As soon as Li Qinghe opened his eyes, he shouted happily.

"Isn't it just that the blood has been integrated into the body, don't be smug, this time you are so lucky that you got shit luck and got the blood scroll."

Princess Celia's voice came, but there was something sour in her tone.

"Princess Celia, can you explain the box of the world track tester?"

In the spirit of not being ashamed to ask questions, Li Qinghe saw Princess Selia's sour look, the things he got this time were not bad.

"This is the instruction manual for the Nokia mobile phone. I forgot to give it to you last time. Read it yourself."

A CD flew out of the space, made a circle, "coincidentally" cut Li Qinghe's carotid artery, and nailed it to the washing machine.

Li Qinghe bled profusely and died on the spot.

the book is over

This is impossible.

Li Qinghe lost too much blood and fell into a coma until he died.An hour later, Li Qinghe moved his fingers, and the cut carotid artery healed automatically.

Li Qinghe stood up and smiled wryly. The angry Princess Seria is not easy to mess with.

"Princess Celia, my demihuman blood can't stand such consumption."

"It's good that you know it. Although you have drawn this kind of blood this time, you have to act cautiously, be careful in your words and actions, and don't want to die."

Princess Celia's chattering "education" for Li Qinghe eased her depression. I don't know why I feel upset when I see Li Qinghe's frightened look!

"Okay, yes..."

Whatever Princess Seria says, Li Qinghe will agree to it. Anyway, the benefits have been obtained. I am in a good mood today, so I don't care about you.

"Although it is only a low-level bloodline, there is a saying that is good, there is output when you are alive."

Li Qinghe said something silently in his heart.

Li Qinghe aimed the disc at the screen of the Nokia phone.Under the long red light from the screen, the disc shrank rapidly and merged into the mobile phone. .

Immediately afterwards, a red light entered Li Qinghe's retina, and the red light was the manual of the Nokia mobile phone.

After reading the explanation, Li Qinghe's feeling is that the future will be strong, but now we need to work hard.

Chapter 14 enters Smart Brain

The boxes released by the world track tester, from low to high, are wooden box-stone box-iron box-copper box-silver box-gold box-purple box.

Each type of chest has a 90.00% chance of dropping an item that matches the level of the chest.

White scrolls are drawn from the wooden box, red scrolls from the stone box, black scrolls from the iron box, cyan scrolls from the copper box, silver-white scrolls from the silver box, gold scrolls from the gold box, and purple scrolls from the purple box.

For Li Qinghe to be able to draw a silver scroll this time, it was pure luck.Although it is a broken silver scroll, it is more practical than many cyan scroll items.

Naturally, there are also introductions of demihuman bloodlines.

Demihuman bloodline—from the world of "Demihuman".Seventeen years ago in this world, immortal humans appeared on the African battlefield.Since then, new species of immortality have been discovered from time to time among human populations, and people call them "subhumans".

This is the demihuman bloodline, but what Li Qinghe got was only the primary bloodline, that is, the imperfect demihuman bloodline.

Primary demihuman bloodline—resurrect one hour after death, the cooling time for one resurrection is one week, side effects—forgetting certain memories for one week for the first time, the more times of death after that, the more serious the memory loss, and the longer the memory recovery period.

Now that Li Qinghe is resurrected, he doesn't feel that he has forgotten anything.

"Although it is a low-level bloodline, it still cannot hide its superiority."

Li Qinghe already had his own plan in mind.With this bloodline, the previous plan had to be changed.

"Drip drip."

At this time, the mobile phone belonging to Kikuchi Keitaro rang.

Li Qinghe frowned and picked up the pink mobile phone. When he turned on the phone, it was a message.

"I've had good grades in my class recently."

Li Qinghe, who knew the original work, naturally understood that the girl who sent this message was Nagata Yuka.

Nagata Yuka on the other end of the phone, after sending this message, was mending her small schoolbag.

Li Qinghe hesitated for a moment, and sent a message.

"Yeah, that's really great. Recently, my business is doing well and I'm going on a business trip, so I changed my phone card. This is my phone number."

Li Qinghe sent his mobile phone number to Nagata Yuka.

The two came and went and chatted for half an hour.

Fortunately, Keitaro Kikuchi didn't have the habit of deleting messages.After Li Qinghe read all the previous information about Kikuchi Keitaro receiving flowers together, he destroyed Kikuchi Keitaro's mobile phone on the spot.

"A big man actually uses a red mobile phone, he is not ashamed."

Li Qinghe closed Kikuchi Keitaro's laundry shop the next day and sold those washing machines.

Li Qinghe sorted out all of Kikuchi Kaitaro's belongings, only to find that he had no money.

Sure enough, he deserves to be a middle school boy who wants to open laundry shops all over the world and bring happiness to all mankind.


Li Qinghe is a little annoyed, it seems that he has to find a job again.

Li Qinghe walked to the street and saw the big screen in the street square playing the sart

a (brain) company's advertisement.

A blue butterfly landed in the stamen, and then a sartdy in a blue jumpsuit blew on the butterfly.

A butterfly turned into a flock of fluttering butterflies, flying around sartdy.Then various products researched by Zhinao Group in recent years appeared on the screen, such as motorcycles, cameras and so on.

"Why don't you go to Zhinao Company to try it out? If you want to say that the world is the safest, it should be this company. Who would have thought of putting Offi in this big company and working with ordinary people.

Even the major shareholder of the company doesn't know the truth about Zhinao Group. "

Li Qinghe thought of this, and immediately did it, and submitted his resume to Zhinao Company.

Li Qinghe's qualifications are not good, he dropped out of university before graduating.This is a bad injury, Li Qinghe is just trying, with the attitude of giving it a try, it will be the best, if not, then do more no-cost transactions.

In this world, Orfienuo is no longer willing to be silent, and there are not one or two people who disappear for no reason.

The resume delivered by Li Qinghe was quickly seen by the Human Resources Department of the Intellectual Brain Group. Considering that the company has recently left without saying goodbye, there are quite a few cleaners, so they agreed to Li Qinghe's application.

You must know that Intellectual Brain Group is the No. 1 international company in the world, and the position Li Qinghe applied for is at the headquarters of Intellectual Brain Group. Even the competition for cleaners is very fierce.

Li Qinghe was able to work in Zhinao Group, and it was really a decent job to say it.

Li Qinghe soon received the news that the application was approved, but he was assigned to the cleaning position.

Li Qinghe was also very satisfied with this.Opportunity to enter

In fact, Li Qinghe just had a time difference, and encountered a good opportunity for several cleaners to disappear for no reason.

Otherwise, if Zhinao Company releases news to recruit staff, Li Qinghe will most likely not be able to get in.

Li Qinghe didn't know this either, so he bought a suit the next day and happily went to work.

It's just that the boring life in the company is far more serious than Li Qinghe thought.

Li Qinghe has been working in the selfish company for more than three months. At the beginning, there were four cleaners who were responsible for the hygiene of the entire company with him.

Now he is alone, and Zhinao Company has not recruited anyone.

After Li Qinghe reported the situation, the company hired a housekeeping company to be responsible for the sanitation of Zhinao Group.Li Qinghe became the person in charge of cleaning, so he was liberated.

In addition to working every day, I am chatting with Nagata Yuka on the mobile phone.The little days are also very pleasant.

During the three months of working in Li Qinghe, the plot of the whole world is going on as usual.

On a snowy day, Nagata Yuka accidentally fell from the stairs and came back to life as Orfi Enoch.

Yuji Kiba, who became Orfienuo, was also discovered by Zhinao, and was recruited by Sartdy.

Kiba Yuji didn't accept it at first, but Sartdy threatened to inform Morishita Chie of his true identity.

And if Kiba Yuji is willing to work in Zhinao Group, he can get a house for free with a high salary.

After many considerations, Kiba Yuji agreed to Sartdy's request.Soon, I received my first mission to meet a new friend, Yuka Nagata.

Nagata Yuka was overwhelmed by her runaway, killed her sister, and never returned home.

Nagata Yuka sat under the bridge and cried.

A pair of warm hands rested on her shoulders.

"No, no, I am, I am..."

Nagata Yuka backed away in fear and waved her hands again and again to keep Kiba Yuji from approaching.

"I know everything you say. We're the same kind of people."

Kiba Yuji once again extended the palm of friendship.

"You, can you trust me?"

Nagata Yuka stretched out her hand little by little, and grabbed Kiba Yuuji.

In this way, Yuji Kiba has two residences, one is Qianhui's hometown, and the other is the big room issued by Zhinao Group.

Chapter 15 Meet Yuhua

Li Qinghe stretched his waist,

"It's another day."

Li Qinghe bought two deep-fried dough sticks casually, finished his breakfast, and rushed to Zhinao Group in a hurry.

Zhinao Group has strict management. If you are late, you will be treated as absent. If you are absent twice a month, you will be fired.

As soon as Li Qinghe entered the company, he saw the staff of the housekeeping company who had been waiting for a long time, waiting for him to assign tasks.

Li Qinghe sighed, straightened his collars, "Everyone, start working. Be sure to clean up the entire company. There are still places you can't go. Your seniors have already told you."



After Li Qinghe arranged the manpower, he went to the company to walk around. It was impossible to chat with the beautiful girls at the front desk.

Li Qinghe walked to the lobby of the company, but saw unexpected people - his brother Yuji Kiba, and a timid girl with long hair, if I remember correctly, it should be Yuka.

Thinking of this, Li Qinghe quickly dodged aside, shouldn't it be better to hide at this time.

However, Li Qinghe underestimated the vision of Yuji Kiba's original voice Ophelia.

"Qinghe, Qinghe."

Kiba Kiyokawa smiled awkwardly, and walked up to Kiba Yuji.

"Brother, long time no see. Ah, haha."

Li Qinghe scratched his head, and appeared in front of Kiba Yuji in a suit and leather shoes.

"This is my younger brother, Kiba Kiyokawa. Why are you here?"

Yuka beside Yuji Kiba nodded blankly, her eyes wandering and she didn't know what to think.

"Brother, of course I work here, look at the work card on my body."

Li Qinghe pointed to the identification card issued to each employee by Intellectual Brain Group.

"Brother, why are you here? You can't come here to work, why aren't you at home with your sister-in-law?"

The chat between Li Qinghe and Kiba Yuji was seen by Sartdy in the control room of Zhinao Group.

The monitors of Zhinao Group are installed in many hidden places such as floors, pillars, and walls.

"It turns out that they are brothers, so that's interesting. I think the president must like brothers very much..."

Sartdy clasped his hands together, showing an evil smile.

Sartdy left the monitoring room and went to greet Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka in person.

These two freshmen Orfienuo are both native and have relatively high potential.

The current president, Kyoji Murakami, explained that these two newborns must be well received. Maybe they are the new generation leading Orfi Enoch.

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