That being the case, then choose him, it is most convenient to solve him.

Li Qinghe and Kiba Yuzhi returned to Qianhui's house to continue living, but Qianhui's brother Morishita Liumu never came back.

Li Qinghe took the initiative to avoid suspicion. After his leg improved a lot, he left a letter and left without saying goodbye.

"Brother, don't worry about me. My body has almost recovered. I have always thought about going out for a trip. This time I just happened to enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way."

There is no way, Qinghe continues to stay at Qianhui's home, and the relationship between Kiba Yuji and Qianhui will not return to the previous one.

In fact, Li Qinghe's destination had already been set, Kyushu Laundromat, that is, Keitaro Kikuchi's shop.

Li Qinghe sat in the bus, thinking.Now Kiba Yuji has become Orfienuo, which marks the beginning of the plot.

This is also the reason why Li Qinghe couldn't wait to set off before his legs were fully healed.

The arm that was broken by the gangster brought by Yizhang has healed, and as long as the timing is right, it can be killed with one blow.

Li Qinghe thought of Kiba Yuji's transformation of the horse-shaped Orfi Enoch, and felt a little envious in his heart. He wanted such power himself.

Li Qinghe initially divided the power of Ao Fei Enuo into eight levels.

The first stage has just changed from human beings. They have no strength, only melee combat is better than humans, and they can release tentacles when eating.

The second stage is much stronger than the first stage, and can use tentacles freely.That's pretty much what happens in the plot. (Actually, it is not difficult to evolve into this way. There are many civilians in the theater version.)

The third stage is many times stronger than the second stage, starting to be included in the high-end level, and usually has an innate advantage in a certain aspect.

The fourth stage is particularly strong.Able to transform into a weapon of its own.

The fifth stage is stronger than the fifth stage.Can change one's own shape and awaken one's own talent, such as the j of lucky four-leaf clover.

The sixth stage can exert great power even in human form.For example, Takuma Ichiro of the lucky four-leaf clover can exert powers that do not belong to humans in the human form, and can easily suppress the fourth and third forms of Ophelia in the human form.

Seventh stage sart

A's former president Hanagata and the current president Murakami Kyoji started to hang out.

The eighth stage is a born king.

This is Li Qinghe's classification of Ao Fei Enuo.

The current Yuji Kiba has just become Orfienuo, and his strength has reached the fourth stage.

It is not to say that all natural Orfi Enoch can reach the fourth stage so quickly. Only the extremely talented Orfi Enoch, which is what Murakami Kyoer said is the upper-class Orfi Enoch, has the strength. will increase rapidly.

Like the members of Lucky Clover, they are all high-end Orfi Enoch.

"The terminal is here, let's get off."

Li Qinghe got off the bus with his empty suitcase.

"Kyushu Laundromat is here."

Li Qinghe took a taxi and came to the door of Kyushu Laundromat.

"Hello, Kyushu Laundromat welcomes you."

Seeing another customer coming, Kikuchi Keitaro enthusiastically welcomed Li Qinghe into the store.

"Hello, I have some clothes that need to be dry-cleaned. How about this? Let's go to the store and talk about it."

With a shy smile on Li Qinghe's face, he looked shy.

"Then please come in."

Kikuchi Keitaro enthusiastically brought Li Qinghe into the store, and Li Qinghe kicked the door of a house quietly to close it.

Keitaro Kikuchi, who was not aware of the crisis, was still smiling cheerfully.

"go to hell."

Li Qinghe took out a new fruit knife, and while Kikuchi Keitaro had his back turned to him, he was ready to finish him off.

"Boom bang bang."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Kitaro, what kind of door is closed in broad daylight, don't you do business?"

A fat woman knocked on the door.

"Hey, wait a minute, I'll be right there. Right away."

Kikuchi Keitaro is worthy of being a friend of women (), women always come to his door, asking for help.

"Sorry, just wait a minute. I'll be right there."

Kikuchi Keitaro turned around, faced Li Qinghe face to face, and saw the murder weapon Li Qinghe was holding.




Li Qinghe didn't waste a word, even if he was discovered, he should kill him directly.

Li Qinghe wiped Kikuchi Keitaro's breathing tube with the first cut.

Two consecutive knives were inserted into Kikuchi Keitaro's heart, causing him to die completely.

"Kitaro, why haven't you opened the door yet?"

"Boom bang bang."

The knock on the door sounded again.

Li Qinghe frowned, opened the door, and stabbed the fat woman's throat with a fruit knife dripping with blood.

Li Qinghe dragged the fat woman into the laundry and locked the door.

"Kitaro, don't blame me. Who made you happen to be one of my mission objects, or the most suitable mission object."

Covering his mouth, Li Qinghe put the bodies of the two in the garage, and threw the bodies of the two into the sea at night.

Although it wasn't the first time Li Qinghe had killed someone, his heart was still churning just this time.

Li Qinghe took out his Nokia, and the door-to-door display showed that the world plot change rate had reached 11%, and Keitaro Kikuchi had reached 11.00%.

Li Qinghe was very satisfied. He didn't have to do other things by himself. With such a weak body, it was impossible not to take a good rest and exercise. .

More than anything else, Li Qinghe paid more attention to the fact that the progress bar displayed on the Nokia mobile phone reached the condition for opening the first treasure chest.

Li Qinghe rubbed his left hand and was about to open the box.

Chapter 13 Open the box

Li Qinghe stopped his hands again, "Well, it's better to wash your hands again."

Li Qinghe was a little worried, so he washed the blood from his hands in sea water.

"It seems that it is not very good to draw a lottery in this place."

Li Qinghe was frightened by his amazing luck, what the hell luck.

Li Qinghe returned to the Kyushu Laundromat, closed one eye, opened the other, and tapped the treasure chest on the screen with a swipe.

Li Qinghe saw that the treasure chest disappeared all of a sudden, and thought to himself, could it be that he was empty again this time?

"Come back and open the box."

Princess Celia's voice sounded in her mind.

Li Qinghe's mind moved, and he entered the pan-space.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Li Qinghe feels that the pan-space seems to be a little bit brighter.

Li Qinghe immediately saw a wooden box the size of a palm.

"Is this the box opened by the World Track Tester?"

Li Qinghe looked at the miniature wooden box and asked.

"if not."

Princess Celia is still in style, it seems that she is not in a good mood today.

"What can such a small box open?"

Li Qinghe's shoulders drooped all of a sudden.

"If you don't want to open it, then go back. But if you don't open it for more than a day, then it will disappear. It's up to you."

Princess Celia did not operate in a dark box this time. Li Qinghe has brought a few origin points to the panspace by changing the course of the world these days, and finally he can barely run the panspace.

Besides, the boxes opened by the world track tester cannot be controlled by her, unlike the low-level lottery cards that are rewarded by her, there is room for manipulation.

Princess Iseria's authority means that she can modify the low-level lottery cards. If it is a mid-level lottery card, she can only modify one card per month. As for the high-level lottery card, there is no room for manipulation at all.

Li Qinghe swallowed, "How do you open this box?"

"It's very simple, you only need Master Qinghe to be the most beautiful, and he will transform into a magic fairy."

Li Qinghe looked at the unreliable unpacking secret words spoken by Princess Celia.

"Is this really possible?"

Li Qinghe tried to forcibly open the wooden box but failed.

"How can you not believe me, hum."

Princess Seria pursed her lips, turned her head away pretending to be angry, her eyes became small crescents, waiting to see Li Qinghe make a joke.

Originally, when opening the box, there was indeed a secret word, but it was definitely not this sentence.Although Princess Celia can't interfere with the items inside, she can change the lock of the wooden box.changed the passphrase

Li Qinghe hesitated for a while, "I'm going to shout about this, you plug your ears."

"it is good."

Princess Celia's clean answer made Li Qinghe a little uncomfortable. Is she really reliable?

Seeing Princess Seria, Li Qinghe covered his ears with the cat's paw, and said in a low voice

"Master Qinghe is the most beautiful, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

As a result, the wooden box did not agree at all.

Li Qinghe's mentality exploded, holding back the shameful embarrassment in his heart, he shouted out, but the box was not opened, Seria, are you kidding me!

"Selia, what's going on, I've finished shouting."

Li Qinghe threw the wooden box to his feet.

"Idiot, of course you have to shout the secret language all at once, why did you call it wrong halfway through?"

Princess Celia tried her best to suppress her laughter, and said in a serious tone as much as possible.

"You, haven't you blocked your ears? How can you still hear me? Are you eavesdropping..."

Li Qinghe found that Princess Seria, who had her ears blocked, could hear her own words.So it means that she lied to herself just now, she didn't block her ears at all.

"What, I'm blocked, it's just that the blockage is not tight. Go open the box, maybe with your luck, you may open a smelly sock. Huh, hahaha."

Princess Celia couldn't bear it anymore, thinking of the secret words Li Qinghe said just now, she clutched her stomach and rolled on the ground.

"Young master Qinghe is the most beautiful, he has transformed into a magic fairy."

Li Qinghe glanced sideways at Princess Seria, and finished speaking quickly while she was smiling.Then wait to see the result.

Sure enough, after Li Qinghe shouted this sentence, the wooden box emitted a golden light.It seems that the treasure chest has really been opened.

Li Qinghe looked nervously at the wooden box where the golden light had dissipated, whether it was the African Chieftain or the Ouhuang depends on this time.

A worn silver scroll appeared on the ground.

Li Qinghe picked up the scroll, and the scroll melted into Li Qinghe's body at once.

Li Qinghe was kicked out of the pan space all of a sudden, and his body was shrouded in black mist.

Princess Seria in the hyperspace showed a surprised expression.

"How is it possible, it's the first time I can draw blood, and it's still such a rare blood. It shouldn't be..."

The black mist on Li Qinghe's body merged into Li Qinghe's body after five hours.

"Haha, good luck, Princess Seria, it seems that I am the Emperor of Europe this time!"

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