Takeshi Yamamoto didn't have time to say a word, and fell to the ground, dead.

After a while, Takeshi Yamamoto stood up suddenly, took two steps, and turned into a pile of ashes.

Li Qinghe's body trembled uncontrollably, yes, Li Qinghe had killed someone before.

But I haven't seen Orfienuo kill with my own eyes. Even when Kiba Yuji killed his uncle, he went in after killing his uncle.That is to say, I looked at the horse-shaped Orfi Enoch transformed by Yuji Kiba.

After Kiba Yuji's uncle was killed, his body was burned before he could be revived briefly.But this time it was different, the corpse was revived, and it took a few steps, it was really frightened.

The Beidou division's famous demonstrators pointed their broom heads at Li Qinghe.

"Don't hurt my brother."

Kiba Yuji's face of Orfi Enoch tattoo looming.

"Actually, I think, wouldn't it be better if your younger brother was like you?"

When Hokuto saw that Yuji Kiba was angry, he put away the broom head.

"Impossible, I won't let my brother become like me."

Yuji Kiba has experienced the pain when he became Orfienuo, especially the dark twist in his heart.

"Oh, that's a pity. However, you and your brother work in the same company, so you can communicate well in the future."

Big Dipper turned around and ended his transformation.

The meaning of Beidou Division's name is obvious. Your brother is in our hands. If you don't do things for us, then your brother...

Does Yuji Kiba have a choice? No.

But Yuji Kiba is also very relieved that his younger brother is the closest person in the world to him, and he feels that he may be in danger, so he risked his life to remind himself.How can I abandon him?

Besides, I have also heard about the relationship between Morishita Chie and her younger brother in the past few days from the neighbors around her.However, the younger brother cut off contact with Qianhui without hesitation and never went home. Isn't this just fulfilling himself?

Kiba Yuji saw Qinghe's dedication.It stands to reason that as an elder brother, he should give it to his younger brother, but how could love want to let it go.

Qinghe's abandonment made Kiba Yuji heave a sigh of relief, but also felt ashamed of himself.Especially the younger brother's active rescue this time.

"I'm taking my brother. He won't work for this company."

Kiba Yuji's tone was tough, he didn't want his last relative to leave him.He knew how lucky he was to become Orfienuo.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Qinghe, the manager of the HR department was transferred to the sales department just now, and from now on..., Mr. Qinghe, are you leaving? Are you leaving such a lovely me?"

Sartdy appeared at the right time, resting his cheeks with both hands.

"I listen to my brother."

Li Qinghe was ready to "die" here once, but he found that the progress of the matter was completely different from what he expected.

Yuji Kiba was not angry with the cute sartdy and ignored him.

"Qinghe, I'll go with Jiehua to go through the resignation procedures for you first, and you wait here for me."


Li Qinghe sat on the sofa obediently.

Beidou Siming didn't expect that this newcomer would be so difficult to deal with, should he get rid of this newcomer?

However, it has been a long time since there has been a high-potential native Orfi Enoch.Killing two at once, the president will definitely be furious.

After Yuji Kiba left, Sartdy's smiling face had been put away for some time.

Sartdy walked up to Li Qinghe, and said in a tone of surprise

"Mr. Qinghe, you are so brave. My sister really likes you. Why don't you stay? If you leave, my sister will not bear it."

"I, listen to my brother."

Sartdy's aura was overwhelming, and Li Qinghe was more than uncomfortable.

"You are you, and your brother is your brother. If you were to be the team leader of a sales team, would you stay?"

"I'm thinking about this..."

Li Qinghe looked up and saw that something was wrong with Sartdy's eyes, so he didn't dare to refuse immediately.

"That's right, but you should take the position of the head of the sales department first."

Hearing that Li Qinghe didn't dare to refuse again, Sartdy smiled with satisfaction.

"Beidou-kun, those two newbies are bothering you, the president seems to value them very much."

Sartdy warned Beidou Siming by the way, not to let him act without authorization, this person is really too unsafe.

Sweat dripped from Li Qinghe's head, and Sartdy's words just now were not concealed in front of him at all, which meant that he had been tied to the Zhinao Group's chariot that could only get on and off.


Beidou Siming suppressed the killing intent in his heart, why didn't these two newcomers know how to listen to their seniors, wouldn't it be better to suffer less?

Li Qinghe realized that he was a little reckless, and he didn't change his impulsiveness.Right now, Yuji Kiba hasn't developed yet, if he fights with the Intellectual Brain Group in advance, Yuji Kiba may be purged.

Fortunately, Yuji Kiba didn't tell me that I am a human being in front of Hokuto this time, and I will never attack human beings for the sake of Orfienuo.Otherwise, maybe the two have already started fighting.

Li Qinghe's eyes flickered, since he dared to let me stay, then I will accept this company with a smile.As long as you don't die, you will have output if you are alive.

Li Qinghe encouraged himself in this way.

"You go to the sales department to report first. I will explain your choice to your brother about your matter."

Li Qinghe had no choice but to leave.

And Yuji Kiba, who handled the resignation procedures for Li Qinghe, did not go smoothly at all, and the whole process was bumpy.

Before it was half done, it was terminated, and then Kiba Yuji saw the sartdy coming slowly.

"Yongzhi-jun, your brother Qinghe-jun seems to like our place very much, so he decided to make up his resignation. He decided to continue working in the company. He said he was very busy and asked me to tell him, don't worry about him."

When Kiba Yuji heard this, he exploded.In his opinion, Sartdy must have played a trick after he left, otherwise why didn't he let him see his brother.

"Your brother Qinghe is still working in the company. Even if you don't care about yourself, you still care about your brother's future."

Hearing Sartdy's threat, Kiba Yuji clenched his fists.

"Miss Changtian, I wonder if you would like to receive training from our company alone."

Nagata Yuka shook her head, she couldn't accept killing people for no reason, just to develop human beings into Orfienuo.

Nagata Yuka looked at Kiba Yuuji, and let him make the decision for himself. She can believe that only Kiba Yuji is currently. .

"You don't need to worry about it, I will take Miss Changtian with me."

Kiba Yuji didn't want Nagata Yuka to become a human-like existence like Hokuto, who completely lost the heart of human beings.

Chapter 18 Car Accident Again

"I want to hear my brother's voice."

Kiba Yuji said.

"Okay, you can call your brother now."

Sartdy also didn't want to push too tight, and loosened it appropriately, which would be more conducive to them controlling Yuji Kiba.


Sartdy naturally has no reason not to allow this small request.

"Qinghe, why don't you listen to me."

Kiba Yuji was slightly annoyed, as soon as he left, his younger brother immediately changed his mind about what he promised him.

Yongzhi didn't know why Qinghe did this, he thought he could protect his younger brother.

Li Qinghe was silent for a long time.

"Brother, this is my own choice."

Yuji Kiba didn't know the strength of the Intellectual Brain Group, so how could Li Qinghe not know.Right now is not the time to turn against it.

Besides, Li Qinghe also has his own little Jiujiu, why doesn't he try to control the entire Zhinao Group? Li Qinghe also has his own ambitions.

Li Qinghe was slightly forced by sartdy, but his momentum disappeared.

Li Qinghe knew his weakness, no matter in his previous life or in this life, he had never been "really tough" because he had no confidence.

When I met Sartdy this time, I was like a young bird who had never seen a big scene, and I was timid in front of her.

Li Qinghe also wanted to use this opportunity to sharpen himself.This tempering is not the kind of civilian part-time job that was used to maintain the hospital expenses when Kiba Yuji was in a coma.

Li Qinghe, as the working people, relies on hard work to make a living. In more than two years, his edges and corners have been almost worn out, and his personality is inevitably a bit submissive, which makes him have a kind of incomprehensible feeling towards those "nobles". But let the psychological.

If Li Qinghe didn't deliberately remind himself, he would never remember that he was once a member of the upper class.

Of course Li Qinghe would not admit that he succumbed to Sartdy's prestige, this was a strategic move.

Li Qinghe took his own sales team into action.With Li Qinghe's experience, the team he was in naturally ranked at the bottom.

With such a ranking, Li Qinghe would inevitably be scolded every day. It stands to reason that according to the company's system, Li Qinghe should have been dismissed long ago, but Sartdy tried his best to push Li Qinghe to continue in this position.

However, Li Qinghe would send text messages to Yuka Nagata every day, still in the name of Keitaro Kikuchi, a dead man. It is not time to "expose" himself, it would be better if Yuka Nagata accidentally discovered his true identity, Only then can it cause strong waves in her heart.

It's not that the first step to attracting a woman is to attract her curiosity.

Li Qinghe's dedication was rewarded. Although he couldn't take the initiative to find his brother, he could learn about the latest situation from Nagata Yuka.

"Today at noon, there was a lively invitation to meet Kiba and I at the coffee shop. To be honest, I didn't want to meet him, but there was nothing I could do."

Although Yuka Nagata hid a lot of information, she combined the information she collected.Li Qinghe understood that this was the next meeting between Beidou Siming and the two of them.

The last time, due to my own reasons, the last communication between the two parties ended without a problem.This time, Hokuto may go on a killing spree and tell Kiba Yuji their mission with practical actions.

Li Qinghe clearly remembered that it was during this incident that Yuji Kiba met Fazi for the first time.

I wish they hadn't met yet, Li Qinghe didn't know if it was because of his meddling, Beidou Siming didn't do it himself, but forced Kiba Yuji to kill them.

What's more, Li Qinghe knew that a Big Dipper would never be a skillful opponent.Now I'm afraid that Kiba Yuji will meet Qianqiao prematurely.

Li Qinghe is now worried about both Yuji Kiba and his skill.If something happens to him, who will be the one to take the blame for the attack of the Brain Group in the future! !

Li Qinghe didn't ask for leave with his superiors, but learned about the meeting place - Hedgehog Café from Jiehua.

Because of the urgent time, Li Qinghe didn't even bother to put on his seat belt along the way, and went on a rampage to get to his destination.

When Li Qinghe was turning a corner at a high speed, he saw a red motorcycle speeding in front of him, so he quickly made a sharp turn.

The result was that Li Qinghe directly ran into a truck waiting at the traffic light.

Because Li Qinghe was not wearing a seat belt, his whole body was like a rolling gourd. He passed through the glass from the driver's seat, flew seven or eight meters, and directly hit the trash can on the side of the road.The black mobile phone (Noyaki) on his body was pulled out from Yuexiong's mouth.

There were bruises all over his body, especially the violent impact, and he did not know how many sternum and ribs were broken.

Li Qinghe lost his breath on the spot!In the eyes of outsiders, it looks like it is dying.

And one of the parties who caused the accident got off the motorcycle and hurried to Li Qinghe.The accident should not have been caused by him.

"What a coincidence, why are you riding so fast?"

Another red motorcycle also got off, and a short-haired girl wearing a pink scarf got off the motorcycle—Truth.

"If you weren't chasing so fiercely, I could ride so fast?"

Gan Qiao muttered something.

But the skillful hand has already taken out the mobile phone.

Truth saw the tragedy of the car accident. The car driven by Li Qinghe had an extremely serious car accident with another truck.

Another truck's fuel tank ruptured, coupled with the sparks generated by the impact of the vehicle, a single spark directly turned into a mass of fire.


The entire truck exploded directly, and the explosion of the truck triggered a secondary explosion.

The violent impact even affected the skill of making a phone call.

Qianqiao was full of a sense of crisis, and before he could dial out the phone, he blocked the truth, and a piece of hot and thick iron fell on Ganqiao's back.

"Are you OK."

Truth asked with concern.

Gan Qiao frowned, "Do you think I'm fine?"

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