, but he asked out his doubts.

"Uncle, what happened after I was hospitalized."

Uncle had a sad expression on his face.

"After your parents were in a car accident, the company's stock suddenly dropped, and the whole company panicked.

I even had the idea of ​​selling the company.Hey, then I tried to sell a batch of stocks that originally belonged to your parents.As a result, the company suddenly stabilized.The company has not been sold, but your parents' hard work has been preserved.

I'm even happier, Yuuji, that you're finally recovering. "

Speaking of this, Kiba Yuji's uncle was in tears, and he showed the image of a company who vomited blood for the company in front of Kiba Yuji.

"Uncle, what about my house? Why is my brother living so hard?"

After being told by Yizhang's uncle, Kiba Yuji believed his uncle a little bit.

"Hey, your brother is still young. He is not sensible, so I don't feel relieved to hand over such a large amount of money to him."

Regarding the housing issue, Uncle kept changing the subject.

"Then uncle, I'm back now too. You can give me the money."

Inappropriately, Kiba Yuji needed the money, and his younger brother Kiba Kiyokawa also needed it.

"Yongzhi, let me tell you this. At first, I thought you wouldn't wake up, so I deposited the money in the bank on my own, for a period of 10 years. If this is the case, your younger brother will have a family and a business by then, and he will mature."

Yongzhi's uncle seemed to be thinking of Qinghe when he spoke, but the young man who has grown up is capable of making good use of the money.After all, Kiba Yuji's uncle just didn't want to pay back the money.

"Well, now I'm back. Give me that money, please."

Kiba Yuji said with a smile.

"It's natural for things to return to their original owners, but it will take a little time. Well, come back in five days."

Kiba Yuji's uncle put away the envelope containing the money, issued an order to evict the guest, and did not allow him to eat here at all.

Kiba Yuji left the old villa.

"Brother, why are you here?"

As soon as Kiba Yuji went out, he saw Qinghe waiting for him.

"Brother, am I afraid that you will do something stupid? You should have heard about what kind of person Uncle is."

Qinghe stopped a taxi, and after the two got in the taxi, they were about to leave.

Kiba Yuji moved his ears and heard the voices of Akiaki and his uncle.Kiba Yuji opened the door and got out of the car.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

"Shh, I'll tell you later."

Kiba Yuji listened attentively to the conversation between his uncle and Ichiaki.

And Kazuaki Kiba, who was hiding in another room, came out.

When Kiba Yuji came to visit just now, he hid in another small room and did not make a sound.

"Father, is it really possible to return that property to him?"

"Yizhang, do you think I will return the money to a dead person? Why do you live, why don't you die with your parents?"

Yi Zhang's father got up and looked at Kiba Yuji who was kicked out of the window.

"Father, you are saying that you lied to him"

"If you don't say that, why would he leave obediently. Uncle, hehe. If your father hadn't been rich back then, Huizi would have been my woman."

Yizhang's father clenched his fist, and Yizhang remained silent.

After a cup of tea, Yi Zhang's father suddenly said, "Son, I heard that you are chasing a girl named Chie, who is said to be Yuji's girlfriend."

"Yes, father. If you don't like her, I'll just play with her."

Yizhang thought his father had other ideas and looked down on Chie Morishita.

"No, you married her. Back then, I was no match for you, and you took her away. Today, I will let my son rob your son's wife."

Hearing that his father supported him so much, Yizhang relaxed all of a sudden.

"Father, do you need me to ask someone to kill Brother Kiba?"

"No, you're too young, you can't do this, no matter how many loopholes you leave, you can find them out as soon as you check them out, remember, the police are not trash, we'll never mess with them.

Let me do this matter, just like hitting and killing their parents back then.I still want to find the person responsible for the accident, but they are already gone, how can I find them.

Son, Kiba Yuji, I will leave it to you, you have to treat him well, don't let me down. "

Yizhang's father said earnestly.

"I said why the police couldn't find that person, father, why didn't you tell me about this now."

"You, your temper is too jumpy. If that kid didn't come to the door today, you would never know about it. So, you are still young, learn more.

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