Last time you asked someone to take care of that kid Qinghe, I asked someone to suppress it.You, don't think about girls all day long. "

Yizhang's father got up and poured himself a cup of tea.

It never occurred to Yizhang and his father that their conversation was overheard by Kiba Yuji.

Kiba Yuji never thought that his car accident would be related to his uncle.Moreover, his younger brother was also beaten like that by his son.

Kiba Yuji couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qinghe patted Kiba Yuji on the shoulder.

"Qinghe, go back to Qianhui's house first, I have something to attend to."

Li Qinghe saw that Yuji Kiba didn't say a word just now, but suddenly changed so much, a black light appeared in the depths of his eyes.It seems that he has awakened to become Orfi Enoch, that's good.

"Well, okay. Brother, then I'll go back first."

Li Qinghe took a taxi and drove towards Qianhui's house, but turned another corner on the way and turned back again.

Qinghe didn't get out of the car, but sat in the car and followed his brother all the time.

At night, the driver quit and wanted to collect the car and go home, but Li Qinghe had no choice but to ask the driver to put him outside Yizhang's house.

Qinghe believes that his brother Yuji Kiba will come back.

Not long after the driver master left, it began to rain heavily.

Li Qinghe let go of the air in the tires of Yizhang's usual travel.Coupled with the heavy rain outside, Yi Zhang couldn't go out. .

"Brother, everything is ready for you, just waiting for you to do it."

That's right, all these preparations are calculations.

Chapter 11 Good and evil will be rewarded

Li Qinghe was not afraid of getting wet, so he stood opposite Yizhang's father's house.

"Damn, brother, why are you so powerful that you deceive me, ah."

Li Qinghe sneezed, needless to say he had caught a cold.

Li Qinghe shivered, turned on the Noyaki mobile phone (that is, the world track tester),

"It's already one o'clock in the morning. Brother, you won't come."

As soon as the words were finished, Li Qinghe saw Yuji Kiba who was staggering, stepping on the stagnant water and arriving at the door of his former home.

Kiba Yuji kicked the gate.

The doorman, who was blindfolded, heard the noise and saw through the door that it was the boy who had been here today.

"who are you looking for"

Through the door, Kiba Yuji grabbed the guard and dragged him to him.

"Open the door."

Looking at Kiba Yuji's cold and stern eyes, the guard swallowed his mouth and nodded in a strange way.

Kiba Yuji let go, and the doorman opened the door.

After Kiba Yuji left, the doorman slapped himself.

"What's wrong with me, what am I afraid of, yes, tell me quickly..."

"Pa-ta. Pa-ta, pa-ta."

Li Qinghe, leaning on crutches, appeared in front of the guard.

"Who to tell"

Li Qinghe smashed the guard's cell phone with a cane.

Li Qinghe threw himself on the doorman, took out the fruit knife he had prepared, and stabbed the doorman in the heart. At the same time, he covered the doorman's mouth with his hand to prevent him from making a sound.

After disposing of the guard's body, Li Qinghe locked the gate and followed Kiba Yuji's footsteps to his former home.

Yizhang complained in the room that the rain was so heavy today that he couldn't go out to relax.


The door was suddenly pushed open.

Yizhang and his father's face changed, it is possible that there are thieves

Yizhang walked around to the door, watching the shadow coming in from the hall approaching the room step by step.

Kiba Yuji walked directly into the room where he had a conversation with his uncle today.

Yizhang's father saw clearly who broke into the room.

"Yongzhi, you come in the middle of the night, what's the matter? Let's talk about it tomorrow if there's anything else. Look, I'm going to bed too."

Yizhang's father scolded the irresponsible doorman in his heart

"What did I do wrong, and why did this happen to me?"

Kiba Yuji raised his head, eyes full of bewilderment.

"I thought it was a thief, but it turned out to be you, kid. What did you do wrong, you still have the face to ask why you came back to life, why didn't you sleep with your dead ghost parents forever.

Your life is the biggest mistake, so you deserve to die. "

Yizhang's words were like a sharp blade piercing Kiba Yuji's heart, yes, if he hadn't taken his parents to Chie's house that day, how could he have been in a car accident.

But somewhere in his heart, there was a voice, "It's not your fault, you don't deserve to die, it's him who deserves to die."

"It's not my fault, it's not my fault."

Kiba Yuji had a nervous breakdown and squatted on the ground covering his head.

"Actually, if you don't wake up and go to sleep obediently, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for you."

Izaki's father, seeing Kiba Yuji's mental breakdown, took the initiative to add a handful of firewood.

Kiba Yuji's spirit completely collapsed, "Damn not me, but you."

Yuji Kiba roared, and the appearance of a horse-shaped Orfienuo faintly appeared on his face.Jiang Yizhang and his son were taken aback.

Kiba Yuji grabbed Ichiaki's father and threw him heavily against the wall.

"Son, run."

Yizhang was stunned by the image of Yuji Kiba, and it was only because of his father's shout that he realized what he had to do, which was to escape.

Kiba Yuji's mind was full of killing thoughts, he grabbed Ichiaki's father, and in his left hand appeared the weapon of the transformed horse Orfienuo - the long sword.

"Don't, don't..., you monster, don't come here."

Yizhang's father collapsed on the table in fright.

Yizhang looked back at his father and saw that he was pressed by the horse-shaped Ophelia Enoch every step of the way.

Yizhang didn't hesitate, it's time to go now.

Yizhang was also close to the door, so he ran over directly.


Without hesitation, Kiba Yuji stabbed the sword into his uncle's heart.

Kiba Yuji's uncle's eyes darkened, and he fell to the ground.

"Help, help."

Kiba Kazuaki shouted while running, and looked back while turning his head, not paying attention to the front.

Li Qinghe stretched out his crutch suddenly, and tripped Kiba Kazuaki all of a sudden.

Li Qinghe knew his situation, and if he really wanted to fight Kiba Kazuaki one-on-one, his crippled body might not be able to fight.

Li Qinghe threw himself directly onto Yizhang's body, holding him down and preventing him from moving.

One knife after another pierced Kiba Kazaki's heart, and every knife was a knife of love.It can be seen that Li Qinghe loves Yizhang deeply.

After Kiba Yuji killed his uncle, he was about to turn around and chase Kiba Kazuaki.


Kiba Kazuaki's body was thrown in from outside the door.

Kiba Yuji took a closer look, isn't this the one who ran out just now?Why is there only qi going out, but no qi coming in?

At this time, Yuji Kiba has not released his transformation, and he is still in the form of a horse-shaped Orpheus.

Li Qinghe limped in with a cane, and saw the horse-shaped Ophelia.

It is indeed terrifying. Looking at it from a close distance, it is more vicious and full of hostility than the image transmitted to him by Princess Celia.

"Qinghe. Why are you here?"

Kiba Yuji saw his younger brother and quickly lifted his transformation.

"Brother. You don't need to cancel the transformation, I have seen it all. Let's deal with this dear cousin first. He has usurped our family's property and wants to get rid of me."

Li Qinghe stepped on Yizhang's body and came to his uncle, um, it was exactly as he thought, very annoying.

Li Qinghe took out a fruit knife dripping with blood.

"Qinghe, what are you doing?"

Yuji Kiba hadn't finished speaking when he saw Qinghe wipe his uncle's neck.

"Brother, I'm taking revenge."

Thinking of what his uncle said, they killed his parents, Kiba Yuji fell silent.There is nothing wrong with my younger brother avenging himself and his family.

Qing He struck a match, "Brother, I can't go back. Let's go."

Qinghe set fire to this former home and threw the guard's body to the place where Yizhang died.

Seeing that the former relatives became enemies, although they were not very close to him, but he personally killed them to avenge his parents.

The flame of vengeance in Kiba Yuji's heart subsided, he still has his younger brother, and Qianhui.

Perhaps, what Qinghe said is right, it is time to bid farewell to the past.

After one night, all evidence was reduced to torches and disappeared.

This is also Li Qinghe's efforts to prevent the police from paying attention to Kiba Yuji prematurely.

Of course, this effort is still very fruitful.At least, the local police were concerned about the death of Yizhang and his son, and the fire caused by the aging of the return line.

Qinghe looked at Nokia's screen, and the change rate of the plot displayed on it had reached 7%. .

"Is it seven percent?"

Li Qinghe understood why there was such a big change.

Chapter 12 Ten percent progress

First of all, I changed the situation of Kiba Yuji who lost his girlfriend, so that he was not full of disappointment in life, and the blackened Kiba recovered in the shortest time

Second, he directly got rid of Yizhang's father this time, which can be regarded as killing the grass.Otherwise, an old fox who lost his son will be left behind. Under the constant calculations, Yuji Kiba's life will definitely be difficult.

In the original plot, why two policemen kept biting him, it must be that Yizhang's father spent a lot of money to the police station, asking them to help investigate the cause of his son's death.Otherwise, why would the two of them be so concerned.

As a result, human beings discovered the existence of Orfienuo faster, so as to target them.

Now Li Qinghe has solved the matter completely without leaving any tail.This time, there are no sequelae.

Kiba Yuji didn't know how to speak, and explained to his brother what happened to him.

"Brother, I..."

"Brother, no matter what you become, you are still my brother, aren't you? I won't tell anyone else about this."

Seemingly seeing Kiba Yuji's embarrassment, Li Qinghe said.

Speaking of which, the [-]% progress is much worse than Li Qinghe's psychological expectation.

Li Qinghe was thinking about the [-]% progress, and he had a premonition that if the progress reached [-]%, he would undergo a great change.

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