The life of Ophelia is very short. Murakami Kyoji declared to the outside world that if she attacks humans as Ophelia and converts them into Ophelia, she can absorb their life energy and prolong her life.

However, anyone with a brain knows that this is nonsense.According to this theory, a person who drinks the blood of another person will also prolong his life.Then there will definitely be immortals in this world.

Li Qinghe can barely be regarded as immortal at present, as for longevity, hehe, do you really think that immortality is free of cost?Memory loss is only one of the defects, and some damage is invisible, such as the reduction of life span.

Li Qinghe was chatting happily with Kiba Yuji when suddenly the secretary of the Brain Group president—sartdy appeared.


Sartdy extended his hand and greeted Kiba Yuji.


Kiba Yuji stopped talking with his brother.

"Mr. Qinghe must work hard and strive for an early promotion. I will go to find the president with Mr. Yongzhi first."

Sartdy said something familiar to Li Qinghe, with a professional smile on his face, and led Kiba Yuji to the work building.

Sartdy is the first time Li Qinghe has seen Sartdy since he came to Zhinao Group for more than three months.

As the second in command of Zhinao Group's bright face, the president has been rotated, and the seat is stable.

Li Qinghe has been in the company for such a long time, at first he thought that he was simply lucky, so he was selected into the Zhinao Group.

But when he first joined Zhinao Group, there were still three or four cleaners, and the conversation was okay.

I accidentally found out that there were still many cleaners in the past, but they all "disappeared" one by one later.And they all went to Beidou Siming's office to clean up, and never came out again.

Of course, those few people couldn't escape this law, and when it was almost Li Qinghe's turn, they suddenly stopped.Because the company's sanitation was not cleaned that day.

Now that I have hired this cleaning company, if there is no accident, the cleaning staff of this company will "disappear" one by one.

Others may not know the meaning of the disappearance, but how could Li Qinghe not know, then something must have been discovered, so that it was cleaned up.

If you think about it carefully, you are right.If you want to say who is most familiar with the company, it must be the security guards and cleaners, especially the cleaners, who are responsible for cleaning up the company's hygiene every day.

If it goes on for a long time, you will naturally see some things that you shouldn't see, such as Orfi Enoch.

It's normal to deal with rotating cleaners on a regular basis, just in case.

It's just that the former president Hanakata disappeared recently, and the new president Kyoji Murakami hasn't fully controlled the company yet, so this aspect hasn't been taken into account.

Originally, Li Qinghe thought that the fate of being "disappeared" was over, but——

"Mr. Qinghe, Master Beidou wants to choose a cleaner to go to his company to clean up."

When Li Qinghe was directing the cleaning, the front desk asked the security guard to come and inform him.

"Are you coming?"

Li Qinghe chose a cleaner at random, "Takeshi Yamamoto, you will clean Hokuto's office in a while."


After issuing the order, Li Qinghe went to the bathroom, turned on his phone, and sent a message to Jiehua.

"Jiehua, you said that someone is on the verge of death, should I notify them?"

As for Yuka who was following Kiba, the cell phone rang suddenly.

Yuka turned on the phone habitually, and was about to turn it off after checking it, even if it was the news of "Kitaro Kikuchi".

But when she saw such news, Yuka ignored Kiba's astonishment, and sent a sentence very quickly.

"If I could, I hope not. Because I don't want you in danger."

The news of Yuhua came quickly.

Li Qinghe made a decision. Originally, he wanted to join Zhinao Group in order to advance step by step.

However, after becoming a cleaner and administrator, there is now an increasing trend towards logistics. Li Qinghe doesn't know when he will have the opportunity to be promoted.

I was planning to change my strategy, but I didn't expect to meet my brother today.

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so Li Qinghe made a decision.

"Yuka, one of them is a girl I like. No matter what, I will work hard."

After Li Qinghe sent this message, he closed his phone.

Knowing that entering the Beidou Division's office will encounter unexpected news, Li Qinghe is the only ordinary person at present.

Chapter No.16 Qinghe Appears

After Li Qinghe sent this news, he could guess that Jiehua must be in a bad mood when he saw this news.

Li Qinghe put away his mobile phone and walked out of the bathroom


"Takeshi Yamamoto, I'll take you to Hokuto's office."

"Mr. Qinghe, I know..."

Li Qinghe interrupted Takeshi Yamamoto's answer, "What do you know, you don't know anything."


Takeshi Yamamoto heard the scolding from his superiors, and didn't know why Li Qinghe was so angry.

But Li Qinghe is also his boss no matter what, even though he is only the boss who works in Zhinao Group.After leaving the Intellectual Brain Group, Li Qinghe is considered a Qiu.That's what most of the domestic workers who come here to work think.

However, this is the Intellectual Brain Group.

What else could Takeshi Yamamoto say besides answering yes.

On the other side, Salrtdy led Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka to Hokuto's office.

"Wait a minute, I'll contact the president."

However, after a while.

Sartdy covered his eyes with his hands, looking pitiful.

"Oh, I'm sorry, the president is out on business. But you have to believe that the president is definitely out on business. But fortunately, the president left this for me."

A CD appeared in Sartdy's hand.

"Use the brain I gave you to open this."

Salrtdy gave the CD to Kiba Yuji.

Yuji Kiba inserted the disc into a high-tech brain port similar to a card game console.

With a tearing sound, the figure of Murakami Kyoer appeared.

"Hello, I am the current president of sartdy, Murakami Kyoji. It's a pleasure to meet you. I was planning to receive you in person, but I have to ask one of your seniors, Mr. Hokuto, to come over due to emergency.

Both of you will be members of Brain Group in the future, please be sure to follow Beidou to work hard.Listen to his arrangement. "

After finishing speaking, the picture of Zhinao stopped.

Sartdy waved his hand,

"Hi, this is your senior, Senior Beidou Division."

A man who was similar to Xincheng pushed open the door and entered the office.

Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka got up and bowed, Hokuto Sima nodded towards them as a greeting.

Sartdy left quietly after seeing Beidou Siming coming.

"Sit down, don't be so polite."

Kiba Yuji and the others sat opposite Hokuto.

"Thank you, I'm here to know what happened to us and why it became like this."

Kiba Yuji asked first.

Nagata Yuka on the side seemed a little absent-minded, because she had not responded to the message she had just sent to Keitaro Kikuchi.It means that he didn't listen to his own suggestion and acted on his stomach.

This made Nagata Yuka very worried about Kikuchi Keitaro's safety.

"You two are born Orfienuo, that is, original Orfienuo, the one with the highest potential among Orfienuo.

There is another category, such as me, which is non-native Orfienuo, whose potential is much lower than the two of you.You two should work hard in the future, and strive to enter Clover as soon as possible. "

Hokuto encouraged Kiba Yuji, and he disapproved of Nagata Yuka's performance, thinking that Yuka hadn't adapted for a while.

I think he came here step by step in the beginning.

"Ofienuo you speak of, what is it?"

Kiba Yuji asked.

"Ofi Enoch is the pioneer of mankind, the leader of mankind, and will eventually lead the whole world to prosperity.

Orpheenos is a form of resurrection after death.For example, you two are pure Orfienoch without the help of other members.

Those Orfienuos who have been helped by other members are all non-native Orfienuos, although some Orfienuos do not understand the greatness of the Brain Group, and are still against us without knowing what is good or bad.

Our goal in the future is to get more companions and help them become Orfienoch. "

"How to help them?"

Although Hokutoji said he was so tall, but Kiba Yuji subconsciously felt that something was wrong.

"Just like you just awakened to become Orfienuo, attack those humans. If you are lucky, they can become our companions.

Come, let us cheer for the development of Aofei Enuo together. "

Hokuto stretched out his hand, but Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka were thinking about shaking hands.

"Beep, beep."

Fortunately, the knock on the door interrupted Beidou Siming's movements and eased the embarrassment of both parties.

"I don't know why companions are being developed or what the point is in doing so."

Yuji Kiba stood up angrily, saying that he was so tall, but he actually attacked human beings in order to develop Orfi Enoch. Although Yuji Kiba did not know the fundamental purpose of their doing so, it was definitely not a simple development partner So simple.

The power of Orfienuo is too strong for ordinary people.Ordinary humans can't kill an Orfienuo even if it's a thousand to one.

However, the fundamental reason for the development of Orfienuo is that the name of Beidou is not clear. Of course, even if he knew, he would not explain it to these two rookies who have just entered the industry.They are not qualified to know this.

"Sorry, I'm still human, so I refuse."

Kiba Yuji got up, pulled Nagata Yuka and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Beidou, I am the cleaning staff who came here to clean up."

"Come in."

Beidou Siming is going to show them how to "help" human beings and develop companions.

At this time, Beidou Siming took a look at the two people who came in. They belonged to one person before, so why are there two people this time.

But let's just have two people, just kill one yourself and let them kill the other.Otherwise, these potential seeds will be wiped out.

Since he can't use it for himself, then kill him.


Just as Beidou Siming was about to do something, he heard what Kiba Yuji said to Li Qinghe, it seemed that they still knew each other, which was even better.

If you start with someone you are familiar with, there will be no obstacles to others in the future.

Of course, Beidou Siming, he would not personally kill Li Qinghe.Once he was killed, thinking about it, Pu Gu also knew that Yuuji Kiba would definitely regard him as an enemy, the kind who would never stop dying.I came to "help" them grow up, not for the sake of enmity.

This Li Qinghe either didn't kill him, or left it to Yuji Kiba to kill him, or died of a natural accident, so he couldn't survive anyway.

"Brother, hurry up. It's very dangerous here. No one who comes in here has ever gone out."

Li Qinghe ran in front of Kiba Yuji and Nagata Yuka to "protect" them.It's time to get good impressions, and it's good to impress them anyway.Especially in front of the unfamiliar Yuhua. .

"Oh, it seems that you really know something, so don't blame me. I was going to look for you in a few days, but I didn't expect you to come to your door so soon. But, let's deal with the miscellaneous fish first."

Hokutoji turned into the octopus Orfienuo, and a broom-like weapon appeared in his hand.

Chapter No.17 Persecution

Hokuto's broom weapon, the hair of the broom emits a mass of black energy covering Takeshi Yamamoto's face.Soon the black mist entered Takeshi Yamamoto's face.

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